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Sunday, May 15, 2005

"I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, "I wanna grow up and be a critic."" - Richard Pryor

Random Playlist Song: Kermit and Miss Piggy - S.Y.F.F.I.T.F.

Miss Piggy: Oh Kermie, it's alright. You don't have to introduce me. Because, if you don't, I can always just S.Y.F.F.I.T.F

Kermit the Frog: You can always just S.Y.F.F.I.T.F?

Miss Piggy: Mmm hmm. Stuff Your Froggy Face Into The Floor!


You scored as Lord Zedd.

Lord Zedd


Master Vile




Rito Repulsa


Ivan Ooze






Rita Repulsa






King Mondo


Queen Machina


Prince Sprocket




Which Power Rangers Villain Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com


Gah. The crapster extended his stay in Shanghai till the 19th, so I've no one to go around making snide remarks with.


Seen in a comments thread on Singapore Ink: "As agagooga frequently says but never poses an answer to - “what’s illegal may not be wrong, and what’s right may not be legal”"

So how just should I pose an answer to this question? :) I will attempt to do so nonetheless.

Dumb Laws has a listing of silly laws from around the world. Breaking these laws may not be wrong, but it is nonetheless illegal.

As for something that is legal but not right, in Singapore a husband may rape his wife, yet not be liable for prosecution for rape under Singapore law.


Misogyny on TV - Feminazi Propaganda

"Portrayals of amazon freaks denigrate and pervert females, attack feminine identity and incite in men a lust for sexual violence. These shows are extremely obscene, many are pornographic, they display dominatrix whores who incite lusts for sexual violence, and are an attack on women, the family and civilization.

"Turn on your television set and take a look. Female tough-guys are on half the channels. Macho girls are stomping, kicking and punching a politically correct path through our culture, implanting new and false images into the public psyche. The method of presentation is simple. A man in a woman's body is seen to act like a man and look like a woman. The image itself serves to confuse both men and women -- instantly deconstructing notions of human gender developed by trial and error over many centuries. A corrupt new role model now appears, with tremendous psychological energy behind it: a vast sisterhood of lady fighter pilots, hand-to-hand combatants, detectives, FBI agents and firemen appear on the screen. Since seeing is believing, millions of human beings are growing up with bizarre self-misconceptions planted firmly between their ears. On the flip side, depicted with sly mockery, is the pregnant husband, the sobbing he-man and the non-homosexual wimp." - J.R. Nyquist

Mighty Morphan (sic) Power Rangers (90s) (FOX) - Boys and girls morph into androgynous creatures to encourage violence between boys and girls in real life. This is unquestionably the most obvious androgynous propaganda show that has even been on television. Death to the makers and supporters of this anti-human, immoral, child abusing hell.
A teen girl on jeopardy said when she was younger she was forced (forced was her word) to watch Power Rangers and because of it took up karate and became a black belt -- the crowd cheered.
The death of at least one girl has been attributed to the show. Several years ago when the Power Rangers were popular I heard on TV about a gang of pre-teen boys in England who beat a little girl to death and later claimed they were just playing Power Rangers and they got carried away.
The makers of social poison like this should be sued for intentionally marketing violence to children, especially when there is a link that demonstrates that the show encouraged violence.
Phil Phillips who wrote "The Truth about Power Rangers" said: "This is the worst 30 minute kids program I have reviewed in over 11 years. Power Rangers is shot on cheap sets, jampacked with violence, acid rock music, martial arts, sexual immuendos the occult, and a piffing moral at the end of each program to add to its politically correct reputation."

Two of a Kind (Warner Brothers) starring Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
They displayed what may be the most obscene and immoral thing that is ever appeared on television, a little boy and girl fighting against each other in a karate match. Such obscenity even between grown men and women should not be shown on the public airwaves, to show this inhuman obscenity is worse than showing child pornography on television. Every single person who made this child exploitation are child abusers who should be a arrested and imprisoned for life. Anybody who participates in the making of this is not fit to walk around in a society of civilized human beings. One of the Olsen girls was in the staged fight and afterward told the other one who just came there to meet boys, "this is not a singles bar, no guy's even gonna look at you until you master karate." I would like to kill the evil bastards who put those words in her mouth. The makers of the film went beyond free speech to actually using children in physical obscene violence between the sexes, they should be arrested for this inhuman child abuse.

Mulan - The most evil "cartoon" ever made. A hateful attack on girlhood, a perversion of female identity. An attempt to encourage girls to be violent."

What are these people smoking?!


Exam boost for pupils if pet dies - "GCSE and A-level pupils in England are given 5% more if a parent dies close to exam day or 4% for a distant relative. They get 2% more if a pet dies or 1% if they get a headache. Critics say the system panders to an "excuse for everything" attitude."

[On the word 'caul'] "If I saw a term like 'amniotic sac' in an FF book I'd expect it to be in capitals and with Skill and Stamina scores attached"


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