When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Links - 10th February 2024 (2 - Star Wars)

Meme - NPC: "Haha you MUST watch Clone Wars and Rebels to fully enjoy and understand Ahsoka. All is connected. Star Wars was always like this"
"My friend watched Mandalorian S1 and never consumed any other star wars content. He said it was cool"
NPC: *upset*

Taika Waititi Wanted to 'Piss Fans Off' With 'Thor: Love and Thunder' - "What would the fans least expect? Thor in love! What do the fans not want? Thor in love! What would really piss the fans off? And we’re doing that.”
'Why Are You Humanizing a God': Taika Waititi's "I'm Gonna Ruin Thor" Comment Divides Fanbase - "'they said, ‘Aw, he’s gonna ruin this! He’s gonna ruin Thor!’ And I would write back ‘Oh, I’m gonna ruin it alright. Oh, a hundred percent, I’m gonna ruin it for you.’"
Taika Waititi Jokes His 'Star Wars' Film Will 'Piss People Off'
When you are proud and want to piss fans off...

3 Deleted Scenes COMPLETELY CHANGE how Anakin Became Darth Vader - YouTube

Meme - Captain Enoch: "Finally I can leave this shithole. I can't wait to see my wife and kids in Alderaan"
Sabine: *look*

Meme - "19 Years on Tatooine
*Beru Lars, Owen Lars, Obi-Wan Kenobi*"

Meme - "When I was a kid, all I wanted was a lightsaber like Luke Skywalker. Now that I'm an adult, I'm starting to think I want a bacta tank like Luke Skywalker"

Meme - R2-D2: "Luke, this man sliced up your father and left him burning to death!"
Old Ben: "Beep boop. Nobody understands you"

Meme - Darth Vader: "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
Grand Moff Tarkin: "Enough of this. Vader, release him"
Darth Vader: "As you wish."
"That day. Tarkin was amazed to discover that when Vader was saying "as you wish", what he meant was "Fuck you"."

Meme - "There is no strength left in the fans of Star Wars. They are scattered. Divided. Leaderless."
"There is one who could unite them."
"Hello there."

Meme - "Exact moment I realized why the Rebels were losing *All female crew in The Last Jedi*"

Daisy Ridley's New Movie Grosses Less Than $1 Million, Can't Even Crack Box Office Top 10 - "The movie, which is based on the 2017 Karen Dionne book of the same name, was directed by Limitless and Divergent's Neil Burger... The Marsh King's Daughter has barely been able to register at the domestic box office despite this weekend being the fourth lowest-grossing overall of the year to date... One curious thing about The Marsh King's Daughter's lack of impact on the box office is the fact that it has such a stacked cast. Ridley, who starred in the new Star Wars trilogy, co-stars with another franchise veteran, Rogue One's Ben Mendelsohn, who also stars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the Skrull Talos... While Ridley is a big-name actor, outside of franchises such as Star Wars, Peter Rabbit, and Kenneth Branagh's Hercule Poirot movies, her box office draw has proven to be negligible. In fact, her highest-grossing non-franchise title was the 2021 Tom Holland movie Chaos Walking, which only earned $27.1 million despite its roughly $100 million budget."
Clearly she was a huge success as Rey

Meme - Distracted Boyfriend: *Padme and Shin Hati*


The impact of Star Wars on the English language: Star Wars-derived words and constructions in present-day English corpora - "Since George Lucas’s film A New Hope was first screened in 1977, the Star Wars saga has become a pop-culture phenomenon incorporating films, videogames, books, merchandise, and a quasi-religious philosophy, but linguistic research on Star Wars is scarce and has mainly focused on language use in the films. There is as yet no investigation of the impact of Star Wars on the English language, and the present study fills this gap using corpus-linguistic methods to investigate the extent to which characteristic words and constructions from the Star Wars universe have become established in English. Five Star Wars-derived items included in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), namely Jedi, Padawan, lightsabre (with spelling variants), Yoda, and the characteristic construction to the dark side were analysed regarding their frequency of occurrence in four corpora of present-day English (COCA, COHA, BNC, BNC Spoken 2014) and coded regarding their level of independence from the original films. The results show that over one-third of the uses of the investigated Star Wars-derived items are innovative (like the BNC example Other imbibers have gone over to the dark side of beer, rejecting the pasteurised lager produced by the breweries) and thus well integrated into the English language."

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Toys Are STILL On Shelves 6 Years Later - YouTube - "The Last Jedi released in 2017, I'm so glad I can still find the toys. There's another Disney brand that's dead at retail and that's a problem for the house of mouse."
Clearly a huge success

Meme - "When you just doomed your galaxy to another civil war but your master doesn't give you a hard time about it *Sabine Wren*"

jump aside on X - "The least believable thing about Revenge of the Sith is Padme gracefully prancing while full term pregnant with twins and tearfully begging Anakin to reconsider as opposed to waddling out of her spaceship and screaming, “WHAT THE FUCK ANAKIN”"
Weird. I thought stereotypes about pregnant women were bad

Imperial & Stormtrooper Aim/Hit Count | The Mandalorian Seasons 1-2 - YouTube - "Who said Imperial Stormtroopers can't aim? In this video, we go through seasons 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian and count each time an Imperial aimed and shot right on their designated target. The results might very well surprise you."

Meme - Zealous Memes: "Today marks the 6 year anniversary of the release of The Last Jedi. This film ushered in the most creatively bankrupt era we've seen in Hollywood. This film was purposely divisive and disrespected many longtime fans. For 152 minutes we watched absolutely nothing change from where the previous film ended. We did however get a "your mother" joke and the "rich are bad and free the animals propaganda." The Last Jedi helped transform one of the greatest franchises in cinematic history to literal CW level television. #thedownfallofcinema #thelastjedisucks
It's not true that nothing changed from the previous film. They made it worse.

"Isn't This So Great?": Adam Driver Promises Harrison Ford Loves Star Wars More Than You Think

‘Star Wars’: Adam Driver Says J.J. Abrams’ Original Vision For Kylo Ren Was Completely Changed - "“I had an overall arc that in mind that [Abrams] wanted to do. His idea was that [Kylo’s] journey was the opposite journey of Vader, where Vader starts the most confident and the most committed to the dark side. And then by the last movie, he’s the most vulnerable and weak. He wanted to start with the opposite. This character was the most confused and vulnerable, and by the end of the three movies, he would be the most committed to the dark side. I tried to keep that arc in mind, regardless if that wound up not being the journey anyway, because it changed while shooting. But I was still focused on that.”"

Meme - "Pete Davidson: Anakin qui vient de décimer tout un village, femmes et enfants inclus
Ariana Grande: Padmé"
"Ani aime les sucettes...."

"#darth vader while he's force choking imperial officer 67 of the day"

Meme - "the first conversation between vader and leia in anh is So funny like it implies a lot about the previous times they've met
#‘you weren’t on any mercy mission this time!’ she really got one over on him before huh. hes not happy!
Not only has Darth Vader been repeatedly thwarted by a teenage girl, he considers her nothing less than a serious and worthy adversary. Darth Vader leaned in.
Daisie: like most fathers, darth vader's most feared and respected adversary is his teenage daughter"

Meme Maul to Old Ben while dying: "if i was a bug i would find you every lifetime just to die in your drink"

Meme - Yoda: "Luke, when gone I am...the last Jedi will you be."
Luke: "What about Ezra?"
Yoda: "Offworld"
Luke: "Ahsoka?"
Yoda: "Unavailable"
Luke: "Mara Jade?"
George Lucas: "Don't invoke her name!"

Meme - Obi-Wan: "When the time comes,he must be trained."
Owne Lars: "Like you trained his father?"
Obi-Wan: "You're right Owen, protect him like you protected his Grandmother."

Meme - Laurence Fox @LozzaFox: "They should really be talking about the story or the characters and how brilliant the script is.  But no.  The director is brown and also a woman!  Who F-ing cares. It’s a film. Just make it good."
Oscar-winning director first woman, person of color to direct "Star Wars" film"
When they don't learn...

Meme - Eleanor Mueller @TheLetterbomb: "fun fact: Andor ended my marriage
this is an exaggeration, but the conversations about politics that my ex and i had as a result of watching Andor together were so intense that it finally broke us up"

Director of Next ‘Star Wars’ Movie Says Her Goal is to “Make Men Uncomfortable” - "I’m starting to wonder if Obaid-Chinoy has even seen a Star Wars movie, and I honestly would not be surprised if she hasn’t. Just a few days ago, she stated, “it’s about time that a woman” shaped a Star Wars movie — completely unaware of Princess Leia? Rey? Obaid-Chinoy’s background is in feminist non-fiction filmmaking, so it should not come as any surprise that she said this. If it’s a passion of hers, then so be it, make as many men uncomfortable as you want, but Star Wars fans are primarily male and they will likely be turned off from buying a ticket for Obaid-Chinoy’s upcoming film.  It’s still odd that, out of all the directors available to steer the sinking Star Wars ship into the right direction, Disney and LucasFilm decided it was best to hire a non-fiction filmmaker with barely any experience in studio filmmaking... This latest mess for Disney comes just a few months after CEO Bob Iger promised that the company would revamp their focus and “entertain first,” instead of delving into “messages.” Iger basically blamed Disney’s failures on the “progressive” messaging behind their movies. In his words, he wanted to “quiet things down after years of culture wars.”"
Good luck alienating your customers
Apparently Kathleen Kennedy has no power to shape Star Wars movies

Shocking! Men Are Uncomfortable Because a Female 'Star Wars' Director Spoke the Truth - "Men clearly need to be made uncomfortable more often"
Damage control again. Lies are truth, of course. And pissing off your audience is the way to success, because everyone is a self-flagellating white liberal
Weird how men in general are supposed to be made uncomfortable over Pakistani acid attacks and honour killings (which are also supported by women there). But if you narrow it down to Pakistani men that's racist and Islamophobic, so
If you want to make women uncomfortable, that's misogyny, naturally

Lucasfilm sues Star Wash, Chilean 'Star Wars'-themed car wash - "Walt Disney (DIS.N) production company Lucasfilm is suing a themed carwash on the outskirts of Chilean capital Santiago for plagiarizing its multibillion-dollar galactic film and television saga "Star Wars," lawyers for the carwash said.  Star Wash has shared videos on social media showing attendants dressed as "Star Wars" characters such as Chewbacca or a Stormtrooper wiping down hoods, bounty hunter Boba Fett and hero Cassian Andor wielding hosepipes instead of blasters and Darth Vader appearing to use The Force to summon cleaning cloths... Jara is contesting the suit, according to his lawyers, who argue that the name is sufficiently different from the movie franchise to avoid confusion and that the production company's copyright, while covering products such as toys, furniture and non-alcoholic drinks, does not extend to cleaning cars. "Of course this lawsuit is affecting us. We're a small business and we're spending on things we hadn't budgeted for," Jara said in an interview.  He said his young daughter had thought of the wordplay while on a family trip to a Disney theme park in the United States that features a "Star Wars" area.  "We don't make movies or sell their products or anything like that," Jara added, noting that his business was, however, a "stellar" car wash."

What makes the prequel trilogy so “memeable”? : StarWars - "The writing is bad and goofy. And Reddit’s main demo - millennials and older zoomers - grew up with the PT.  So bad dialogue + familiarity = memeable."
"The Main issue with star wars is that it is more serious and grounded than marvel. The OT is funny at times, but in a really natural and almost improvised sounding way. The Prequels doubled down on beign serious (Especially Episode 2 and 3), while also turning up the stiltedness of one-liners, which created a certain uncanny writing in the dialouge.  I think Disney making Star Wars more Marvel, while many Fans wanting it to be more Lord of the Rings is a major stylistic and visionary disconnect, that has been plaging the relationship with the fans for almost 10 years now."
"Every line of dialogue is a one-liner, delivered as monologue. It has all the dramatics of a monologue, except it's just the one line, completely detached from the rest of the scene.  I often wonder if the probrem isn't directing but the editing. It's common to do many takes in several styles, then pick the ones that flow best together in editing. It's as though Lucas doesn't understand how to flow dialogue together."

Why is K. Kennedy mentioned only when something bad happens, but never when something good? : StarWars - "For me, all the projects I ended up liking from recent Star Wars media were somewhat disconnected from the main Lucasfilm core. And at this point that trend is too consistent to be accidental.  Andor is the brainchild of Tony Gilroy, and it has a decidedly different feeling and approach than the main shows like Kenobi or Boba Fett or Mandalorian. I liked the writing, so I looked up Tony Gilroy and Beau Willimon. I liked the acting, so I looked up the individual actors like Diego Luna and Stellan Skarsgard. Turns out all those people had basically nothing to do with the other SW projects that are more tightly tied to LucasFilm's core executives, Tony Gilroy is something of an outsider who used to make action thrillers instead of being a SW nerd.  Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor also have a decidedly different feeling and approach than most of the other media. They were the brainchild of a videogame director called Stig Asmussen who works for Respawn under EA, not Disney or Lucasfilm. I liked the writing, so I learned that it was written by Aaron Contreras. I liked the character performances so I looked up Cameron Monaghan and Tina Ivlev. Again, it turns out none of these people are Star Wars regulars. The project was also not tightly tied to LucasFilm's core executives, they merely sent some advisory staff to iron out the lore consistencies with the game's writing staff.  I enjoy these Star Wars stories very much. So when I go look at projects I don't enjoy such as Kenobi or Boba Fett or the recent Mandalorian season or the Sequel trilogy - a pattern that keeps emerging is that LucasFilm had a lot more direct control over these projects. And who managed Lucasfilm during all those projects? Whose job is it to make sure everything goes smoothly? To foster good stories and improve or hold back bad ones? Kathleen Kennedy. She is the president of Lucasfilm. It is her job. I don't hate her specifically, but I am wary and distrustful of Star Wars media that is tightly controlled by Lucasfilm under her leadership because these last few years taught me that often results in a story I don't enjoy."

Meme - OGfattcatt @ogfattcatt.bsky.social: "I figured out you can make star wars sounding character names by switching the first sounds of two-word food items:
Weer Bellington
Vili Cherde
Secan Pandies
Dot Hog
Tench Froast
Pabenero Hepper
Oalmata Kalive"

Meme - Lucasfilm: "Asajj Ventress' death is being retconned"
Fans: "You said the books would be part of the canon."
Lucasfilm: "I am altering the canon. Pray I don't alter it any further"

Meme - "The queen's wardrobe, maybe."
"Hyperdrive's all yours. Pleasure doing business, outlander."
"Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS"

Meme - Raquel Lin: "Convention Made. #SWC2023. *pointing Spider-men meme but with Ahsokas: Rosario Dawson, Ashley Eckstein and Raquel Lin*"

Mace Windu: "NO... YOU ARE YOUR FATHER."

Meme - "This one time, at Jedi Camp *Rey using lightsaber as vibrator*"

Meme - *Force choking Star Wars*
George Lucas: "Let the franchise go, Kathleen"
Kathleen Kennedy: "You turned the fanbase against me"
George Lucas: "You have done that yourself"

Star Wars: Ahsoka's Failure Shows Us Why Girlbosses Never Work - "one of our readers noted the inability of Strong Female Characters express emotion.  The men can bawl, rage, chew on scenery, but the women must always appear stoic because of how strong they are.     This points to why the only people who like them are shrill harridans or shameless simps:  normal women don’t act like that... Once upon a time, Hollywood understood that this was the core of their business.  Not only did they seek out the best writers, they wanted men and women who could dominate the screen, making it impossible to turn away.     Now it’s all about checking woke boxes and hating the fans. Watching the clips from Asoka, the women don’t seem to be strong silent types so much as drugged into a stupor... There’s something to be said for restraint, for someone struggling to hold it together, but to do that, you first have to show they audience that they can in fact lose control.  Sigourney Weaver’s turn as Ellen Ripley in Aliens shows a wide emotional range:  relief, anxiety, abject terror and finally righteous anger as she risks all to save Newt.  That’s why her performance is legendary...    I’ve said before that these people write what they know, and I’m sure most of the writers for the show are on SSRIs and mood stabilizers. They aren’t stoic so much as suffering from flat affect, and I’m thinking that most of Hollywood is that way now.   Heck, maybe the actors are drugged.  That would explain why they took the gig in the first place. It’s now clear that just about all of the Disney Star War characters are either self-insert fantasies from frustrated women or feeble men attempting to get a mercy screw from the distaff members of the Writer’s Room.     Valorize them all you want, Disney, but no one wants to see their Queen Bee supervisor made the hero of a TV show.  The target of revenge fantasies, yes, glorification, no.  This applies to both men and women, by the way.  Women want to imagine themselves as the main character, and Jedi Karen demanding to speak to a bloated Grand Manager Thrawn isn’t what they have in mind.  Heck, market data conclusively proves that they’d much rather be Rachel the Amish Widow than one of these stone-faced stiffs... On a long drive I mentioned the infamous lightsaber impalement of Sabine to my daughter, who is an Air Force medic.  Despite once being an avid Star Wars fan (she built her own clone trooper armor), she had zero interest in the show, but she did offer a defense for the scene:  “Akshually, Dad, people can survive some pretty horrific wounds to the torso.”  When we got home, I showed her a still photo, and her response was:  “Oh.  No,. That’s instantly fatal.  Heart and spine.  Game over.”    I bring this up because it does provide a reason for the ladies to seem so ridiculously calm in what would otherwise be harrowing circumstances.  I mean, if having your chest melted out of you is recoverable, why get excited about anything?... Women As Second-Rate Men  The core problem is that Disney’s approach exemplifies the belief that women in their traditional roles are inferior, and that they should therefore strive to be more like men – which is a profoundly anti-feminist concept if one bothers to think about it.    Men and women are different, and trying to mash them into the same roles creates unlikeable, shallow characters whose existence wrecks the plausibility of the story.  As transgender “women” have shown us, men have an almost insurmountable advantage in size and strength when it comes to athletics.  That’s fine, because women have superior communication, empathy, perception and emotional intelligence.     The classic example of this is Galadriel, who could literally see into peoples’ hearts and exemplified empathy and wisdom.  Naturally the Amazon version has none of these things: she’s a girlboss – cruel in her strength, foul in wisdom, dominating those around her... And so we have the ladies of Asokha: cold, distant, combative and domineering.   They’re incapable of a relationship with a male they regard as an equal...    One of the (many) crimes of the sequels is that they wrecked Han and Leia as a couple, just as they wrecked Han and Luke as old men.  What is it with these people hating successful love stories?  I guess they write what they know."

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