When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, January 09, 2006

A hat tip to LAPD Laughing As People Diet (a Malaysian too!) for the information that this blog was reviewed in Lime Magazine:

Dawn Yang vs Agagooga

"Lime Mag gave Dawn Yang's blog a 4 star rating compare to the other famous Agagooga who only managed to obtained 3 stars...

im kinda disappointed not to find any pics of Agagooga. i can't use the picture of a blue power ranger being tied up as him kan?. aiyah. lack."

If someone has scans or can lend me the thing, I will be most grateful, still being sore after wasting $7 on a crappy magazine last month, only to be greatly disappointed by the lame cover story (which was what I bought it for).


Someone: u can hang out more in temples. buddhist girls date outside religion people

hahahaha it's ironic. and u know many guys go to church just to buaya girls and the girls would give in easily cos they have to only date other christians, so they think 'what the hell'

and atheist guys are at a disadvantage. they have no buaya hunting ground they can pounce on every week

the government being so anxious to pair people, should set up an atheist social club that all the atheists llike you can converge in to find other atheists who are disadvantaged by the muslim and christian date insiders only policy

And this just in from the teeming millions:

Someone else: There's this mgs gal standing in front of me on mrt who looks like a less feminine version of u. Wish she were further so i k take pic of her. Too crowded too


The Straits Times can't do maths:

[On the NTU hall strike] "The current monthly rate of $160 for a single-occupancy room has been almost double to $350 in the new
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