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Saturday, October 14, 2006

"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." - Ludwig Wittgenstein


Someone: [the bell curve] is impeding classroom discussion

it makes ppl not want to share and thereby bounce ideas off each other
and create the synergy for everyone to benefit
(ha, i wont' have used the word myself, but a prof i respect actually used it)

forum discussion, too
ppl are reluctant to post stuff because they seem afraid that ppl will benefit off what they say

i mean, i'm doing well by the bell curve so far
and it helps that the majority of nus students are stupid
but it doesn't help things in the long run!

MFM in Chicago where they bell-curve also: no the bell curve doesn't impede discussion here for various reasons:

1) discussion performance can affect your final grade
2) people actually enjoy discussion
3) discussion helps you make a favourable impact on professors whom you my want to write your recommendation letters

I think an important difference is that americans are more extroverted, so they enjoy talking for its own sake

there's not necessarily a curve
there is no definite rule as to when
instructors' discretion
but definitely there are plenty of classes in which As proliferate

The Top Bio Student in NJ in His Year with a current CAP of "no high enough": let me enlighten you on the period-moon thingy

long long time ago, before artificial lights, menstrual cycles go in sync with moonlight
or something like that

and women tend to develop periods at the same time cos of pheromones

so sayeth something i read a while back

Someone: my mother has always been depressed, and she commited suicide before.

Me: she committed suicide before?
are you a necromancer?

Someone else: spgs are damn protective of their guys!
it's so bizarre!

today when i got back i met a bunch of international students
guys, going clubbing, a canadian, an englishman, and a hungarian.
they were sitting on the steps and the canadian had an spg sitting behind him.

since i knew them, i stopped to say hi, and they tried to sweet talk me into going to double o with them
but the whole time i talked to them the spg kept inching closer and closer to the canadian, and draped herself over and gave me the evil eye! i was like wtf?! i'm not even interested!

Me: hehehe
she can't take all 3 of them at once =D
how SPGish was she?

Someone else: mildly. she didn't have flesh falling out from every clothing orifice, but she looked at me evilly enough.

Me: did she have flesh to fall?

Someone else: i dunno. i was trying to ignore the evil glares!
if she looked at me evilly, it must mean i must be decent enough to be potential competition! hahaha!

Me: you didn't say where you got the idea I'm asexual from inthe first place

Someone: you exude it from every pore and hair follicle
you dont try to be attractive to any one sex
you just dont bother

Me: ok
that's a new perspective

Someone else: in my soci tutorial - there was this guy who was asked "what would your life be like if you were of the other gender? (female)" and he said "I would definitely dress in skimpy revealing clothing so that I can use my sexuality to get my dates to pay for me and give me presents

then my teacher asked him back "So do you pay when you bring a girl out on a date?" and he said "No...but that's because I'm too broke."

Someone: you don't even drink
i think in terms of a general tendency to vice you are quite a failure
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