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Thursday, February 08, 2024

Links - 8th February 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Shame on the ghouls exploiting the Brianna Ghey tragedy - "two teenagers lured 16-year-old Brianna Ghey to a park near Warrington, Cheshire, under the guise of taking drugs together. Ghey was then stabbed 28 times. In the immediate aftermath of this horrific murder, many jumped to the conclusion that it must have been a hate crime, given that Ghey identified as transgender.  Cheshire Police disagreed. Transphobia was ruled out as a motive within 48 hours. Nevertheless, vigils and protests were held in Ghey’s name, including one organised in London outside the Department for Education, which the Transgender Action Block had decided was responsible for Ghey’s death. Apparently, the department had ‘deliberately created [a] trans-hostile environment’. On social media, it was also widely claimed that transphobia must have been the cause. Following the trial of the two suspects and their conviction yesterday for Ghey’s murder, we now know that the police were right to rule out transphobia as a motive... The sad truth is that had Brianna Ghey not been the victim that day, it would have been someone else. The trial has made it clear that Boy Y and Girl X were determined to kill someone. In fact, they had a whole ‘kill list’, which included the names of four other children. They had even explicitly discussed trying to hang one of the boys on the list, who seemed to be their preferred target... Yet none of this evidence from the court has stopped trans activists from claiming transphobia as a motive. Worse still, they have sought to blame Ghey’s murder on gender-critical feminists – on women whose only crime has been to stand up for their sex-based rights against the march of gender ideology. Trans activists seem to think that supporting women’s rights is tantamount to incitement to violence. When the guilty verdict came in, broadcaster and trans activist India Willoughby quickly took to X to accuse Harry Potter author JK Rowling and other gender-critical voices of ‘helping [to] kill’ Ghey. Former Stonewall CEO Nancy Kelley similarly tweeted that ‘transphobia kills’. Labour MP Dawn Butler took aim at the Conservative government, accusing it of having ‘created so much hate towards the trans community’. Most absurd of all, Jolyon Maugham, the fox-beating lawyer who runs the Good Law Project, was so eager to blame ‘transphobia’ for Ghey’s murder that he did not even bother to wait for the guilty verdict. Police officers had to warn the supposedly top-flight lawyer that his baseless assertions about the killers’ motive could potentially prejudice the trial and be in contempt of court."

The cancellation of Carole Hooven - "the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Cancel Culture”: Its Impact on Sex/Gender Teaching, Clinical Practice, and Research. It describes how Hooven was demonized to the extent that she had to take a leave from Harvard, where she was a lecturer in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, all for teaching that sex is binary... there are just two biological sexes, defined by whether their bodies are set up to produce large, immobile gametes (“females”) or small mobile gametes (“males”). There are no intermediate gametes, and thus no third sex. This is not a matter of controversy among sensible biologists.  People who are hermaphrodites, having both male and female gonadal tissue, are almost invariably sterile, and they, along with intersex individuals, comprise only about 0.018% of the population—about one person in every 5,600 individuals. If you plotted “frequency of sex” on the Y axis against “sex” on the X axis, you’d get two huge spikes at “male” and “female”, and a few blips between them representing the very rare intersex individuals and hermaphrodites. This is for all practical purposes a binary (some petulant people say that the 1/5600 people make sex not a binary, but they’re quibbling).   The sociocultural construct known as “gender” is more of a continuum, as there are now hundreds of different genders. Still, most people identify as either a member of the “male” or “female” genders, so a plot like the above, but for gender, would show two humps like a camel, one hump at male and the other at female, but a curve between them representing those who don’t identify as fully male or female. Gender is not binary, but neither is it a smooth continuous curve. It is what we call “bimodal”.  But I digress, for Hooven talked not about gender but about sex, and what she said was absolutely correct. But for that she was demonized. This is the way that the ideologues chill speech and impede biological research. If the facts don’t fit the progressive Left political program, then you just reinterpret (and mischaracterize) the facts. But, as we’ll see, the facts of biology are irrelevant to how we should treat individuals who are of different gender or are transsexual...   There are two lessons here. One is what we talked about at Stanford, and one that Luana just wrote about on Bari Weiss’s site: ideological views are preventing people from teaching and learning scientific facts, and this impedes understanding of the world. For example, if you don’t see two sexes (usually in approximately equal ratios), then you won’t go on to investigate why this happens, which turns out, according to the theory of Ronald Fisher and others, to be based on evolution and differential parental expenditure in offspring. Likewise, the greater investment of females than males in offspring, which rests ultimately on differences in gamete size, is a crucial factor in explaining sexual selection, which itself explains many of the differences between males and females of animal species in size, strength, behavior, and ornamentation.  Ideology like that experienced by Hooven impedes understanding of the world by closing off fruitful areas of investigation.  As we all know, one can’t predict whether a scientific path winds up in a blind alley or branches into a whole new area of understanding."

JB Pritzker, Jennifer Pritzker, & Synthetic Sex Identities - "One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions. I first wrote about the Pritzkers, whose fortune originated in the Hyatt hotel chain, and their philanthropy directed toward normalizing what people call “transgenderism” in 2018. I have since stopped using the word “transgenderism” as it has no clear boundaries, which makes it useless for communication, and have instead opted for the term SSI, which more clearly defines what some of the Pritzkers and their allies are funding—even as it ignores the biological reality of “male” and “female” and “gay” and “straight.” The creation and normalization of SSI speaks much more directly to what is happening in American culture, and elsewhere, under an umbrella of human rights. With the introduction of SSI, the current incarnation of the LGBTQ+ network—as distinct from the prior movement that fought for equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans, and which ended in 2020 with Bostock v. Clayton County, finding that LGBTQ+ is a protected class for discrimination purposes—is working closely with the techno-medical complex, big banks, international law firms, pharma giants, and corporate power to solidify the idea that humans are not a sexually dimorphic species—which contradicts reality and the fundamental premises not only of “traditional” religions but of the gay and lesbian civil rights movements and much of the feminist movement, for which sexual dimorphism and resulting gender differences are foundational premises. Through investments in the techno-medical complex, where new highly medicalized sex identities are being conjured, Pritzkers and other elite donors are attempting to normalize the idea that human reproductive sex exists on a spectrum. These investments go toward creating new SSI using surgeries and drugs, and by instituting rapid language reforms to prop up these new identities and induce institutions and individuals to normalize them... In June 2002, the family announced an additional gift of $30 million to be invested in the University of Chicago’s Biological Sciences Division and School of Medicine. These investments provided the family with a bridgehead into the world of academic medicine, which it has since expanded in pursuit of a well-defined agenda centered around SSI... In 2013, around the time gender ideology reached the level of mainstream American culture, Jennifer Pritzker announced a transition to womanhood. Since then, Pritzker has used the Tawani Foundation to help fund various institutions that support the concept of a spectrum of human sexes... At least two clinics in California are now providing nonbinary surgeries and nullification surgeries for individuals who feel both male and female, or like neither... Like Stryker’s Arcus Foundation, the Pritzkers have forged a close relationship with the psychiatric establishment... Critics of the NSES standards created by the FoSE collaborative and now being implemented in Illinois under Gov. Pritzker may have concerns about a 72-page manual in which the term “anal sex” comes up 10 times and the word “intimacy” only half as often. The word “gender,” for what it’s worth, is used 270 times... what could possibly explain the abrupt drive of wealthy elites to deconstruct who and what we are and to manipulate children’s sex characteristics in clinics now spanning the globe while claiming new rights for those being deconstructed? Perhaps it is profit. Perhaps it is the pleasure of seeing one’s own personal obsessions writ large. Perhaps it is the human temptation to play God. No matter what the answer is, it seems clear that SSI will be an enduring part of America’s future."
Anti-Semites will zero in on the Jews pushing the woke agenda, while ignoring those who are against it (Tablet magazine is Jewish, for example)
The left only hate billionaires and their money influencing politics when they don't support the liberal agenda

UBC prof's top parenting tip: Let kids see penises, private parts - "An activist University of British Columbia professor is under fire for claiming young children should be exposed to adult genitals — to prepare them for seeing naked trans people. Journalism professor Katja Thieme made the comments on social media... Thieme doesn’t like it — not one bit — that some women feel uncomfortable sharing a change room with a biological male. That, she said, triggers “anti-trans activism”  “Teenage girl on the swim team sees or claims to have seen a trans person in the nude in the women’s changeroom. Her anti-trans parent or parents kick into high gear,” the academic wrote.  “They lean on coaches: Tell trans folk to change elsewhere. Coach says, no, we can’t, that’s discriminatory.  “They lean on the club admin: Send a warning message to all members that trans folk are using these facilities. Admin says, hell no, that’s crazy and would be very wrong.  “They contact Riley Gaines or other transphobes of their choice, they organize protests, events, meetings, hearings, and whatnot.”  Thieme has now locked down her Twitter profile.No wonder. One person responding on Twitter called her the “definition of grooming”"
Weird. We are told that it's a reactionary conspiracy theory that trans people are a threat to children

There are Infinite Genders. There are no genders.
It's interesting that even this article from 4 years ago claims there's a link between sex and gender, even though we're told that they are different and only people lacking in knowledge and wisdom don't know that (except when they're not different and it advantages the left to conflate them)
Someone defined gender as "a social construct related to a person's physical appearance, behaviors, and social expectations attached to that appearance". Sounds like ethnicity is really gender

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: New proposed bill in Maine says the state can take custody of a kid if the parents oppose s*x change surgery and the chemical castration of their kids"

Meme - Lia Thomas: "Now that I've conquered women's swimming, I believe my next endeavor will be the paraplegic games. And who knows, after that maybe the Special Olympics"

Meme - "If you can't say Merry Christmas, then don't demand people use your pronouns"

REDUXX on X - "Multiple female athletes dropped out of a women's martial arts tournament last week after being matched up to fight trans-identified males. In one of the women's divisions, the only participants left competing were men."
EXCLUSIVE: Women Abandon Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament After Being Forced To Fight Males - "despite claiming to have had a policy in place that required female athletes to be informed, many are coming forward to reveal that NAGA has continued to pair women against trans-identified males without their knowledge and depriving them of the opportunity to opt out in many instances... professional martial artists Jayden Alexander and Ansleigh Wilk highlighted their experience being made to fight against males with no prior warning until stepping onto the mat... Both women also note that the experience of fighting Gregory was distinctly different than fighting a woman.  “The fact of the matter is that he had a man’s strength. I train with men and women and the difference is massive,” Alexander explains. “After my match with Cordelia, I sat mat-side and cried as my teammates massaged out my cramping forearms.”... most female participants feel unable to vocally protest the gender self-identification policies."

Schools shuts down claim pupil identities as a cat - "A school has clarified that none of their students “identifies as a cat or any other animal” after a classroom conversation on gender was leaked to the press.  It was reported that a dispute began at Rye College in East Sussex between a student and teacher when a 13-year-old child at was claimed to have rejected a classmate’s request to be identified as a cat."
This left winger claimed that this one claim by the school showed that the multiple examples I posted from all around the world of students identifying as cats were wrong and that no students in the world identified as cats. Furthermore, it seems schools never lie and audio recordings don't mean anything - we must trust bland corporate statements when they contradict our lying ears

Meme - Mars, The Angry Agender Jewitch: "Not a debate"
Marsi Thoroddsen: "Knowingly buying Harry Potter merch is knowingly supporting genocide."
No surprise they don't know what genocide means, since they don't know male from female

LGBTQ conversion therapy banned in Canberra as Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill passes - "A bill seeking to ban LGBTQ conversion therapy in Canberra has been passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly, with Labor MLA and Uniting Church minister Gordon Ramsay choking back tears in the chamber... Kids could sue their parents."  Mr Coe said the new law had "the potential to send well-meaning parents and teachers to jail".   "Children and adolescents depend on the care and support of trusted adults and especially parents, teachers and others to help them in this journey and in this legislation there is no room for a child to safely question or explore their identity with their parents unless it's in just one direction," he said.  "This bill will mean that the only support that [young people] can receive from parents or teachers is active encouragement to pursue a transition.  "Despite what the co-sponsors of the bill have said, the bill does affect the ability of religious organisations or schools to teach the tenets of their faith.""
Poor homosexuals, who will now be convinced they are trans
So much for freedom of conscience. You're only allowed to be pushed towards the LGBTQ agenda, not away from it

Silenced teacher becomes a hero of the anti-woke resistance - "Burjoski said that her work environment was becoming increasingly woke, but she didn’t pay much attention to it, because politics wasn’t her thing. Then her troubles began, and suddenly her life got political. There would be no going back to happy anonymity, and for a dark period, it seemed there might be no going back to happiness of any kind.  On Jan. 17, 2022, during a Zoom meeting of the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), Burjoski began a scheduled 10-minute presentation regarding what she believed were age-inappropriate additions to school libraries.  She read excerpts from two books about gender transitioning that, in her view, valorized an attitude of insouciance around medical transitioning, including the risk of infertility. Four minutes into her talk, board chair Scott Piatkowski removed her from the meeting, accusing her of violating the Human Rights Code. The following day, she was ordered to stay home and barred from speaking to colleagues or students.  Piatkowski publicly accused Burjoski of transphobia, claiming he had no choice but to expel her from the meeting. The WRDSB also filed a formal complaint and initiated a disciplinary investigation against her...  “What happened here should not happen in a democratic society,” because “the Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to transgenderism or minors and transgenderism. It does not prohibit public discussion of anything.” The whole story is laid out in detail — and ancillary legal aspects summarized in a short video — on Burjoski’s website, cancelledteacher.com. Suffice to say that the clarity of the judgment as a precedent establishing that the Human Rights Code was never meant to limit public discussion is an early holiday gift to every classical liberal in Canada who is troubled by the erosion of free speech in our cultural institutions.  Judge Ramsay’s ruling should be distributed to every school board in the country. And to the legal department of every university for good measure. Let their administrations ponder the massive liability they may have been exposing themselves to by shutting down debate, especially in the arrogant, authoritarian manner in which many have done so... We all know the mantra in these legal dramas: “The process is the punishment.” And it’s true. The process is isolating, stressful and depressing, not to mention dauntingly expensive. Which is why most people in these situations fold at the prospect of fighting to the bitter — or sweet — end.  But Burjoski knew her fight was a proxy for nothing less than the future of our children’s right to an age-appropriate education and the right of parents and teachers to dissent from a divisive and illiberal pedagogy. She was scared witless, but she ran to the fire anyway.  All honour to Carolyn Burjoski, who merits our gratitude, and as well her own featured chapter in the annals of anti-woke resistance."

The movement to oppose gender activism in schools is growing - "Pamela Buffone founded the Canadian Gender Report (CGR). The group presents objective news, commentaries and reports from gender researchers in the North America and Europe, which demonstrate that the policies of the Canadian government and the views held by many in the media are extreme, both in their deference to activist-dictated policies and their indifference (even hostility) to parents’ expressed concerns over their children’s role as pedagogical guinea pigs for unproven theories. The patience and timidity that was so common among parents in the early days of the Buffones’ travails is over. The escalating fixation on “queer” activism in schools has produced a nationwide swell of protest. The recent multi-city, bullishly vigorous “1 Million March 4 Children” — which was organized by an alliance of Muslim groups, Christian social conservatives, secular classical liberals and other organizations — achieved an important goal: dissent from authoritarianism throughout the education matrix is finally perceived as a “thing.” Parents’ rights as the people who hold the primary responsibility of protecting their children from harm had better be taken seriously by politicians — or else. Bolstered by recent lawsuits around new social-transitioning rules favouring parents that were filed against the governments of Saskatchewan and New Brunswick, the timing is perfect for a just-released report from CGR, with Buffone at the editorial helm, which is in all but name a white paper for responsible legislation on a plethora of gender-identity issues.  Titled, “Canadian Schools Guidance: Towards an Evidence-based Mental Health Focused Policy,” it argues that, “The current policies on gender identity in schools need to be replaced with policies that are informed by well-established, long-standing biopsychosocial models of child and adolescent development which enable gender-questioning youth the opportunity to explore their identities without being told that they were ‘born in the wrong body.’ ” The introduction sets out the problematic issues the report will address, beginning with the fact that current policies in Canada “treat gender identity as a political and human rights issue,” but eschew “well-established research and theory on child and adolescent development,” including “underlying mental health issues with which the majority of these youth are struggling.” Schools contribute to the problem with teaching that contradicts science, and through instruction beginning “at an age where children are incapable of understanding the complex ideas within gender theory,” especially when presented “as fact.”... Chapter 6, “Social Transition without Parental Consent,” deserves special mention. The report writers argue that schools’ secretive facilitation of social transitioning (pronoun, name and physical presentation changes) goes beyond keeping confidences; it is an “active” intervention, and may have significant effects on a child’s psychological and physical functioning"

Meme - "Hey liserals, why is the Trans suicide attempt rate 41%? Because of people like me, you say? But you don't value my Opinion on virtually anything else, so how could my opinion of your 'identity' be all of the sudden so influential? Why is the suicide attempt rate of children who are severely bullied in school significantly less than 41%? Why is the suicide attempt rate of the oppressed black Americans significantly less than 41%, even during SLAVERY and Jim Crow?! Surely you aren't suggesting that you have it worse than people who were literally enslaved, right? I'm thinkin there's something else going on here!!"

Drag queen who posted about 'orgies' invited to school in 'spectacular safeguarding fail' - "A drag queen who posted on social media about "orgies" and said that "love has no age” was invited into a school in what campaigners labelled a “spectacular safeguarding fail”.  Aida H Dee, the persona behind Drag Queen Story Hour UK (DQSH), was invited to lecture 11-year-olds at Lewis School Pengam in Wales about the practice and “queerness”.  DQSH is run by Sab Samuel, a 27-year-old autistic male children's author who performs as Dee in a tight sequined dress, and has recently sparked protests in council libraries and the Tate... In 2020, Estyn, the Welsh government’s Ofsted, hailed Lewis School Pengam, founded in 1729, as an example of best practice on LGBT issues in a guide for other schools on “promoting inclusion”... Tanya Carter, spokesman for Safe Schools Alliance, a group of parents and teachers, said: “Schools have a duty to ensure they do not invite in groups and individuals which when children google them, they will encounter unsuitable and adult content... Unsuitable visitors to schools will only ever push children to even darker corners of the internet.”  The Wales-Women’s Rights Network said it was a “safeguarding fail on a spectacular level”.  Cathy Larkman, of the UK-wide Women’s Rights Network, said: “Are we really telling young men that this is what it means to be gay? That it is fair game to represent women in this way?  “Schools, and our children, would be far better served by bringing in strong aspirational gay role models for their pupils, such as lesbian fire-fighters or gay barristers.”... Estyn defended its 2020 guide as “vital to help promote and celebrate LGBT issues”."
Clearly there is no link between drag queens and pedophilia/sexualising children

Meme - "LorgarAurelian: Literally the origin of the word "bad" is old English term for troon, hermaphrodite, pederasts
bad (adj.) c. 1300, "inadequate, unsatisfactory, worthless; unfortunate;" late "wicked, evil, vicious; counterfeit;" from in surnames (William Badde, Petri Badde, Asketinus Baddecheese, Rads Badinteheved). Rare before 1400, and evil was more common until c. 1700 as the ordinary antithesis of good. It has no apparent relatives in other languages.* Possibly from Old English derogatory term beddel and its diminutive beedling "effeminate man, hermaphrodite, pederast," which probably are related to beedan "to defile.""

Meme - Gregus1032: "When I was single and on dating apps I've had several trans women message me. I told them "hey, look, if you wanna be just friends that's cool. But I'm looking for a relationship with cs women" Most of them said at one time or another "I bet I can turn you" It's just annoying."
The_AlmightyApple: "Honestly its creepy and predatory, its the same as when douchey guys try to "convert" a lesbian chick"
Damn transphobia!

Meme - "Me: Fuck, they're hot.
Friend: What gender are they?
Me: Relevance?
Friend: How can you think they're hot if you don't know what gender they are? What if you think you're going on a date with a girl and it turns out to be a guy?
Me: We date, possible sexy time, and I win.
Friend: What if you think they're a guy and they turn out to be a girl?
Me: We date, possible sexy time, and I win.
Friend: What if they end up being half way into a transition?
Me: We date, then cuddle on the couch and watch Netflix in our underwear, if they get dysphoria. If they don't, then we're back to sexy time. Either way, I still win.
Friend: What if -
Me: Listen carefully. The only answer is I win. Unless they're an asshole. Then they lose."
Clearly, gays and lesbians are assholes for refusing to date the opposite "gender".
Trans mania is anti-consent and anti-gay. This is why the LGB need to get rid of the T

Meme - ""Men wouldn't pretend to be transgender to get into women's spaces and harm women & girls."
CHRISTOPHER HAMBROOK. Lied about being transgender to stay in two women's shelters. Raped two women there: one who was deaf and one who had fled domestic abuse.
SHAWN HALLETT. Wore a wig & a dress to gain entry to.a gas station women's bathroom, where he held his phone under a cubicle wall to film women
Jacob GUERRERO. Wore a woman's wig and attached a camera to his shoes to film 12 women & girls as young as age 8 using the toilet in women's bathrooms."
JOEL HARDMAN. Wore a woman's wig and covered his beard with a mask to spy on women in shopping center toilets and make recordings
THOMAS BENSON. Convicted child sex abuser caught wearing a dress to enter the women's locker room at a public pool and approach little girls changing for swim classes.
SHANE GREEN. Convicted sex offender who falsely claimed to be trans in order to gain admission to a women's shelter, where he raped a woman.
GREGORY SCHWARTZ. Stole a pink child's dress ina department store, put it on & went into the women's bathroom, where he crawled under a stall and attempted to rape a woman.
RICHARD RENDLER. Convicted sex offender caught wearing a wig and fake breasts to enter women's bathroom in a shopping center.
JASON POMARE. Wore a dress and hid a camera in a purse to film women using the toilets in Macy's bathroom, at least twice.
RICHARD RODRIGUEZ. Caught three times wearing a dress and wig to film women and a 5-yr-old girl through gaps in bathroom stalls
RODNEY PETERSEN. Wore a dress to enter a women-only dormitory on a college campus and film female students in bathrooms.
GAVIN SCoTT. Molested three female clothing shop employees after asking them to help him try on women's clothing"
TRAs claim that saying that female spaces need to be preserved is transphobic, because it's a myth that trans people are predators, yet the TRA line is that you can't question someone's gender identity (as that's gatekeeping). But of course no true trans person commits sex crimes, so it's only "obvious" in retrospect who was only pretending. Too bad for their victims

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