When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: What they like is to be a man's last romance." - Oscar Wilde


Someone: i cant wait for rampant rabbit to come

arrive i mean

freudian slip

MFS (in America): you love to msg me at 5.45 a.m in the morning to ask me weird ass questions... that's what i notice

Someone: generally you spend more time making sure you don't dirty hte bedsheets

you mean the guys don't worry about whether they can satisfy the girl? oh wait, that's only in the movies... real guys aren't so thoughtful.

Me: pfft
no wonder you turned to women

Someone: hahaha

Someone else: i mean i m not ur gentle kind of gal wat.

actually working with guys are hmmm less politics

i was discussing XXX with my grp mates when this grp of gals beside me was like bitching abt one of their grp mates
how she tinks she is damn zai etc etc

like u noe gals r jus more _____
whereas guys jus, chop chop, get e werk done

Someone: i dont think uni girls look for uni guys
most of the ones i know are not dating guys in uni
most are working guys

Me: anyway nowadays the [Nobel] peace prize is a joke

Someone else: hmm
why do you say so

Me: what does global warming have to do with peace
planting trees

Someone else: Yunus did help lift some people out of poverty

Me: what does that have to do with peace

Someone else: I think its not so much peace, as in the no-war sense, but more of improving the human condition
at least, that's the impression I get from what they give out the peace prize for

Me: that's not peace

so the WTO should get a peace prize too
globalisation has lifted millions out of poverty

there've been years when the peace prize was not awarded

Someone else: that's true, but if the WTO did get the prize, there would be mass protests around the world

Me: it's not some catch-all 'good deeds' award

Someone: so you think XXX likes me?

he can be so manipulative
which confirms what you said about men being manipulative.

that women fall for men who know how to manipulate them

Frigid Girl: stupid gays

it's bad enough women do this shit [evading the qn because your idiocy has been uncovered and you want to avoid confirming the idiocy]
can they not join in the carnage

Me: oh well

what would guys do

Frigid Girl: explain the relevance
and if it still isn't relevant

they'll try to understand
and admit if they're wrong

Female Friend: how do you describe someone who loves me but refuses to get into any relationship

Me: smart.
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