When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, January 04, 2003

Today, Jianwen (who claims he hasn't been out for a long time - hah!) introduced me to the Kahlua Mudpie at NYDC. I've always been skeptical of non-cooked food with alcohol in it, because the alcohol won't evaporate and the horrible taste of it will stay in the food. However, the Kahlua was toe-curlingly good, so.

After he'd run off to meet his mother, Andrew and I wandered to Borders. I saw Zhixiang walking forlornly looking for books on architecture so I crept up behind him and stalked him for a while, revealing myself only when I got bored. We talked for a while, and then Xiaoshi strolled by with what looked like small stones strung on 2 strands of her hair. It was only towards the end, when she had to run off, that I realised that the 2 things hanging there were her earrings. Serendipitous coincidences indeed. (And Andrew agrees with me that Wang Yi's appraisal was very wrong indeed :) )

I saw a man riding pillon behind a woman on a motorcycle today. Ooo.

The Body Shop is evil, despite preaching its mantra of Corporate Social Responsibility. They have no price tags on most of their merchandise, so you have to ask the staff for the prices (or find out at the cashier and be embarassed and buy something that is overpriced). Almost as bad, there is no fine print written on their "Weekly Special" sign, so you don't know that, to get the product at $5, you need to buy something else. I was really tempted to ask them what the cheapest product in the store was. And as I was browsing, the saleswoman tried to convince me to get the $44.90 1 litre "family pack" of bath gel. Bah.

Bought in Borders today:
Fast Food Nation
The Nanny Diaries
Why Do People Hate America?

I'll probably get down to reading them in a few months. This is why I don't go to the library often - I usually leave the books lying around for the longest time before starting on them.
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