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Sunday, October 21, 2001

Ooo, I've gotten 2 references to PMS at this time of month from RGS (Secondary 3 GEP) girls today. Could my theory be true?

Twas in Secondary 2 (?) that we were shown this video showing girls splashing around a waterfall, and the narrator was saying how the periods of girls who interacted a lot were synchronised.

Fast forward to early 2000, when I was walking out to Jelita with 1-2 friends. There were 3 Henry Park girls in front of us.

I was telling them about the synchronisation thing, and since RGS girls met each other ever day, the whole school would have synchronised periods.

"One day in Raffles Guys... *utters loud cry of pain and bends over clutching stomach*". The 3 girls yelped and ran forward.

The immediate analysis by my friend was that they were scared by 3 things:
- the word "menstruation"
- "Raffles Guys School" and
- of course, the cry of pain

Comment by someone, "You shouldn't scare young girls like that!!!!!!"

JCguide (aka V.A.G.I.N.A) has finally put up my review (with some modifications on their part)!

"Thursday, October 18, 2001

Someone sent us the RJC review (whoa automatic) and JCGuide touched up on its humour. Ooh yeah, finally."
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