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Monday, March 03, 2008

"Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it." - Paul Tillich


Wives who cannot satisfy husbands sexually are being abusive - "WIVES are deemed to be unjust and abusive if they cannot satisfy their husbands’ sexual needs, Kelantan deputy mufti Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad told Berita Harian. He explained that in a marriage, it was not always the wives who were abused as it could also happen to the husbands. “Islamic laws does not only protect the women but also the men,” he said. “Thus wives who do not provide proper care for their husbands, including not fulfilling their sexual needs, can be considered as being unjust and abusive towards their husbands."
HWMNBN says that in Perlis, if the husband can't satisfy the wife in bed, that's grounds for divorse.

the peoples mario

Taking on Tarzan - "Later, someone asked about non-doms. The questioner warned that Britain's unfriendly attitude would lead him and other non-doms to "go home". "Where's home?" inquired Lord H. "Singapore," came the reply. "Hardly a liberal democracy," remarked Lord H. No, said the questioner, explaining proudly that Singapore was "a guided democracy." Lord H, at his driest, replied: "That's good news - for the guider.""

Horribly Awkward First Sexual Encounter 'Worth The Wait' For Christian Newlyweds - ""I'm so glad we waited until we got married—it made it so much more special," said the 26-year-old Linda, who is "pretty sure" John's penis penetrated her vaginal opening during the brief, fumbling lovemaking session. "I can't imagine what a letdown our first sexual experience would have been if we'd done it at some point during our five years of dating." John, 27, agreed. "As I prepared, sweat-drenched and terror-struck, to insert my semi-erect penis into my petrified new bride, I couldn't help but think what a precious, magical moment it was. Then, as Linda started to cry out from the anticipation of pain from the first-ever breaching of her tightly constricted vaginal walls, a tear of joy streamed down my cheek.""

AlterNet: DrugReporter: Prescription Drugs, Not Illegal Ones, Killed Heath Ledger - ""This would have never happened with weed." I made that declaration for back in May 2007, when Oxycontin maker Purdue Pharma pled guilty to criminal charges of misleading customers about the lethality of their product, promising to pay $600-plus million and be real good people going forward... Last year was the latest in a series of banner years for Oxycontin, which kicked heroin and cocaine to the metaphorical curb to become one of the most popularly abused substances of the 21st century. Of course, it has been joined by painkillers like Vicodin, sleeping pills like Restoril, anti-anxiety poppers like Valium and Xanax, and even antihistamines like Unisom, all of which were found in Ledger's system during his autopsy...a collaborative study from the University of Michigan and the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that teenage abuse of Oxycrack has risen 26 percent since 2002, while overall prescription drug abuse has tripled among teens since 1992. For those who know their immortal hip-hop well, that was the year N.W.A. soundtracker and rapper Dr. Dre scored crossover platinum with The Chronic, a highly influential album dedicated to the love of cannabis that made Snoop Dogg a superstar in his own right. Neither has yet to die of weed. The irony is sweet and sour... it's much easier to bust poor kids (or disabled adults) for possession or cultivation of cannabis than it is to nail rich kids rifling through their parents' medicine cabinets"

Drugs save some lives, but put others at risk - "In 2006, more Arizona teenagers got high on prescription drugs than meth, cocaine and ecstasy combined, according to the Partnership of a Drug-Free America."

God, power and money - "Last November the US Senate Committee on Finance asked for audited financial statements... Hinn is outraged by these demands and sees the hand of Satan behind them... A couple of men I recognised from Hinn's TV show cruised the rows of the sick like sharks, looking for prospects for healing. They were not interested in the profoundly ill... Money argument three is used universally in charismatic churches around Australia. It is called "sowing the seed". God rewards those who sow seeds of faith. As a grain of wheat is sown in the ground and comes up multiplied by 10, even by 100. "God will multiply your gift to him. You give him a little he will multiply a little."... I overheard one of the Hinn veterans speak to another volunteer: "I told you. No one over here who is not 100 per cent healed. Don't just point … move them out."... I judge [Hinn] by the measure of the one he claims to be following. Jesus never promised people wealth, or instant healing. He didn't promise his disciples houses on the coast. Pastor Benny has recast Jesus in his own image. He has forgotten that his Lord died, humiliated, tortured, alone and penniless. But how do you sell that? The Reverend Dr David Millikan is a Uniting Church minister."
Ooh, seditious. Time to jail some people!

Is teen pregnancy cool? - "Get pregnant. Cry once, sort of. Hand the baby over to a rich, loving woman, and then you can spend the rest of your high school career with your boyfriend singing a love duet while strumming the guitar on the porch steps. This is the hit movie "Juno" -- teen pregnancy, Hollywood style. Then, there is reality... Some question whether it feeds impressionable teenagers an oversimplified and glorified spin on teen parenthood... "It's not something you should look up to or aspire to at this age." Not only because of the challenges it can bring into the young parents' lives, but also because of the impact on the babies. Statistics show that the children of teen parents are at a higher risk for a long list of struggles, including becoming teen parents themselves, living in poverty and dropping out of high school."
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