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Monday, September 30, 2024

Links - 30th September 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Meme - Phil Magness @PhilWMagness: "Just a reminder that this same University of Utah professor defended pro-Hamas protesters who painted a swastika on a synagogue a few months ago.  Now he thinks that acknowledging the victims of Stalin is tantamount to "Holocaust denial""
Marshall Steinbaum @Econ_Marshall: "This is a form of Holocaust denial."
Pierre Poilievre @PierrePoilievr: "On the 85th anniversary of Black Ribbon Day, we remember the victims of Soviet Socialism & National Socialism (Nazism). May we never forget the countless atrocities ..."
Weird. Usually left wingers claim that caring about one thing doesn't mean caring less about something else. But of course that only applies to their obsession with trivial bullshit that pushes the left wing agenda

Thread by @YasMohammedxx on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "On March 11, 1978, Dalal Mughrabi, a 19-year-old Palestinian woman, led a group of 13 terrorists from Lebanon by boat and landed on an Israeli beach between the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa. Realizing that they had missed their target destination of Tel Aviv, the group casually ate lunch on the beach, then ran into nature photographer Gail Rubin, a New Yorker and the niece of a U.S. senator. They asked her for directions to Tel Aviv and then Mughrabi shot Rubin point blank. They flagged down a taxi, killed its occupants and began driving to Tel Aviv. En route, they hijacked a bus full of civilians and proceeded to shoot Kalashnikovs and toss grenades at passing vehicles. They killed one of the bus passengers, tossed the body from the vehicle and carried on.   They commandeered a second bus, piling the surviving passengers from the first vehicle onto the second one, amassing 70 hostages. After blasting through successive barricades, the bus was finally stopped by a roadblock just outside the northern edge of Tel Aviv. The terrorists launched a firefight with sub-machine guns, grenades and explosives against ill-prepared and lightly armed officers. When the battle ended, 37 Israelis and one American, among them 13 children, were dead. Another 71 were wounded. It remained the deadliest terror attack in Israeli history until October 7. On International Women’s Day 2020, the official Palestinian Authority TV celebrated Mughrabi and other female terrorists: “They are the mothers of the leaders and the sisters of the heroes. They are the praiseworthy rebels who have carried the weapons and created generations of educated people.” A photo was tagged: “Heroic Martyr Dalal Mughrabi.” Today, throughout Palestine, Mughrabi’s photo adorns posters and T-shirts. “Sisters of Dalal” groups exist on university campuses. In 2010, a town square was named in her honor. In 2017, a women’s center was named in honor of Mughrabi, funded in part by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the government of Norway. “We are all Dalal Mughrabi,” the New York Times quoted a member of the Fatah Central Committee saying at the dedication. “For us she is not a terrorist [but] a fighter who fought for the liberation of her own land.”  A 22-year-old who attended the ceremony said, “Dalal sacrificed for her country and is a symbol for every Palestinian girl.” There is nothing unusual in Palestinian society about the treatment of Mughrabi’s memory. The celebration of Palestinian “martyrs” is at the heart of the ongoing conflict and is part of a comprehensive strategy of incitement, of inculcating especially in the young a sense of the rightness of violence and a legitimacy of maximalist “resistance,” even as an alternative to negotiated peace. Palestinians from the youngest ages are encouraged to admire those who have died for the cause, to aspire to emulate them and, not coincidentally, to develop an intensively nurtured grievance-based loathing of Israelis and Jews... As a Palestinian woman, it pains me to confirm every syllable of the above. After Israeli hostages were shot in the head, Israel is facilitating polio vaccines in Gaza. The stark contrast between the people who value life and the people who value death is so remarkably clear. I grew up valuing death. I understand that mindset. I was born and raised and lived that mindset. Those of you who have never seen it are loathed to believe it’s true because it’s just too evil. It can’t be real. Humans are not like that. I envy you. I would love to live in the head of a person who does not intimately and viscerally understand that this is the devastating truth. The devastating reality. The people whose lives are in danger do not have the same luxury as you. We can’t pretend it’s not real. Like every person in Israel, I know it’s real. Like them, I feel the cold steel on my neck everyday. Also like them, I know what it feels like to scream for help and to have people’s eyes skim past yours to settle empathetically on the the evil behind you. How much must we scream? How much must we bleed? When will the world start to see that as they ignore our cries and our blood, theirs will be next?
Sultan Abu al-Einein, an adviser to Abbas on civil society organizations and a Fatah Central Committee member, said in a 2016 interview with the Palestinian news site Donia al-Watan:   If you ask me my blunt position, I would say — every place you find an Israeli, slit his throat. Likewise, I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation."

David Andrew Jaffe's answer to Why doesn't Israel allow Palestinians to have free access to Jerusalem? - Quora - "First of all, I live in Jerusalem. I see Palestinians everyday, everywhere. One of the greatest lookout areas of Jerusalem (Haas Promenade) is filled all the time with Palestinians. They work out next to me in the gym, sit next to me waiting in line for the doctors, and yell at clerks at the banks, just like the rest of us.  So you might mean something different than what your question sounds like. But there are TONS of Palestinians in and around central areas of Jerusalem, completely free of any issues whatsoever.  I know everyone wants pretend like Israel’s treatment of Arabs is akin to blacks in the US in the 60s or in apartheid South Africa. This is provable nonsense. In every way. A Jew on the street is no better in any way than a Palestinian.  Now, if your question is not really about Palestinians but about specific Palestinians, like Gazans for example, than the question at least makes sense. But so does the extraordinarily obvious answer!  Palestinians can go anywhere they’d like to on the extremely strict conditions of they are not allowed to kill people.  I know some people might take issue with that. If it’s a free country, with freedom of religion, and they have religious leaders dictating they must kill Jews, it is obviously very wrong for the Israeli government to place restrictions and prevent this.  Nevertheless, I must take issue with that idea.  Listen closely: The Israeli government sees the protection of its citizens as a value. There have been many Palestinians throughout the years who have entered Israeli territories and murdered thousands of Israelis. So the government takes precautions to prevent this from happening. And that equals some people sometimes cannot enter Jerusalem.  Please tell me under these situations how anyone reasonable person would do things differently."

Rachel Streich's answer to Why didn’t Britain establish a homeland for the Zionists on its own land instead of sending them to occupy Palestine and exterminate its people? - Quora - "Britain didn’t “send” Zionists to occupy Palestine or exterminate anyone.  There have always been Jews living in the region you call Palestine, since ancient times.  There have always been Jews coming home to Eretz Yisroel from other parts of the world in small numbers, since ancient times.  In the 1800’s, when the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who ruled the area you call Palestine, gave permission, organized groups of Jews began buying land in Eretz Yisroel from absentee landowners and moving there to escape persecution and discrimination in the countries where they had been living in exile.  They settled down, worked to improve their land (draining swamps, irrigating deserts), planted crops, built towns and cities, and tried to get along with their Arab neighbors. But it was the Arabs who frequently refused to get along with their Jewish neighbors and instigated violence against them.  By the time the Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I and the British took over the administration of Palestine under a Mandate from the League of Nations, the presence of a significant Jewish population in the land was an already-established fact that the British had nothing to do with.  In fact, due in increasing violence by Arabs against Jews, and pressure from Arab leaders, the British severely limited immigration to Mandatory Palestine by Jews in the 1930’s and 1940’s, at the exact time when Jews across Europe were desperately trying to get out of Europe to escape Nazi persecution and genocide.  As for “extermination” of Arabs in Palestine, nothing like that ever happened while the British were in control of Palestine, or at any time after.  About 700,000 Arabs left their homes within Israel’s borders when Israel declared independence in 1948, because Arab leaders asked them to clear the way for an all-out Arab assault on Israel, and assured them that the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq would quickly destroy all the Jews and then the refugees would be able to come home and take the Jews’ property.  Unfortunately for them, the Jews won the war. Those Arabs who didn’t leave when Israel declared independence (about 150,000) became Israeli citizens and have lived in peace with their Jewish neighbors ever since.  Now, 76 years later, those 700,000 Arabs who left have become 5 million plus “Palestinian refugees”. So….where is the “extermination” you speak of?"

Goldfinger's answer to How can the U.S. ensure accountability for incidents like the shooting of American activists in the West Bank? - Quora - "Enact a law that says the moment an American citizen joins a terrorist organization like Hamas, or lends them material support, they automatically lose their US citizenship. That way, when they get killed in a battle zone, which is all of Israel at the moment, nobody gives a FCK.  I don’t see your outcry for the American hostages who were murdered in cold blood by Hamas or others. If you are a hypocrite and you’re posting on these pages against Israel, best you find another hobby.  We are coming for them all. Every last one, AND their supporters. One of the ‘silent rules’ of the Middle East is, “If you support terrorism against us in any way/shape/form, your life is forfeit from that point onward.”"

Jay Horowitz's answer to What are the implications of calling for an independent probe into the killing of US activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the West Bank? - Quora - "I am not sure why people are so outraged that a person decided to participate in a war and got killed. I have visited Israel three times, the last time, being nine years ago for my godson’s BarMitzvah. He suggested that he and I visit The Toumb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, in the West Bank. That area, like Jenin is a volatile area with frequent battles between Jew and Palestinians. Hell no. I had no desire to put myself into a war that doesn’t involve my own country. She made a decision to participate in a war and paid a price, that many war participants pay."

Meme - James Lindsay, anti-Communist @ConceptualJames: ""Palestine" is not the issue. The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution."
Venn diagram with circles: Racism, Capitalism, Patriarchy, Settler Colonialism, Environmental Terrorism
The left wing agenda is all connected

Takezo Thot on X - "So fighting for Palestine is fighting against toxic masculinity and misoginy ? Have you ever heard of Islam ?"
paul worth on X - "Great Illustration of Intersectionality - place revolution in the middle. However, the common target is always moving. Wasn't Trans in the center ring yesterday?"
David Carlyon on X - "That is like a diagram of the woke brain, but the center is always changing to whatever the Current Thing is."
Jared Vennett on X - "Someone made a visual of all the “species” of the Marxist “genus” Great visual of your explanation"
Trygve Taranger on X - "It is funny to see a Venn diagram like this for Palestine, because I distinctly recall reading a book which basically said the exact same thing. About Trump."
Kiwi BOSS on X - "This is their "QAnon"."
JPB Liberty on X - "Wow! Does that mean if Israel completely destroys "palestine" and disperses the Arabs claiming this fake name to the 4 winds then all this woke leftist BS will disappear. Totally worth it."
Blueblur on X - "Remember, the revolution is always uniquely against Western civilization."

Oren Barsky 🎗️ on X - "This clip of @DouglasKMurray   on @PiersUncensored     has been circulating online, and I imagine many of you  have seen it by now (if not, it’s worth watching).  For this reason, I won’t address his comments directly,  but rather focus on a hidden meaning within his words  that many seem to overlook.  Douglas begins by stating that you can’t hold the leader  of a democratic nation to the same standards as the  leaders of a terrorist organization.  And here lies a critical insight that needs to be brought  to light.  Many in the West view events in the Middle East through  their own lens—shaped by their values and beliefs,  which are rooted in one basic principle:
LOGIC.  In their minds, it seems logical that a person would want  to live a good and peaceful life.  It seems logical that they’d want their family and  children to have a better present and future.  It seems logical that a country would strive to improve  the lives of its citizens.  It seems logical to want to live and let live.  But that’s a mistake.
You can’t analyze the Middle East through a Western  lens. But many still refuse to accept this.  They don’t want what you in the West think people  want.  You shout “Free Palestine” because it seems logical to  you that this is what the Palestinians want.  But they were already free—Israel withdrew, and along  with the rest of the world, provided resources they could  have taken advantage of.   They had democratic elections. And what did they  choose?  They chose an extremist Islamist organization that  believes in a global Islamic caliphate.  They chose not to be democratic. They chose not to  choose anymore.   They chose not to be free.
Now, because you refuse to understand this, we witness all sorts of bizarre phenomena, like “Queers for  Palestine”—since, to them, it seems logical that a  marginalized group would support another group they  perceive as oppressed.   Naturally, they assume both sides support each other’s rights and goals.  We’ve also seen other figures claiming that all the  Palestinians want is to live in a free and democratic  state, "just like we have in the U.S." (remember that?).  “Just give them their own state, and they’ll leave you  alone.”  This sounds logical for someone who wants to live their  life and let others live theirs—but it doesn’t align with  the logic of the Middle East.  By the way, this is also why many in the West refuse or  struggle to understand that a significant number of  immigrants from the Middle East didn’t come to  integrate.  “I’ll let them live their lives, and they’ll let me  live mine,” they think. But that’s not the reality. Many  didn’t come to integrate, and they didn’t come to let you  continue living your lives as before.  (Of course, many did—many Muslims do want to live that way—but they aren’t the dominant group. They fear radical Islam more than anyone else, so you also need to look out for them.)  The day you understand this will be the day you  understand why they encourage their children to die,  why they raise them to die, and why they rejoice in their  deaths.   No Western person can truly comprehend this— but that’s the reality.  You’ll understand why, in Gaza, there isn’t a single  civilian bomb shelter—not one!—despite it being a war- torn area and despite receiving billions for civilian  infrastructure and fortifications.   (In Israel, for example—despite having the world’s most  advanced missile defense technology— there is still a  law requiring a protected room in every new home,  and public shelters near unprotected buildings are  regularly maintained.)  You’ll understand why civilians are deliberately left  vulnerable, and why they actually want to see as many  of their own civilians killed as possible.
The day you understand this, you might realize that this  is not just a local conflict, but a clash of cultures—one  that believes in compromise and coexistence,  while the other sees compromise as out of the question, with only one solution: the destruction of one of them."
This is like elites who are unable to understand how sub-IQ 100 people think and so think things like universal basic income is a good idea or criminals won't reoffend if you let them be bailed off

Khaled Hassan on X - "THE BBC REPORT IS OUT.   After months of work, I have a lot to say. But, for now, I want to leave you with one of our key findings for BBC Arabic.   I sampled 160 randomly selected interviewees. Of these, 45 had Reportable Affiliations [mostly to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad] and 14 were found to have official ties to Hamas. The BBC should have reported the affiliations of its interviewees (that's why the BBC refers to such affiliations as "Reportable Affiliations"). Instead, they presented to you, the non-Arabic speaking public, as innocent civilians, legitimate journalists, poor victims, etc.   BBC Arabic is an excellent outlet....for representing the views of a society that supports Hamas, such as Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, or Lebanon. BBC Arabic is unfit for purpose. BBC Arabic is the British Al Jazeera. Paid for by the British government to promote pro-Hamas content!   When Jews are attacked on our streets, on campuses, at schools, workplaces, and synagogues, it's because of the hatred and lies our publicly funded broadcaster has fed to the public over the years.  This is not okay."
Kosher🎗🧡 on X - "🚨 JUST RELEASED 🚨 Here it is. Wow. The official Asserson Report Document on the BBC Bias in the Israel/Hamas reporting. In my opinion, the word “damaging” would be a huge understatement. Click the link for a PDF copy of The Asserson Report 👇🏽"

Thread by @thestustustudio on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "BREAKING: Joseph Edelman, a Brown University trustee, has now resigned over the future divestment vote at Brown University.  As a result, I am releasing my recording of the Wednesday meeting where the Brown Divest Coalition presented their proposal to divest from Israel.
Here is video of the full presentation below. Remember, Brown is a private university; you can't FOIA this video. Without me, this recording may not have ever gone public.  I honestly wanted a bit more time with this footage and other divestment trainings I have recorded to present this in a digestible format. The language of ESG is how many of these students are getting their foot in the door and they are being trained to exploit this. There is a lot I could say about this subject.  However, Edelman's resignation will hopefully get sizable attention, and I hope by "democratizing" this footage, you can see how ridiculous this presentation was. If you use it, please tag me so I can boost it and comment if needed.
I really enjoyed watching Professor James Kellner grill the students after their presentation. Kellner is a Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology and Environment and Society. In a past life, I imagine he must have been a lawyer. He is one of the professors who is a member of the Advisory Committee on University Resources Management (ACURM).  Here he explains ACURM's duties when it comes to "social harm." In a truly golden moment, he then asks the students if they know that Brown University is not directly invested in any of the ten companies they want to divest from.
Kellner posed a philosophical question to the students about how social harm could be easily identifiable if we presume that companies are responsible for how their products are used. He used alcohol as an example of something that is widely used yet creates social harm.  President of the Undergraduate Council of Students, Niyanta Nepal, didn't engage with this thought experiment and instead focused on how strong the students feel about divestment and how personal Palestine is for the student body.  Nepal ran on a platform of divestment and even participated in the hunger strike for eight days.
Again, Kellner gets philosophical and discusses how possibly neutrality cannot exist; if so, should we consider the net good and net harm of these companies?  It sounds like Nepal, but could be another student, responds that the students are only looking at the harm.  Kellner says, "The world is more complicated than that." He uses flying on airplanes as an example of a social harm that also provides great benefits. He asks the students to consider how the university needs to consider the totality of a company.  The students once again don't engage with these questions and go back to how the student body has spoken about not wanting to be complicit and how they have proven how great the social harm is.
Kellner now asks the students about what Brown should do considering that they have received a letter from 24 Attorney Generals threatening legal action if the university divests.  Rafi Ash, the Treasurer of the Undergraduate Council of Students and Secretary of Brown/RISD Young Democratic Socialists of America, walks us through his legal analysis of the situation. He sees this as illegal and unconstitutional. He also believes these politicians are "jockeying for political power."
Kellner is such a good professor. If he is like this in the classroom, I imagine his students grow so much if they rise to the occasion.  "I appreciate that response; I'm going to push back and ask you to try again from a slightly different point of view."  Kellner walks the students through how grants work, how they "flow through other states," and how they could be jeopardized if Brown University divests.
Ash doesn't engage with this. Instead, he blames "fundamentally extremist politicians" and wants us to consider "who does the university stand for?" He sees this as an issue of academic freedom and that these students are simply questioning the university.
Major Takeaways from the Divestment Presentation
-Kellner rules and has such a great approach. We should all be blessed to have such a professor who challenges you to be your best.
-These are the best that Brown has to offer? Really?
-Volvo being one of the companies they want to divest from makes me laugh. Raise your hand if you ever rode around in that old iconic Volvo station wagon!"
The left's purity concerns at it again

Meme - 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ @NiohBerg: "Greta Thunberg wears a keffiyeh and chains herself to the mic on a Danish radio show.  Performative nonsense from a spoiled rich girl turned into a demigod by insane leftists."

German state near Berlin bans Islamic Centre, citing Hamas ties - "Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) has banned an Islamic association outside of Berlin, saying it is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist organization Hamas and promotes anti-Semitism. Stübgen, in a statement released on Thursday, also said the Islamic Centre Fürstenwalde al-Salam opposes the constitutional order. The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement founded in 1928 in Egypt, is banned there. Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist militia group which started the current Gaza war after it invaded Israel on October 7, is the Brotherhood's branch in Gaza... In July 2023, the association was classified by the Brandenburg's domestic intelligence agency as a having confirmed extremist purpose... According to assessments by the agency, known as the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the association's extremist agenda can be demonstrated through its activities and social media posts. Posts make clear references to Islamist extremist organisations. For example, the association disseminated content from organizations close to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood on its social media channels. Additionally, anti-Semitic content is disseminated that questions Israel's right to exist, the domestic intelligence agency said."
More censorship of pro-Palestinian speech!

David Bernstein on X - "BREAKING: Non-anonymous allegations from a non-Jewish student that, in an environment of pervasive antisemitism student fellows at @georgetownsfs chanted "Gas more Jews," "We will finish what Hitler started," and "Every day is October 7th" at Georgetown's "Red Square." And that there are videos to support these claims, and that the administration did nothing. I am reprinting an email from a former student to the dean making these allegations, with permission."

Father of man who killed Israelis at Jordan-West Bank crossing comments on son's actions - "The father of the gunman in the deadly shooting of three Israelis at the border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan, said on Monday he was proud of his son."
Terrorism supporters will pretend the IDF celebrates the deaths of Palestinian civilians instead of investigating them

War and peace: Israeli physicians treating Palestinian patients - "Severely ill patients were referred to the Rambam Health Care Campus by their local treating physicians for therapeutic modalities that were unavailable in Gaza and the West Bank. 34 paediatric patients (aged 2 months to 13 years) and 84 adults (aged 16–74 years), mainly with life-threatening diseases, such as acute leukaemia and bone marrow failure, received medical care at our institution. 15 paediatric and 48 adult patients underwent the most comprehensive medical treatments, including allogeneic stem-cell transplantation and novel immunotherapies"
One terrorism supporter kept blathering on about genocide, and when I presented this evidence, claimed Israel only did that because they had destroyed Palestinian hospitals. When I suggested that "genocide" would be more effective if they didn't treat any Palestinians at all, all he could do was laugh react. On some level terrorism supporters know they're talking rubbish, but when presented with facts and logic, all they can do is continue talking nonsense.

Meme - saira rao @sairasameerarao: "Realizing how many American doctors and nurses are Zionists and genuinely terrified for Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, South Asian and Black patients - even more than usual. And usually it's bad."
Readers added context: "There is no recorded data of American zionist doctors intentionally harming or mistreating Arab, Muslim, Palestinian, Black, or brown patients. Important context is that Israeli hospitals routinely cure Palestinians, including Hamas leaders and their families."

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