Saturday, October 14, 2006
"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex." - Aldous Huxley
YouTube - every sperm is sacred - "I've got something to tell y'all... The mill's closed. There's no more work. We're destitute... I've got no option but to sell you all for scientific experiments... Blame the Catholic Church for not letting me wear one of those little rubber things... If they let me wear one of those rubber things on the end of my cock, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are now."
This seditious song is even funnier to watch than listen to.
YouTube - cuddles clip robot chicken
The Middle Ages of Reason: It was the medieval world that dragged us into the future, not the reactionary Renaissance - "The Renaissance was a backward-looking movement that hailed the distant past - ancient Greece and ancient Rome - as the only source of enlightenment. Petrarch, a Renaissance writer, wanted to put the clock back and to return to writing in Latin. And not just the Latin that was then current. He wanted to return to classical Latin. The Latin that was then current and still being spoken in the churches and monasteries was condemned as deficient. Rather than reviving Latin, the Renaissance killed it stone dead as a spoken language."
Girls beat Glasto toilet nightmare - "This year, the festival's organisers sought to redress the balance with the introduction of female urinals - or She-pees - guarded by concierges to keep the boys at bay. And two other products were also launched, promising differing solutions to how a girl can get a swift comfortable pee and still keep her dignity. The Whiz is a funnel which allows a woman to go standing up - in the She-pee for instance. Taking a different tack, the Go Bag is a pouch of crystals which turn liquid into a solid gel for easy disposal."
Sweatshop workers who satisfy gamers' lust for virtual power - "The room is crammed with Chinese workers stripped to the waist. Poorly paid and exhausted from their punishing shifts, they chain-smoke and rub their eyes, while their colleagues sleep two to a mat on the floor. But this Shanghai sweatshop is not churning out T-shirts, trainers or children’s toys. Its workers are known in the computer games world as “gold farmers”. They are playing online games and winning virtual gold, which the owners of the gold farms then sell on to cash-rich, time-poor Westerners for real money."
Racist Rev Row - "A driver spent two nights in jail after being accused of "revving his car in a racist manner"."
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Contraception the Next Big Target? - "The illogical thinking of some of these people is absolutely astounding: "I think it's great that more pro-life people are finally speaking up about it," said Helen Mazur, 27, who flew in from Philadelphia with her husband for the conference, called "Contraception is Not the Answer." "It's always been a touchy subject, but you have to stand strong on your beliefs. Contraception is the root cause of the explosion of the amount of abortions in the world," Mazur said."
Overcoming News Addiction - "A little over 30 days ago, I decided to go on a news fast, using my trusty 30-day trial method. I had already dropped TV news and newspapers, but I still had the habit of checking Yahoo News or CNN every day or two, so for 30 days I decided to drop all news sources and go totally news-free. In this article I’ll share what I learned from this experiment. It went well enough that I intend to remain free of the habit of daily news checking."
Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep - "As songbirds awaken the early risers at dawn on the farm, one resident is already up; in fact, he never slept – not once in the past 33 years."
Boys try to join girls' teams following human-rights ruling - "As two Winnipeg sisters find out Tuesday if they've made the boys' hockey team at their high school, their recent human-rights victory has spurred boys to try out for girls' sports teams. Morris Glimcher, executive director of the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association, said Tuesday that several requests from boys wanting to play on girls' teams started coming shortly after the ruling was handed down on Friday."
Prostitutes, smugglers a boost Greek economy - "Prostitutes and smugglers will give the Greek economy an unexpected boost as their illicit activities will now be counted in the country's official economic output, a senior official said on Wednesday."
FunReports.Com: Sex games end with electric toothbrush in young man's rectum - "The operating center of the Moscow rescue service has recently received a very strange, albeit a very funny call. A 25-year-old Muscovite called and said that his girlfriend had pushed an electric toothbrush up his anus. The toothbrush was turned on during the process, the young man specified."
Fear of offending Islam spurs hot debate in Europe - "Four canceled performances of a Mozart opera have reignited an anxious and heated debate in Europe over free speech, self-censorship and Islam. By canning its production of "Idomeneo", fearful of security threats because of a scene that might offend Muslims, Berlin's Deutsche Oper provoked front-page headlines across the continent and found itself fending off charges of cowardice."
For archival purposes.
A helping hand - "Specialist establishments catering for carriage groping connoisseurs are certainly nothing new, with this picture of such a train-themed retreat featuring in the book Pink Box: Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs. Yet the Train Cafe club in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district has recently claimed that by allowing its patrons to casually cop a feel in the confines of a recreated carriage, it combats any similarly tactile transgressions in the real world – or real trains to be more precise."
They cry, pray to Bush and wash out the devil - welcome to Jesus Camp - "The children at the Kids on Fire summer camp are intent as they pray over a cardboard cutout of President George Bush. They raise their hands in the air and sway, eyes closed, as they join the chant for "righteous judges". Tears stream down their faces as they are told that they are "phonies" and "hypocrites" and must wash their hands in bottled water to drive out the devil."
Shortchanged - "In August, two Princeton economists released a study titled “Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes.” The aim of the paper, by Anne Case and Christina Paxson, was to attempt to explain why tall people generally earn more than short people... Reuters published a story on the paper under the headline “TALLER PEOPLE ARE SMARTER—STUDY.” Within days, Case and Paxson had received dozens and dozens of e-mails from outraged readers. “I have no idea if it was the fact that women had written the study, but half of the ones I got were from short men,” Case said the other day. “Some of them were actually obscene.” Most of the e-mails were hostile: “Shame on you!” scolded one man (4" 9'). “I find your hypothesis insulting, prejudicial, inflammatory and bigoted,” said another (5" 6'). “You have loaded a gun and pointed it at the vertically challenged man’s head” (no height given). “I want to thank you and your colleague for perpetuating the crusade against short people” (5" 6'). “On a personal note it was very nice to be reminded that I really am a loser and will never be held in ‘high’ esteem by society” (5" 4'). “LEAVE THIS ALONE YOU’RE NOT HELPING ANYBODY,” another read."
This is what happens when people argue from emotion. When PC people claim rape is not about power, they mean "you can't blame the victim for the crime". When the PC people claim genetics does not affect intelligence, they mean "biology isn't everything". If only they were able to separate ideology from what is actually in front of them.
YouTube - every sperm is sacred - "I've got something to tell y'all... The mill's closed. There's no more work. We're destitute... I've got no option but to sell you all for scientific experiments... Blame the Catholic Church for not letting me wear one of those little rubber things... If they let me wear one of those rubber things on the end of my cock, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are now."
This seditious song is even funnier to watch than listen to.
YouTube - cuddles clip robot chicken
The Middle Ages of Reason: It was the medieval world that dragged us into the future, not the reactionary Renaissance - "The Renaissance was a backward-looking movement that hailed the distant past - ancient Greece and ancient Rome - as the only source of enlightenment. Petrarch, a Renaissance writer, wanted to put the clock back and to return to writing in Latin. And not just the Latin that was then current. He wanted to return to classical Latin. The Latin that was then current and still being spoken in the churches and monasteries was condemned as deficient. Rather than reviving Latin, the Renaissance killed it stone dead as a spoken language."
Girls beat Glasto toilet nightmare - "This year, the festival's organisers sought to redress the balance with the introduction of female urinals - or She-pees - guarded by concierges to keep the boys at bay. And two other products were also launched, promising differing solutions to how a girl can get a swift comfortable pee and still keep her dignity. The Whiz is a funnel which allows a woman to go standing up - in the She-pee for instance. Taking a different tack, the Go Bag is a pouch of crystals which turn liquid into a solid gel for easy disposal."
Sweatshop workers who satisfy gamers' lust for virtual power - "The room is crammed with Chinese workers stripped to the waist. Poorly paid and exhausted from their punishing shifts, they chain-smoke and rub their eyes, while their colleagues sleep two to a mat on the floor. But this Shanghai sweatshop is not churning out T-shirts, trainers or children’s toys. Its workers are known in the computer games world as “gold farmers”. They are playing online games and winning virtual gold, which the owners of the gold farms then sell on to cash-rich, time-poor Westerners for real money."
Racist Rev Row - "A driver spent two nights in jail after being accused of "revving his car in a racist manner"."
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Contraception the Next Big Target? - "The illogical thinking of some of these people is absolutely astounding: "I think it's great that more pro-life people are finally speaking up about it," said Helen Mazur, 27, who flew in from Philadelphia with her husband for the conference, called "Contraception is Not the Answer." "It's always been a touchy subject, but you have to stand strong on your beliefs. Contraception is the root cause of the explosion of the amount of abortions in the world," Mazur said."
Overcoming News Addiction - "A little over 30 days ago, I decided to go on a news fast, using my trusty 30-day trial method. I had already dropped TV news and newspapers, but I still had the habit of checking Yahoo News or CNN every day or two, so for 30 days I decided to drop all news sources and go totally news-free. In this article I’ll share what I learned from this experiment. It went well enough that I intend to remain free of the habit of daily news checking."
Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep - "As songbirds awaken the early risers at dawn on the farm, one resident is already up; in fact, he never slept – not once in the past 33 years."
Boys try to join girls' teams following human-rights ruling - "As two Winnipeg sisters find out Tuesday if they've made the boys' hockey team at their high school, their recent human-rights victory has spurred boys to try out for girls' sports teams. Morris Glimcher, executive director of the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association, said Tuesday that several requests from boys wanting to play on girls' teams started coming shortly after the ruling was handed down on Friday."
Prostitutes, smugglers a boost Greek economy - "Prostitutes and smugglers will give the Greek economy an unexpected boost as their illicit activities will now be counted in the country's official economic output, a senior official said on Wednesday."
FunReports.Com: Sex games end with electric toothbrush in young man's rectum - "The operating center of the Moscow rescue service has recently received a very strange, albeit a very funny call. A 25-year-old Muscovite called and said that his girlfriend had pushed an electric toothbrush up his anus. The toothbrush was turned on during the process, the young man specified."
Fear of offending Islam spurs hot debate in Europe - "Four canceled performances of a Mozart opera have reignited an anxious and heated debate in Europe over free speech, self-censorship and Islam. By canning its production of "Idomeneo", fearful of security threats because of a scene that might offend Muslims, Berlin's Deutsche Oper provoked front-page headlines across the continent and found itself fending off charges of cowardice."
For archival purposes.
A helping hand - "Specialist establishments catering for carriage groping connoisseurs are certainly nothing new, with this picture of such a train-themed retreat featuring in the book Pink Box: Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs. Yet the Train Cafe club in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district has recently claimed that by allowing its patrons to casually cop a feel in the confines of a recreated carriage, it combats any similarly tactile transgressions in the real world – or real trains to be more precise."
They cry, pray to Bush and wash out the devil - welcome to Jesus Camp - "The children at the Kids on Fire summer camp are intent as they pray over a cardboard cutout of President George Bush. They raise their hands in the air and sway, eyes closed, as they join the chant for "righteous judges". Tears stream down their faces as they are told that they are "phonies" and "hypocrites" and must wash their hands in bottled water to drive out the devil."
Shortchanged - "In August, two Princeton economists released a study titled “Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes.” The aim of the paper, by Anne Case and Christina Paxson, was to attempt to explain why tall people generally earn more than short people... Reuters published a story on the paper under the headline “TALLER PEOPLE ARE SMARTER—STUDY.” Within days, Case and Paxson had received dozens and dozens of e-mails from outraged readers. “I have no idea if it was the fact that women had written the study, but half of the ones I got were from short men,” Case said the other day. “Some of them were actually obscene.” Most of the e-mails were hostile: “Shame on you!” scolded one man (4" 9'). “I find your hypothesis insulting, prejudicial, inflammatory and bigoted,” said another (5" 6'). “You have loaded a gun and pointed it at the vertically challenged man’s head” (no height given). “I want to thank you and your colleague for perpetuating the crusade against short people” (5" 6'). “On a personal note it was very nice to be reminded that I really am a loser and will never be held in ‘high’ esteem by society” (5" 4'). “LEAVE THIS ALONE YOU’RE NOT HELPING ANYBODY,” another read."
This is what happens when people argue from emotion. When PC people claim rape is not about power, they mean "you can't blame the victim for the crime". When the PC people claim genetics does not affect intelligence, they mean "biology isn't everything". If only they were able to separate ideology from what is actually in front of them.
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