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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Links - 16th August 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

The rise and fall of Stonewall - "Not too long ago Stonewall was riding high. This household-name charity enjoyed widespread public approval following its leadership of a hugely successful civil rights movement, culminating in the legalisation of same-sex marriage in 2014. Stonewall’s well-deserved reputation opened the door to consultancy contracts with multinational organisations, government departments and even schools. The charity’s financial position was looking pretty healthy too, with an income of £11.5m in 2021.   But over the last year, the Stonewall star has begun to fade. Government departments and even the BBC have pulled out of contracts. The intolerant orthodoxy and oppressive practices of the trans activism espoused by Stonewall – an activism that aggressively preaches ‘transwomen are women’ - have increasingly been questioned by high-profile feminists, politicians and journalists.    On Monday, the charity caused outrage after it issued a tweet that suggested children as young as two could be transgender. And this week, an employment tribunal decided in favour of barrister Allison Bailey, whose chambers were found to have victimised her by upholding a Stonewall complaint against her for expressing gender critical beliefs.  Stonewall’s decline now appears to be rapid and terminal.  But how did Stonewall’s metamorphosis from reputable civil rights campaigner to state-funded extremist organisation go unnoticed and unchallenged for so long?  No doubt much will be written on this subject, but the short answer is that Stonewall’s reputational capital allowed them to shift their focus from gay rights to aggressive trans activism without dissent. Public bodies and private companies alike trusted Stonewall because of their excellent track record, and so swallowed their advice whole. At the heart of the extraordinary influence of Stonewall is a misinterpretation of the Equality Act 2010 that has led organisations mistakenly to believe that ‘gender identity’ is a protected characteristic. In other words, if a man says he is a woman, then he must legally be treated in all respects as if he is a woman. This is fundamentally incorrect. There is no such thing as gender identity in law. A man does not legally become a woman because he wants to be one, any more than I can legally become a French citizen just because I’d quite like to live in St Tropez"

Stonewall brands lesbians 'sexual racists' for raising concerns about sex with transgender women - "For many, it was a brave and long-overdue airing of an important and distressing subject: a painstaking investigation into claims that predatory trans women have been pressuring lesbians for sex, published on the BBC News website.  But a leaked email shows that the influential trans lobby group Stonewall attempted to suppress the investigation before it had even been published – and made the extraordinary claim that debating the issues was equivalent to ‘sexual racism’... Such is Stonewall’s influence that a former aide to Boris Johnson has claimed the group has been allowed to dictate Government policy by advisers who present him with ‘skewed’ pro-trans information... One told how she had been described as a ‘genital fetishist’ for only wanting to have relationships with biological women.  Another said: ‘I was told I owed it to my trans sisters to unlearn my “genital confusion”.’  The article also included a controversial argument made by several trans activists that expressing any preference in sexual partners should be considered ‘discriminatory’ as such preferences often exclude trans people.  This is sometimes referred to as ‘the cotton ceiling’ – a distasteful reference to underwear suggesting that trans women are systematically blocked from having sexual relationships with biological females... An open letter, from Trans Activism UK, had 20,000 signatures and described the article as ‘incredibly dangerous’ for suggesting the issue of lesbians being coerced into sex with trans women was widespread.  The BBC received 4,819 complaints in the days following publication, while 5,520 messages praised its coverage.  Angela Wild, a member of lesbian campaign group Get The L Out who was quoted in the article, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘For years lesbian activists have been trying to get the message out that it is not bigoted to say “no” to sexual pressure from males who identify as women.  ‘The fact that Nancy Kelley has framed the reporting of this issue as transphobia is disgusting. Stonewall are a disgrace and no longer represent the interests of lesbians.’ Author John Boyne described Stonewall as authoritarian for ‘telling gays how to think, who to date and betraying lesbians completely.’  The BBC rejected the complaints against the article arguing it had gone through ‘rigorous editorial processes’. adding that its journalism should explore issues ‘even where there are strongly held positions’.  Last month, former BBC foreign correspondent Paul Wood told The Mail on Sunday there has been a ‘climate of fear’ at the Corporation around issues of race and gender, with self-appointed censors among the broadcaster’s own staff... Corporation executive Rhodri Talfan Davies refused to confirm whether Stonewall had ever successfully swayed its journalistic output.  But speaking to Radio 4’s Women’s Hour last week, Kelley was open about her group’s intentions. ‘I want Stonewall to have more influence on the editorial policy of the BBC,’ she said.  The Corporation’s decision to abandon ties with Stonewall – and publish the article – suggests the BBC is taking a much more robust approach... Terms including ‘homosexual’, ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ have now been reframed to refer to ‘same-gender’ attraction – rather than ‘same- sex’ attraction – to avoid excluding trans people... Philosophy professor Kathleen Stock – who was hounded out of Sussex University for saying that biological sex matters and wrote about her experience in the MoS this month – has accused Stonewall of helping drive a climate of bigotry in British universities."

Thread by @JamesEsses on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Celebrating CEO of Stonewall, Nancy Kelley:  Given today’s sad news that Nancy Kelley is leaving Stonewall at the end of this month, I thought it would be a nice send off for her to compile the greatest achievements she presided over during the past 3 years:
We witnessed the disintegration of Stonewall’s ‘Diversity Champions Programme’, with swathes of organisations leaving the scheme altogether.  One government minister even stated that he was “delighted” when his department announced that it was cutting ties with Stonewall. Nancy came under significant fire for attempting to draw an abhorrent comparison between those with gender critical beliefs (which are protected under the Equality Act 2010) and “anti-semitism”. Stonewall found itself at the receiving end of a Stephen Nolan investigation into conflicts of interest and the undue influence it was having over public sector corporations.  The investigation was nominated for multiple radio awards. Stonewall has, ironically, found itself being sued on the grounds of discrimination by lesbian campaigner, Allison Bailey, following a complaint made by them to her Chambers (who themselves have been found to have discriminated against her). Nancy Kelley presided over Stonewall coming in for significant criticism, after it posted statements online suggesting that it is possible for 2-year-olds to be trans.  Stonewall were later forced to retract the statements. International condemnation was levelled at Stonewall after it was discovered that they were promoting books about gender ideology to 2-year-olds  Stonewall launched a disgraceful attack on the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and even tried to get its status rescinded, all because the EHRC dared to speak out in favour of upholding the rights of all in this country. Nancy also presided over Stonewall when it took the decision that it would be a good idea to glorify double mastectomies being performed on young women struggling with a mental health condition. They even sold Christmas Cards featuring images of surgical scars. Nancy led the organisation through some groundbreaking policy decisions, including making a case that ‘asexual’ people don’t have equal rights on the basis that there are tax benefits for married couples in the UK. Under Nancy’s leadership, Stonewall also managed to undermine the very ideology it espouses.  When the Isla Bryson saga took place, Chair, Iain Anderson, could not even answer the question as to which sex Isla Bryson was. Instead, he said: “that person is a rapist”. Finally, when the 2021 Census results were released, Nancy celebrated an increase in ‘trans’ people (even though this also means an increase in mental dis-ease).  Not long after, it was found the Census figures were likely misleading because of poor question wording."

Refusing to fund your partner’s gender transition could be domestic abuse, says CPS

6 times 'family-friendly' drag shows exposed kids to sex content - "1. The Mr. Misster bar hosted a “Drag The Kids To Pride” show last June as a “spin-off” of the bar’s Champagne Drag Brunch. The event offered “limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing."   Video footage and photos from the event showed men in drag performing in front of adults and children. One video showed a performer in red leather accepting tips from young children while suggestively dancing under a sign that reads “It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself."...
2. the James L. Knight Center in Miami and the Plaza Live in Orlando hosted “A Drag Queen Christmas”... One part of the show involved a man wearing prosthetic breasts accepting tips from the audience, and, at one point, he asked a child in the audience, "Are you reaching for my [breasts]? Are you hungry?"  In a separate sketch, “Screwdolph the Red-Nippled Reindeer" told children’s stories about Santa while male actors danced suggestively as sexual videos played in the background.
3. A September 2022 Pride event in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, was reportedly the largest of its kind in the town. While the organizers of the event claimed it was family-friendly, a group of protestors decried one of the performances as inappropriate for the many young children in te audience... the drag show performance featured grown men in thongs who partially exposed themselves to children. The event also allowed children to give dollar bills to the performers as they danced.
4. A viral video of an “all-ages drag brunch” performed at the Ebb & Flow restaurant in Plano, Texas, last October showed a drag performer lifting his skirt and lip-synching to the song “P----” by Lady in front of a little girl.   “My p---- good, p---- sweet/ P---- good enough to eat ... / f--- me all night,” the song played as a shocked underage child looked on.    The video, filmed by Blaze TV Host Sara Gonzales on Oct. 18, 2022, also shows the drag performer dancing suggestively as the girl and other women watch from a booth...
5. The Texas Family Project shared footage of a Dec. 2, 2022, “Christmas Drag Show” event in San Antonio’s House of Eternas. The drag show and toy drive was promoted as an event for all ages.   The video shows a young girl in the audience as a man on stage dances suggestively and sings “Under the mistletoe/ Yes, everybody knows/ We will take off our clothes.”  A separate man dressed in drag was seen stroking a young girl’s hair. At another point in the video, the girl is seen handing money to the performers... The sequence of events caught on video led to the venue canceling its remaining drag show performances through the rest of the year, claiming that the footage of the drag performer stroking the girl’s hair led to the performers and venue being “bullied.”
6. Video footage of RuPaul's DragCon 2022, which took place on May 13-15, 2022, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, featured drag queen performers from throughout the country. The list of performers included "A'Whora," "Madame Laqueer" and "Trinity the Tuck."   In a now-deleted tweet, the Libs of TikTok posted a video showing children dancing on stage with the drag queen performers and collecting money from the audience while adults cheered.   "Nothing to see here … just a child dancing for adults with drag queens on stage for money at a drag convention," the tweet stated."
When liberals approve, it's "accountability" (and definitely not cancel culture). When they don't it's "bullying"

Dallas protesters show up to drag show for kids - "A Dallas drag show that promoters called family-friendly and appropriate for kids brought both supporters and protesters to it on Saturday afternoon.  Dallas bar Mr. Misster held the event "Drag the kids to pride" drag show Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the city's Oak Lawn neighborhood.  The organizers called it a family-friendly spin-off of their Champagne Drag Brunch that would allow kids to dance with performers on stage.  During the event, drag performers danced and walked down the aisle in the center of the room. At times, the dancers would take dollar bills from some of the children. Kids also walked with the dancers down the aisle during the event.  Protesters also showed up outside the event, many saying they were upset that kids were involved with the drag show...   One of the groups protesting the event Saturday was the organization Protect Texas Kids. They also provided a statement:  "We decided to organize this protest when we saw advertising for the event a few weeks ago - we researched the bar and quickly found out that it’s a gay bar, and we were also pretty concerned when we saw the signage on the bar’s website that says “it’s not gonna lick itself.” We just launched our organization and this was our first event."
One cope is that "it's not gonna lick itself" was referring to ice cream, but this is liberal misinformation

Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "A drag queen dressed in blood throws tampons to children at a “family-friendly” pride festival in Norwich, England"
Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "Teen drag queen performs sexual themed dance for adults"
Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "A 12-year-old drag queen performs hyper-sexual dance as another drag queen throws cash tips at him at a pride event in Manitou Springs, Colorado"

‘Absolutely Revolting’: Footage Of Sexually Explicit Drag Show For Babies, Toddlers Goes Viral - "The footage currently causing an uproar reportedly comes from Cabababarave, a U.K.-based organization that promotes drag events for children under 5. Multiple Twitter users posted videos and photos from an event that shows drag performers in thongs performing sexually suggestive dances in front of toddlers and babies... In one video, a performer wearing leather bondage gear does an act while suspended from ropes attached to the ceiling. The event looks well-attended with parents and their toddlers. There are also images of a mostly naked performer holding a young girl during a performance.  In the wake of these clips going viral, Cabababarave made its Instagram and Facebook accounts private. While many upcoming events appear to be canceled, at least one sold-out performance scheduled for March 11 at The Flair Ground in London is still active. The page has the event tagged as “cabaret drag & burlesque” and “family friendly.”"

Video of drag queen gyrating next to child sparks backlash - "An explicit viral video of a raunchy Texas drag queen show performed in font of a little girl sparked a social media backlash — and has state lawmakers pledging legislative action.  The video filmed by BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales shows a drag queen lifting her skirt and gyrating while lip-synching lyrics to the song “P—y” by Lady as a confused kid looks on from one of the nearby tables.  “My p—y good / p—y sweet /p—y good enough to eat,” go the lyrics as the drag queen gyrates.  The young girl sits in a booth at the at the “Garden of Eden” brunch show in Plano restaurant Ebb & Flow, watching the proceedings as several adult women in her party look on with blank faces.  Gonzalez said on Twitter she attended the show, calling it an “an all ages drag brunch.”"
Damn far right!

Should students be allowed to opt out of drag queen storytime? - "Parents and staff are demanding that the Toronto District School Board stop allowing students to opt out of drag queen storytime events.  Toronto Pflag and the board’s 2SLGBTQ+ Community Advisory Committee have been advocating unsuccessfully for weeks since the issue over attendance and consent arose at a Pride celebration at Bruce Public School in early June. They say the opt-out violates the Ontario Human Rights Code and are calling for an apology for the harm caused by the decision. The board, they add, has not been particularly responsive... While the ministry would not confirm how it advised the TDSB on this matter, Lee said, “we expect school boards to respect parental decisions when it comes to their children.” Several sources told the Star that the opt-out was linked to and justified under the province’s sex-ed curriculum, which allows students in grades 1 to 8 to take part in alternative activities... “This policy is outrageous,” Toronto Pflag president Michael Ain wrote to TDSB director of education Colleen Russell-Rawlins... The directive came at a time when school boards found themselves at the centre of tensions over how to mark Pride month, including debates on whether to raise the rainbow flag. Drag queen storytime, in which drag queens share books and songs with 2SLGBTQIA+ themes, became a particular flashpoint for protesters in Canada and the U.S.  “(The storytime opt-out policy) panders to the dangerous and wrong-headed belief that a drag queen reading a story hurts children,” Ain wrote... At the emergency meetings, staff and community members, as well as administrators, voiced their concerns to some of the TDSB’s senior team, including the director, and were told, according to attendees, that a letter of apology and retraction would be forthcoming, but neither came.  In a statement provided to the Star, the board said “we have heard from the community and staff members that this approach was deeply hurtful and not respectful of the human rights of 2SLGBTQ+ communities"... Rico Rodriguez, a gay teacher who has worked at the board for 32 years and has been involved in supporting and developing 2SLGBTQIA+ policies, workshops and events since the 1990s, said the opt-out sets back the TDSB’s efforts.  “All the work that I have done myself personally and that others did before me has been destroyed, just by that statement that you can opt out, and that’s not right.”"
Liberals are still pretending drag queen story hour is never mandatory, so they will also pretend that no one is trying to make it mandatory
Liberals think it's dangerous for parents to decide what happens to their children, so
Weird how 2SLGBTQ+ human rights mean that children must attend drag queen story hour. Of course if you think children shouldn't be forced to do this, this is literally genocide, denying they exist, violating their basic rights etc
"Don't ask why children need to see drag queens. Ask why drag queens crave an audience of children”

Keywords: Denying LGBT people exist, denying trans people exist, kids forced drag queen, children compulsory drag queen

U.K.’s largest teacher union votes for more drag queens in schools - "The National Education Union (NEU), the largest teacher’s union in the United Kingdom, has voted to encourage schools across the country to welcome in drag queens and promote more LGBT events. At a meeting in Harrogate, the NEU voted in favor of a motion to introduce initiatives such as drag queen story hour and other LGBT events into schools as a way to challenge the “heteronormative culture” that dominates education...   During the meeting, one teacher accused Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of supporting “far-right attacks on drag queen storytime” and “the murder of beautiful souls like Brianna [Ghey],” a trans-identifying teenager who was stabbed to death earlier this year. However, the teacher later apologized and withdrew the specific allegation that Sunak supported the murder."

Meme - Soymilkers: "My boyfriend stares at cis women I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. We live together, have a cat, and have a loving relationship. There's a huge problem I'm having though. He's cis and Herero and says he's. only attracted to trans women. But anytime we are at the gym, at the pool, anywhere in public he is always staring at cis women. Why is he lying to me about not being attracted to cis women? There have been pretty trans women around at times and he's never even given them a glance. But he'll risk it all just to sneak a peak at any average cis girl. He always denies it when I confront him and basically tries to convince me that I'm seeing things. I don't date men that date cis women. It's just a relationship policy of mine. I'd rather be single than feel like I'm being held to cis female expectations. I'm heartbroken because part of me thinks that this isnt going to work out because we've been having this problem for a long time. Since the start really. He used to follow hella cis girls on Instagram too. Like it just doesn't add up and this is honestly destroying me. What do I do. Pls help :("

Meme - "I tried a variation on the Lizzo experiment today and it resulted in my friend, a forty two year old woman, crying at a Starbucks. It turns out that no woman who says trans women are beautiful believes it enough to take it as a compliment when told that she looks like a trans woman."

Publisher to retract paper on 'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria' - "A new paper on gender dysphoria is to be retracted from an academic journal by one of the world’s largest academic publishers, Springer Nature, which publishes Nature magazine and Scientific American. The paper — entitled “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases,” was published on 29th March in Archives of Sexual Behaviour, and has been hosted online by the SpringerLink website since.  Researchers J. Michael Bailey and Suzanna Diaz were told by a Springer Nature employee that the decision to retract was based on a lack of “written informed consent” by participants in the survey about having their scores and data published... Michael Bailey dismissed the idea that informed consent was a necessary prerequisite for such research. “How many surveys have you taken that did not ask you for informed consent? I would say ‘most’ in my experience,” he said.  In an earlier article for UnHerd, Bailey notes that he consulted with his IRB about gaining retrospective approval on the consent issue. He was told that retrospective approval could not be provided for already-collected data, but the policy allowed him to co-author publications using Diaz’s data. IRB approval is only required in certain institutions and Diaz, the researcher who launched the survey and collected the data, did not have to seek it.   IRB expert Brian Gladue, Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation at the UNT Health Science Center, told UnHerd that Springer Nature’s justification for the retraction is “extremely flimsy”. “This is an extraordinary after-the-fact requirement that’s being used by someone other than the legitimate authority. The IRB said that written consent wasn’t required but then Springer Nature asked for it afterwards. Why not insist on it for all publications that involve survey data? This is not only unusual, but precedent-setting,” he said.
A TRA cited this as evidence that ROGD was not a thing. But TRAs are good at weaponising paperwork instead of addressing the point (because they can't)

Activist-driven transgender research methods are reckless and will lead to harms - "in 2017, anonymous authors at Cornell University produced a document titled “What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?”. This document purports to be a “systematic literature review,” but is not one. It pretends to use a rigorous systematic review process to create the impression that transgender interventions are safe and effective. Because anecdotal reports suggest that many people who do not know better are taking the Cornell review’s spurious “findings” at face value, I evaluated the methods and reporting of that document...
AMSTAR 2: The Cornell document fared poorly under examination with the AMSTAR 2 instrument. All questions answered with “No” or “Not reported” would optimally have been answered with “Yes.” This review’s methods appear to have been grossly inadequate. Please see the Appendix for details.
PRISMA checklist: The authors of the Cornell review failed to meet nearly every criterion of the PRISMA checklist. All items denoted as “Not done” would optimally have been answered with “Done.” Reporting of this review’s methods and findings was very sloppy.
Indeed, the review could hardly have been reported with less rigor. Please see the Appendix for details."
A TRA tried throwing garbage at me to try to pummel me into submission through sheer volume without addressing the problems I'd already pointed out, but luckily I like to collect TRA garbage for reference

Full article: The Myth of “Reliable Research” in Pediatric Gender Medicine: A critical evaluation of the Dutch Studies—and research that has followed - "Two Dutch studies formed the foundation and the best available evidence for the practice of youth medical gender transition. We demonstrate that this work is methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings as justification to scale this “innovative clinical practice.” Three methodological biases undermine the research: (1) subject selection assured that only the most successful cases were included in the results; (2) the finding that “resolution of gender dysphoria” was due to the reversal of the questionnaire employed; (3) concomitant psychotherapy made it impossible to separate the effects of this intervention from those of hormones and surgery. We discuss the significant risk of harm that the Dutch research exposed, as well as the lack of applicability of the Dutch protocol to the currently escalating incidence of adolescent-onset, non-binary, psychiatrically challenged youth, who are preponderantly natal females. "Spin" problems—the tendency to present weak or negative results as certain and positive—continue to plague reports that originate from clinics that are actively administering hormonal and surgical interventions to youth. It is time for gender medicine to pay attention to the published objective systematic reviews and to the outcome uncertainties and definable potential harms to these vulnerable youth."
This exposes the problems with Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: a prospective follow-up study by de Vries et al (2011) and Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment by de Vries et (al 2014)

Hormonal therapy and sex reassignment: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of quality of life and psychosocial outcomes - Murad - 2010 - "Very low quality evidence suggests that sex reassignment that includes hormonal interventions in individuals with GID likely improves gender dysphoria, psychological functioning and comorbidities, sexual function and overall quality of life."
A TRA threw this at me when I pointed out that the pro-trans studies had tons of methodological problems, but it didn't even read the abstract

Meme - "Jules126
I wish my afab friends knew how much I can tell they still subconsciously still think of me as a man I can tell in the way they hug me or show affection. I can tell in the way they talk to me. I can tell in the way they make plans for a "girls night" and I'm not included or im an after thought. I can tell in the way they reach out to me or don't reach out to me to talk or just hang out. I can tell in just the way they hang out or sit next to me or just act around me. It's a lot of little things that I know they don't do on purpose but I still notice them. All these friends I know see me as a women, they never misgender me or treat me explicitly like a man. They would all go to bat for me against a transphobe, some of them have. Most of them have known me as a women longer then as a man. I know they all love and care about me. I don't dress fem but they all insist that I pass, and I have been correctly gendered multiple times in the wild. But I can still see it, the way they are on guard when around me the same way they are when around a man. Even if that guard is a lot smaller I can still see it."

Meme - Tom Moore: "Is that a trans man and his new arm flesh burrito cock?"
Nemi Blackwood: "Admin"
Tom Moore: "I identify as admin. Cry about it some more"

Teen changing identity constantly - "I need some help gaining perspective on my 15-year-old child’s whiplash approach to gender and sexuality. For the last three years, they have been on a journey with regard to their sexuality, declaring and changing identities one every few weeks or months, even when those identities have been both contradictory (how can one be both asexual and polyamorous?) and hypothetical (my kid isn’t dating and hasn’t dated). They are committed to being anything but cisgender and hetero, and that identity—whatever it turns out to be—appears from their actions and words to be the central part of their sense of self. They spent a lot of time on queer wikis, looking up new possible identities. They avidly “ship” fictional characters into same-sex couples, express anger/disappointment when shows/books have hetero couples, and talk constantly about LGBTQIA issues, representation, etc.  I have been, and want to be, supportive. My kid deserves to be loved and celebrated for who they are, and however their identity settles out is fine with me. But I am also struggling with these rapid changes. In the last two weeks, my kid has changed their name once and pronouns twice, colored their hair, worn exaggeratedly feminine eye makeup, pinned their hair up to look masculine, purchased a bikini and a dress and then asked me to buy them a binder (because they think it would be “fun” to look like a boy sometimes). At this point, it feels like they’re trying on identities like costumes, and that makes me very uncomfortable. None of it feels authentic—it seems more like a bid to stand out in a crowd or perhaps to find the limits of my acceptance."
Clearly gender identity is immutable and innate and not susceptible to outside influences

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