When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, October 25, 2002

Restored post

From tomorrow, in 3 day shifts, I'll get to sit indoors again, while waiting for people to come for Panadol. Yeh! A marvellous view of the Island of Doom I will have, from across the Straits. The troublesome thing is, they issued us with morphine, so we've to guard it studiously, and have to fill out more paperwork. I bet anyone needing morphine would be contraindicated anyway, rendering it useless. Gah.

I got a foot rash and they gave me potassium permanganate. Wth?

I was exchanging pleasantries with a Malay cleaner one morning and she was complaining that it was hot. I refrained from reminding her that she could solve that expeditiously by removing her tudung :)

I bought a can of Heaven And Earth tea a few weeks back. "Orchid Tea" looked interesting... Till I looked at the side and found out it was Oolong. Gah.


[On people impersonating officers] Some guy with the colonel rank... You are very suspicious... Kanina, chao private... Bangla (a)

E-mart got a lot of rank. It's whether you dare to wear or not. One day I shave my moustache... 2 stars. General Ang - everyone salute me (sells many ranks, them or, can shave, everyone will)

[On the Singapore Propaganda Centre, aka the Singapore Discovery Centre] Not many people visit nowadays. Soldiers from BMT go right (go there)

What is ironical (ironic)

Look at you, so cute... RJ guy. I like you. My cousin is also from RJ. Act and talk like you (Acts, talks)

[Ops Sergeant to me] Please downgrade [Mimes praying to me]

[On the 20 finalists in the New Paper New Face competition 2002] All cannot make it ah

[On the SCGS uniform] I actually like the uniform. If I were an attractive girl the uniform would make me look better than, say, a Raffles Guys one eh... Maybe I'm just slutty... Think my fave's SC now:) RGS uniform's so schoolgirl yuck. For japanese fetish-pervs only. (sms)

Everytime I go to S1 department, heehee, haha. Either you all make fun of Chief Clerk or Chief Clerk make fun of you all (the Chief, she makes)

Perhaps my drive to narrate is sputtering, or I just felt very sian. There were actually quite a few things I thought of scribbling down, but I decided against it.
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