When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

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This is the really ugly building I talked about some weeks ago. Besides its ugliness, it also has a UFO perched on it. Wth. It's the "Prorail Hoofdkantor Hoofdkantoor" building. Babelfish translates the latter word as "head being possible bug", but somehow I doubt it "head office".

I wonder if there's a law against drunken biking here.

Over here, those with Masters degrees but not PhDs get the salutation "Drs". Nice consolation, especially for those not intending to go doctorates.

I tried to buy student tickets for some concerts at Vredenburg, but was told that student tickets would only be sold on the day itself, and after 7pm at that (most concerts are at 8:15pm). !@#$

I don't know why 24 hour time is so popular here.

The lousy pack of washing powder I bought from Kruidvat leaks, so there was powder at the bottom of the plastic bag I use to keep the pack. I tilted the bag to pour the powder into the machine, then a lot of it went onto the floor, into the air and thus into my respiratory system.

I saw a couple taking bridal pictures (on 17/3). The woman must've been damn cold because she was not wearing a jacket or bolero.

Transferring money between my normal and savings account takes 7 days. I think I should just withdraw money from one account using the ATM and go in and deposit the money into the other.

I want to try riding on the back of a bicycle like a Dutch girl (it looks fun), but I'll probably destabilize it and the rider and I will crash into a tree.

I pity those who come here from Third World countries. They must find it even more expensive than I do, like the Indonesian guy I briefly exchanged words with one day.

Some choice phrases from the ESN booklet (which I didn't fully read until recently, and so was unaware that the train discount card could be used for up to 3 people travelling with me. Argh!):

Twee bier, alsjeblief - Two beers, please
Ik trakteer - Drinks are on me.
Ik heb al een vriend/vriendin - I already have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Mag ik je telefoonnummer? - Can I have your phonenumber (sic)?
Ik bel je nog wel. - I'll call you.
Bij jou of bij mij? - Your place or mine?
Ik ben onwijs zat/dronken - I am really drunk.
Ik heb een kater (literally a male cat) - I have a hangover

"We have a lot of strange expressions too. A lot of them show an overall obsession with the three W's (windmills, wooden shoes and water). Try these phrases on a Dutchie and note their reaction and facial expressions as you do.

een klap van de molen hebben (lit. get hit by the windmill) - To be crazy
Nou breekt mijn klomp! (lit. Now my clog (wooden shoe) breaks) - Good Lord! What next!
Ouwe koeien uit het sloot halen (lit. get old cows from the ditch) - To talk of things past

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Baked peppers stuffed with minced chicken, onions, mushrooms and courgette, and seasoned with garlic powder, olive oil and butter
I baked these for a shorter time than I was supposed to, and in a hotter oven (someone wanted to bake fries, ended up eating a sausage to tide himself over and in the end was too full to eat the fries). I was annoyed that I had to stir fry the stuffing before baking - I thought I could just leave it in the oven, but it was late and I was hungry. I put the butter in only after removing the peppers from the oven because I forgot to put it on (it was placed on the stuffing in the peppers, but then I remembered I had to fry the stuffing). It still turned out alright though.

I think I prefer to fry spaghetti rather than make the sauce and pour it on top. Not only does it sear a little more taste into the noodles, it makes the sauce go a longer way.

It's nice leaving stuff out without it getting lao hong-ed. It's nice leaving stuff out without ants (or other pests, bedbugs in one room notwithstanding) getting at it. It's not so nice getting zapped left, right and centre.
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