Saturday, January 25, 2003
We went to range. I was rather sick of it and was thinking of shooting 0/56 as a protest vote on Day 3, but in the end I decided to shoot my best and I'm now a Marksman by the skin of my teeth - 45/56. My $200 of dirty money should be coming in a month of two.
Our CSM was rather ingenious - after it rained, he got us to drag the foxhole covers to the 50m point so we wouldn't have to prone in the mud. Yeh. Why didn't *I* think of that?
Melvin went to stick an ARMY calender on his cupboard. I was profoundly offended at his lack of good taste. Then when I returned to the bunk later, I found that it had appeared on -my- cupboard. Luckily for him, I managed to restrain my primal instincts long enough for him to return and remove the poster before I defaced it.
Huijun was discussing with me, some time back, about how Singaporeans are so concerned with small things, but ignore the big things. You should see how passionate some people get about the most inane and trivial issues. This is probably due, in some part, to fear of the Men In Black, the ISD and being blacklisted and leading a hard life. There's a tendency to let the government take care of everything. And all the wretched "OB" (Out of Bound) markers are placed very near to the centre because of paranoia.
People like to complain about the ins and outs of politics, whether at school or in the workplace. I have always been blissfully unaware of the backroom deals, the numerous backstabs and such - because of my poor perception in that arena, my uselessness as a pawn and my ineptness in that field. Anyhow, I was able to see a particular manouevre in crystal clear focus because a few people were complaining to me about someone's engaging in it. Only it didn't really seem like backstabbing to me - just simple complaining about someone to colleagues. Though later he *did* bring his complaints to a higher level, so that's a different matter. Maybe it was too subtle for my notice.
"For too long now, too many subjects have been taboo, if they appear to touch on religious practices. We need to move towards accepting debate in areas which affect our social togetherness, even if this touches on aspects of religious behavior" - Mr K Shanmugam, Minister of Parliament, Sembawang GRC. This statement was made within some context, but generally, it seems he does agree with me, though I am more radical, and I think no one rebutted this point. The issue on Affirmative Action, however, is a different story. It plainly doesn't work, generates a crutch mentality and tells everyone that the group in question is inferior, which is why it needs the help.
Apparently the Chinese in China despise Singaporeans' poor command of Chinese. I'm not surprised, really. At least this puts paid to the myth that speaking Chinese (at least, Singaporean-style Chinese, with all words above - and some below - a Primary 4 level of difficulty said in English) gives us an Economic Advantage when doing business in China.
The announcements that they play at MRT stations are really irritating. The woman speaks in a very annoying fashion (whether it's her customary way of speaking, I don't want to know), and the announcements are made in an ingratiating, unctuous and obsequious way which, instead of mollifying people, infuriates them. Or at least me. The excessively courteous manner of speech. in fact, has the opposite of the intended effect. But perhaps the most irritating thing about the announcements is how often they are played - when they don't want you to board a train, they play the announcement 2-3 times before the train arrives, and once when it has. And they HAVE to play the announcements about the train at Platform A going to Pasir Ris or Changi Airport -every- single time. SMRT must think that Singaporeans are idiots who need messages drilled into them unceasingly. Or maybe it's an insidious ploy to stop people resting in train stations by driving those who loiter in them too long crazy.
How are personal care products for men different for those for women? I suspect it's part of the general conspiracy. Perhaps it's to assuage the guilt that men might have at the loss of masculinity, and maybe the scents are different (though I doubt it). The most probable reason (from a marketing viewpoint): so men don't use their girlfriend's/wife's products.
I passed by "Man Studio", a shop which sells clothes for Men (only). Ironically, both the sales attendants inside were women. In the same complex, I also saw one of the shops on carts selling Tupperware - I thought it was only sold at Tupperware parties? Maybe the Tupperware company has finally awoken to sales reality.
Pioneer Junior College (PJC) seems to have changed their uniform some time ago. The new one looks appreciably more comfortable and cooler than the old one. Probably, they changed it after numerous complaints. Maybe that's why I don't smell their students anymore ;) The stark difference can be seen at a photo taken at the PJC Graduation Ceremony.
There's going to be a Cosplay activity in RJC, organised by the Art Club. I feel like swooning. Also, they have some weird event on Sentosa on Valentine's Day - "Raffles Palawan Adventure". The website is hilarious:
- Whole event sponsored mainly by F & N (Qoo)
- Co-sponsors include Subway sandwiches (loads of sandwiches and cookies provided on the day!), EmitAsia (company that supplies us with TIME magazines), Swatch watches worth at least $100 and complimentary Pasir Ris chalets and much, much more!
- Since event held (sic) on Friday, students are allowed to remain in Sentosa for the rest of the day, or even stay for the weekend - though the school will not be held responsible for any event that takes place after dismissal 1300 14th February Friday"
There will be an Aquathalon (Biathalon), Telematch, Beach Games, Games Stalls and a Concert by the Beach / Talentime. Wah.
Roaming fees are wretchedly expensive. My charges from the week in London set me back by $61.34!
There was this weird Channel U show, "Happy Rules", featuring 2 people who'd won the various contests they'd held some time back for people displaying a particular attribute most strongly. One was the person who'd been found to look most like a Japanese, and the other was the fabled well-endowed Ann Poh. Finally seeing her image, I was rather disgusted. They are rather ugly and look deformed :( At least they didn't jiggle much when she went horseriding. Must be have used a customised brand. And in case people wonder why I keep making comments on Chinese shows, well, that's what's showing in my bunk most days.
In other news, Chong Yechao took part in a rapping contest, held to promote Eminem's movie, 8 Mile. Of the 4 finalists, he was the only non-Malay :0 He was fourth of four finalists, though.
Somehow, some people think that every single minute trivial detail of my life goes onto Balderdash. And everytime I write something they assume it's something that just happened, or something about them that will go up. Hah!
Why do girls like Legolas? I suspect almost all girls like him. Perhaps the best analysis I received was this:
"Four reasons for this: the hair, the namby pambyness, the elfhood, and the hair, in that order of importance"
Apparently the hair is important for his cute elf boy looks. Well, seeing as he has nicer hair than most girls will ever have... He's over 3000 years old too, and since girls like older guys, his appeal in this area must be phenomenal :)
Legolas probably combines the best qualities of the old, chivalrous, monster-slaying male, and the SNAG - Sensitive New Age Guy, so. I just think he looks like a cute young gay toy boy! :)
God, once again, has not entered the Garden of Aden (Eden)
biscult (biscuit)
[Forum letter] I used to be a primary-school Chinese language teacher but I have become a secondary-school English teacher after completing a bachelor's degree in English in Britain
I'm surprised that you can remember my name. [Me: Why should you be surprised by that?] Because I can't remember yours.
[Me: They gave me ex-RMJ till [the] 18th. After that, probably - discharge.] Discharged from army? [Me: No lah, I wish.] (I'll probably be discharged)
[On private diaries] What's the point of writing and not letting anyone read? [Someone: Because he got 7 extra for letting people read]
Untok di pek pang / spare arm / spare arms, datang sensjata / senjasta / senjata (Untok di pek sa, datang senjata)
[On Mug Root Beer] I want to drink more swill.
[To me] Were you a happy baby? [Someone else: Were you smiling when your mother gave birth to you?]
[Me on using light stick liquid to soak pipe cleaner placed at the rear sight aperture of the M16 for night range: How novel] Are you going to put it in your diary?
I notice that RJ students never fold their clothes
Indian Prince [Me: Asian Prince] He looks Indian.
Our CSM was rather ingenious - after it rained, he got us to drag the foxhole covers to the 50m point so we wouldn't have to prone in the mud. Yeh. Why didn't *I* think of that?
Melvin went to stick an ARMY calender on his cupboard. I was profoundly offended at his lack of good taste. Then when I returned to the bunk later, I found that it had appeared on -my- cupboard. Luckily for him, I managed to restrain my primal instincts long enough for him to return and remove the poster before I defaced it.
Huijun was discussing with me, some time back, about how Singaporeans are so concerned with small things, but ignore the big things. You should see how passionate some people get about the most inane and trivial issues. This is probably due, in some part, to fear of the Men In Black, the ISD and being blacklisted and leading a hard life. There's a tendency to let the government take care of everything. And all the wretched "OB" (Out of Bound) markers are placed very near to the centre because of paranoia.
People like to complain about the ins and outs of politics, whether at school or in the workplace. I have always been blissfully unaware of the backroom deals, the numerous backstabs and such - because of my poor perception in that arena, my uselessness as a pawn and my ineptness in that field. Anyhow, I was able to see a particular manouevre in crystal clear focus because a few people were complaining to me about someone's engaging in it. Only it didn't really seem like backstabbing to me - just simple complaining about someone to colleagues. Though later he *did* bring his complaints to a higher level, so that's a different matter. Maybe it was too subtle for my notice.
"For too long now, too many subjects have been taboo, if they appear to touch on religious practices. We need to move towards accepting debate in areas which affect our social togetherness, even if this touches on aspects of religious behavior" - Mr K Shanmugam, Minister of Parliament, Sembawang GRC. This statement was made within some context, but generally, it seems he does agree with me, though I am more radical, and I think no one rebutted this point. The issue on Affirmative Action, however, is a different story. It plainly doesn't work, generates a crutch mentality and tells everyone that the group in question is inferior, which is why it needs the help.
Apparently the Chinese in China despise Singaporeans' poor command of Chinese. I'm not surprised, really. At least this puts paid to the myth that speaking Chinese (at least, Singaporean-style Chinese, with all words above - and some below - a Primary 4 level of difficulty said in English) gives us an Economic Advantage when doing business in China.
The announcements that they play at MRT stations are really irritating. The woman speaks in a very annoying fashion (whether it's her customary way of speaking, I don't want to know), and the announcements are made in an ingratiating, unctuous and obsequious way which, instead of mollifying people, infuriates them. Or at least me. The excessively courteous manner of speech. in fact, has the opposite of the intended effect. But perhaps the most irritating thing about the announcements is how often they are played - when they don't want you to board a train, they play the announcement 2-3 times before the train arrives, and once when it has. And they HAVE to play the announcements about the train at Platform A going to Pasir Ris or Changi Airport -every- single time. SMRT must think that Singaporeans are idiots who need messages drilled into them unceasingly. Or maybe it's an insidious ploy to stop people resting in train stations by driving those who loiter in them too long crazy.
How are personal care products for men different for those for women? I suspect it's part of the general conspiracy. Perhaps it's to assuage the guilt that men might have at the loss of masculinity, and maybe the scents are different (though I doubt it). The most probable reason (from a marketing viewpoint): so men don't use their girlfriend's/wife's products.
I passed by "Man Studio", a shop which sells clothes for Men (only). Ironically, both the sales attendants inside were women. In the same complex, I also saw one of the shops on carts selling Tupperware - I thought it was only sold at Tupperware parties? Maybe the Tupperware company has finally awoken to sales reality.
Pioneer Junior College (PJC) seems to have changed their uniform some time ago. The new one looks appreciably more comfortable and cooler than the old one. Probably, they changed it after numerous complaints. Maybe that's why I don't smell their students anymore ;) The stark difference can be seen at a photo taken at the PJC Graduation Ceremony.
There's going to be a Cosplay activity in RJC, organised by the Art Club. I feel like swooning. Also, they have some weird event on Sentosa on Valentine's Day - "Raffles Palawan Adventure". The website is hilarious:
- Whole event sponsored mainly by F & N (Qoo)
- Co-sponsors include Subway sandwiches (loads of sandwiches and cookies provided on the day!), EmitAsia (company that supplies us with TIME magazines), Swatch watches worth at least $100 and complimentary Pasir Ris chalets and much, much more!
- Since event held (sic) on Friday, students are allowed to remain in Sentosa for the rest of the day, or even stay for the weekend - though the school will not be held responsible for any event that takes place after dismissal 1300 14th February Friday"
There will be an Aquathalon (Biathalon), Telematch, Beach Games, Games Stalls and a Concert by the Beach / Talentime. Wah.
Roaming fees are wretchedly expensive. My charges from the week in London set me back by $61.34!
There was this weird Channel U show, "Happy Rules", featuring 2 people who'd won the various contests they'd held some time back for people displaying a particular attribute most strongly. One was the person who'd been found to look most like a Japanese, and the other was the fabled well-endowed Ann Poh. Finally seeing her image, I was rather disgusted. They are rather ugly and look deformed :( At least they didn't jiggle much when she went horseriding. Must be have used a customised brand. And in case people wonder why I keep making comments on Chinese shows, well, that's what's showing in my bunk most days.
In other news, Chong Yechao took part in a rapping contest, held to promote Eminem's movie, 8 Mile. Of the 4 finalists, he was the only non-Malay :0 He was fourth of four finalists, though.
Somehow, some people think that every single minute trivial detail of my life goes onto Balderdash. And everytime I write something they assume it's something that just happened, or something about them that will go up. Hah!
Why do girls like Legolas? I suspect almost all girls like him. Perhaps the best analysis I received was this:
"Four reasons for this: the hair, the namby pambyness, the elfhood, and the hair, in that order of importance"
Apparently the hair is important for his cute elf boy looks. Well, seeing as he has nicer hair than most girls will ever have... He's over 3000 years old too, and since girls like older guys, his appeal in this area must be phenomenal :)
Legolas probably combines the best qualities of the old, chivalrous, monster-slaying male, and the SNAG - Sensitive New Age Guy, so. I just think he looks like a cute young gay toy boy! :)
God, once again, has not entered the Garden of Aden (Eden)
biscult (biscuit)
[Forum letter] I used to be a primary-school Chinese language teacher but I have become a secondary-school English teacher after completing a bachelor's degree in English in Britain
I'm surprised that you can remember my name. [Me: Why should you be surprised by that?] Because I can't remember yours.
[Me: They gave me ex-RMJ till [the] 18th. After that, probably - discharge.] Discharged from army? [Me: No lah, I wish.] (I'll probably be discharged)
[On private diaries] What's the point of writing and not letting anyone read? [Someone: Because he got 7 extra for letting people read]
Untok di pek pang / spare arm / spare arms, datang sensjata / senjasta / senjata (Untok di pek sa, datang senjata)
[On Mug Root Beer] I want to drink more swill.
[To me] Were you a happy baby? [Someone else: Were you smiling when your mother gave birth to you?]
[Me on using light stick liquid to soak pipe cleaner placed at the rear sight aperture of the M16 for night range: How novel] Are you going to put it in your diary?
I notice that RJ students never fold their clothes
Indian Prince [Me: Asian Prince] He looks Indian.
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