Tuesday, August 30, 2005
[Female student:] If you could make out with someone famous, who would it be? [Male student: A lot {of people}.]
If you woke up tomorrow and you were a guy, what would you do? [Tutor: That's a question all of us would've been asked once in our lives.] [Student: I would check out myself in the mirror.]
[Student to a guy: If you were shipwrecked on a desert island with another female with another female, what would you do?] Come on, we know what he'd be doing... Play chess maybe.
I am what you would call a Submarine Catholic. I surface when I'm in trouble.
Suppose your parents couldn't swim. Both of them fell into the water, and you could only save one. Which would you save? [Student: I wouldn't save either... I'm in this phase - hating my parents]
What you learn in University: never believe course descriptions.
[Tudung girl:] I am a Muslim - obviously.
My name is ***. I'm a life science major and I don't know which year I'm in.
I'm passionate about flerms. All sort of flerms... Hollywood flerms (films)
[Student on someone else having no one to ask a stupid question: Why don't you ask him?] I'm the tutor. I'm exempted!... It's okay, it's okay [I'll answer].
As far as possible, I won't try to burden you. I won't make you write a lot of things, do little projects. If you want to we can do that! [Students: Noo...] ***, give me more work!
[On Taylor's 'Primitive Culture'] It's quite fat. It's big. Very concise.
[On rousing my wrath] I know all your buttons already. Just display extreme stupidity. [Me: Then you just debase yourself.] I don't mind.
[On a picture of a caveman and Dubya side by side] I don't want people to think that I'm comparing the mental capacity of the leader of the United States and that of our friend Fred.
[On 'Intelligent' Design] We can propose 'intelligent attraction'. Why do things fall from a height? Gravity is just a theory.
The question I want to ask is that who was on top? Not in that way [presumably sexually] but evolutionarily.
central limit theory (theorem)
We have to tran'fer a little bit. (transfer)
[On p-values] If you really don't understand what I say, you can just memorise this... It still work. (works)
As a statistician or an economist you are just a consultant. You do not make the decisions.
[On choosing the null hypothesis] Just like OJ Simpson case right. We believe he is innocent, then gather evidence to show he is guilty. (Simpson's)
[On the t-statistic] You tell your boss: Sample average must be greater than C. He won't be happy. What is C? You will get fired.
[On student unhappiness and apathy] If students are unhappy, the reputation of NUS goes down. If the reputation of NUS goes down, the value of your degree goes down the drain.
A lot of students are very radical. If NUSSU were to lead a protest march up Kent Ridge Crescent, I think a lot of them would come.
[On NUSSU positions] I'm so tired of hearing Engineers. I believe Arts students are superior, because of the modules you take.
[Me: When I smile, I look like a mad man.] If you don't laugh hysterically, then you look alright.
[On a pay as you go pensions system] A lot of European countries have something similar to this, which is why they are all going bankrupt.
[To me] I like it when you corect my English. Reminds me of my RGS days.
At the same tair'm (time)
Both kin be better off (can)
this cree'tea'ria (criteria)
I think we are agreed (we'll have a break)
compee'tive market (competitive)
the grim lance (green lines)
We reach a general equi'br'erm (equilibrium)
pass through the original de'mer'n (endowment)
parting through this black point (passing, blue)
p'rare'der'tore optimal (pareto)
total enrolment (endowment)
the re'sh'you of the prices (issue)
Well russ law (Walras')
[Female student:] If you could make out with someone famous, who would it be? [Male student: A lot {of people}.]
If you woke up tomorrow and you were a guy, what would you do? [Tutor: That's a question all of us would've been asked once in our lives.] [Student: I would check out myself in the mirror.]
[Student to a guy: If you were shipwrecked on a desert island with another female with another female, what would you do?] Come on, we know what he'd be doing... Play chess maybe.
I am what you would call a Submarine Catholic. I surface when I'm in trouble.
Suppose your parents couldn't swim. Both of them fell into the water, and you could only save one. Which would you save? [Student: I wouldn't save either... I'm in this phase - hating my parents]
What you learn in University: never believe course descriptions.
[Tudung girl:] I am a Muslim - obviously.
My name is ***. I'm a life science major and I don't know which year I'm in.
I'm passionate about flerms. All sort of flerms... Hollywood flerms (films)
[Student on someone else having no one to ask a stupid question: Why don't you ask him?] I'm the tutor. I'm exempted!... It's okay, it's okay [I'll answer].
As far as possible, I won't try to burden you. I won't make you write a lot of things, do little projects. If you want to we can do that! [Students: Noo...] ***, give me more work!
[On Taylor's 'Primitive Culture'] It's quite fat. It's big. Very concise.
[On rousing my wrath] I know all your buttons already. Just display extreme stupidity. [Me: Then you just debase yourself.] I don't mind.
[On a picture of a caveman and Dubya side by side] I don't want people to think that I'm comparing the mental capacity of the leader of the United States and that of our friend Fred.
[On 'Intelligent' Design] We can propose 'intelligent attraction'. Why do things fall from a height? Gravity is just a theory.
The question I want to ask is that who was on top? Not in that way [presumably sexually] but evolutionarily.
central limit theory (theorem)
We have to tran'fer a little bit. (transfer)
[On p-values] If you really don't understand what I say, you can just memorise this... It still work. (works)
As a statistician or an economist you are just a consultant. You do not make the decisions.
[On choosing the null hypothesis] Just like OJ Simpson case right. We believe he is innocent, then gather evidence to show he is guilty. (Simpson's)
[On the t-statistic] You tell your boss: Sample average must be greater than C. He won't be happy. What is C? You will get fired.
[On student unhappiness and apathy] If students are unhappy, the reputation of NUS goes down. If the reputation of NUS goes down, the value of your degree goes down the drain.
A lot of students are very radical. If NUSSU were to lead a protest march up Kent Ridge Crescent, I think a lot of them would come.
[On NUSSU positions] I'm so tired of hearing Engineers. I believe Arts students are superior, because of the modules you take.
[Me: When I smile, I look like a mad man.] If you don't laugh hysterically, then you look alright.
[On a pay as you go pensions system] A lot of European countries have something similar to this, which is why they are all going bankrupt.
[To me] I like it when you corect my English. Reminds me of my RGS days.
At the same tair'm (time)
Both kin be better off (can)
this cree'tea'ria (criteria)
I think we are agreed (we'll have a break)
compee'tive market (competitive)
the grim lance (green lines)
We reach a general equi'br'erm (equilibrium)
pass through the original de'mer'n (endowment)
parting through this black point (passing, blue)
p'rare'der'tore optimal (pareto)
total enrolment (endowment)
the re'sh'you of the prices (issue)
Well russ law (Walras')
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