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Thursday, January 09, 2003

I got a really confusing mail

"Subject: pork post

Body: I was searching google for info on the coke-worms rumor, and I stumbled upon your grossly ignorant, pretentious - american commentary on the subject. Instead of wasting my time countering every ignorant statement made by you, in all your teenage glory - I will assault yet one. The worms they speak of eating are the parasitic type. You are not such a genious afterall, huh sweetie?"

I don't really understand what this person was trying to say, but I got inspired and updated my rebuttal of the Poorly argued article on why we should not eat pork, reproduced below, with one or two additional points from Xephyris :) Once he's done with his research, more will follow from him, now, won't it? *poke poke*

More Referrals:

"guiness book malays world most stupid race" - Someone really doesn't like our Malay brothers.

"blog singapore soc" - It's tough. At least the one I think the person was looking for.

"nude singapore ah lians" - Argy. Will this nightmare of bad taste never end?

"aunty's nude photos" - Eeeeeee. This is even worse than Lians.

"morrowind nude naked sex" - One level up from nude character dolls.

"lindy hop knee hurts" - Ooo. After Runner's Knee, we have Dancer's Knee.

"pictures of singaporeans nude in swimming pool" - Weird tastes people have.

"killer chicks" - Chickens can spread Salmonella, you know?

"bubbly girls nude pix" - How can you tell personality from a picture"

"SCGS Uniform" - I'm sure there're lots of pictures of these on Yahoo Auctions. I notice no other school gets searches for their uniforms. Not Nanyang, certainly.

"how to find child porn" - I'm the only hit for this query. WTH?! I hereby disassociate myself with Pedophiles.

"Daniel Radcliffe shaving photo"
"daniel radcliffe pictures in swimming trunks" - He's so young. Isn't it rather cruel to prey on one such as he? Be content with the slash fics and begone with ye!

"chinx blog" - Someone's looking for Mr Chong Chin Xiang's rants?

"blog, jc orientation" - 3 years past, I am *wistful*

+"singapore armed forces" +invade - Someone looking for Classified information? Won't find it on my blog, no you won't. Though I've some eccentric ideas, which *just* might work, yes I do.

"cute guys from rjc" - Very few. Very very few.

"military "powder bath"" - This doesn't work at all, I tell you. The flies still get at ya.

"Smurf Porn" - !!! That is just so repellent. Corruptors of my childhood - off with ye!

"how to avoid reservist singapore" - Ask a clerk. I don't know. I might want to know myself :)

"malaysian malay girl's sex service" - Eugh.

"featherlite condom review" - Never tried them, won't know.

"sweat" + "smell of ammonia" - Yes, this plagued me a lot in BMT. Disgusting, it was.

"Sun Yanzi Porn" - Erm. Try Kazaa.

"chij girls nude" - Sigh. Why CHIJ anyway?

"nude cheongsam picture" - Doesn't wearing a cheongsam preclude being naked?

"fhm ladies malay" - I think there are none in FHM. Maybe FHM Malaysia.
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