Someone: I bought a pair of headphones, but they're too big. damn
my ipod ones BROKE
Me: how old is the ipod
Someone: about 8 months
the screen is cracked
it dropped a tiny distance onto the ground, and it was IN A BAG. And I was like, wtf?
Me: is it a nano?
Someone: no
it's a mini
Nanos are too thin... my friend stepped on hers and the screen totally gone case
at least my screen still works
it just isn't so aesthetically pleasing
Me: yeah well
defective apple merchandise
nanos suck
they scratch if you breathe on them
Someone: I heard about that. I hate it when people put cases on their ipod... I mean the reason why you buy an ipod is because it's ultra thin....
But my mini is scratched a little on the sides, but I don't care. (:
I can just touch it up with a painty pen
Me: ... women
A-Patch for MSN Messenger - this goes way beyond Mastaline's MSN 7 Universal Patcher, and works with Windows Live Messenger too!

Pity about the Islamic ads, though, or I'd have donated.
If there have been a lot of religious links lately, it's because someone keeps sending them to me, and I find them sufficiently interesting to post.
The high cost of losing our religion - "What is increasingly obvious is that, in the midst of the excitement and turmoil, those driving the social change of the 1970s failed to seriously understand the power of religion as a social force... Now we are reaping the legacy of their mistakes, with the conservative wings of the evangelical and pentecostal churches gaining in size and influence, and the more progressive wings of Protestantism, like the Uniting Church, seriously diminishing in stature and voice."
Seminal questions - "Much of the discussion is sadly reminiscent of the old Christian debate about the number of angels that can dance on a pinhead, but sex is only one part of the problem. The current fashion for online fatwas has created an amazingly legalistic approach to Islam as scholars - some of whom have only a tenuous grip on reality - seek to regulate all aspects of life according to their own interpretation of the scriptures. It is much harder to find any discussion on Muslim websites of matters that some would say form the basic substance of religion, such as the nature of love and spiritual experiences."