the rgs pinafore has a nice colour
not the new ones!
[Ed: Do I sense a trend?!?!?!?]
they claim its "closer to the original rgs uniform color"
and that my dark blue/almost black ones are the ones that are off
Colour Sample
the one on the left is my color.. approx.. my friend did this.. and the other type are the approx colors.. somewhere between there.. taking into consideration the color fades
[Ed: With my anemic Paint Shop Pro Skills, I have brewed up a more or less correct colour sample. Behold the power of my mighty hand!

New Colour (2002)

Old Colour
Editor's Note: Referring to the 1986 Yearbook that I somehow had in my house, I saw that, on one of the 2 sole pages with colour, some of the girls were wearing pinafores approximating the new colour, so there may be a grain of truth in the school's assertation.
Maybe it's to prepare them for RJ's purple uniforms

I draw your attention, especially, to the girl second from the right.
Appparently they started a petition. Which didn't work. Well, the new colour looks like the prefects' skirts' colour. Conspiracy theory: Bibi and Baba wanted to save money on different materials and dyes for Prefects' and normal skirts
On an unrelated note, most of the people in the 1986 yearbook look terrible, and it's not just 1980s hairstyles. Maybe it's something to do with RJ people looking worse and worse every year - it goes in a cycle, first going up, then down, then up again.]