When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, January 04, 2003

Yeh long weekends leave me free to waste my time.

Being a perfectionist in certain areas, I went to debug the mystery of the wrapping on Balderdash.

After a short while, I'd pinned the problem down to this block of text, hammered out by He Who Must Not Be Named (naturally):

"It also occurred to me lately that I only blog when in narcisstic,play-with-locks-of-hair-while-self-mutilating -and-watching-lazy-cigarette-smoke-trails-as-mind-locks-into-depressive-brooding- anti-heroic-moments-of-darkest-despair-when-the-light-of-the-world-seems-crushed-by- onslaught-of-stupidity-and-misunderstanding-by-unwashed-philistines-unable-to-appreciate- my-greatness-or-the-profound-depths-of-my-suffering-soul kind of moods. That might explain the rather unbalanced portrayal of my mental states through these entries. I'm depressed, really a very happy chappie. Really."

Apparently essay length chains of hyphenated words do not go down well with Mozilla. Ahem.

This is bug 95067 - very long words in table cells do not wrap (such as hyphens).
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