When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, January 16, 2006

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." - Cyril Connolly


This one's priceless: Jeremy Clarkson annihilates the Perodua Kelisa

"Joy of joys! The Broad Ear (sic) Kelisa that I ordered earlier is now ready for collection.

I haven't bothered with a warranty. Or a full tank of petrol. And I've only got one day's insurance. But anyway, the time has come. I'm gonna go in there now - and pick it up.

And here it is: brand spanking new with, uh, 85 miles on the clock... check this out boys.

*Attacks Kelisa with a sledgehammer* That is for being the biggest load of unimaginative junk ever. This is just a white good. It's just built with no soul, no flair, no passion - like a fridge or washing machine, and this is for every time I've got a car like you, dawdling (?) around, just indicating left, and then going right.

*After smashing the car up* I wonder if you can ever get bored doing this."

Even funnier is the comments by irate Malaysians in the thread. They made racist comments, cursed in Malay, made fun of the UK car industry, called him names, said he was "sick", alleged that the "mat salleh" was trying to divide Malaysians, said he needed to see a psychiatrist (he probably does, for racing a boat to Oslo), impugned his integrity and character and, best of all, insulted people who thought the clip was funny.

Comments in the thread:

"i can't believe the type of clueless idiots one can find here. Note: I don't mean clarkson"

"There is nothing more to proton's and perodua's apart from an engine and a milo tin casing. There is nothing good about this car. I hope the preodua and proton management sees this!"

"This is precisely what makes clarkson such a fun watch - he is not politically-correct, he doesnt seem to really care if he alienates anyone, and thus he is throughly impartial. Which is key in his field. Look he trashes (literally and figuratively speaking) ANY make/ origin.. And if you think he is paid please. dont be naive. Integrity leads to credibility leads to his livelihood."

"he did the same against the Vauxhall Astra, brutalising it as a horrendous machine. General Motors did the right thing. They developed a better Astra, called in JC to give his comments and feedback and lo and behold the next incarnation of the Astra was a vastly superior machine."

"the average Malaysian aspires to Hondas and Toyotas. Why? Because the national car sucks and we shouldn't be afraid to say it nor demandbetter from the makers."

"Wow! You know what is amazing that so many people here are threatening bodily harm to another human being. Seriously whats wrong with you people? Does his attack on a mere car justify you guys trying to maim him? What gives you the right to hurt or kill another person? If you're god then well and good smithe him down with fire and brimstone for what you perceive is a great injustice. But you're not! Its this clan
mentality and vigilante behaviour that leads to more woes in this world. When law and order falls one of these days, i shudder to think i would be living with this same people, who may take to the streets like what happened in New orleans. The only reason these same people aren't killing anyone is because they are only afraid of getting caught. Keep you lori hantus at home and stop trying to kill people, this is real life and not some computer game."

"We Malaysians are arrogant lots. Believe it or not it's inside each and every one of us. We condemn people who criticise us. And we force everyone to be nice and swept the dirt under the carpet (and then talk behind the back). All talk cock and no action. That's what our government has been doing for a long time. If you all so much offended by it, why curse and talk only? Would it change anything? That's all that Malaysian always do. Condemn... Malaysian will never get to see a quality locally made care when most people still look at things with a short-sight, a narrow mind and over the top ego."

"it does reflect the vast majority of mindset of Malaysian. 'We' can laugh to other people but we'll retaliate when others laugh to us. 'We' couldn't even laugh to our selves. *Sigh* When will we ever grow up�. "

"I don't have the time of the day for people who can�t read, write or comprehend properly."

I wonder what he'd do to a car made in Singapore, if there was one. At least he'd have to think up a more imaginative way of taking out his frustration on it!
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