Sunday, August 01, 2004
Quote of the Post: "If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done." - Peter Ustinov
Random Playlist Song: Prince of Egypt - The Plagues (Let My People Go)
Supposedly, it is good for a high proportion of your country's citizens to own their homes. This gives them ready collateral for loans, a cushion against volatile rental fees, a sense of security and belonging and possibly an investment that appreciates with time (though given that the housing bubble in many countries seems ridiculously inflated and ready to burst, that might not hold true today).
However, the thing is that homes in Singapore cost so much that you will have to spend the next 20-30 years paying off your mortgage, and you will thus be tied down to Singapore.
So the drive to encourage home ownership in Singapore could just be a way to prevent people from becoming "quitters". Imagine that.
After a round of bidding, I have gotten all 5 of the modules I bid for... for 1 point each. Maybe there're good reasons why those modules (or at least the lecture slots I went for) aren't in demand. I am also stuck with a 5 day week, mostly thanks to the vagaries of USP module timings (since almost all USP modules have 2 classes a week). Boo hoo. Then again, someone else tells me that he has a 6 day week, and I wouldn't want to take modules solely to furnish myself with a nice timetable, so. At least in a 5 day week, no school day will be too tiring, and I have no bright ideas about what to use the spare day for. No matter - there's always next semester.
"I thought NUS halls are more like prisons" - Brother in law
"have you been to eusoff/temasek? the corridors look like tt of an asylum
grey doors with metal handles... dark corridor... quite scary" - Someone Else
Benjy tells me that in NTU, you can get 3 AUs (Academic Units - their equivalent of NUS's Modular Credits) from joining the choir or guitar ensemble. Wah.
He also tells me that he has a friend (who doesn't even stay in the NTU halls) who wore a pair of jeans for 2 weeks. He said that the feeling was "very shiok".
I went for The A Capella Society's "A CapellaFest 04" concert at ACS (Barker) yesterday. Now, this isn't usually my sort of thing, but Benjy was desperate for someone to accompany him, and promised that he would answer some awkward (heh heh) questions of mine in return for my company. Though he evaded them in the end. Bloody hell.
Anyhow, I hadn't attended a concert featuring Singapore a capella groups for quite some time, and needed a reminder of why I disliked modern a capella music. I may not have enjoyed the content of the performances, especially not the mouthdrumming and gimmicks (one group had 2 of their members start dancing during a song, for example), but I appreciated the technical mastery (some of) the performers displayed.
Our tickets (in row 6 of the stalls) cost $28, inclusive of a SISTIC handling fee. In view of the venue and the performers, both of us felt that it was rather overpriced. This was partially made up for (depending on your point of view) by the concert's length - concerts put up by amateurs usually last about 2 hours, but this one was 3 hours long, and ended close to eleven o'clock. So as you could imagine, it was quite tiring, since not all the performers were good.
Benjy wasn't very impressed by the lack of skill of some of the performers either, so he periodically commented to me about how many groups were messy, and how many redundant singers each group had. On my part, I was almost as irked by how some of the performers used the word "wrote" when they meant "arranged" - one member of In-A-Chord claimed that one of them had "wrote" the song "Ice Kachang", for example, when it had actually been written by Dick Lee, in his persona as the Mad Chinaman.
One group, ngam, did a medley of 1980s Cartoon Theme Songs (Care bears, Gummi bears, My Little Pony, Transformers and the like). Given that half the audience looked to be in secondary school still, this wasn't wise, for they probably hadn't watched most of the cartoons (except for Pinky and the Brain, the sole 90s cartoon).
Towards the end of the concert, a group of primary school kids in uniform, who had come in a group on a chartered bus, left early. Some of the performers than took their places. I guess no one told that school that the concert would last for 3 hours. Maybe their parents didn't want them to stay up past their bedtime. Or maybe it was a conspiracy by the performers so that they would get places to sit. How cunning of them.
Celebrity 18th birthday countdowns have long been the rage
"Since the days when Shirley Temple steered the Good Ship Lollipop through puberty, fans have been meticulously dissecting the first kisses, first signs of breasts and first romantic encounters of our nation's most popular female child actors.
Was any straight male free of impure thoughts when Elizabeth Taylor (turned 18 on Feb. 27, 1950) officially became a woman? Wasn't it the baby boomers who counted down the seconds to the 18th birthday of Annette Funicello (Oct. 22, 1960)?
And try this fact on for size: Between 1982 and 1985, no less than three major label artists -- including Rock and Roll Hall of Fame members Aerosmith and Eric Clapton -- recorded or released different songs titled "Jailbait.""
Microsuck | What's So Bad About Microsoft?
The Enlightened Despot - "For some years, some biologists have argued that there was a 7th day of creation, during which God thought about his prototypes and finally made the crowning glory of his creation here on Earth: the giant squid... The world was created as a habitat for the giant squid. Humans were put here to control the large predators that would otherwise bother the giant squid. We are programmed to ignore the giant squid, and to not take actions that would harm them."
Methods of Media Manipulation, by Michael Parenti - "Their job is not to inform but to disinform, not to advance democratic discourse but to mute it, telling us what to think about the world before we have a chance to think about it for ourselves. When we understand that news selectivity is likely to favor those who have power, position, and wealth, we move from a liberal complaint about the press's sloppy performance to a radical analysis of how the media serve the ruling circles with much skill and craft."
I think he's being paranoid, but nonetheless his points are worth bearing in mind
10 Truths About Trade - Hard facts about offshoring, imports, and jobs
Search referrals:
NB: I have long been struck dumb by my search referrals. Nevertheless, I am daily exposed to new depths of depravity and some of the following puzzle me. I would appreciate if someone could explain the search referrals which I have bolded below. You can leave a comment at the end of the post, or use this form.
guys men boys turn ons, body language tips techniques
dangers of tying dogs
NKF sue blogger singapore - That's why you need the National Kena-sued Fund.
rgs "mass swim" - Chris: "Mass swim tomorrow. Don't bring your trunks."
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free stories fondle by stranger
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what is emma watson's home phone number - I'm sure it starts with "555"
daniel radcliffe "shoe size"
comparison essay of jack(lord of the flies) with any historic idols
fireman's lift - I'm on Page 72 of results for this. Was someone really that desperate?
digitally enhanced Keira Knightly king arthur - Assuming that the person was thinking of the most obvious enhancement, I don't think she was digitally enhanced. She wasn't even wearing her "very helpful underwear", as in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Keira Knightly Breast Pics - There won't be very much to see.
joshua loh big earlobes
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Emma Watson's boob - She got a masectomy?
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Singapore's newater plantation - Now we have newater trees?
laser hair removal near Las Vegas, NV - Google is seriously screwy.
"feng shui", "DPM Lee", Singapore
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Kong Ming lanterns
Dude where's my car unofficial homepage
Pringles Haram or Halal - Apparently Emulsifier 471 (and some others) contains pork fats. On a bulletin board, someone commented: "all i can is is that all u guys r over acting. no need to be that particular. eat what u want except PORK and alcohol. and concentrate more on relevant things in life". Indeed :)
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ACJC school uniforms photograph - You'll have a better chance on Webshots.
"chong chin xiang"
"milo van" photo - They sent one to NUS's matriculation. Wah.
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Substitutes for Sunsilk shampoo in rural India - I didn't know that the brand was so highly regarded.
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The Haircut Website
list of halal food caterers by MUIS in sg - I thought that all of them were Halal. Next time, I might set up a food catering company myself, billing it: "The last non-Halal catering in town" (in a conscious reference to the one that proudly proclaims that it was "the first Halal catering in town)
strong women raping weaker men "women raping men"
Random Playlist Song: Prince of Egypt - The Plagues (Let My People Go)
Supposedly, it is good for a high proportion of your country's citizens to own their homes. This gives them ready collateral for loans, a cushion against volatile rental fees, a sense of security and belonging and possibly an investment that appreciates with time (though given that the housing bubble in many countries seems ridiculously inflated and ready to burst, that might not hold true today).
However, the thing is that homes in Singapore cost so much that you will have to spend the next 20-30 years paying off your mortgage, and you will thus be tied down to Singapore.
So the drive to encourage home ownership in Singapore could just be a way to prevent people from becoming "quitters". Imagine that.
After a round of bidding, I have gotten all 5 of the modules I bid for... for 1 point each. Maybe there're good reasons why those modules (or at least the lecture slots I went for) aren't in demand. I am also stuck with a 5 day week, mostly thanks to the vagaries of USP module timings (since almost all USP modules have 2 classes a week). Boo hoo. Then again, someone else tells me that he has a 6 day week, and I wouldn't want to take modules solely to furnish myself with a nice timetable, so. At least in a 5 day week, no school day will be too tiring, and I have no bright ideas about what to use the spare day for. No matter - there's always next semester.
"I thought NUS halls are more like prisons" - Brother in law
"have you been to eusoff/temasek? the corridors look like tt of an asylum
grey doors with metal handles... dark corridor... quite scary" - Someone Else
Benjy tells me that in NTU, you can get 3 AUs (Academic Units - their equivalent of NUS's Modular Credits) from joining the choir or guitar ensemble. Wah.
He also tells me that he has a friend (who doesn't even stay in the NTU halls) who wore a pair of jeans for 2 weeks. He said that the feeling was "very shiok".
I went for The A Capella Society's "A CapellaFest 04" concert at ACS (Barker) yesterday. Now, this isn't usually my sort of thing, but Benjy was desperate for someone to accompany him, and promised that he would answer some awkward (heh heh) questions of mine in return for my company. Though he evaded them in the end. Bloody hell.
Anyhow, I hadn't attended a concert featuring Singapore a capella groups for quite some time, and needed a reminder of why I disliked modern a capella music. I may not have enjoyed the content of the performances, especially not the mouthdrumming and gimmicks (one group had 2 of their members start dancing during a song, for example), but I appreciated the technical mastery (some of) the performers displayed.
Our tickets (in row 6 of the stalls) cost $28, inclusive of a SISTIC handling fee. In view of the venue and the performers, both of us felt that it was rather overpriced. This was partially made up for (depending on your point of view) by the concert's length - concerts put up by amateurs usually last about 2 hours, but this one was 3 hours long, and ended close to eleven o'clock. So as you could imagine, it was quite tiring, since not all the performers were good.
Benjy wasn't very impressed by the lack of skill of some of the performers either, so he periodically commented to me about how many groups were messy, and how many redundant singers each group had. On my part, I was almost as irked by how some of the performers used the word "wrote" when they meant "arranged" - one member of In-A-Chord claimed that one of them had "wrote" the song "Ice Kachang", for example, when it had actually been written by Dick Lee, in his persona as the Mad Chinaman.
One group, ngam, did a medley of 1980s Cartoon Theme Songs (Care bears, Gummi bears, My Little Pony, Transformers and the like). Given that half the audience looked to be in secondary school still, this wasn't wise, for they probably hadn't watched most of the cartoons (except for Pinky and the Brain, the sole 90s cartoon).
Towards the end of the concert, a group of primary school kids in uniform, who had come in a group on a chartered bus, left early. Some of the performers than took their places. I guess no one told that school that the concert would last for 3 hours. Maybe their parents didn't want them to stay up past their bedtime. Or maybe it was a conspiracy by the performers so that they would get places to sit. How cunning of them.
Celebrity 18th birthday countdowns have long been the rage
"Since the days when Shirley Temple steered the Good Ship Lollipop through puberty, fans have been meticulously dissecting the first kisses, first signs of breasts and first romantic encounters of our nation's most popular female child actors.
Was any straight male free of impure thoughts when Elizabeth Taylor (turned 18 on Feb. 27, 1950) officially became a woman? Wasn't it the baby boomers who counted down the seconds to the 18th birthday of Annette Funicello (Oct. 22, 1960)?
And try this fact on for size: Between 1982 and 1985, no less than three major label artists -- including Rock and Roll Hall of Fame members Aerosmith and Eric Clapton -- recorded or released different songs titled "Jailbait.""
Microsuck | What's So Bad About Microsoft?
The Enlightened Despot - "For some years, some biologists have argued that there was a 7th day of creation, during which God thought about his prototypes and finally made the crowning glory of his creation here on Earth: the giant squid... The world was created as a habitat for the giant squid. Humans were put here to control the large predators that would otherwise bother the giant squid. We are programmed to ignore the giant squid, and to not take actions that would harm them."
Methods of Media Manipulation, by Michael Parenti - "Their job is not to inform but to disinform, not to advance democratic discourse but to mute it, telling us what to think about the world before we have a chance to think about it for ourselves. When we understand that news selectivity is likely to favor those who have power, position, and wealth, we move from a liberal complaint about the press's sloppy performance to a radical analysis of how the media serve the ruling circles with much skill and craft."
I think he's being paranoid, but nonetheless his points are worth bearing in mind
10 Truths About Trade - Hard facts about offshoring, imports, and jobs
Search referrals:
NB: I have long been struck dumb by my search referrals. Nevertheless, I am daily exposed to new depths of depravity and some of the following puzzle me. I would appreciate if someone could explain the search referrals which I have bolded below. You can leave a comment at the end of the post, or use this form.
guys men boys turn ons, body language tips techniques
dangers of tying dogs
NKF sue blogger singapore - That's why you need the National Kena-sued Fund.
rgs "mass swim" - Chris: "Mass swim tomorrow. Don't bring your trunks."
emma watson's belly button
free stories fondle by stranger
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what is emma watson's home phone number - I'm sure it starts with "555"
daniel radcliffe "shoe size"
comparison essay of jack(lord of the flies) with any historic idols
fireman's lift - I'm on Page 72 of results for this. Was someone really that desperate?
digitally enhanced Keira Knightly king arthur - Assuming that the person was thinking of the most obvious enhancement, I don't think she was digitally enhanced. She wasn't even wearing her "very helpful underwear", as in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Keira Knightly Breast Pics - There won't be very much to see.
joshua loh big earlobes
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geng ippt
BMT brainwash air force
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Emma Watson's boob - She got a masectomy?
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elbonia oil drilling
Singapore's newater plantation - Now we have newater trees?
laser hair removal near Las Vegas, NV - Google is seriously screwy.
"feng shui", "DPM Lee", Singapore
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shawn ban hq bmtc - Ooh someone is doing research.
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Uncircumcised Male Celebrities
belly button keira knightly
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Kong Ming lanterns
Dude where's my car unofficial homepage
Pringles Haram or Halal - Apparently Emulsifier 471 (and some others) contains pork fats. On a bulletin board, someone commented: "all i can is is that all u guys r over acting. no need to be that particular. eat what u want except PORK and alcohol. and concentrate more on relevant things in life". Indeed :)
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ACJC school uniforms photograph - You'll have a better chance on Webshots.
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"milo van" photo - They sent one to NUS's matriculation. Wah.
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JC girls zhao geng - They misspelled the word!
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Substitutes for Sunsilk shampoo in rural India - I didn't know that the brand was so highly regarded.
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The Haircut Website
list of halal food caterers by MUIS in sg - I thought that all of them were Halal. Next time, I might set up a food catering company myself, billing it: "The last non-Halal catering in town" (in a conscious reference to the one that proudly proclaims that it was "the first Halal catering in town)
strong women raping weaker men "women raping men"
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