When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

There was a GEP 20th Anniversary busking/charity flag day at Orchard today.

This year has really been marked for mourning the death of the GEP. You have the funfair 2 weeks back, today's busking/flag day, July's dinner and the Alumni Society...

I saw Mrs Koh there. Gosh, it's been 8 years already. We both have more white hair now. I'm not sure if she remembered who I was or what year I was in, but at least she recognised me as a former student. She enlightened me on some of the changes to GEP. The RI GEP teachers who were on loan from the MOE have been withdrawn, and she's in Dunman now. So I guess if we going back now we won't see many familiar faces. Future generations of RI boys will no longer be able to benefit from Mr Ong's guidance and care!

RI has a "GEP" too in their through train, and it is still under MOE in some way, but I can't help but compare it to Chinese High's "GEP" before they got MOE's GEP. The express (sorry, Integrated Programme) teachers are also receiving some counsel from the GE branch. It is very confusing. [Ed: They have an FAQ but I'm skeptical]

[Ed: Apparently it's different in Raffles Guys'. The GEP teachers are still there, and they still had to go for the walkathon. "we're treated like gep". I'm even more confused now.]

Ah, the death of GEP. Withdrawn from Raffles Gu... RGS and RI, where can they go? They're extending it to other schools, but as Kairen says, can you imagine Cedar (or some other school he mentioned - no offence) having GEP?

Am watching The Very Best of the Muppet Show (Vol 1). Wonderful! Though unfortunately I can't watch the bonus features.

Dick Lee, responding to shrill cries that Lost In Translation was racist, remarked that it made him nostalgic because its portrayal of Tokyo life (especially the life of an expat in the entertainment industry) was very true.

Just goes to show that idiots who make accusations of racism at the drop of a pin are insecure.

Under the 'AngMo' rule, we like birds of feather,
Singapore & Malaysia, flocking together.

Den one day like 2 durians, cannot get along.
Got sharp thorns, poke each other till 'buay song.'

One moment like brothers, can give and take.
Next moment kena kick out by the leg.

Wah! TV show our towkay cry like mad,
Making us all feel very sad.

Our neigbours they all say, 'Wah like dat they all sure to die!
They got nothing, how to get the next bowl of rice?'

So 'boh pian,' we all work day and night.
We also join the army so we can fight.

We don't care others 'see us no up'.
But actually inside we think towkay big kok-up.

Then slowly hor, we grow rich and a bit fat.
Now others talk about us also got some respect.

They scratch their heads and say 'Very funny!
Got nothing, how come they can still make money?'

Last time also got no money to buy ice-cream cone.
Now even small kids also can afford nice handphone.

Sea port, airport also can become Number One.
Heh Heh! Sometimes think about it also very fun.

But some people look at us also not happy.
Actually they are jealous, don't want to say only.

So every time their country got something wrong.
They say Singapore is behind it all along.

They know we water no enough, very bad.
Say turn off tap only we so scared.

Threaten us with water, shout 'Cut!Cut! Cut!'
Aiyoh! They think water is one big ketupat!

We all hear already also 'buay tahan'
Wah liao, they think we small can makan!

But now they 'kowpay kowbu' we not scared.
Coz We got NEWater already, so not so bad.

But their own economy now all go bust.
Must sell water, make some money fast!

Then another neighbor say Singapore no friend friend,
Got so much money oso donno how to lend.

They say we all only one small red dot,
like the center of a big dartboard.

Maybe they think we mouse and they cat,
that's why suka suka talk like that.

But we all still send them a lot of rice.
To show the world we are very nice.

Sometimes we 'good heart' also kena whack.
But we are gentleman don't fight back.

I think maybe they don't liao kai us well.
Dats why relationship sometime like heaven, sometime HELL

Some say aiyah our prosperity is all due to luck,
that's why we 'siao siao' can win the Tiger Cup.

I think Singapore is like chilli padi in a pot.
Size small small, but sipeh HOT !!!

--- Author unknown
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