When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, September 28, 2003

Oh dear.

**SAR guy:

"btw, u are damn famous.
even my platoon medic has heard of u..
the great outspoken medic of 42sar. :)

my platoon medic is ***. dont think u know him. coz he doesnt know u..
but has heard of fellow medics at the medical centre talking about u...
about your blog etc... haha... so cool... i guess mindef reads your blog too..
must be careful with your words.. at least until u ord... :)"

People cooling off in the midst of the heatwave (NB: Not taken by me):

Trafalgar Square 15th July 2003

Paris Fountains June 2003

NB: These were not taken by me.

I had Sea Coconut Ice Cream for the first time today!

I miss my old wavs, though I never listened to them after I discovered mp3s. I'm especially fond of this (introduced by Tim in freer and happier times [both in more than one way]):

Shooter: - You're in big trouble pal, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!
Happy Gilmore:- You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!

The three episodes of Time Force I just watched are quite weird.

Quantum Secrets:
- Eric's Mega Battle Armour comes with Rollerblades. Wth?!
- I think it's the first time any ranger or ranger team has taken out a monster without a zord.
- Any guy who lives alone in a shoddy ghetto home who makes friends with a pre-pubescent young girl (without anyone else around), and who invites her to come over anytime she wants would most likely be viewed by society as a pedophile!

The Last Race:
- It was so obvious why they used an Asian Sales Assistant. At least they bothered to ensure consistency, but is it really so expensive to shoot a few seconds of footage of someone running into the street and bounding into a car?
- Nadira's shriek is inhuman and extremely irritating.
- The scene when Dash turned good after just a sentence by Lucas was also unbelievably bad.
- How can you become a mutant just with a dose of electricity? At least that explained why his driving suit was so grotesque and unreal. Or maybe that, like eating bananas with ketchup, is common practice in the year 3000.

Lovestruck Rangers:
- Ransik finally comes out to play!
- I wonder why the rangers stopped him from consuming his medicine. He was obviously in great pain, so it's quite sadistic to deny him his vial.
- Hilarious line - Ransik: "Ooo. Girl Power. I'm so scared."
- What a lousy monster. Why can't it cast a love spell on females too? Or maybe it only works on lesbians.

I hate the ads for Boneeto, some calcium rich milk drink, that they always show before, during and after Time Force. Does anyone really think kids give a shit about making their bones strong by drinking calcium rich drinks?

On reflection, I'm glad that the newer seasons do away with the unrealistic "teens" premise.

Why do I like Power Rangers so much? - And if it wasn't For Power Rangers I wouldn't have met My Awesome girlfriend (pinky)! - ??? Too bad he doesn't explain what he means.

Power Rangers Poetry

I'm trying to find out how Bob Manahan, aka Zordon, died in 2000. So far the best I can come up with is a testimonial by him for Strauss Heartdrops. So apparently his heart did him in. [Addendum: Apparently it's not the same person. The one I'm looking for died at the age of 43.]
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