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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Links - 17th November 2024 (2 - UK Migrant Riots)

VoxPopuli on X - "🇬🇧 Rotherham: An 11-year-old girl who previously reported she was sexually abused was found in a derelict house with another girl and a group of adult males. She was arrested for drunken disorderly, and none of the males were arrested.  Police officers dismissed a case where a 12-year-old girl was having sex with five Asian males as quote "100% consensual in every incident".  Fathers have tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from the houses where they were being abused only to find themselves arrested when police arrived to the scene.
Home Affairs Committee 09 Sep 2014.
Crompton retired with a ÂŁ2m pension in 2016."

MP calls for Wigan hotel to stop housing asylum-seekers after incident involving schoolgirl - "Security has been stepped up and the council is in talks with the firm managing asylum-seekers at a Wigan hotel amid claims of schoolgirls’ being watched and harassed.  Several parents from the Standish area have told wigantoday that they are stopping their daughters from going out because groups of men have allegedly been filming their PE lessons at the local high school, winking and passing comments at them in the street and, in one instance, surrounding a 12-year-old and filming her.  Wigan MP Lisa Nandy said she was appalled that the Britannia Hotel in Standish was being used to accommodate vulnerable asylum-seekers again, several years after both the Home Office and services operator Serco accepted that it was completely unsuitable for the purpose, and had done so with no notice or consultation with the police, council, herself or the local community.  And she demanded that the arrangement ends again as soon as possible."
From 2021. They should've arrested all the racist far right extremists earlier

Meme - ~~datahazard~~ @fentasyl: "The UK increased the number of Illegal Words or Writing cases it brings while achieving an ever higher conviction rate:
- 64% Convicted in 2012 (2425 of 3773)
- 79% Convicted in 2023 (4682 of 5964)
That's 61,100 cases & 45,000 convictions from 2012-2023, not including those who faced Summary Judgement.  Including Summary Judgements would increase these numbers by an additional 35,100 proceedings & 27,400 convictions -- combined, nearly 100,000 cases brought in total.  And, remember, everything in this graph is from before the current regime."
"8.13 Racially or religiously aggravated causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress - words or writing"
Clearly, the Tories are a far right party which promotes hate speech, so the UK needs even more legislation to "protect" "minorities"

Meme - "A reminder for the marxists lurking in the shadows here - 'Riots are the language of the unheard'

Meme - pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "they’re manifesting jail cells out of thin air for people who took to the streets outraged over the murder of three little girls but they’re refusing to jail child rapists bc “prison overcrowding.”  do you understand yet 🌞"
"Child rapist is spared jail due to the prison overcrowding crisis as judge admits 'it would have been virtually inevitable that you would have gone into custody'"
"UK riots: More than 500 new prison places released to deal with those behind disorder"
Anarcho-tyranny means crimes against the Regime must be cracked down on without mercy, but others are fine

Labour should put public safety first - "The Government is set to announce the early release of prisoners to avoid overcrowding, putting more than 20,000 criminals back on the streets in the near future.   Labour’s manifesto directly criticised the Conservative government for releasing prisoners early, and pledged to uphold the “basics of a safe, secure, law-abiding society” by ensuring “criminals will be punished”... It will be of slim comfort to the electorate that the scheme will have exemptions for what are described as sexual and serious violent offenders. It is a phrasing which leaves open the question of who, exactly, might qualify as a non-serious violent offender, and who exactly we might soon find ourselves standing next to on the street.  Even setting this aside, it is difficult to believe that the early release of shoplifters, burglars and other thieves will do a great deal to improve people’s sense of personal safety.   The new prisons minister, James Timpson, is a decent man who has done a great deal to improve the prospects of those released from our jails. However, his view that Britain is “addicted to punishment” is wrong-headed.   Britain is not “addicted to punishment”, but to offering second, third, and fourth chances to those already found to present a danger to society. It is depressingly common to read about a brutal crime and subsequently be presented with a long list of the perpetrator’s previous offences.   It is a state of affairs that sits extremely poorly alongside Parliament’s love of creating new criminal offences in knee-jerk responses to high profile events.   The result is a society which simultaneously seems to be bound up in an ever-increasing number of laws, while feeling increasingly lawless; politicians trumpet new regulations even as offences go unattended."

Agony for mother of teen killed in machete attack after learning one of his killers will be released after just SIX MONTHS due to prison overcrowding under new Labour scheme - "The mother of a teenage boy who was killed in a machete attack faces fresh agony today after being told one of his killers will be released just six months into his jail term due to prison overcrowding.  Gordon Gault, 14, died in hospital six days after he was attacked with a blade during an ongoing feud in Elswick, Newcastle, in November 2022.  After a trial at Newcastle Crown Court Carlos Neto, 18, and Lawson Natty, also 18, were convicted of manslaughter and unlawful wounding.  Neto, from Manchester, was jailed for nine years and two months, while Natty, from Newcastle, was handed two years and eight months at their sentence hearings in March.  But Gordon's mum Dionne Barrett was left devastated when she received a letter confirming Natty's early release at the weekend... Although those convicted of sex offences and domestic abuse are exempt, other violent offenders, including killers convicted of manslaughter, can be released."
Clearly, killing someone in a machete attack is not a serious violent offence. If you protest this, you are a racist far right extremist and need to go to prison yourself

Man freed early from UK prison allegedly assaulted woman on same day - "A man is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman on the day he was freed from prison under the government’s early release scheme.  The controversial scheme, which allows some prisoners to be released after serving 40% of their sentence, came into force on Tuesday to ease overcrowding in prisons in England and Wales... The government’s early release policy, which reduces the proportion of sentences some inmates must serve from 50% to 40%, does not apply to criminals serving sentences for sexual offences, serious violent offences with a sentence of four years or more and certain offences connected to domestic abuse such as stalking and nonfatal strangulation.  However, criminals serving prison sentences of less than four years for some violent offences – including manslaughter – can be released, as can some criminals with a history of domestic violence"

My ex threatened to orphan our children — now he’s being released early - "A woman who was nearly killed by her ex-husband has branded the government’s early prison release scheme “unbelievably cruel” for victims. Elizabeth Hudson said she had been informed last week that her attacker could be freed in December, nine months earlier than scheduled. Martin Underwood, currently at HMP Lindholme, near Doncaster, was sentenced in February 2023 to a total of six years and three months for attacking Hudson and a subsequent partner. He had originally been due to be released next September. However, Hudson received a “very, very cold letter” from the Victim Contact Scheme notifying her that he could be released under a home detention curfew after serving just 38 per cent of his sentence... The government has sought to exclude domestic abusers from the scheme but there is no single offence for domestic abuse, so it chose to exempt only those convicted of offences specific to domestic violence, such as coercive control, non-fatal strangulation, harassment, stalking and breach of a restraining order. Underwood qualifies for the scheme because his convictions — for threats to kill and assault occasioning actual bodily harm — are broader offences not specific to domestic abuse... Hudson also accused the government of hypocrisy by bringing in an early release scheme that did not exclude all domestic abusers given Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge to halve violence against women and girls within a decade. He has also pledged to treat male violence against women on a par with terrorism... Hudson escaped and the police were called to the scene. She told The Times: “If I hadn’t been able to escape, I wouldn’t be talking to you now.” Underwood went on to attack his next partner just 16 months later, while on police bail... The early release scheme exempts prisoners with sentences for violent offences of over four years. The prison service has separated Underwood’s sentence by his two attacks, which means he remains eligible."

Cal đŸŽó §ó ąó „ó źó §ó ż on X - "Our government is releasing violent criminals and women abusers in order to lock up people who make mean tweets. Disgusting."

Drill rapper 'Young Dizz' who tortured boy walks free on early release - "A gang member and drill rapper jailed for kidnapping and torturing a 16-year-old boy has walked free from prison as part of Labour’s early release scheme.  Isaac Donkoh, 28, who went by the street name ‘Young Dizz’, posted selfies from the back of a ÂŁ140,000 Land Rover after regaining his freedom yesterday.  He was handed a 12-and-a-half-year sentence in April 2019 but got out along with 1,200 other inmates in a second wave of early releases under the Government’s policy to free up prison space...   He was forced to strip naked as Donkoh filmed him on his iPhone and threatened to ‘cut him up’.  The victim was whacked over his face, back, legs and arms with a metal pole and some of his hair was chopped off with scissors.  The boy was forced to call his parents and beg for ÂŁ1,500 to secure his release... ‘Donkoh fronted drill music videos for his gang which goaded rivals and recruited boys as young as 14 to commit serious violence...  â€˜The government is moving too loose they releasing all the villains for a final battle.’"

Haggis_UK 🇬🇧 đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș on X - "#bbclaurak: Do you think we are a racist country?
Keir Starmer: "No... We are a country of decent, tolerant people... the real Britain was the people that came out the day after... they are the real face of Britain."
Carl Benjamin on X - "The "racists" who don't want children stabbed are not real British people, according to the prime minister. Absolutely chilling that not only can he not empathise with the English, he views them as frauds in their own country."

Meme - Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray: "This man, identified by the British courts as Wayne O’Rourke, was arrested for these posts. His crime? Criticizing the establishment. Dark times for the UK when you can be imprisoned for making fun of the government."

Meme - "Two years in prison for waving an English flag in England. The UK justice system is broken."
"South Yorkshire police gave 'no arrest' deal to Rotherham grooming gang ringleader"
"Teenager who waved England flag near North Yorkshire Islamic centre jailed"
Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Insane. If you commit a violent crime, you won't be prosecuted. But don't even think about expressing your opinion on social media about this, because that will result in a prison sentence. World upside down."
"Police are increasingly letting knife and sex offenders escape prosecution if they say sorry, The Telegraph can reveal"

Meme - Culture War @CultureWar2020: ""You took a knee for BLM" "You wore rainbow for Pride" "But you dress for WAR with Concerned Parents" "Shame on YOU"  Smash 🔔to stay informed  #Hull #Stoke #StopTheBoats #SaveOurChildren #TwoTierKeir #Sunderland #Southport #Liverpool #Belfast #UK #Bradford #UniteTheKingdom #EnoughisEnough #Bolton #Bristol #Manchester"
"Rocks being pelted at police in Middlesbrough. Smash to stay informed #Hull #Stoke #StopTheBoats #SaveOurChildren #TwoTierKeir #Sunderland #Southport #Liverpool #Belfast #UK #Bradford #UniteTheKingdom"

Meme - Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius: "UK: Two Immigrant cousins attacked a British man, cut his face and punctured his eye because he objected to them filming his girlfriend.  The court sentenced them to 200 hours community service and anger management sessions.  British men have literally went to 12+ months prison for “racist” posts but immigrants can attack Brits without any consequences."
"Cousins launch 'life changing' attack on man after filming his girlfriend in bar. Sahaar and Cyrus Malik turned on a man after he disapproved of his girlfriend being filmed"

“You Can’t Have A Phobia Of A Set Of Ideas” | New Islamophobia Definition For Debate By Keir Starmer - YouTube - "'The problem you've got  obviously with this islamophobia definition is that Islam is a religious  set of ideas about both the metaphysics  of reality, you know what, what is God? Is  there a God? Who is his messenger? Does he  have a son or not? Things like that. And  then a set of legal codes and a set of  social practices as to how to live your  life as well. Those are ideas and  those ideas can be praised, they can be  lived by, or they can be challenged. You can't have a phobia of a set of ideas. And  when you start having a definition of this, then you  start making it very difficult to criticise this. Now I'm not a Muslim, so I don't  necessarily think that the prophet  Muhammad had these revelations in the  year 632, 636.'
'But it doesn't make  you Islamophobic to question whether or  not they're worth listening to"
"Correct.  In the same way that I don't necessarily  believe in the full set of of Hindu  ideas or Christianity, or anything else'
'I mean  there are plenty of people who you can  find walking around the streets of  London or Britain uh who don't believe  in God of any kind. You know, does that make  you Islamophobic?'...
'My old boss [sp?] Zahawi just now. Born  in Baghdad, grew up there. His great grand  uncle was a poet. In the 1920s Baghdad  used to write poetry attacking the veil, the hijab and saying this is a  terribly backward thing, we don't need to  have this. If he could do that in the  1920s Baghdad, we should be able to have  conversations of things associated with  Islam and cultural things today'
'If you've got  a rule against people being racist,  that's fine. Leave it at that. Don't pick  out. that you have to have a special  second ruling for people who are Islamic  or people who are Hindus or people who  are you know Christians or people who  are you know I don't know um worshippers  of of the Pagan god. Um, you know, Odin. Or  whatever, you know they go to Stonehenge  every day.  You know, have just a regular  law if you wish which protects people  from being abused. But you don't have to  be specific about every single religion'
'No, and again the biggest people who  suffer from this are the many many  millions of British Muslims who don't  have any these sort of problematic ideas,  because they will be fighting against  the hardcore types in those communities,  and when they get gaslit by well-meaning  white liberal types... makes it more more difficult  for the moderates and the the Liberals  in those communities'...
'I know plenty of people who live  and operate and work in the Middle East , um people talk about how the Saudis um  the UAE, all of those countries in in  that particularly difficult part of the  world have kind of rejected um the crazy  um Islamic types, you know the the the  sort of Iranian type uh the you know  theocracy. Um and they're kicking them  all out and they're all coming here'"

Big Brother’s Censorship Will Harm Those They Claim to Protect - "One would think that the British government would have a little more self-awareness before going on about vague threats to surveil and censor the speech of its citizens, but they decided to make a real dog’s dinner of it. The response online was overwhelmingly negative, with many critical and mocking references to 1984 and the Declaration of Independence.  But however well-intentioned or misguided, they may not be alone in their sentiments. In fact, Americans are increasingly open to censorship and restrictions on their speech that are similar to what we have seen in Europe and elsewhere. So it’s worth looking at the current row in the UK to show how quickly what may seem well-intentioned can lead to harmful censorship and threaten individual liberty, democracy, and social progress...   But issues like misinformation or hate speech are not always black and white. As the past few years have shown, sometimes it’s the established narrative from governments and experts that is actually wrong, and we should be concerned about the potential discourse on important topics silenced in the process.  Such censorship has long been used to silence dissidents in totalitarian regimes, but even more worrying is that many democratic nations seem to be more comfortable with the idea the government can enforce the truth or stop hate. Indeed, research shows that democracies worldwide are increasingly censoring their citizens in a dangerous “free speech recession.” Speech laws aimed to “protect” certain groups may even make things worse. Vague hate speech laws will almost inevitably be turned against even those they are meant to protect. In 2012, a Muslim British teenager was convicted for aggressively criticizing the deaths of Afghan civilians at the hands of British soldiers. Pro-immigration, pro-trans medicine, pro-abortion, or pro-Muslim or Palestinian statements could be viewed by others as inciting hatred that is anti-British, anti-woman, anti-Christian, or anti-Jewish and Israeli. Censorship is always a double-edged sword that cannot be carefully wielded only by the “right” people at the “right” times.  And by policing thought crimes, the UK is preventing its citizens from using their words to express their views regarding a high-profile and emotionally charged issue. With no peaceful way to make their voice heard, some will turn to violence as the only remaining option."

UK Riots Show Expose Two-Tier Policing and a Two-Tier Judiciary - "Law enforcement’s response to the chaos has renewed claims of “two-tier policing,” the idea in the United Kingdom that the police treat right-wingers more severely than they do other groups. According to the British mainstream media, two-tier policing is a “far-right conspiracy theory,” a “myth,” a “trope,” and a “laughable” notion, even though such publications previously condemned the police force as irreparably biased in other ways. Despite the media’s narrative, the British increasingly believe “two-tier policing” exists: A recent YouGov poll in Britain found that a third of respondents think that “those of the far-right” are treated more strictly by the police, while over 20 percent said “climate activists” and “those of the far left” are treated more leniently. But regardless of whether there is two-tier policing targeting right-wing individuals, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests a two-tier judiciary in the United Kingdom, wherein speech or protest deemed dangerous is punished harshly while other behavior brings about sentences akin to a time-out on the playground.  The same judges who sentence rioters to time behind bars prescribe sunshine and an outdoor lifestyle to other criminals. This month, for example, Judge Mark Bury sentenced three men to over two years in prison each for violent disorder at a riot against immigration. Yet just a few weeks ago, Judge Bury advised Simon Pritchett, who possessed several hundred indecent images of children, to “get out more” because “what you have been doing over an 18-month period is downloading and retaining indecent images of children and extreme pornography images.” Rather than sentence Pritchett to prison, Bury suggested that he “get some fresh air and meet people.” After all, Pritchett lived in a coastal town. The judiciary is also severely punishing those whose conduct and speech might have facilitated the riots. Judge Benedict Kelleher, for instance, sentenced David Spring to 18 months in prison for threatening gestures toward police and joining chants of “who the f*** is Allah?” Kelleher told Spring that “what you did could and it seems did encourage others to engage in disorder,” and merited a punishment to deter others from similar conduct. Yet this very month, that same judge gave Ozzie Cush only a 46-week detention for assaulting a police officer at a demonstration. Cush already had two prior convictions related to criminal damage. In Kelleher’s court, it seems, blasphemous speech and threatening gestures toward the police deserve more punishment than actual physical attacks on them... Even online speech in relatively private settings prompts U.K. judges to issue prison time if that speech codes as right-wing. Meanwhile, speech at left-wing protests gets no such treatment. In 2022, Judge Tan Ikram sent James Watts to prison for 20 weeks after Watt sent memes mocking George Floyd to a group chat. Later, Ikram gave no punishment to three women who were charged under the Terrorism Act for attending a pro-Palestinian protest while wearing jackets that had images of Hamas-inspired paragliders — even though they were all found guilty. (Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ikram was caught liking a LinkedIn post that called for a “Free Palestine.”) Judges hand harsh sentences to criminals out of sympathy for their victims’ enduring trauma — provided that such trauma stems from racist speech, not sexual misconduct. Judge Rupert Lowe, for instance, sentenced Ryan Ferguson to nine months in jail for racially aggravated abuse due to comments he shouted at a football player. Yet Lowe gave no jail time to Nicholas Chapman, a doctor who repeatedly put his semen in coffee and gave it to a woman. Chapman claimed to have a medical condition that caused him to routinely ejaculate when using the bathroom, and that his semen wound up in the drinks because he didn’t properly wash his hands, a defense Lowe called “implausible.” Nevertheless, Lowe told Chapman in the course of his light sentencing that “you are an intelligent professional of previous good character with good references.” (The victim didn’t offer a positive reference; instead, she stated that “I have to accept that the mental and emotional trauma I have suffered throughout this will always remain with me in some way.”) In Britain, it seems that animals have more rights than women and children. Judge Michael Stokes gave a twelve-month prison sentence to Keith Littlewood, a farmer who admitted to hygiene and animal cruelty, telling him that “You have betrayed that duty towards your own animals.” Yet he gave no prison sentence to Adil Rashid, an 18-year-old Muslim who had sex with a 13-year-old girl whom he met online... Nor did Stokes give any prison time to Jamie Thompson, who had been filmed physically abusing a young girl and admitted to cruelty. Regarding this decision, Stokes explained that “defendants who are under severe stress or a genuine mental condition or disorder at the time of the offense should not be sent to prison.”   Indeed, the British courts evaluate the mental state of a defendant, which includes punishing perceived right-leaning thoughts harsher than behaviors associated with child predators... Maybe, just maybe, there isn’t a two-tier police or judiciary. Perhaps the United Kingdom’s courts are simply a casino where judges play sentencing roulette. David Walker, a man with 17 prior convictions for 23 offenses, pleaded guilty to a charge of assault against an emergency worker in 2022. Judge Bayliss did not send Walker behind bars, despite noting that “it’s against my better judgement.” Bayliss told Walker to “just go before I change my mind, count yourself very lucky indeed.” Certainly, there are people who get lucky in the British courts, and I’m ready to place bets: Anything — protest, speech, emojis, stickers, or perceived thoughts — that can be tenuously associated with the “far right” warrants time in a correctional facility to punish those who have committed wrong-think, and further warn everyone else"

Meme - GOV.UK @GOVUK: "Think before you post. *1984 Big Brother*"

pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "Judge Jeremy Richardson sentenced grandfather Peter Lynch to 2 years in prison for making “racist remarks” outside of a migrant hotel. Lynch has now committed suicide.  Richardson previously let a pedophile walk free because he considered it “cruel” to jail him."

Meme - "disclaimer, I don't condone violence in any way. I think the insidious identity politics espoused by the left are masking a bigger issue - class divide. I live in an underprivileged town in Essex. The streets I grew up on have changed beyond belief. There are Albanian and Somali drug gangs running amok, knife crime out of control, drugs dealt in our streets in broad daylight, and you no doubt saw the scenes from Southend last weekend. My teenage daughter can't go out with her friends as I did at her age. Men who don't speak English harass them. Her school has put out messages warning about it. For months, years, myself and my neighbours have been wondering how anyone could not want to challenge it. Why all Brits weren't as saddened and angry as us. Then yesterday, I went to Henley on Thames on a work event. I drove past rolling fields, public schools, yacht clubs and posh hotels. Saw little boys about my son's age walking together down country lanes holding a football, laughing (my son can't go to our local park to play football, as recently, two young boys have been robbed there at knifepoint). Driving along, gawping like a goldfish at the England I remember from my childhood, that I haven't seen in so long, I thought "no wonder". No wonder middle and upper classes chalk all this up to racism and hyperbole. No wonder they dismiss our concerns and write us off as unintelligent right wing scumbags. They've genuinely got no idea have they? Their towns and streets aren't dangerous, dirty, crime-ridden hellholes. No council is paying to create houses of multiple occupancy in areas where a square foot of land sets you back more than 7 flats will in a working class area. The divide is not in colour, not in race, this is a class war. And Keir Starmer has effectively declared war on the working class, treating us with contempt and disinterest. These riots aren't a reaction to the horrors of Southport, they're a culmination of years of anger, despair and disenfranchisement. The working class people of the UK have no voice, no agency and no representation. Keir Starmer's Two-Tier approach to enforcing law and order only provides further evidence of this and further fuel to the fire."

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