Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Something I could profitably pass on:
"Hey everyone,
I'm wondering if you could help me with this: I want to know whether different university/college libraries permit students to check out DVDs from the library, i.e., take the media out of the library and return it on another day.
Currently at Carleton College students may only use media resources within the library (for various reasons) but this policy is under review, and one thing I'm doing is gathering information on this policy-- for universities across the USA, but even in England and Singapore and Denmark or Russia or as much as I can get.
So obviously I thought, what better way than to email the Humanities group, rather than check out individual university webpages. I figure this is something you're probably already familiar with.
I'd really appreciate it. Your response could be a simple yes! (students may check out media resources from the library) or no! (students may not check out media resources from the library) or in-between (yes for some media resources, no for other media resources).
So... just email me at and it'd be great to hear from you! PLEASE RESPOND! I know how easy it is to forget about emails but this should be really quick!
Hope you're have a fabulous term!"
'Hormonal' women most attractive - "Women with high levels of the sex hormone oestrogen have prettier faces, research suggests. The findings make evolutionary sense - men are attracted to the most fertile women, the University of St Andrews team told a Royal Society journal."
Amazingly Yahoo Sucks Even More - "In an astounding show of jackassedness Yahoo deleted my Yahoo ID last year with no warning and no explanation. The Yahoo ID was the owner of 4 Yahoo groups including a humor list I had been operating since 1991 (I moved it to Yahoo in 2001) all of which are orphaned. I have sent numerous requests for an explanation, for the list of members of the groups, to have the groups transferred or at least to have them killed to Yahoo all of which are answered with a ‘We care about you, here is your case ID’ email and never another word. Earlier this year I even called the Yahoo office in California and spoke with a nice young lady who was unable to help me and told me to email the same address I had been trying to contact for the last few months."
So much for the keylogger theory.
Porn makes sperm better swimmers - "Looking at pornographic images of men and women together can increase the quality of a man's sperm, a new study suggests. Pornography involving a woman alone or multiple women doesn't have the same effect. Evolutionary biologist Professor Leigh Simmons of the University of Western Australia says the effect is based on an evolutionary process observed in animals known as sperm competition."
Interesting nugget from the disturbed bunny
"Hey everyone,
I'm wondering if you could help me with this: I want to know whether different university/college libraries permit students to check out DVDs from the library, i.e., take the media out of the library and return it on another day.
Currently at Carleton College students may only use media resources within the library (for various reasons) but this policy is under review, and one thing I'm doing is gathering information on this policy-- for universities across the USA, but even in England and Singapore and Denmark or Russia or as much as I can get.
So obviously I thought, what better way than to email the Humanities group, rather than check out individual university webpages. I figure this is something you're probably already familiar with.
I'd really appreciate it. Your response could be a simple yes! (students may check out media resources from the library) or no! (students may not check out media resources from the library) or in-between (yes for some media resources, no for other media resources).
So... just email me at and it'd be great to hear from you! PLEASE RESPOND! I know how easy it is to forget about emails but this should be really quick!
Hope you're have a fabulous term!"
'Hormonal' women most attractive - "Women with high levels of the sex hormone oestrogen have prettier faces, research suggests. The findings make evolutionary sense - men are attracted to the most fertile women, the University of St Andrews team told a Royal Society journal."
Amazingly Yahoo Sucks Even More - "In an astounding show of jackassedness Yahoo deleted my Yahoo ID last year with no warning and no explanation. The Yahoo ID was the owner of 4 Yahoo groups including a humor list I had been operating since 1991 (I moved it to Yahoo in 2001) all of which are orphaned. I have sent numerous requests for an explanation, for the list of members of the groups, to have the groups transferred or at least to have them killed to Yahoo all of which are answered with a ‘We care about you, here is your case ID’ email and never another word. Earlier this year I even called the Yahoo office in California and spoke with a nice young lady who was unable to help me and told me to email the same address I had been trying to contact for the last few months."
So much for the keylogger theory.
Porn makes sperm better swimmers - "Looking at pornographic images of men and women together can increase the quality of a man's sperm, a new study suggests. Pornography involving a woman alone or multiple women doesn't have the same effect. Evolutionary biologist Professor Leigh Simmons of the University of Western Australia says the effect is based on an evolutionary process observed in animals known as sperm competition."
Interesting nugget from the disturbed bunny