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Wednesday, September 05, 2001

I like today's Lockergnome tip:

Lockergnomaniac Steven Neil Groginsky has submitted more tips to Lockergnome than any other person on the planet. Or universe, for that matter. This time around, he's playing with WinAmp. By default, the media player loads every plugin in the Plugin folder (even though all of them are not needed). Each (obviously) consumes system resources. "I created a sub-folder named 'Not in Use' and moved the plugins that I'm not currently using into it. WARNING: you have to make sure you know which filenames go with which plugins. Luckily, most of them install a text file with the same name. WinAmp may still load slowly, but at least I know I've done the most I can do -- and saved some memory and resources in the process." Along those WinAmp tweaking lines, how many skins do you have? Instead of keeping each in a separate sub-folder, ZIP them up to save disk space. Don't worry; WinAmp will unzip them automatically when you want to use them. But that's not all! Change the extension from ZIP to WSZ and you'll be able to apply the skin automatically by double-clicking it!

Lockergnome is a very interesting and useful computer newsletter.

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