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Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Despite bemoaning his inability to deliver incisive critiques as I supposdly do, someone has recently been churning out some good analysis (and interesting information).

On Hair

Yeah, in police they allow you to keep your hair long. As in much longer than those army guys who have spikey hair for like 2 straight years? Policemen are allowed to keep it long so long as it looks neat and mantains a professional look.

Wah. So good.

On how filthy rich AC kids are

I actually felt quite sad for those girls who got tricked into coming over only to find like 50 plus over AC guys just gazing upon them as eye-candy material. Its not nice and not fair to them. Plus they get irritated when the usual slew of people try to hit on them repeatedly. I didn't have much part in any of this nonsense. Usually, I'd just lock myself and a few other guys up in brother's room and "watch and hear"the action (via Brother's security system) with the other guys as "reality tv". Laughing at the failures of guys who failed trying to hit on the girls. I'm sorry I'm so evil, but sometimes, you just need a cheap thrill to relax.

Emphasis added. They have a security system with cameras in the house?!

On. Erm. Psychology

To elaborate on the AC girl's 'security system'. This is a complex theory formulated by a bunch of 1988 ACSians who "have passed it down the generations". The quote goes:

"If you want a girl, you gotta win over her friends FIRST"
"Win her friends, win her, guaranteed".

Some 2SC1 bloke came up with it a long time ago after studying psychology, probability, human nature, social issues... etc all rolled into one. His theory has been tried and tested and still found true even in my batch.

For my ACS batch, we did alot of covert experiments in ACJC. One of them was to test this theory. Whilst I won't go into much detail the trick to winning a girl's heart to remove her security. Like if you feed a couple of guard dogs meat laced with glass, you can easily rob a house. Likewise, once you remove some girl's security apparatus, which are her friends, her close cliche of girl-friends etc and all those people that surround her into your favor. It is "jadikan makan" already.

Or as Prof. Wang would put it, "GG Liaoz". Or as another rugger would say, "So damn FF". Think. Think: What is simple is true.

These people have elevated such matters to a science. For more hot tales from the School of the Buaya and Buayee, do tune in!

And on Slavery (consider that this comes from the police side

I don't know much abou the PES I guess. But alot of AC people I know are either Clerks or in damn slack vocations! If not, they're all in OCS! Like half the guys I know are in OCS! The rest SISPEC and MP/RP. Only a few extras in Commandos, Divers, RT, Armour and GUARDS (Wah suffer sia!). Well, ARMY is just an organisation created to serve death as its master. What can I say?

The training is really tough. Even Maggie's bf (who is COMMANDO MATERIAL) is like out of course thanks to a dislocated knee. Then Sanee (Dalvir) is also O.O.A (out of action) thanks to twisting his knee very badly. Nonsense man this army. Drive recruits to the edge, make them suffer and get injured then put them through an utterly useless medical care system. HELLO SAF? No hospital gives patients THREE DRIPS for a cold! Nonsense man! Really rubbish I'd say! Please don't believe the public relations propaganda. Its laughable what they write sometimes.

What I saw was alot of my ayam sakit friends getting PES A/B like FREE ONE. Then all out of course end up clerks. Nonsense man!

What I heard in police, during my training. Is that the Civl Defence is somehow instructed, that when there's a car/motorbike road accident. They have to save the civilian FIRST before attending to ANY personnel in ARMY uniform (even if the guy is in critical condition). Yeah! Save the civilian and trash the dogs eh? I was quite sad when I heard this. Even at hospitals where NSmen end up in. Alot of the doctors and nurses believe they they all chao keng one, and give them shabby treatment - which is why most of my rich AC friends who get injured in army INSIST on being sent to a private hospital (ah pa will pay) cos the gahmen hospitals really descriminate against NSmen. From personal experience, I think its is so damn true.

I think honestly, if there's one gahmen organisation that 18 year olds are very unhappy with. Its definitely the SAF. Silly And Foolish. Tsk. Best thing is that they block all recourse to take such issues up to Parliament, insisting only on "proper channels of feedback". I guess they're really scared if the general public find out what really happens to alot of the guys during NS.

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