When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, August 19, 2002

Haven't posted for quite a long time, but The Associate seems to be going into *pretty* deep stuff here. And hey, I like VCDs, and technology, and books, and stuff. Sadly, i'm in the Army, though. (Read: has no time to get a life)

MSN IM is evil, and whoever tries to tell you otherwise is:
1. already brainwashed thoroughly by Microsoft
2. clueless about other IM programs (notably Trillian, among others)
3. Not using Windows XP, and not using MSN IM.
4. someone who couldn't care less any way
5. not a geek
6. stupid. In which case you shouldn't be talking to them anyway.

By the by, ICQlite now tells you when the other person is typing, also, and has a low footprint (4 meg), fast startup, and still supports most popular ICQ features without much of the bloat.

Haven't posted for a while because I've been preoccupied with quite a few things, notably:

1. Farland Symphony. This little-known RPG by a small Japanese/Taiwanese company TGL is addictive, due to its very likeable characters, and the engaging dialogue. If you can find it, and if you understand Japanese/Chinese, do yourself a favour and play it through. Quite fun.

2. Warcraft 3. Which tends to crash on me with a instant-restart. I'm told it's because of my Geforce2MX + Sblive combo. It's already cost me 4 wins on bnet.

3. Japanese Classes and Tuition, which take up lots of time a week.

last point before I stop: Spark v1.0 Magnetic seems to be missing the point of this blog :) If memory doesn't fail me, one of the fundamental aims of this blog was to be bo liao . That, of course, entails posting about the most inane, boring, and quite possibly pointless things we encounter, largely because we have too much time on our hands sometimes, and even when we don't we just want someplace to write stuff like this. Not that we care if anyone is reading stuff like this or not :) (which prompts the question "Why write it in the first place?", which requires a reply requiring much consideration, which would then make the reply not bo liao which would then be anathema to the sole reason why this blog exists anyway.)

(Actually, in all honesty, I don't know why I post bo liao things on this blog. I daresay the time can be better spent doing something else.)
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