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Saturday, July 28, 2007

On SNAILS (a worldwide phenomenon and complaint):

"ok, as a former law student and academic rep while I was a law student I'm gonna have to suggest that this topic of complaining about 'non-law students' using the law library is getting pretty tired...something about the particulars of law students that makes them a unique bunch...think about what the complaint is for a minute? You're complaining about a LIBRARY!!! As though that space in the library is going to be the difference between a A and C, what job you get and your capabilities as a lawyer...really people...here's some enlightenment from someone who never gave a shit about library space while in law school cuz he rarely went in there [ever hear of Quicklaw?!?!?!]....

anyways...when you begin articling you'll soon realize that as a young lawyer your space is limited in everything you do...when you appear in set date court with 20 matters to deal with, you're gonna be relegated to either standing or sitting on some bench scrambling your papers while some old timer with 1 remand is sitting up in the front nice and comfy at a table...depending on your firm, you may have to share an office, that also goes for those of you who will clerk at the Court of Appeal, with people who you may or may not like, may or may not smell, may or may not eat food with pleasurable odours...if you have to attend a meeting in a boardroom, you'll likely have to drag in a chair from another room if you want to sit anywhere, and you know that chair's nowhere close to the table...and best of all, if you ever have to speak in front of a court, you'll realize that you don't have enough space in your head to understand all that's being yelled at you by some arrogant Crown or JP who was appointed cuz she knows how to rub 'elbows' with the right politcal people...so, point being is simple...get used to being cluttered cuz the clutter is just beginning...

plus, starring at young and firm undergrads is a great way to break from studying...good luck with finals!"
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