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Friday, July 14, 2023

Links - 14th July 2023 (2 - Pit Bulls)

Meme - Nicole Cartee: "He eats watermelon! *Pit Bull*"
Nicole Gartee added a new photo: *Pit bull*
Lauren Cartee: "thats a cute pic!"
Nicole Carte: "Yeah i know he made himself a bed lol"
Lynn Cartee shared Global Animal's photo: "I'm not a monster. I'm just a PIT BULL"
Lynn Gartee shared dont touch my hair, face or phone.'s photo: "THERES NOTHING DANGEROUS ABOUT US... OK, THE LITTLE ONE MIGHT BE A LITTLE UNSTABLE *2 pit bulls and 1 other dog*"
Lynn Cartee shared The Dogington Post's photo: "SMILE *Pit Bull*"
"Look at the huge smile on this happy baby!"
"was brutally killed by her family pit bull"
"Porsche Nicole Cartee, 25-years old, was brutally killed by her family pit bull. The male dog, named Spike, had been with the family for 10-years. On August 22, the pit bull "just snapped" and began attacking Nicole's mother, according to authorities. When Nicole tried to rescue her mother, the pit bull turned on her, killing her. The dog also attacked Nicole's sister who was in the home. Nicole was dead when first responders arrived. Animal control director Jamie Nelson described the scene as "horrific." Nicole's mother was hospitalized with serious injuries; her sister was treated on scene. Patrick Powell, Nicole's boyfriend of 10-years, said the two had recently separated, but were planning on reuniting. Powell said the dog had a history of violence; it had attacked Nicole's mother two months earlier. The mother, however, blamed the incident on a stray dog, Powell said. A male cousin confirmed the previous attack to the media, but said the injuries were minor. Authorities found no previous attacks on record."
Clearly the owner's fault for being abusive and not loving the dog enough

Meme - "I would name it as one of the top tragedies of my life. While I was on vacation overseas I had 3 separate people taking turns throughout the day checking on my dogs, taking care of them and playing with them while I was gone. I thought it was the safest option and the best for my fur babies. 2 days ago I found out the dogs broke through the gate barrier in the house and got into a fight over what we suspect was a stray can of catfood. They were only alone for a couple of hours.. that's all it took and one of my fur babies (white one) killed the smaller black one.. I feel more pain right now than I have been in a while... Worse still is I have a decision before me regarding luna (the white one). I have contacted trained professionals for advice and they are willing to evaluate her but I still don't know what I am going to do..."

Meme - "You love n Rescued both. ..because they needed homes...Alot of us have n are doing the same because there's so many Pitts needing homes because of Humans not worthy of their love. I fell in love with this breed but I know they are jealous dogs but cuddling couch potatoes as well. Forgive Yourself n Luna, maybe an EXPERIENCED Trainor that has Dealt with Pitts Exclusively can help. You've Sadly lost one...! don't think putting Luna down is necessary."

Meme - "My pitties have all fought with each other to various degrees. No fatalities, but definitely trips to the vet were required. We have many gates and every time there was a fight, it was human error. l.e. feeding treats together, leaving gates open, and favorite toys left unattended. Euthanasia never crossed my mind. Ever. They are animals and certain behaviors are inherently dangerous. Only you have to live with your decision, as I have with mine..."

Meme - "I'm So heartbroken for you n I'm dealing with my latest Rescued Pitt off side of a busy road that has attacked my older Dearly Loved Pitt over jealousy. If I wasn't here every time I would have most likely come home to same. She plays with my Doberman but backs down when challenged . Had they ever fought before this? I've cried n struggled with a solution n can absolutely imagine your grief. Give yourself some time to think thru this grief. Pitts are Velcro dogs that crave love n give love but there's something about them when triggered n fight its like a "switch" Throwing Water on mine works but my older Pitt is no match . Praying for healing."

Meme - "The same kinda thing happened except it was a friend watching my pittie and she fed her dog and my dog together and they fought bad her dog ended up passing away she called the police and animal control ugh it was heartbreaking I went back and forth for 10 months to court to get him back while he sat in an animal shelter as if he was a person in jail, ugh it would break my heart when I would go see him and he would have lil tears in his eyes it wasn't until they started letting me go in the kennel and take him in to the yard that I realized the courts already made up their mind. They put him down. Without even telling me, as morbid as it is me and my mom wanted his paw print and to get him cremated and all I got was a letter in the mail I miss him every day I still blame myself. Even if it was human error he shouldve been with me, hed still be here Even with the whole shelter advocating for him they counted him out because of his breed. I'm so sorry this happened to loose any of our fur babies is terrible and in that matter....but don't loose both of them. Get Luna some training and keep her as a only doggo."

Meme - "This happened with us. Our girls..played, walked and slept together, for two years. It was a dream come true...they were besties, until they weren't and it was over a treat. We were traveling with them... we were there and had to pull them apart... bleeding... us and them... ended up in the ER from a bite (unintentional by them) We made the trek home. We tried everything from training and time apart... nothing worked. We had to rehome our younger girl (Dalmatian) for the safety of both. Thankfully, we found someone we knew to take her in. We miss her deeply. lam sharing this with you, Because it could have happened with you there. It's heart breaking. Blessings to you and your Pup."

Humans Can’t Quit a Basic Myth About Dog Breeds - The Atlantic - "According to Morrill’s team, breed explains just a small fraction of the mind-boggling variation in behavior seen in the species that is dog—less than 10 percent. Which is to say, most of the mishmash can be attributed to something else. That might seem like too small a proportion to some; other, older studies, which analyzed their own data somewhat differently, have made higher estimates... While friendly dogs are considered desirable, the stereotype pendulum swings the opposite way with aggression, a murky label that some behaviorists dislike and yet is often inappropriately pasted onto dogs who then end up banned from housing complexes, abandoned in shelters, even euthanized based on breed alone. Dogs who fall into the pit-bull category are a famous, and particularly controversial, example of this: Bred to fight other animals, they’ve acquired a reputation for violence and unpredictability, a stigma worsened, scholars have argued, by racism against America’s urban Black and Latino communities, to which the dogs were culturally linked in the mid-20th century. Some experts argue that caution around pit bulls is warranted, given their history; people who look at pictures of the dogs tend to rate them unfavorably. And yet, studies done by Alvarez, Zapata, and others have found that pit bulls don’t seem to be more aggressive or volatile than other dogs. If any dogs are a bit more apt to react when provoked, Alvarez told me, it might be the shrimpy ones—Chihuahuas, dachshunds, and so on—perhaps because their teenier brains have a harder time reining in impulsive behaviors … or because they’re just smaller dogs, constantly being loomed over, picked up, or accidentally kicked."
Apparently it's racist to blame the owners. Oops

Meme - "God once said: 'I need someone strong enough to maul a child but gentle enough to maul a child, smart enough to maul a child and passionate enough to maul a child. Someone with so much love they can maul a child. So God created the... Pit Bull"

College student who was disfigured in vicious attack by dogs reveals her face - "A Texas college student who was left “catastrophically” disfigured from a dog attack was bitten more than 800 times and lost almost 30 percent of her blood — as terrifying bodycam footage shows cops struggling to get the beasts under control.  Jacqueline Durand, a student at the University of Texas at Dallas, was mauled a day before her 22nd birthday in December when she showed up at the home of Dr. Justin Bishop and his wife, Ashley, to walk their two dogs.  But when she opened the door, the animals — a German shepherd mixed-breed named Lucy and a pit bull mixed-breed named Bender — pounced on her and pinned her down... The couple told investigators the dogs came from rescue organizations and that they hadn’t had any problems with them. But the lawsuit includes a photo of an “ominous sign” on the couple’s front door that states: “Crazy Dogs. Please Don’t Knock or Ring the Bell. Call or Text Instead.”  Durand’s attorney, Chip Brooker, told CBS News that the sign “suggests that the Bishops knew that both of these dogs had acted aggressively to people arriving at the front door.”"

Meme - "It isn't your job as a pitbull owner to control your animal. It's everyone else's job in your neighborhood to never stroll or breath or exist aggressively in case Pibbles gets loose and its not your fault because you warned them."
Lost/Found Pets in Navarre, FL: "*MY DOG IS NOT LOST INFO POST*
I just wanted to hop on here and say if my dog ever does get loose she is very sweet her name is sage , she is a pit mix if that day ever comes where she does get out I'm asking if you see her and you have small children 13 or younger please do not approach with your child she is very scared of kids and may get aggressive towards them, she has never been aggressive to a child or tried to bite them but to take the extra step and be safe please do not allow children to approach. Thank you"

Meme - "How about another mauling, Murray? I think we've had enough of your maulings! What do you get, when you cross a dog with a genetic predisposition for violence, with a TODDLER that SCREAMS AND MAKES VERY SUDDEN MOVEMENTS?! Call the pound! I'll tell YOU what you get! You get what you fucking deserve! *shreds an infant*"

Meme - "Live Love Laugh. *Pitbull with spiked collar* *Crying wojak girl with "Daddy" top and black baby*"

Meme - "This is my apprentice, Darth Maul *pitbull*"

Meme - "A fun game you can play is "Guess the Breed." Rules are simple. How you play is you find a news article about a dog attack, and you guess what breed you think did it. The game is rigged, though, because you can guess "pit bull" every time, and 95% of the time you'll be correct.
My dad's dog bit off my nose - now I have hair growing on my face"

Portland pastry chef mauled by off-leash dog, dog's handler promptly ODs on fentanyl - "Cheryl Wakerhauser owns Pix Patisserie. She says she was out on a run along Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard when she was attacked and mauled by a dog.  She reports the dog was off leash in a parking lot of a vacant building that’s surrounded by a chain-link fence.  The dog grabbed her leg and threw her to the ground, and attacked her legs and arm. Wakerhauser says she has more than 35 puncture wounds... Wakerhauser says the dog was taken away by animal control. The dog is a pitbull named "Bubbie," as confirmed by police... Police say the suspect, identified as houseless individual Theron D. Bates, had handed the dog over to police and then tried to run away.  However, Bates then ingested fentanyl shortly afterward and overdosed."

Meme - "If you laugh react a picture of a fugly pitbull, you'll be reported to the police!"
Caitlin Abbott: "Someone block the two ignorant people laugh reacting to this poor girl, and the nice comments people are leaving for her. Maybe they're the ones who did this to her since they find it so funny..."
Players for Pits, NFP: "we have blocked the ones who commented, but that's the only way we can. Let's not give them any more attention, its anti-pit bull people. All their profile were already flagged and sent to police, too. We love you all for looking out - please report any comments you see so we can ban and delete them!"

Olivia Quast's nose ripped off by boyfriend's pitbull mix - "A Connecticut artist had her nose bitten off by her boyfriend’s pit bull mix rescue when the pooch got spooked by her teeth-whitening device.  Olivia Quast, 30, from Thomaston, suffered horrific injuries to her face and arm during the Feb. 3 incident involving her boyfriend Graeme Stasyshyn’s 6-year-old dog, Bentley, which he’s had for four years... the dog then continued attacking her, leaving her left arm mangled before she could fight the animal off and call for help.  Quast speculated that Bentley, who was abused as a puppy, might have been startled and provoked by her teeth-whitening mouth guard equipped with a UV light... the woman said the dog’s eyes “changed” and described the animal as “dissociated.” The artist said of herself that she used to be a “cat person” who never liked dogs until she moved in with her 44-year-old boyfriend and his pointer, pitbull and bulldog mix, which became the first dog she “ever loved.”  Quast stressed that she had a good relationship with Bentley and would snuggle with the pooch in her bed, so when the canine attacked her last month, it came as a “total shock.”... As a result of the illness, the woman dislocates her joints on a daily basis, has received stitches more than 80 times and lives with chronic pain.  In the wake of the brutal attack, Quast and her boyfriend had Bentley humanely euthanized, after treating the dog to a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich and letting it play with stuffed animals while listening to classical music"

Dog breed genetics may affect traits like aggression and fearfulness - "Your dog’s ability to learn new tricks may be less a product of your extensive training than their underlying genetics.  Among 101 dog breeds, scientists found that certain behavioral traits such as trainability or aggression were more likely to be shared by genetically similar breeds. While past studies have looked into the genetic underpinnings of dog behaviors for certain breeds, this research — published October 1 in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B — is the first to investigate a wide swath of breed diversity and find a strong genetic signal.  “Anecdotally, everyone knows that different dogs have different behavioral traits,” says Noah Snyder-Mackler, a geneticist at the University of Washington in Seattle. “But we didn’t know how much or why.”...   Using data from over 14,000 dogs described in C-BARQ, the researchers gave each breed a score for 14 different behaviors, and then searched for overall genetic similarities among breeds that had similar scores. For traits such as aggression toward strangers, trainability and chasing, the researchers found that genes contribute 60 to 70 percent of behavioral variation among breeds. Poodles and border collies, for example, had higher trainability scores, while Chihuahuas and dachshunds had higher aggression toward strangers."
"It's all in how you raise them"

2018 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Dies After Being Attacked by a Pack of Dogs Near Ardmore, Oklahoma - "inaccurate headlines about this fatal dog mauling went viral. Here are the themes: sausage dogs maul and weiner dogs attack. The media went viral around the world, not restricted to the United States. This is despite a statement by a veterinarian disputing it, who had examined these dogs while alive, the best way to determine breed identification. Dr. Douglas Aldridge stated, "The dogs appear to me to be a pit bull and 4 pit-bull mix puppies."  Two employees at the Ardmore Animal Shelter -- who received the dogs dead, never examined them alive -- are responsible for deliberately mislabeling six of the dogs as predominantly "dachshund." Vet technician Amanda Dinwiddie, whose husband has bred and sold pit bulls in the past, and shelter co-director Tena Layton, an owner of multiple pit bulls, are 100% responsible for misleading the sheriff, media and public about the breeds involved in this deadly attack.  What is a mystery to us is why Layton ever supplied photographs of the dogs to the public? Because one of those images "clearly" identifies the largest dog as a pit bull."
This pit lover kept spamming the story about a pack of 7 dachshunds killing someone to "prove" that pitbulls weren't more dangerous. So much for that lie (even if it were true, clearly this means 1 dachshund would be as deadly as 1 pit)

Police body cam shows dog shot, killed after vicious attack of owner - "Officers in Richland County saved a Shelby resident, who was attacked by his pit bull on Saturday night.  The Shelby Police Department received a 9-1-1 call about a reported dog attack on Joelynn Drive, where upon their arrival they saw the dog biting his owner's arm in the back room of the home.  One officer (John Reed) used his Taser on the dog to give the owner enough time to break free and get out of the room. The two officers tried to contain the dog in the bedroom, but weren't able to do so, because the door couldn't close due to renovations. Once the officer stopped using the TASER, police said the dog recovered and began charging toward the door. The second officer (Cody Baker) then fired two rounds, which both struck and killed the dog instantly."

Meme - "Not my pibble's fault, this is. Negative energy, your child had *blood dripping*"

Dangerous Dog Fight Breaks Out Inside Walt Disney World - "At Disney in a store..watched 2 pit bull “service dogs” get into a big fight and the owners were right there and traveling together, so it wasn’t like the dogs didn’t know each other."

Meme - Daniel @growing_daniel: "Pit bulls are taking shit to the next level"
"Kansas man accidentally shot by dog remembered as 'lovable goofball'"

Meme - Animal Sense: Basic Training And Behavior Problems: "Hi trainers and behaviorists. My concern is we have 2 six month old pit bull female puppies. They are fighting like crazy. One has even torn a hunk out if the others ear during one of their fights. My husband has been bitten a few times trying to break it up. We are at our wits end. We have a small cat and monkey and are afraid they will start attacking them. In walks (he takes one at a time) they try and go after every dog they see and bark like crazy dogs at the people. Why are such young pups turning si aggressive. We are 60 and don't tease or rough play with them."
Clearly the owners' fault. It's all in how you raise them. They must be abusive and neglectful bastards

Meme - *Pitbull*: "Mon & Dad are getting me a human. Due: 9/29/23"

Meme - "Pitbull Owners when the Dog designed specifically to Maul and kill Mauls and Kills"

Meme - "Normal person
Pit apologist full of excuses
It seems only pitbulls have terrible owners."

Meme - "I've had many breeds of dogs. And I've had 3 pit bulls in the past. I can honestly say the pits were consistently the dumbest breed of the ones I've had, and I'll never have another one. I think the fascination with pitbulls is 2 things
1) they're the cheapest and def the most abundant breed you can buy off marketplace or Craigslist. Most aren't even pure, but everyone and their cousins brother "breeds" them. So ppl get them bc they're cheap and don't look like a mutt.
2) women like the stigma of owning an "agrressive breed" that's nothing but what they call a "big baby." It makes them feel some type of way having dominion over a "breed" with a bad reputation that they can control. Kinda screams out narcissistic energy."

Meme - "*hunting dog* genetics
*Herding dog* genetics
*running dog* genetics
*savannah dog* genetics
*pit bulls being aggressive* "just how they are raised""

Man who died at house in Oldham was 'mauled' by his dog while suffering a medical episode, inquest hears - "A man who died at a house in Oldham was 'mauled' by his dog after he collapsed from a medical episode, an inquest has heard.  Jonathan Halstead, 35, was found dead at a house on Duckworth Street in Shaw... Mr Halstead's dad heard a thud coming from one of the bedrooms.  "He went straight to the bedroom to find the dog mauling his son""

"Ohio woman dies aft...
TOLEDO, Ohio - A 57-year-old woman has died after she was attacked by her own dog in her backyard, reports say. Police tell WTOL Channel 11 that Bonnie Varnes was found in the yard "severely mutilated and unconscious." Varies was taken to a hospital but she died of her injuries."

Meme - "These Stumpline pups (my line, but not on my yard) have not only killed three littermates, but ate em down to the head...these are 9 week old pups...do y'all STILL THINK IT'S HOW YOU RAISE THEM?! This is that predisposition to dog aggression we've been preaching about...it is GENETICS...it has absolutely nothing to do with how you raise em...they have two automatic feeders full of food in there, which you can see in the background...they were just BORN SAVAGE! Stop thinking you can LOVE THE GENETICS out of these dogs! It ain't happening!"

Meme - "Was it the pitbull's fault?
Was it raised right?
Was it being agitated?
Who was the victim?
Did the victim make a sudden movement?
Did the victim breathe?
Pubble was nannying, those animals are not important, They are just playing!, Poor pubbles was scared!, Pibble was giving CPR
It's not the pitbull's fault"

2022 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs - "In 2013, we began the tradition of publishing breed identification photographs of fatally attacking dogs when available through news reports, animal control agencies, police departments, social media and public information requests. Of the 54 dog bite fatalities recorded in 2022, 44% (24) had some form of an identification photograph. Our nonprofit was responsible for capturing 75% of them. Pit bulls and their mixes represent 63% of images collected in 2022."
Clearly, "stigma" and "stereotyping" means photos of pit bulls involved in fatal attacks are more likely to be released than for other breeds

Pit Bulls: Facts and Figures - "There are approximately 4.5 million pit bulls in the United States, making up approximately 5.8% of the country's canine population...  From February 2013 to the present, animal control agencies and health departments in 19 U.S. states report that pit bulls are leading all breeds in biting incidents...  From 2011 to 2019, 14 peer-reviewed retrospective medical studies from Level 1 trauma centers spanning all major geographical regions in the United States -- Northeast, Southeast, South, Southwest, Midwest, West Coast, and Northwest -- all report similar findings: pit bulls are inflicting a higher prevalence of injuries than all other breeds of dogs. The majority of these studies (12 of 14) also report that pit bulls are inflicting the most severe injuries, requiring a higher number of operative interventions -- up to five times higher -- than other dog breeds...  Studies by health care providers establish that pit bull attacks are associated with higher median Injury Severity Scale scores, a higher number of hospital admissions, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death...  Another study authored entirely by physicians concludes that injuries from pit bulls are both more frequent and more severe...    Similarly, an additional study found that pit bulls inflict "more complex wounds, were often unprovoked, and went off property to attack" and that "[t]he probability of a bite resulting in a complex wound was 4.4 times higher for pit bulls compared with the other top-biting breeds."...  In 2021, of the 51 Americans killed by dogs, 37 were killed by one or more pit bulls and their mixes (in some cases in combination with one or more other breeds), and 21 of those victims were either the owner of the pit bull or member of the owner's family. The eruscide rate was 57%."
Pit bull defenders love to claim that pit bull attack numbers are unreliable because people misidentify pit bulls. But if that's the case, pit bull identification in general (for breed prevalence) would also be off, which would at least partially cancel out the effect but still leave them overrepresented. Also the inaccuracy of pitbull identification cannot account for the massive overrepresentation of them in attack and fatal attack numbers

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