Monday, July 08, 2002
I went back today to get my RJ Yearbook and A level cert. Originally I was going to go with Julian, but he was incommunicado due to camp duty and a flat handphone battery (hasn't he heard of chargers?), so I went with Bunny (and now Turtle) Killer instead.
On meeting Bunny Killer, I got poked by his spiked hair. Ah, the poseur streak in him has been exaggerated by his time spent in the decadent fraternities of Melbourne! Not only was his hair horribly spiked, he had a pair of expensive looking sunglasses around his neck, and he was wearing a shirt that would've been a Hot Shirt if it'd been a touch tighter. Such was the poseur look that he got picked up! But more on that later.
We had lunch at Black Angus, which offers a good set lunch. Reasonably priced, especially when compared with the horrific dinners. But we, or maybe just I, overestimated and ordered the Wild Wild West Onion, a third or so of which we ended bringing home.
My favourite Pioneer magazine writer took an MC today so he could go for a CAP gathering. Gah.
When we arrived in RJ, we went to visit TS 20. Indeed, my Commander poster is still there. Hell, the notice from last year about timetabling changes is there too. So much for an updated noticeboard. On the aforementioned poster, I wrote something to the effect of "I was here" and posted my website URL. Pity that the Commander quotes are all gone now, though. I also saw 2 photos on the wall, one of which had Yortsin in it!
If TS20 was bad, the Geographica board is worse! Looking at it, I saw some very familiar looking photos. They were of the Early 2000 Ghim Moh newspaper collection, the one where Andrew and I turned up half an hour before it ended, but got our Community Service hours for anyway. None of the people in the photos are in RJC anymore! Gah.
When we went to the staff room, we found Ms Ho (Poh Fun) there. For once, she wasn't wearing a skirt! Of course, she started talking to us, and bought us drinks. Inevitably, part of the conversation digressed into a GP discussion :)
Ironically, the Pepsi vending machine in the RJ canteen doesn't sell Pepsi. The washbasins on one side of the canteen have been redone. They are now covered with purple material (how fitting).
There were many people wandering around wearing their secondary school T-shirts. Luckily, there were no teachers around to give white slips. Then again, they wouldn't care, so.
We saw our RV juniors practicing their pieces for an Afternoon of Poetry and Music (20th July, which is one day after Andrew leaves - aww). They all look so shaggy and scruffy. Wilfred now looks like a drug addict. Yechao was wearing a Warcraft 3 shirt, and he was very proud of it. Maybe I should design a PONG shirt! And the junior I don't know looks like a horse (no offence), albeit of a different species from the horse 2 years older than me. So, coincidentally, I have one horse 2 years older than me and one 2 years younger, of opposite genders. And both are/were in Evil Cult and their Secondary School choirs. Yeh.
I'm happy to get my yearbook, and even my (dismal) cert but they've managed to make mistakes again. Where last year, CWC took over the Biology Society, this year the Astronomy Club and Raffles Players were totally left out! And to make it worse, they didn't even print enough Yearbook supplements, so presumably only those who were in those 2 ECAs will get the supplements. So, in the annals of history, it will be as if those 2 ECAs never existed!
There was a pinata in the shape of a ball in the Concourse. I would've whacked it but I didn't have a stick :)
Exiting RJC, I tripped over an orange mesh fence thing, and I uttered a louder than normal shriek, which was, in fact, on the highe end of a shriek. Returning to RJC because we'd not enquired about the students' directory that we'd paid for last year, and passing the same orange mesh fence, Andrew stepped on a wooden cuboid which hit me. And I shouted loudly this time. Must be my bad luck with that fence. And when we asked about the directories, we found that they were not available because Mr Leong hadn't given them to the office. Maybe it's an evil plot to get us to come back often.
Ghim Moh McDonald's has a "No Dogs" sign. Well presumably it's "No Dogs", because the sign has a "No" sign over a dog. Are dogs forbidden because they are haram? :0 In a unrelated matter, the float I got from that establishment had ice in it. Evil!
As mentioned earlier, Andrew got picked up. Due to his poser look, he attracted some attention. While we were in McDonalds, he noticed 3 girls looking furtively in our direction and giggling. When we exited the joint, I noticed them too, so while I made a call, I sidled forth such that both of us were in view of, and could view, the girls. They continued glancing not-so-stealthily and laughing. I wanted to go in and ask them what was so amusing, but Andrew ran off away from their view, and I only caught him when we were past the ATM beside the Soya Bean outlet. I tried to drag him back, but he resisted. Then, 2 of the girls ran out of McDonalds laughing. I went to ask them why they were so consumed by mirth, and they said that their friend, the one in a red shirt, liked Andrew. We were both very amused. A while later, when we'd crossed the road to part ways, the same 2 ran across to us and accosted him again. Apparently their red-shirted friend found Andrew cute, and wanted his handphone number, but they were disappointed when they found out he didn't have a handphone. In a typically Singlish tone, they kept saying their friend was "very good one". On enquiry of their age, they claimed that they were 31. When we said we were 19, they said we were 91, so. And when I told them that he was going back to Melbourne on the 19th, for some reason, they said Sydney was better. And so Andrew turned down the attentions of a 13 year old! :)
I need new shoes. My black dress shoes have gone missing, and I don't need track shoes to go to school anymore, so I'm free in my choice of footwear.
I saw a man with a tie riding a motorbike. How out of place.
I was pronounced chipmunky and intimidating today. Oh well.
Of course, my mother had nothing better to do, so when she looked at the RJ Yearbook's scholars section, she said "your name should be here". (...)
My brother-in-law and sister are going to London soon for 9 months (I think) to pursue post-tertiary education. So, among other things, I'll have no one left to fetch me to my camp in the middle of nowhere at night :(
I let someone sell me a lone ticket for a concert later. And it's free seating. Bah. Maybe I can sneak to the back and sit with Screwed Up Girl and friends.
On meeting Bunny Killer, I got poked by his spiked hair. Ah, the poseur streak in him has been exaggerated by his time spent in the decadent fraternities of Melbourne! Not only was his hair horribly spiked, he had a pair of expensive looking sunglasses around his neck, and he was wearing a shirt that would've been a Hot Shirt if it'd been a touch tighter. Such was the poseur look that he got picked up! But more on that later.
We had lunch at Black Angus, which offers a good set lunch. Reasonably priced, especially when compared with the horrific dinners. But we, or maybe just I, overestimated and ordered the Wild Wild West Onion, a third or so of which we ended bringing home.
My favourite Pioneer magazine writer took an MC today so he could go for a CAP gathering. Gah.
When we arrived in RJ, we went to visit TS 20. Indeed, my Commander poster is still there. Hell, the notice from last year about timetabling changes is there too. So much for an updated noticeboard. On the aforementioned poster, I wrote something to the effect of "I was here" and posted my website URL. Pity that the Commander quotes are all gone now, though. I also saw 2 photos on the wall, one of which had Yortsin in it!
If TS20 was bad, the Geographica board is worse! Looking at it, I saw some very familiar looking photos. They were of the Early 2000 Ghim Moh newspaper collection, the one where Andrew and I turned up half an hour before it ended, but got our Community Service hours for anyway. None of the people in the photos are in RJC anymore! Gah.
When we went to the staff room, we found Ms Ho (Poh Fun) there. For once, she wasn't wearing a skirt! Of course, she started talking to us, and bought us drinks. Inevitably, part of the conversation digressed into a GP discussion :)
Ironically, the Pepsi vending machine in the RJ canteen doesn't sell Pepsi. The washbasins on one side of the canteen have been redone. They are now covered with purple material (how fitting).
There were many people wandering around wearing their secondary school T-shirts. Luckily, there were no teachers around to give white slips. Then again, they wouldn't care, so.
We saw our RV juniors practicing their pieces for an Afternoon of Poetry and Music (20th July, which is one day after Andrew leaves - aww). They all look so shaggy and scruffy. Wilfred now looks like a drug addict. Yechao was wearing a Warcraft 3 shirt, and he was very proud of it. Maybe I should design a PONG shirt! And the junior I don't know looks like a horse (no offence), albeit of a different species from the horse 2 years older than me. So, coincidentally, I have one horse 2 years older than me and one 2 years younger, of opposite genders. And both are/were in Evil Cult and their Secondary School choirs. Yeh.
I'm happy to get my yearbook, and even my (dismal) cert but they've managed to make mistakes again. Where last year, CWC took over the Biology Society, this year the Astronomy Club and Raffles Players were totally left out! And to make it worse, they didn't even print enough Yearbook supplements, so presumably only those who were in those 2 ECAs will get the supplements. So, in the annals of history, it will be as if those 2 ECAs never existed!
There was a pinata in the shape of a ball in the Concourse. I would've whacked it but I didn't have a stick :)
Exiting RJC, I tripped over an orange mesh fence thing, and I uttered a louder than normal shriek, which was, in fact, on the highe end of a shriek. Returning to RJC because we'd not enquired about the students' directory that we'd paid for last year, and passing the same orange mesh fence, Andrew stepped on a wooden cuboid which hit me. And I shouted loudly this time. Must be my bad luck with that fence. And when we asked about the directories, we found that they were not available because Mr Leong hadn't given them to the office. Maybe it's an evil plot to get us to come back often.
Ghim Moh McDonald's has a "No Dogs" sign. Well presumably it's "No Dogs", because the sign has a "No" sign over a dog. Are dogs forbidden because they are haram? :0 In a unrelated matter, the float I got from that establishment had ice in it. Evil!
As mentioned earlier, Andrew got picked up. Due to his poser look, he attracted some attention. While we were in McDonalds, he noticed 3 girls looking furtively in our direction and giggling. When we exited the joint, I noticed them too, so while I made a call, I sidled forth such that both of us were in view of, and could view, the girls. They continued glancing not-so-stealthily and laughing. I wanted to go in and ask them what was so amusing, but Andrew ran off away from their view, and I only caught him when we were past the ATM beside the Soya Bean outlet. I tried to drag him back, but he resisted. Then, 2 of the girls ran out of McDonalds laughing. I went to ask them why they were so consumed by mirth, and they said that their friend, the one in a red shirt, liked Andrew. We were both very amused. A while later, when we'd crossed the road to part ways, the same 2 ran across to us and accosted him again. Apparently their red-shirted friend found Andrew cute, and wanted his handphone number, but they were disappointed when they found out he didn't have a handphone. In a typically Singlish tone, they kept saying their friend was "very good one". On enquiry of their age, they claimed that they were 31. When we said we were 19, they said we were 91, so. And when I told them that he was going back to Melbourne on the 19th, for some reason, they said Sydney was better. And so Andrew turned down the attentions of a 13 year old! :)
I need new shoes. My black dress shoes have gone missing, and I don't need track shoes to go to school anymore, so I'm free in my choice of footwear.
I saw a man with a tie riding a motorbike. How out of place.
I was pronounced chipmunky and intimidating today. Oh well.
Of course, my mother had nothing better to do, so when she looked at the RJ Yearbook's scholars section, she said "your name should be here". (...)
My brother-in-law and sister are going to London soon for 9 months (I think) to pursue post-tertiary education. So, among other things, I'll have no one left to fetch me to my camp in the middle of nowhere at night :(
I let someone sell me a lone ticket for a concert later. And it's free seating. Bah. Maybe I can sneak to the back and sit with Screwed Up Girl and friends.
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