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Sunday, March 02, 2008

"Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life." - Robert Byrne


MFM: poor jiekai. most people who know of young republic associate it with you.

Me on food blogs: these people
a lot of pics
not much description

Frigid Girl: haha that's the POINT

first and foremost, judge food by its aesthetic appeal

must be pretty enough to eat

Me: ... women

Frigid Girl: yar don't worry, *** is equally bafffled
he comments "you like your colourful food"

Someone: i like getting hit on! but im just not looking to get laid... it's about attracting male attention without having to give them "some". obviously u dun get my psyche haha.

Me: ... women

I guess that would explain why you wore that revealing top... It was for 'yourself'

Someone else: i once had a crush on a muslim guy and i was like "I WILL GIVE UP PORK FOR YOUUU" but then the next day my dad bought back tonkatsu (that deep fried omg delicious pork cutlet) and i never looked back

Me: what did the muslim guy say

Someone else: he never liekd me back D:
so sad

but pork will never judge me

Someone: i take it you're not a supporter of obama then

he's a uniter, not a divider!
i call him Liberal Bush

Me: well bush was a governor

Someone: yeah, but bush was just about as skimpy on details and strong on rhetoric and feelgoodness as obama

i wanted to resume blogging with a post that points out the hilarity of hillary being slimed by "progressives" with the same republican attacks and phrases from the

HWMNBN: last night's diary entry "maybe all those years of a subjugating a cowardly population of brainwashed zombies have totally failed to prepare them for a detainee who's a real problem"

that's pretty much what i think, rather than any konspirasi

either that or really has powers as some of my malay friends are telling me
"he probably used THE FORCE. tat's the only way the elite crack gestapo of the isa could have been outwitted"

*rhetorically* i guess calibrated coercion doesn't work so good against a person who actually has spine
which is why you never have singaporean terrorists


actually one thing that does tsrike me as weird

most of these guys are totally unknown (except to nuts like rohan gunaratna)
but when they suddenly hit the news they become the next biggest thing
ie "the most dangerous" etc etc

and all of their achievements are laid out in smoe impressive resume that shold've gotten attention much earlier

like that hizbollah dude they whacked recently
looking at his biography he sounds pretty zhai - and has been for at least 20 years
but wonder why no one seemed to have heard his name before

it's like hanbali

Me: they dont tell you about him before so you think you're safe
they blow him up after so you know you must catch him

HWMNBN: fair enough

the only single terrorist i can think of who was a real celeb BEFORE he got caught was carlos the jackal

i mean, i read a fair amount of the literature and even i'd never heard of imad mughniyah in connectio nwith the beirut attack

but some people are seriously misguided man
reading comments like this make me want to puke

What we have learnt and should always remember are that the JI operatives are extremely dedicated and deadly disciples of Osama Bin Ladin. This particular JI operative was forged from the fires of Afghanistan and perhaps the most intelligent and cunning amongst the organisation. How else could he be their leader!

That he has escaped is an indication of how dangerous JI operatives truly are. In my view, it is not the fault of our security forces. It is easy with the benefit of hindsight to criticise but bear in mind that even the CIA and the FBI could not prevent 9-11. Even the British M15 could not prevent the London bombings. We should rally behind and support our security forces and not undermine them

although he has a serious misapprehension of the skills needed to be a terrorist leader

a cell leader isn't necessarily the cunningest or most high level (in RPG terms) character

this guy makes it sound like th eleader of a terrorist cell has to be a level boss
which isn't necessarily the case

jesus, nicholas lazarus is a real name?


we should bear in min dtha tso far all these problems are from indos
even in malaysia, the so-called "malaysian terrorists" were all indos

Me: I thought indonesia was the home of moderate islam

HWMNBN: out of 210m ppl, it's statistically impossible not to have a few wackos

and in absolute terms there rae more wackos
although probably not in relative terms

other factors come into play as well

eg porous borders
places to hang out
soldiers who sell weapons

those factors make indonesia a better breeding ground

in fact, the prevalance of moderate islam is more likely to breed terrorists simply because the minority wackos get more pissed off

same way why hardline islam in malaysia is the result of a backlash against the moderation of the 70s and 80s

(the racism issue at the time was couched in nationalist terms, but only in recent years have they started beating the religion drum again)
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