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Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Links - 6th February 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

How Bill Ackman’s Plan to Oust Harvard’s President Failed
From Dec 12 2023. Lol

Meme - Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630: "One of the oddest ideas around today is that it is somehow better for Black and Native kids to be literally physically and sexually abused in a broken foster-care system than to be adopted by loving rich white people who might sometimes mess up their hair."
""I'm sick of white Christians adopting our babies and rejoicing. It's a really sad day when that happens. It means the genocide continues," MN Democrat representative @HeatherKeeler18 said."
"'White Christians' adopting Native American children is 'genocide,' state rep says"
(2) This is an off-shoot of the idea racism is the worst of all sins. I debated the Arabic slave trade recently, and my opponent CONCEDED that ~any Caucasian or Black fighting man captured by the Arabs would have their penis cut off- but said "not for our RACIST reasons." #bruh"
The left just hates white people

‘Individual Autonomy’: Parent Seeking To Marry Adult Child Sues To Overturn NY Anti-Incest Laws - "A parent who wants to marry his or her adult child is suing to overturn New York’s laws against incest for the sake of “individual autonomy.”  The person who filed the lawsuit chose to remain anonymous because they seek the legal right to “an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant,” according to court papers filed earlier this month in Manhattan Federal Court"
"Love is love is love"

Yellow Emojis Deny White Privilege, Apparently - "Which skin-color emoji should you use? According to NPR, “the answer can be more complex than you think.” For example, a white person using the yellow thumbs-up emoji could be a sign that he or she is not thinking about race. Just imagine! I haven’t seen this level of overthinking since M&Ms announced that they were changing their brand image to highlight the importance of “self-expression” and “gender-balanced leadership teams.” This, they aimed to achieve by changing the shoe design of the two female M&Ms."
This is why having different coloured emojis for "representation" was a bad idea

Indian Americans split over efforts to ban caste discrimination - The Washington Post - "Shortly after Democratic lawmakers in California this fall passed the first state ban on discrimination by caste, a prominent Indian American party fundraiser says, he confronted Gov. Gavin Newsom with a stark warning. If Newsom signed the bill, he would alienate and lose the support of Indian American donors and voters, Ajay Jain Bhutoria, a former deputy co-chair of the Democratic National Committee, said he cautioned Newsom... Detractors of caste anti-discrimination laws — including many Indian American big-money donors and political power players — say the bills could fuel rather than curtail discrimination against South Asians, particularly Indian Hindus, because they are most often associated with caste hierarchy. They argue that the measures could falsely characterize all Hindus in America as inherently biased against members of their own community. They also said the laws could make people who belong to an upper caste — or whose surnames suggest they do — targets of frivolous lawsuits. “They are trying to divide us among different castes and different classes,” said Romesh Japra, who founded the Americans 4 Hindus super PAC and recruited Bhutoria and other Democratic Indian American donors to fight the bill. “We came here to this country, to America, and we did not think that we’ll have to face this again.” Japra said that during his 50 years in the United States, he has never experienced or seen any caste discrimination. “It doesn’t exist,” he said.  Ananya Chakravarti, a Georgetown University history professor and expert on the caste system, said this is a common refrain from wealthy American Hindus who are not from a lower caste... Many found that their bosses in America were upper-caste Indian immigrants who sometimes discriminated against them, said Mhaske, who is a Dalit, a lower Indian caste whose members historically were called “untouchables.” The California Civil Rights Department filed a lawsuit in 2020 in state superior court against the technology company Cisco Systems after two high-caste Indian managers allegedly discriminated against a low-caste engineer... Prem Pariyar, a social worker from Nepal. Pariyar said he came to the United States in 2015 to escape caste violence, finding work at a South Asian restaurant. However, he said, he soon faced retaliation.  “I faced casteist slurs from my co-workers, harassment, wage theft, and ended up being homeless living in a windowless van,” Pariyar said in his written testimony. Pushback to the bill was immediate from some moderate and conservative Hindu American advocacy groups. Wahab and her staff say she received racist messages and violent threats. And the hours-long legislative hearings that followed became heated as proponents argued that the bill was an important civil rights measure while opponents argued that it was racist and discriminatory... a conference in Berkeley, Calif. — where speakers were scheduled to talk about caste discrimination in the United States — was canceled by event organizers because “those pushing for caste equity, including our guests, have been met with threats and harassment.”"
Obviously it's racist, culturally insensitive and ethnocentric to ban discrimination, and banning other forms of discrimination absolutely will not lead to stigma and frivolous lawsuits

‘Only from India’: US company fined for posting discriminatory job advertisements - "A New Jersey-based IT recruitment company has been slapped with a fine of USD 25,500 for allegedly posting discriminatory job advertisements and seeking job applications only from India...   The Justice Department said it has secured a settlement agreement with Infosoft Solutions Inc, the IT recruiting and contracting company operating as KForce Tech LLC.  The settlement resolves the department’s determination that Infosoft violated the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) by posting six discriminatory job advertisements that solicited applications only from non-US citizens who needed visa sponsorship and, in one case, also sought applicants only from India"

Meme - Saara Junttila @JunitilaSaara: "My first article as part of my PhD has now been published! Breed differences were found for several cognitive traits in the domestic dog.
High impulsivity <-> High inhibitory control
Poor understanding of gestures <-> Good understanding of gestures
Slow at solving V-detour <-> Quick at solving V-detour
Attempted to solve Unsolvable Task independently <-> Attempted to seek help from human"
arachosi @arachosi: "Now do one for humans"
Saara Junttila @JunttilaSaara: "Umm, no."

In Defense of Asian Romantic Preference - Stephen Kershnar - "Asian romantic preference is not wrong because it does not infringe on someone’s moral right. Nor is it unjust in some other way. It is not intrinsically bad because it is neither false nor does it consist of the love of evil or hatred of the good. It is not clear if it is instrumentally bad because it is not clear whether it is good for Asian women and, if it is, whether the good for them is outweighed by the bad for others. People have many preferences when it comes to marriage, dating, and sex. Consider heterosexual men’s preferences for women who are thin, feminine, normal height, symmetrical, and so on. The preference to marry, date, or have sex with Asian women is morally similar to these preferences."
Asian SJWs got very upset about this. So much for "love is love is love"

Activist Seems Upset That Pedophiles May Get The Death Penalty In Florida - "the Florida Senate unanimously passed a bill that would allow the death penalty for child rape.  Sounds fine, right? Well, Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik recently shared a post from one activist who expressed fear that transgender people may be killed under this new law."
Meme - Penny @prshirtz: "The amount of people not understanding this is going to be used to kill trans and queer people is making me lose my mind."
Weird. I thought it was a homophobic and transphobic myth that homosexuality and transsexuality / transgenderism were linked to child abuse

Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, national survey finds - "Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found."
At this rate it will soon be 100%, and left wingers will still claim that everyone was in the closet before

Cornell donor demands president step down, citing ‘toxic’ diversity policies - "Jon Lindseth, an emeritus member of Cornell’s board of trustees, penned an open letter demanding university leaders clean house. Lindseth says he’s dismayed by Cornell’s response to antisemitism and its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies. Citing investigations into Cornell from the federal government and lawmakers, Lindseth argued Cornell “desperately needs a culture shift.”... Lindseth’s criticism of Cornell’s DEI policies are supported by the Cornell Free Speech Alliance, an alumni group founded in August 2021 pushing to reform the university... a Cornell student was federally charged in connection with a series of online posts threatening to kill and harm Jewish students. Last fall, the Department of Education launched an investigation into Cornell and other major universities after receiving complaints about incidents of antisemitism and Islamophobia."
Clearly an emeritus member of the board of trustees doesn't know anything and needs to shut up and give money unconditionally. But of course, any institution that does not follow the woke agenda needs to be punished with a loss of donations, since those donations will be supporting hate

i/o on X - "The reason why so many woke people turn out to have been bigoted in the past is because bigotry used to be the best way to bully and intimidate people, but now performative anti-bigotry is the best way to bully and intimidate people. An evolving toolset for sociopaths. — Shant Mesrobian"

James Kirkpatrick on X - "It’s actually really funny if you take a step back and think about it.   Whole cities where you can’t find a single kid in public schools who can do basic math and we have to say stuff like “black girls are magic.”   Illegals butcher a kid and the response is media hosannas about their slop cuisine.   The world’s richest man is subjected to a struggle session and brought to a place so sacred you go to jail if you blaspheme it in most Western countries. This is necessary, we are told, to protect those without privilege.   The Supreme Court says states can’t enforce immigration law because only the federal government can enforce immigration law, and the federal government doesn’t want to. This, we are told, is a triumph for the rule of law.   The most lucrative asset in America is membership in a protected class determined by race, gender, or sexual preference. It’s so valuable that we keep having scandals about supposedly privileged classes faking their membership in oppressed classes. This, we are told, is necessary to defend a meritocratic and individualist society where status isn’t dependent on birth.   And finally, the Great and the Good throughout the Free World earnestly debate which leading candidates and parties we need to ban and arrest in order to defend democracy.   People get offended if you laugh about this and think they’re better than some tribe sacrificing virgins to appease some idol. It’s priceless."


Will Stancil on X - "Sailer, Hanania, all of them, they're gutter racist scum, they have labored for years to restore discredited and dangerous racist ideologies to the heart of politics, they are driven by inner contempt for nonwhite people, especially black people. Do not speak to them respectfully"
i/o on X - ""discredited and dangerous racist ideologies"  By which, I think, he means the majority view among researchers that the black-white IQ gap is at least partly explained by genetics.  Because what's a discredited ideology if not something most experts believe?  Survey of experts published in scientific journal Intelligence in 2020:"

Meme - Red Pen Logic with Mr. B: "Imagine Solomon trying to justify his marriages by saying "love is love." (I got this insight from Mike Winger's latest livestream.)
1 Kings 11 | ESV
'Now King Solomon loved many foreign women, along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, from the nations concerning which the LORD had said to the people of Israel, "You shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they with you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods." Solomon clung to these in love. He had 700 wives, who were princesses, and 300 concubines. And his wives turned away his heart.'
Notice Solomon's love for these women did not justify his relationships with these women."

Meme - Andy Cohen @Andy: "yes I am racist! I hate white people!"
Andy Cohen @Andy: "The amount of antisemitism coming from all corners is fucking alarming"

Meme - The Other 98% 56m: "How do so many people who call themselves Christians follow the least Christlike person in American history."
The Other 98% 4h: "Pretty sure The Bible doesn't say, "when I was hungry you put me on a bus, when I was thirsty you booked me a one-way plane ticket," or "when I was a stranger, you treated me like cargo and shipped me off for political gain.""
The Other 98% 1d: "The bible is a human product: it tells us how our religious ancestors saw things, not how god sees things."
The Other 98% 1d: "No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means."
They can't even be consistent over a day

Winkler Council Responds to Outcry for Library Defunding - "the Winkler group petitioned council for a defunding strategy after the library refused to remove three sex and gender education books, geared toward children. According to the group, the books’ illustrations were pornographic in nature and unfit for children...   The resolution created by council concludes as follows: “Therefore be it resolved that the City of Winkler council instruct these appointed board members to exert influence as members of the SCRL board of directors to create policy whereby graphically sexually explicit books be moved from the children’s section to another section of the library as appropriate so that children will not stumble across them but they remain available to parents who wish to use them as an educational resource.” Cathy Ching is the Director of Library Services for SCRL and a member of the board. Ching says that she’s not surprised by council’s move, but in her view it demonstrates a definite overreach of power."
Clearly, moving children's books with graphic sexual content to the adult section of the library is a "book ban"

Meme - Gay couple: "We want to force you to bake our cakes."
Woman: "I want to kill babies"
Man with long hair and pink shirt: "I want to spread my mental illness to children"
White beareded man with red MAGUH cap: "STOP MAKING ISLAM SO ATTRACTIVE!"
This is an edit of that stupid left wing meme about "that's not how freedom works"

Illhan Omar went viral for saying she’s a Somalian nationalist who uses her position in the U.S. Congress to protect Somalia’s interests 🤔 - "'Many Somalians have personally called me to encourage me to speak to the U.S. government and help Somalia. They wanted to know what the U.S. government could do for Somalia to ensure the MoU never turns into a full bilateral agreement. My answer to Somalians was that the U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia. We Somalians must have that confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the U.S.  We live in the U.S., pay taxes in the U.S., and have a real voice. The U.S. is a country where one of your daughters is in Congress to represent your interests.  For as long as I am in the U.S. Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, its waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia or others. The U.S. would not dare to support anyone against Somalia to steal our land or oceans. Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system'... And not only that, but I thought Ilhan was an anti-war progressive. What's the deal with this line?
'Ethiopia and Kenya have stolen and continue to occupy the Somali Region state which belongs to Somalia. We will liberate the occupied territories stolen from Somalia ... that belong to greater Somalia.'...
The Somaliland minister of foreign affairs responded to Illhan, blasting her. Somaliland is an unrecognized democratic nation that developed out of the British colony there and has a functioning government with general peace, unlike the warlord pirates that run most of southern Somalia."
If you say she has dual loyalty (actually in this case it's probably single loyalty - to Somalia), you're racist. We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

Abdi Daud #55thState on X - "Breaking 🚨🚨  While speaking to Somalian crowd, US congresswoman Ilhan Omar said  "As Somalis, one day we will go after our missing territories" in reference to somali inhibited regions in Kenya and Ethiopia.  Please note Ilhan's father was a military officer in Siyad barre army who used her same Somali irredentism ideology as a justification for committing the Isaaq Genocide.  Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Ethiopian and Kenyan soldiers are helping Somalia to fight Al-Shabaab which Somalia cannot fight even with billions of US tax money"
Frank DeScushin on X - "As Somalis, one day we will go after our missing territories" - Ilhan Omar  Blood & soil nationalism is natural. Omar cares about Somali soil because she's Somalian. Only Whites are called racist for opposing losing their soil. "Racist!" meant to guilt Whites to hand land over."

Will Stancil on X - "Here is the truth many refuse to confront: that reasonable, sarcastic, "moderate" conservative you rub shoulders with on here? He rubs shoulders with people who believe in the intrinsic intellectual inferiority of black people. He laughs along with them and cheers them on."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "This would be an OK point, except for the fact that millions of people on the US left are actual Communists, cheer-leaders for Hamas, believe all whites are racist, etc.   The center-right handles this by saying: "Eh, free speech" - you should be able to say any stupid thing, and Blacks are no more sacred than anybody else. The left does NOT, really, handle it: their official position tends to be that their crazy positions ("Men can be women") are true...and no one should be able to say "ours.""

White, male students called on last in some classrooms - "Controversy erupted recently after tweets from an Ivy League teaching assistant showed her admitting she only calls on white male students as a last resort.   “I will always call on my black women students first. Other [people of color] get second tier priority. [White women] come next. And, if I have to, white men,” University of Pennsylvania teaching assistant Stephanie McKellop tweeted...   McKellop’s tweets spotlight a method known as the “progressive stack” in which speaking priority is given to minority voices while those deemed as having privilege must wait their turn.  McKellop’s comments ignited a firestorm over the controversial teaching method and prompted her university to look into the situation, but a College Fix review of online documentation shows McKellop is far from the first instructor to employ the “progressive stack” in the classroom.  Use of the progressive stack, which is lauded by advocates as amplifying oppressed voices and criticized by others as discriminatory, has been used in college classrooms for years, and has roots in liberal activism... University of New Mexico psychology professor Geoffrey Miller denounced the “progressive stack” method and said it will further alienate universities from their stakeholders.  “It’s obvious that universities feel deeply embarrassed when whistle-blowers publicize that progressive stacking is being used in their classrooms; they know that parents, alumni, legislators, and taxpayers can see how discriminatory it is, and will withdraw financial support if it continues,” Miller said. The method has been met with resistance by students as well. It drew complaints in one college course because students felt it “silenced straight white male students on the basis of their identities,” according to an article published by the course’s instructors."
There used to be terms for discriminating against people based on race and sex

Meme - "How racial groups rate each other
White respondents: Mean ratings of Whites, Mean ratings of Blacks, Mean ratings of Asians, Mean ratings of Hispanics *all very similar*
Black respondents:*Highest mean ratings of blacks, lowest mean ratings of whites*
Hispanic respondents: *Highest mean ratings of hispanics, lowest mean ratings of whites*
Asian respondents: *Highest mean ratings of asians, lowest mean ratings of whites*
Data source: American National Election Studies. 2021. ANES 2020 Time Series Study"
Clearly whites are the most racist and the problem is white supremacy

Robby Starbuck on X - "Jerry Seinfeld shuts down reporter who tries to guilt him for having too many White people in his projects. Woke activist reporters need to feel as insane & racist as they sound."
Eli Steele on X - "This video proves one thing: the woke has to go race-hunting. We've seen reporters ask two black football coaches about race. More race-hunting.  This also proves that racism in America has fallen to such lows. The jig is up.  Seinfeld's response to race-mongering idiots should be studied and emulated. ;)"

Penn State is axing class terms like "freshman" and "junior" because they are "male-specific" and fall into "western male father-son naming conventions." This is real life now. - "Penn State's inclusivity inquisition (also known as the faculty senate) passed important resolutions that are sure to make the world a better place. They included:
Moving away from naming conventions that are too "male-centric" by eliminating the terms "freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior" with the lame British system of 1st-year, 2nd-year, etc.
Replacing "underclassmen" and "upperclassmen" with "lower division" and "upper division," which totally sounds less dehumanizing.
Banning the nickname "super-senior" for anyone who fails to complete their liberal studies degree in 4 years, replacing it with "5th-year" or "advanced-standing" students. This is extremely important, lest said super seniors wake up and realize they might be wasting their life on said liberal studies degree.
Eliminating all use of personal pronouns "he/him" and "she/her" at the university, replacing such pronouns with they/them/theirs or using titles like "student" and "staff member" instead. Who would have thought that a thousand years after the bloodthirsty Vikings introduced "they/them" into the English lexicon, that their patriarchal savagery would ultimately win the day? Hail Odin the All-Father!...
As it stands, the university might not need to worry about reeducation or the gulags for its students, since 88% reportedly agree with the changes like the good little drones they are. Remember, shilling out tons of money for your kids to be reprogrammed into robots is a great investment!"

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