When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Fallen heroes do not have children. If self-sacrifice results in fewer descendants, the genes that allow heroes to be created can be expected to disappear gradually from the population." - E.O. Wilson

Random Playlist Song: Raffi - Bananaphone


If only more textbooks read like Varian (or if only he wrote more of this sort of thing in):

"Some tedious algebra shows that *long mathematical expression*
(Don't worry, this formula won't be on the final exam.)"

"In general, the firm faces two sorts of constraints on its actions. Frst, it faces the technological constraints summarized by the production function. There are only certain feasible combinations of inputs and outputs, and even the most profit-hungry firm has to respect the realities of the physical world."


This must be the most biting Economist editorial I've ever read:

[On the Uzbekistan massacre] "The European Union and America have expressed their horror at the worst massacre of demonstrators since Tiananmen Square by imposing the following sanctions on Uzbekistan:


... The European Union has risen to the occasion as grandly as it did over Bosnia, Iraq and on so many other occasions: with a display of spinelessness worthy of a sea full of jellyfish"

Ooh, nasty. And there's a whole page of letters on ""Intelligent" Design", so the Bohemian Bunnie, who is saddened by the lack of Creationist bashing this term, can blow herself off.


"Dear students,

Ever wondered about the work of the Internal Security Department (ISD)? Like to know more about Singapore’s counter-terrorism efforts?

Come to the ISD Heritage Centre cum Counter Terrorism Mobile Exhibitions:

Date: 9 - 13 September 2005
Time: 10am – 10pm daily
Venue: Gek Poh Ville Community Club

Jointly organized by the ISD, South West CDC, Hong Kah North CCC, Gek Poh Ville Community Club MC and Home Team (Southern & Western Sector), the ISD Heritage Centre Mobile Exhibition gives an insight into the work of the ISD and security threats posed by communal/religious extremism/international terrorism to Singapore.

The Counter Terrorism Exhibition features latest technology/equipment in the fight against terrorism, information on staying vigilant and updates on terrorism trends. What’s more, there will be interesting fringe events like films, talks, skits as well as online games and quizzes to excite you."

Hahahahahahaha. If I join the ISD I can go work for the Straits Times after that.


Someone on Bastiat's broken window fallacy: "Many economists and economic journalists do advocate "broken window economics" without making it explicit that that's what they're doing. It happens because in order to avoid these errors you need a theory of value, and a workable theory of value can't be derived mathematically or obtained empirically; it requires philosophical investigation into normative (rather than positive) claims, something that economists are generally loath to do or explicitly say it isn't their business to do."


I saw a weird fixture on the wall of LT11. It was pointed at me and a red light was shining. As I stared at it, the red light suddenly switched off. During the break, I went down and it appeared to be a camera, with the words "3 CCD" engraved on it. If they're going to spy on us, they might as well webcast the lectures while they're at it! Aside: Someone asked me why the RJC staff room needed a fingerprint scanner. It's the same reason why we have CCTV cameras in NUS LTs and in Geylang! Big Brother is watching.

It's hard to quote people when you don't even know what they're supposed to be saying in the first place.
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