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Sunday, March 26, 2006

The author of The Wicked has requested that I take down my walkthrough since his tagboard was being flooded.

However, given that he has come up with levels 32-40, I'm sure that any "weakling" who couldn't solve all the first 31 levels himself would be unable to solve these. After all, not everyone has "a rated IQ of 137". Us lesser mortals cannot compare.

So those of you "idiots" who lack "moral integrity" since you are unable to think so far out of the box that you enter another plane of existence should not count on this "cute little bastard" for any more answers. I guess I can now join the ranks of such scum as Dan Simpson for writing walkthroughs, and join AMIDS (Association of Moral-Integrity-Deficient Scoundrels), where after we beat games with the help of walkthroughs, millions of us worldwide plot our latest orgy of Murder, Larceny and Sodomy in the quest for World Domination.

Shoo! Go do something to redeem your fallen spirits, like joining a Moral Uplifting Society!

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