Thursday, March 02, 2006
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." - Nikola Tesla
I like Cecil's evaluation of nuclear power:
"in contrast to oil, the U.S. had sufficient reserves of fissionable fuels, chiefly uranium, to last hundreds and likely thousands of years... To be sure, people fear nukes and will resist till the last. But they'll come around when it becomes clear, as it will, that the alternative is to freeze in the dark."
"Long hair and narrow features mark the Shroud of Turin as a fraud."
Pennsylvania abortion case raises question of choice for men - "When it comes to reproduction, in America today women have rights and men merely have responsibilities... when the massive government child-support apparatus hounds the reluctant father for financial support, takes a third of his income and jails him if he comes up short, isn't the government exercising control over his life?... When the situation is reversed and the woman does not want to have a child and the man does -- as is the case with Stachokus and his ex-girlfriend, Tanya Meyers -- once again, women have rights and men do not. A woman who doesn't want her child can terminate the pregnancy against the father's wishes, or put their child up for adoption, sometimes without the father's permission."
The corollary of men having no say about whether a woman keeps a child is that men also have no responsibility when the baby emerges from the womb.
Blasphemy law is dead - "James Kirkup’s banned “blasphemous” poem was read and distributed in London today - Thursday 11 July 2002 – the 25th anniversary of Gay News’s conviction for publishing the same poem, The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name"
WTC UFO - "As the story got out, those who had been at the site started checking their various video camera and digital films frame by frame and turned up proof of this 'debris' and another "UFO" flying past the WTCs at the time of both attacks"
If one conspiracy theory isn't enough, let's have another! These people should go read some fables. The Boy Who Cried Wolf would be a good one to start with.
Gay Army - "9 of the gayest men in Scandinavia face the toughest challenge of their lives... Stripped of their everyday luxuries, the gay guys are thrown into the world of [a] US drill instructor"
Jackpot! That's a Good Thing, Right? - "About one-third of lottery winners eventually declare bankruptcy, according to the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards."
What Is a Tessellation? - "A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps."
'Pizza pope' builds a Catholic heaven - "Abortions, pornography and contraceptives will be banned in the new Florida town of Ave Maria, which has begun to take shape on former vegetable farms 90 miles northwest of Miami."
Soldier Alleges Abuse in Singapore Army - "Upon finishing, I would have my food poured on to the ground, sometimes, it landed in the sand/mud and I was made to lie down on my front and eat up the food like a dog without using my hands, just my mouth. All these went on for 15 days and not once in these 15 days was I humanely treated... Once, I was made to strip off all my clothes leaving myself stark naked and I had to make myself wet (spray water on myself ) and roll in the sand till I was covered all with sand. Then I had to leopard crawl 600m to and fro down the 300m rifle range (like a worm crawl with every bit of the body in contact with the grass and thorns) while I was constantly subjected to kicks either in the head, face, ribs or given blows by a helmet on various parts of the body. Again I was denied medical treatment."
anon: "The army is never as bad as these pampered bastards make it to be."
Massively Multiplayer Pong - "Humanity has stooped to a new low. This is a neverending massively multiplayer pong game. Yes, it's real, and for this I apologize."
I like Cecil's evaluation of nuclear power:
"in contrast to oil, the U.S. had sufficient reserves of fissionable fuels, chiefly uranium, to last hundreds and likely thousands of years... To be sure, people fear nukes and will resist till the last. But they'll come around when it becomes clear, as it will, that the alternative is to freeze in the dark."
"Long hair and narrow features mark the Shroud of Turin as a fraud."
Pennsylvania abortion case raises question of choice for men - "When it comes to reproduction, in America today women have rights and men merely have responsibilities... when the massive government child-support apparatus hounds the reluctant father for financial support, takes a third of his income and jails him if he comes up short, isn't the government exercising control over his life?... When the situation is reversed and the woman does not want to have a child and the man does -- as is the case with Stachokus and his ex-girlfriend, Tanya Meyers -- once again, women have rights and men do not. A woman who doesn't want her child can terminate the pregnancy against the father's wishes, or put their child up for adoption, sometimes without the father's permission."
The corollary of men having no say about whether a woman keeps a child is that men also have no responsibility when the baby emerges from the womb.
Blasphemy law is dead - "James Kirkup’s banned “blasphemous” poem was read and distributed in London today - Thursday 11 July 2002 – the 25th anniversary of Gay News’s conviction for publishing the same poem, The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name"
WTC UFO - "As the story got out, those who had been at the site started checking their various video camera and digital films frame by frame and turned up proof of this 'debris' and another "UFO" flying past the WTCs at the time of both attacks"
If one conspiracy theory isn't enough, let's have another! These people should go read some fables. The Boy Who Cried Wolf would be a good one to start with.
Gay Army - "9 of the gayest men in Scandinavia face the toughest challenge of their lives... Stripped of their everyday luxuries, the gay guys are thrown into the world of [a] US drill instructor"
Jackpot! That's a Good Thing, Right? - "About one-third of lottery winners eventually declare bankruptcy, according to the Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards."
What Is a Tessellation? - "A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps."
'Pizza pope' builds a Catholic heaven - "Abortions, pornography and contraceptives will be banned in the new Florida town of Ave Maria, which has begun to take shape on former vegetable farms 90 miles northwest of Miami."
Soldier Alleges Abuse in Singapore Army - "Upon finishing, I would have my food poured on to the ground, sometimes, it landed in the sand/mud and I was made to lie down on my front and eat up the food like a dog without using my hands, just my mouth. All these went on for 15 days and not once in these 15 days was I humanely treated... Once, I was made to strip off all my clothes leaving myself stark naked and I had to make myself wet (spray water on myself ) and roll in the sand till I was covered all with sand. Then I had to leopard crawl 600m to and fro down the 300m rifle range (like a worm crawl with every bit of the body in contact with the grass and thorns) while I was constantly subjected to kicks either in the head, face, ribs or given blows by a helmet on various parts of the body. Again I was denied medical treatment."
anon: "The army is never as bad as these pampered bastards make it to be."
Massively Multiplayer Pong - "Humanity has stooped to a new low. This is a neverending massively multiplayer pong game. Yes, it's real, and for this I apologize."
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