Tuesday, January 10, 2006
To the morons (I consider the term to be appropriate here in lieu of the usual "idiots", because something supposed to praise their religion was taken by them to be an insult to it) who got offended by Meritocratic Jesus, all I have to say:
"Did you see the latest WWJD bracelets? I am offended by those blasphemous heretics! How dare they compare themselves to the Lord and insinuate that they are following in his footsteps? NO ONE CAN BE WORTHY!!!111ONE~!!!"
This is what happens when you indoctrinate people without having them consider the meaning of what they're supposed to be doing. Either that or they subscribe to the fire-and-brimstone, Supply Side Jesus school of thought rather than the conventional textual one.
Someone else in the comments:
"Singaporeans are way too politically correct to speak their minds these days. They feel uncomfortable when addressing issues pertaining to race, religion, sex and pretty much everything EXCEPT food."
Me on going to Malaysia: if I get paranged, come to my funeral
Someone: haha
i will
u want me to read eulogy?
i'll tear down every cross in sight ;)
that much I promise u
(can i tear crosses off the necks of the ppl who come for your funeral? esp those who said u died early n tragic cos u didnt' believe in God n He struck u down?) =p
Me: haha
your choice :P
Someone on accepting a rosary: [accept it,] gives her peace of mind
Me: would you accept a wiccan good luck charm?
Someone: no way
but this aint' wiccan
Me: yeah but it's the same principle
it's a religious object of religion other than the one you subscribe to
Someone: but u have no religion..so it's diff for u
Me: err.
yes, but I have similar feelings towards donning religious artefacts
Catholic friend: ***'s catholic meh? how come she gave you a rosary?
there's no harm in just accepting it
Me: would you accept a wiccan holy charm?
CF: actually yes
I've accepted a japanese buddhist/taoist charm before
Me: good for you
most of your brethren wouldn't
how about a satanic charm?
CF: er no. that would be too scary
and that would be AGAINST Christ
Me: so there
Someone else: u shouldn't knock it till u try it
i know it's fashionable and all to be atheist now
Me: should you knock drugs before you try it?
suicide? prostitution?
besides, I've tried it.
you must be joking
christian fundamentalism is surging in singapore
"Whenever we read ... the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind. And, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
- Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
"Did you see the latest WWJD bracelets? I am offended by those blasphemous heretics! How dare they compare themselves to the Lord and insinuate that they are following in his footsteps? NO ONE CAN BE WORTHY!!!111ONE~!!!"
This is what happens when you indoctrinate people without having them consider the meaning of what they're supposed to be doing. Either that or they subscribe to the fire-and-brimstone, Supply Side Jesus school of thought rather than the conventional textual one.
Someone else in the comments:
"Singaporeans are way too politically correct to speak their minds these days. They feel uncomfortable when addressing issues pertaining to race, religion, sex and pretty much everything EXCEPT food."
Me on going to Malaysia: if I get paranged, come to my funeral
Someone: haha
i will
u want me to read eulogy?
i'll tear down every cross in sight ;)
that much I promise u
(can i tear crosses off the necks of the ppl who come for your funeral? esp those who said u died early n tragic cos u didnt' believe in God n He struck u down?) =p
Me: haha
your choice :P
Someone on accepting a rosary: [accept it,] gives her peace of mind
Me: would you accept a wiccan good luck charm?
Someone: no way
but this aint' wiccan
Me: yeah but it's the same principle
it's a religious object of religion other than the one you subscribe to
Someone: but u have no religion..so it's diff for u
Me: err.
yes, but I have similar feelings towards donning religious artefacts
Catholic friend: ***'s catholic meh? how come she gave you a rosary?
there's no harm in just accepting it
Me: would you accept a wiccan holy charm?
CF: actually yes
I've accepted a japanese buddhist/taoist charm before
Me: good for you
most of your brethren wouldn't
how about a satanic charm?
CF: er no. that would be too scary
and that would be AGAINST Christ
Me: so there
Someone else: u shouldn't knock it till u try it
i know it's fashionable and all to be atheist now
Me: should you knock drugs before you try it?
suicide? prostitution?
besides, I've tried it.
you must be joking
christian fundamentalism is surging in singapore
"Whenever we read ... the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind. And, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
- Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
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