When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005


[On USP] It's like the extreme sports. You don't really gain any tangible benefit. It's just for the challenge.

[Someone: Look at my duck. {on my Mac}] You have a duck, but what's the use of that when you've no right mouse button?

USP is for all the misfits... You have the Nimrod here [points to me], Cthulhu-worshipper... USP is for all the losers. At one point in our lives, we have all been isolated because of our alternative intellectual pursuits (ostracised)

USP is made up of predominantly ugly people. Misfits. *My SMS ringtone of Krusty the Klown sounds* See what I mean?

[On a diagram in the notes] Did I actually include this in your handout? I didn't? Oh my. It must have been because that would make it too easy.

One of the things that is particularly irritating to psychologists doing research is people's reliance on anecdotal evidence to explain psychological phenomena... This is particularly prevalent in the snake oil industry.

For example, did you know - I'm digressing like crazy now, but nevermind - it's very difficult to tell what flavour yoghurt is supposed to be if you don't know what it is?

I was appalled to discover in the previous tutorial that when I asked: 'How many of you have had an iceball?', nobody put up their hands.

[On 'Facing the Void', about mountain-climbing] The film is well worth watching. It's really really gripping. Even though you now know the ending.

[On alarm calls in Belding's ground squirrels] It might confuse the predator. I walk into a room and suddenly all the students scream and run around. I don't know which one to grab.

[On repartees to derision at being adopted] 'Mary's mother had to have her. Our mother chose us'... It's the best reply I've heard so far.

Lectures are compulsory. And as I say that, somebody has left. Wonderful.

[On 'zeal'] To me it means pursuing something with enthusiasm. With passion. Kind of like how your pursue this course, for example.

'Religion is like a drug.' I'm sure none of you have been very drunk in this class.

The sam unknown distribution (same)

I can put in one more error (arrow)

the serious data (series)

We can be even more happier (happier)

I make that clam (claim)

Is tis w'year estimate unbiased? (weird)

[On consistency] My definition is very abstract. The true definition is even more abstract, so this is the best I can give you.

'An estimator is consistent if its sample distribution is getting denser towards the true population parameter value that it tries to estimate when the sample size is getting larger.' We still have no idea what that means. [Student: Good self-awareness]

right hand sai (side)

the graphite draw here (graph I)

according to the grab (graph)

the grub (graph)
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