Friday, March 03, 2006
A (not "the") little bird told me about the Chronicles of the Library couple, a series of dialogues lovingly transcribed by a NUS student. As of writing there're 7 excerpts.
I must say, he surpasses even me in managing to get all these, ah, juicy quotes.
F: *shreks softly but joyfully* eeekkk!! I love it. Thanks for this 5th edition textbook. How you know i was waiting to buy it!? And so romantic of you to wrap it under so many newspapers too! So hard to get to the book in the co-op these days u now.
M: hee.. it's ok. I know you need it. 'and so do i' (thinks quietly).
M: wow.. u too. so nice. a handmade card with a co-op voucher as part of the card! I so need it man. And there's one more! wow! a extension cord for use in the lib? you are so totful. now we can study somewhere further from the plugs but still can reach already.
This is my favourite part. I bet "they" are Science or Engineering students.
Excerpt 1:
M: hey dear.. it's been long we have gone out with each other. let's go out and pak tor.
F: ya.. actually i was thinking of doing tat as well. let's go somewhere different.
M: actually i have a great place in mind!
F: oh oh.. tell me about it. i got somewhere in mind too, honey.
M: Let's go to the SMC section today. :):):)
F: man.. we sure think alike. i was thinking about the reference section. There the photocoping machine is less noisy.
M: oh yah hor. well, at least it is better than the place outside journals section we've been for the last 2 sems. Agreed that there was lesser people during the semester holidays, but there was the lack of book smells that i love.
F: actually, i prefer the dictionary smell. that's why i want to go to the reference. The Atlases there are quite nice too. pictures all so nice.
M: okok. then tmr we meet at 730am before the library opens so we can get a good seat k dear? or shd we meet earlier, cos i am scared pple will take.
F: k la. we meet at 720 lor. i a so like u.
M: set ah! remember the mouse for the laptop!
Excerpt 2:
M: hey my dearest tweety bird. I'm getting bored studying this module. let's go down to the lounge to watch some tv.
F: huh. but i still haven't finish this chapter yet. The lecturer is going to touch on this in week 3 you know?...
M (aloud): yes yes. i know. but lucky i take the same major as you. 6 out of 7 modules together ma. so sad CORS made u drop the 7th one. and i tot we bidded the same number of points for it...
M: sure. later lor. Btw, wat you doing for CNY ah? feel like complaining that the lib wun be open. haiz. How to do my 1st draft of my essay like that?
F: aiyah.. dun worry la. i lend u mind to see lor. we take the same mod ma. and i just finish abt 1/2 already. shd be done by tmr.
oh yah. 1st day of CNY go visiting lor. I got life one ok.
Maybe 2nd day, monday, go visit Ms Yap and Ms Ng lor. tues we can meet up? :):):):)
M: oh sure! can i follow you to visit Ms Yap too? want to cham siong with her to see can borrow more books from the lib a not. 10 book too few la.
F: ya.. mine is full too. and with 12 books my hold list, very hard too. good idea dear.
Excerpt 3:
In the library, the 'usual place',
M: hihi dear! How was your CNY?
F: oh. not too bad. Did like 5 readings. *silent sobs*
M: you ok? u dun look too good. ate too much CNY goodies ah?
F: no la. just this feeling i have now... so touching. to be back here in the lib again. you know.. good old memories.....
M: oh come on. we are back already lor. just enjoy the moment. see!
(points to the newly printed set of readings)
There's so much to look forward too!
F: I guess you are right dear. *brightens up immediately* oh let's dive!
Excerpt 4: Valentine's day special
In the you-know-whereis-the-usual-place,
M (carrying a bulging bag): Hey dear dear! yooo yoooo. How are u lovely?! *wink wink*
F: *blushes* I'm ok dear. I know what day it is today so u dun have to be mushy.
M: I'm glad we are away in a different place today, away from all the valentine's day hype. It's so retarded to be out there to be with all the lovers.
F: no ley. very romantic what. But yah, we are the shy shy kind. Display of love is kinda unappropriate in public a so. But no funny ideas here ah.
M: nono.. tho i am guy but i respect you my gf u noe. Never knew Chinese Lib here can be so quiet sometimes.
F (abruptly pushes a wrapped present bashfully into M's chest, and turns her head shyfully away): Here! Something i made for you.
M: So lovely. here's urs too. (opens his bulging bag and takes out a huge newspaper wrapped article to pass to her)
(they open their presents in silence)
F: *shreks softly but joyfully* eeekkk!! I love it. Thanks for this 5th edition textbook. How you know i was waiting to buy it!? And so romantic of you to wrap it under so many newspapers too! So hard to get to the book in the co-op these days u now.
M: hee.. it's ok. I know you need it. 'and so do i' (thinks quietly).
M: wow.. u too. so nice. a handmade card with a co-op voucher as part of the card! I so need it man. And there's one more! wow! a extension cord for use in the lib? you are so totful. now we can study somewhere further from the plugs but still can reach already.
F: yea. for your convenience ma.. 'and mine too' (thinks silently)
M: thank you so much dear. love ya.
(M kisses F's forehead and they settle down into their books to mug once again..)
Excerpt 6
F (opening her textbook to the previously bookmarked section): yupz, another round of exciting studying...
M: haha...that is very true. And what are we going to make of today? Well, I am here with you (winks at F), that is good enough for me. Whether readings or fun, as long as it is with you.
F: actually, I wouldn't mind taking a day off. Since we have been here from Monday, we should take a break.
M: exactly what I was thinking too. I knew we thought alike. (gives F's left hand a little squeeze) How about going to Sentosa right now? It is only 30minutes away!
F: sure, great idea, let's go. Would you believe it that I just happen to have my bikini with me. (takes out a itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini)
M (suddenly seems very excited): alright, let's pack up and go! woohoo!
The couple packs up and as they walk out,
F: you know something, I always get this feeling that someone is always overhearing our conversations.
M: haha...please, who would be so bo liao as to listen to us and then put up whatever we say on his blog?
F: haha...yeah...silly me...
The couple walks out of the library at 10.27am and go to have a day of fun at Sentosa.
Again, for those who missed it in the first paragraph, I am not responsible for this, so use your own cognitive powers and send in your enquiries at
I must say, he surpasses even me in managing to get all these, ah, juicy quotes.
F: *shreks softly but joyfully* eeekkk!! I love it. Thanks for this 5th edition textbook. How you know i was waiting to buy it!? And so romantic of you to wrap it under so many newspapers too! So hard to get to the book in the co-op these days u now.
M: hee.. it's ok. I know you need it. 'and so do i' (thinks quietly).
M: wow.. u too. so nice. a handmade card with a co-op voucher as part of the card! I so need it man. And there's one more! wow! a extension cord for use in the lib? you are so totful. now we can study somewhere further from the plugs but still can reach already.
This is my favourite part. I bet "they" are Science or Engineering students.
Excerpt 1:
M: hey dear.. it's been long we have gone out with each other. let's go out and pak tor.
F: ya.. actually i was thinking of doing tat as well. let's go somewhere different.
M: actually i have a great place in mind!
F: oh oh.. tell me about it. i got somewhere in mind too, honey.
M: Let's go to the SMC section today. :):):)
F: man.. we sure think alike. i was thinking about the reference section. There the photocoping machine is less noisy.
M: oh yah hor. well, at least it is better than the place outside journals section we've been for the last 2 sems. Agreed that there was lesser people during the semester holidays, but there was the lack of book smells that i love.
F: actually, i prefer the dictionary smell. that's why i want to go to the reference. The Atlases there are quite nice too. pictures all so nice.
M: okok. then tmr we meet at 730am before the library opens so we can get a good seat k dear? or shd we meet earlier, cos i am scared pple will take.
F: k la. we meet at 720 lor. i a so like u.
M: set ah! remember the mouse for the laptop!
Excerpt 2:
M: hey my dearest tweety bird. I'm getting bored studying this module. let's go down to the lounge to watch some tv.
F: huh. but i still haven't finish this chapter yet. The lecturer is going to touch on this in week 3 you know?...
M (aloud): yes yes. i know. but lucky i take the same major as you. 6 out of 7 modules together ma. so sad CORS made u drop the 7th one. and i tot we bidded the same number of points for it...
M: sure. later lor. Btw, wat you doing for CNY ah? feel like complaining that the lib wun be open. haiz. How to do my 1st draft of my essay like that?
F: aiyah.. dun worry la. i lend u mind to see lor. we take the same mod ma. and i just finish abt 1/2 already. shd be done by tmr.
oh yah. 1st day of CNY go visiting lor. I got life one ok.
Maybe 2nd day, monday, go visit Ms Yap and Ms Ng lor. tues we can meet up? :):):):)
M: oh sure! can i follow you to visit Ms Yap too? want to cham siong with her to see can borrow more books from the lib a not. 10 book too few la.
F: ya.. mine is full too. and with 12 books my hold list, very hard too. good idea dear.
Excerpt 3:
In the library, the 'usual place',
M: hihi dear! How was your CNY?
F: oh. not too bad. Did like 5 readings. *silent sobs*
M: you ok? u dun look too good. ate too much CNY goodies ah?
F: no la. just this feeling i have now... so touching. to be back here in the lib again. you know.. good old memories.....
M: oh come on. we are back already lor. just enjoy the moment. see!
(points to the newly printed set of readings)
There's so much to look forward too!
F: I guess you are right dear. *brightens up immediately* oh let's dive!
Excerpt 4: Valentine's day special
In the you-know-whereis-the-usual-place,
M (carrying a bulging bag): Hey dear dear! yooo yoooo. How are u lovely?! *wink wink*
F: *blushes* I'm ok dear. I know what day it is today so u dun have to be mushy.
M: I'm glad we are away in a different place today, away from all the valentine's day hype. It's so retarded to be out there to be with all the lovers.
F: no ley. very romantic what. But yah, we are the shy shy kind. Display of love is kinda unappropriate in public a so. But no funny ideas here ah.
M: nono.. tho i am guy but i respect you my gf u noe. Never knew Chinese Lib here can be so quiet sometimes.
F (abruptly pushes a wrapped present bashfully into M's chest, and turns her head shyfully away): Here! Something i made for you.
M: So lovely. here's urs too. (opens his bulging bag and takes out a huge newspaper wrapped article to pass to her)
(they open their presents in silence)
F: *shreks softly but joyfully* eeekkk!! I love it. Thanks for this 5th edition textbook. How you know i was waiting to buy it!? And so romantic of you to wrap it under so many newspapers too! So hard to get to the book in the co-op these days u now.
M: hee.. it's ok. I know you need it. 'and so do i' (thinks quietly).
M: wow.. u too. so nice. a handmade card with a co-op voucher as part of the card! I so need it man. And there's one more! wow! a extension cord for use in the lib? you are so totful. now we can study somewhere further from the plugs but still can reach already.
F: yea. for your convenience ma.. 'and mine too' (thinks silently)
M: thank you so much dear. love ya.
(M kisses F's forehead and they settle down into their books to mug once again..)
Excerpt 6
F (opening her textbook to the previously bookmarked section): yupz, another round of exciting studying...
M: haha...that is very true. And what are we going to make of today? Well, I am here with you (winks at F), that is good enough for me. Whether readings or fun, as long as it is with you.
F: actually, I wouldn't mind taking a day off. Since we have been here from Monday, we should take a break.
M: exactly what I was thinking too. I knew we thought alike. (gives F's left hand a little squeeze) How about going to Sentosa right now? It is only 30minutes away!
F: sure, great idea, let's go. Would you believe it that I just happen to have my bikini with me. (takes out a itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini)
M (suddenly seems very excited): alright, let's pack up and go! woohoo!
The couple packs up and as they walk out,
F: you know something, I always get this feeling that someone is always overhearing our conversations.
M: haha...please, who would be so bo liao as to listen to us and then put up whatever we say on his blog?
F: haha...yeah...silly me...
The couple walks out of the library at 10.27am and go to have a day of fun at Sentosa.
Again, for those who missed it in the first paragraph, I am not responsible for this, so use your own cognitive powers and send in your enquiries at
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