When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Quote of the Post: "As if there was something romantic and glamorous about hard work ... if there was something romantic about it, the Duke of Westminster would be digging his own fucking garden, wouldn't he?" - Jeffrey Bernard

Random Playlist Song: Bach - Gieb dich zufrieden und sei stille, BWV 315


Wo-hen has just updated his Xanga. Looks like he's still alive ;)

In his most recent entry, he linked to someone's discourse on hoop earrings:

The bigger the hoops, the bigger the hooch. The diameter of a hoop is directly proportional to how easily she puts out. There are other things to keep into consideration also, such as hoop thickness and hoop material.

Here are some quick hoop facts:
Critical diameter: 1 inch - anything under is safe

Really thin = cheap hoops = cheap slut
Really thick = strong hoops = puts out a lot

Double hoops: does anal
Triple hoops: takes it up every orifice

"Gold" - most likely fake
"Silver" - most likely fake
Plastic - cheap slut

I'm not quite an expert on hoop earrings, but do feel the urge to tug off (gently, or otherwise) anything above this guy's "critical diameter".

Funny comments on Wo-hen's Xanga:

"if youre so rich, why dont you have xanga premium?
Posted 8/8/2004 at 12:24 AM by Legin

because he's cool enough without it
Posted 8/8/2004 at 11:35 AM by OblivionPrime"



Tales of Wireless Home Networking:

Now when I access my workgroup from My Network Places on my laptop, it works and I can see the laptop itself as a member of the workgroup (but not my desktop, unfortunately).

However, when I try to access my workgroup from My Network Places, it pauses for a long time before displaying the workgroup, and when I try to enter the workgroup, it still pauses for a long time and then gives me the message:

"[Workgroup name] is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available"

Well, at least I've made *some* progress.

To the anonymous person who suggested I try logging off, then on again: Sorry, that didn't seem to work.


Some time back, I was bemoaning how my buggy phone kept truncating my ringtones. I thought that this was due to buggy phone software, so I flashed my phone's firmware, to no avail (none of the other bugs were fixed either. Later I found that this was because the firmware version they flashed to my phone was the same as what was already on the phone. Damnit). Today, I noticed that the same thing had happened to a new midi I had uploaded. Thinking it might be a problem with the midi, I tried uploading another version of the song and found, to my disgust, that it was truncated too, albeit at a different point.

Going back to my phone gallery, I noticed that both the ringtones that kept being cut off in mid-play were of the same suspicious file size - 15.0kb. Scrolling down, I found just one midi longer than 15.0kb, and it was one I had downloaded via GPRS.

The obvious conclusion: the Nokia Sound Convertor was the culprit! In their eagerness to save users' phone memories, the people coding the application made it truncate ringtones uploaded to phones at 15.0kb, but neglected to include a note to this effect (it wasn't even in the help file).

While I appreciate their thoughtfulness, some people might want to upload really long and/or complex ringtones to the phone - to test the "16 chords" (16 notes played simultaneously) function that their phone is supposed to be able to support, for example. What they should have done was to make truncation optional, or better yet - provide an option to control the maximum ringtone file size (ie the point at which the midis are truncated).

I've sent a note touching on this to Nokia Care Singapore. I hope it'll find its way to the Nokia PC Suite team.


It seemed that everyone but me watched Singapore Idol last night. I was curious about what happened, and some people related how some of the contestants made fools of themselves. Most people were quite amused by them: the "mosquito" man who sang so softly that no one could hear him, and the person who refused to leave, among others.

Some of these antics sounded so unbelievable, I wondered if the people engaging in them had been employed by the producers of the show. Someone said that if that were the case, no would watch the show, but I brought up the example of the Original Reality TV Show - the World Wrestling Federation.

Me: If wrestling is scripted, why do people watch it?
Someone: Because the script is good.

A few people had tipped me off about the appearance, on the show, of "Singapore's Most Handsome Guy, Steven Lim - the Famous Street Eyebrow Plucker". Everyone I asked said they were disgusted by his prancing around clad only in his trademark yellow underwear (I'm not surprised). Pity I missed his performance. But in my discussions, a good idea came up - pair Handsome Boy Steven Lim with Xiaxue. Should be a perfect match :)


"I realised that there are two kinds of people that I don't like. En Mings and Yaodongs."

Jiax, clearly still haunted by his JC class.

- As quoted by Eat Me. Just Eat Me.

Yes, but the difference is the latter deliberately makes himself disliked. Or at least I hope it's deliberate.



"Social Night. Bane of the girlfriend-less, showroom of the girlfriend-ed. It's this Wednesday, and I haven't successfully gotten anyone to accompany me... I'm preparing to sign 7 extras. Yes, there's a dumb rule stating that if you don't turn up or if you don't bring a female, you have to sign 7 extras. No comments on this rule from me; I don't know how to phrase them anyway. But hey, if you're interested in eating free food from Conrad International, or just want to take a look at what the future leaders of the SAF are like, just message me (if you have my phone number) or leave me an email (if you don't). Do leave a name and contact, of course. I'll work something out if this happens." (full post)

For those not in the know, 7 extras are baaaaaaaaad. I know. I signed 7 extras before.

So if by some miracle someone who wants to eat free food from Conrad International, and/or see how the flower (or otherwise) of our youth are turning out reads this before Wednesday night, please email poor kureshi at kuraijo@yahoo.com.sg


Home-made Spiderman "suit" (not for those with delicate sensibilities)
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