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Thursday, May 04, 2023

LInks - 4th May 2023 (Trans Mania)

Meme - "They took a black woman off of Aunt Jemima pancakes but put a black man dressed as a woman and wearing a blonde wig on Cheezits. We are living in the twilight zone."

Meme - "London Victoria has a Gender Neutral bathroom but when they converted it from a disabled bathroom they forgot to remove the sign saying "not every disability is visible""

Meme - "It's a mental illness"
"When a cis man gives you the, "Sorry, I'm straight" mid chat
Shit cuts deep. I guess hair, makeup, and clothes isn't enough."
"I knew its best just to let it slide and get out of the conversation at that point. But the smart ass in me would want to be like "Oh your trans too." and when they get confused and question it I would say "Well if you can't be with me because your straight and I am a woman, then you clearly must mean that you are also a woman.' then I would toss my drink at them and everyone would start clapping. Then another woman in the bar would interject to let me know that she is trans.. but she isn't straight. Then she would carry me home. (Hey its my daydream)"

Meme - "not called cisformers is"
"So...Arcee is a transgendered lesbian in Transformers canon now. Can't have regular women anymore. Not allowed."

Who is Asya Khamsin? Sam Brinton luggage theft revealed as Vanity Fair features fashion designer's stolen dress - "Nuclear engineer Sam Brinton landed in another controversy. This time, it is after Tanzanian fashion designer Asya Khamsin claimed that Brinton was seen wearing certain custom-made outfits in a Vanity Fair photoshoot that the designer lost at a Washington Airport in 2018.  The allegation came after a Twitter user pointed out that Brinton was seen wearing Khamsin’s dress in an old Vanity Fair article... Khamsin’s bag reportedly contained at least 30 originally designed outfits. The luggage went missing when she was flying to Washington, D.C. for a 2018 event. However, she eventually had to pull out of the show following the loss or theft of her dresses as she was supposed to put the outfits on display at the event."

The witch-hunting of Boyz magazine - "The THT’s decision came six weeks after we had invited our followers on Twitter to watch a webinar by the LGB Alliance, a group that believes in biological sex rather than gender-based public policy. We were clear that people might not agree with the LGB Alliance, but for the purposes of community debate, why not hear it out?... The decision to punish Boyz by not running National HIV Testing Week messages to our gay male readership after a partnership lasting over a decade is unfair, and regrettably political. An HIV charity – whose recently filed accounts show that last year it received £6million from the public purse, made a loss and still paid its CEO a six-figure salary – shouldn’t pitch one community against another. Trans men and trans women rightly deserve and need sexual-health information from the THT and others, but it can’t be right that gay men’s health is put in jeopardy because a publicly funded charity chooses to start policing not only what views gay men might have, but also whether they are entitled to inform their views in the first place.  I have spoken to trans people who are appalled... they know Boyz is not transphobic. We ran a full-page editorial feature four weeks before the Twitter furore on the new NHS Gender Dysphoria Service at London’s 56 Dean Street clinic."
If you violate one tenet of trans orthodoxy, no matter what you've done in the past, you're a transphobic bigot. Free speech is dangerous to cults

Harry Potter's Luna Lovegood actor doubles down on her defense of JK Rowling - "Lynch, who played the whimsical Luna Lovegood in the series, has long described herself as a friend and admirer of Rowling and has defended the writer over her controversial comments which were labelled as being 'anti-trans'."

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "My thanks to the LGBTQ community. If it wasn't for your "boycott" sales wouldn't have been anywhere near this impressive"
The Game Awards @thegameawards: "HOGWARTS LEGACY has sold more than 12 million copies, the fastest selling @wbgames in history."
Fake but still funny

Fundamentalist Christians Delighted Liberals Finally Agree With Them About Harry Potter | Babylon Bee - "Democrats have hailed the rare moment of unity as a turning point for the national discourse. "J.K. Rowling is more than harmful – her books, Tweets, and very presence are literal violence, and have already killed millions of children since last week alone. She must be ended, or her influence may spread to more.""


Meme - Kaeley Triller @KaeleyT: "These are just a few of the "matches" on my friend's lesbian dating app. Remember when words used to mean things?"

Meme - Noelle @NoelleNoelNoL: "Yeah. One of my local private schools doesn't look like an improvement."
Pronouns: "Vae/Vem

Resumes including they/them pronouns are more likely to be overlooked - "The phantom resume including pronouns received 8% less interest than the one without, and fewer interview and phone screening invitations.  According to the report, over 64% of the companies that received these resumes were Equal Opportunity Employers, something that made the results even more “worrisome.”"
I'm surprised it's only 8% less
We are told that irrelevant information like your photograph should not be put in a CV and this could subject "your would-be employer to a discrimination lawsuit" and your resume can get tossed, and the rejection rate for CVs with photos is 88%. So for just this reason alone, you can see why employers would toss CVs with pronouns

Meme - Michelle Thomson @mscots41: "Excuse me sir but your pronouns are poking out your dress!"

Meme - The Flash (Ezra Miller): "Why are there two of us?"
Alternate The Flash (Ezra Miller): "Because we go by they/them."


🏳️‍⚧️ Dread Pirate Asholotl!! 🏴 on Twitter - "I’m trans. Idc what pronouns you use for me. Idc if you believe me. Who I am is not contingent upon being validated. I am not a victim. I am not oppressed. I do not need support. I don’t need an ally."

Facebook - "Everyone's first-person pronouns are "I, me, my." These are "MY" pronouns, because they are the only ones over which I have complete control, because they come out of MY mouth. When we refer to someone in the second person, we use second-person pronouns, "you, you, yours."  If someone refuses to use those pronouns when talking directly to you, you should probably end the conversation, because that person is speaking a language other than English. (Unless you know the other language, or are interested in learning it, that is.) That leaves the third person pronouns. This is what people use when they are talking ABOUT you to someone else. And since you are not a participant in that dialog, you have no control over that dialog.  Listen, when people talk about me, I prefer that they say nice things, like, "That Johnz is very good looking." "That Johnz is funny." "That Johnz is witty." Etc.  I prefer that they talk like that, but I cannot demand that they talk like that, because I have no authority over other people's conversations, EVEN WHEN I AM A SUBJECT OF THEM."

Meme - "If mental health professionals treated any other delusion this way, they'd lose their license.
Don't let those schizophobes tell you that schizophrenia is a mental iliness. If you belleve in the halucinatlons, then they're scientiffically there. You don't need any help."

Meme - Santa Claus: "OH OH OH. For christmas, i will turn you into a real girl !"
Transwoman: "YEAHHH ! Wait a minute... SANTA CLAUS DOESN'T EXIST ! You are not the real santa claus ! You are a man in a costume!"
Santa Claus: "Well,yes... I am a man in a costume !"
Fat man: -_-

Meme - "80s hair metal band member or Transgender woman"

Meme - Terminator: "Hello Sir. What up, BRO. Hey Mister" Mentally unstable men pretending to be women: *little girl cowering under table*
The guy who posted this said it was created in response to the "grown men cowering because of pronouns" meme

Addison Smith on Twitter - "After spending half an hour trying to make @MattWalshBlog look like the villain, @HunterAA6 says children can consent: “Giving kids puberty blockers after… they’ve consented… that’s actually a good thing.”
Hunter: stupid conservatards think we’re coming for their kids
Also Hunter: Kids can consent and that’s a good thing"

Meme - Auron MacIntyre @AuronMacintyre: "The religious right was mocked relentlessly for correctly predicting the future"
Jack Turban MD @jack_turban: "Also to be very clear having a goal of a child growing up to be cisgender is unethical, as clearly stated by The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and The American Psychiatric Association"

Daniel 🦎 on Twitter - "I miss my genitals so much. I haven’t had an orgasm in years. It’s really frustrating to deal with this. #transkid
Someone was asking why I write word orgasm and kid in the same post. It’s because I was a kid when I transitioned. Now I’m 22yo."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "The right actually wins a ton of culture war fights, and is about to win one on "youth gender affirming care." The reason this is less widely noticed is that, when the right wins, nothing happens - things go back to the way they were five minutes ago. #positive_mutations_survive
Same thing with crime: the upcoming center-right victory on policing will mean that cops go back to copping, crime in Black communities and Portlands goes back to normal, and activist social scientists lie about why the surge happened."

‘Why is no one in the DMs?’ TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney looking for love, baffled by lack of interest - "TikTok celebrity Dylan Mulvaney, who shot to stardom with the series 100 Days of Girlhood documenting the male’s "transition" to womanhood, has spoken publicly about the search for a romantic partner since becoming trans.   In an interview with People, Mulvaney explains feeling bemused about the fact that the offers from men are not flooding in and describes feeling impatient for that first kiss after transition. After donning some hair extensions and recently undergoing facial feminization surgery, Mulvaney claimed to be hot enough to steal husbands... On March 13, Mulvaney will celebrate one year of performing womanhood, and in that year, the adult male who calls women’s genitals “barbie pouches” and makes videos about carrying around tampons, has notched up some notable moments.  When not dipping tampons into glasses of water and squealing like an immature child, the celebrity influencer has been invited to the White House to advise President Biden on important issues such as healthcare for vulnerable youth, appeared on the Ulta Beauty podcast with a fellow adult male to discuss the joys of girlhood, and glided down the red carpet at the Grammys in a dress showing off a distinct lack of feminine curves."
Real women keep complaining about unwanted attention, so either way this is revealing

Meme - ETHAN VAN SCIVER @EthanVanSciver: "Here's the tweet that Patreon demanded I delete or lose my Patreon account."
WORKING CLASS ELITIST @EthanVanSciver: "Disney is framing a law that restricts public school teachers from presenting confusing sexual and gender concepts to children between the ages of 5 and 8 as a matter of LGBTQ rights. Hi-octane grooming. Most powerful sociopolitical lobby + most powerful ent. corp vs. Parents."
I am very concerned about this, Patreon threatening to close your account if you don't get in line with their views, in this case they want to force Ethan Van Sciver to stay silent on Disney using their money power to allow grooming in the public educational system. : KotakuInAction

Jeffery Goes on Frantic Delete Spree of Kids Videos (Deleted Videos Exposed) - YouTube
"Jeffrey Marsh deletes all his videos where he "addresses the children" His entire Tiktok is now 18+"

Meme - jaye_simpson: "A girl without a dick is like an angel without wings"
"bleached brows // oat milk // a girl of patterns // a swirl of hair // take one for later // give some for now // it all comes to something almost like a close"
They hate real women so much

Meme - Shae Reloaded @judgementshae: "there's a single stall bathroom at work that's objectively nicer but I use the women's bathroom anyway because I like to intimidate terfs and steal the free tampons"

Meme - Gabriella Flores: "Wow, at least it ain't fake."
Alaina Kailyn Cobb: "My vagina is objectively prettier than every TERFs vagina. Just facts. Got that plush shit, put a lot of money in it. They're out here wearing their original bits their mom gave em. Sad"

Nintendo Faces Backlash After Removing Trans Flag Level from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - "Japanese gaming company Nintendo has been criticized on Twitter after removing a fan-made stage with a trans flag in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a fighting game featuring numerous well-known Nintendo characters and stages inspired by past Nintendo games. The game includes a feature where fans can create their own stages to battle in.  One user created such a stage, entitled Trans Rights Now, which included a transgender pride flag. However, the stage was removed by Nintendo because it was deemed a “political statement.”"
Liberals politicise everything and if you object, you're not a decent human being

Facebook - "One thing I find amusing is how most of the left is perfectly happy to deadname Ye (and he's said he hates the name Kanye), while most of the right calls him by his current name The exact opposite of how both sides react to deadnaming trans people Apparently, both sides don't want to be an asshole to only those on their side of the culture war."

Meme - MaryCate Delvey @marycatedelvey: "Important announcement everyone!!! I'm coming out as a TRANSWOMAWN!! AFAB Transwomen are valid please follow me here and on TikTok to see my #transitionjourney #trans #comingout #InternationalWomensDay2023"
"GUYS, I'M COMING OUT AS A TRANSWOMAN!! This was REALLY hard to do because of all the transphobia in the world, especially towards ..."

Meme - MaryCate Delvey @marycatedelvey" "I knew when I came out as a TransTranswoman there would be literal violence, this is why us biotransgirls are being genocided!! #transgenocide #dobetter #transphobia #YouAreValid #transisbeautiful #TGirlsRock
kristinII369: What is the purpose for this? Just woke up today and decided to mock trans? Confusing.
marycatedelvey: Excuse you. Wow you're exactly the type of transphobe I knew would show up here to bully a trans girl
kristinlI369: You need serious help.
marycatedelvey: Try not being a bigot. Do better."

Meme - Waddle dee @ BIG R...: "Does this cake scare you *trans cake*"
"Oh man, I've always wanted a cake that will cut itself."

Meme - "What are transwomen again? *Two and a Half Men intro: men men men*"

Meme - Lauren Southern @Lauren Southern: "When you're a tomboy but were born 5 years too early for the school counsellor to recommend a double mastectomy."

Meme - "WOKE PARENTS wont spank their kids but will cut their nuts off."

Meme - "Help! Need a good comeback for a transphobic coworker
[Discussion] So I was in the break room with 7 or 8 of my coworkers, they were talking about 90's bands and Nirvana came up. I said that I always believed Kurt Cobain was secretly a trans woman and one of them says "Why? Because he killed himself?""

Meme - Alex Thomas: "After they start taking the estrogen the girl dick start smelling and tasting like pussy. Not fishy pussy, it tastes like clean and well kempt pussy. Y'all haters are just mad you ain't getting none."

Meme - SpectreOxD: Feeling Angr
I'm not trying to rehash old wounds, but after seeing that not even genocide watch recognizes us as a community that's under attack, I'm just flabbergasted. I just feel like nobody cares about us, and I feel like I'm just sitting here waiting for something terrible to kick off. I'm currently stuck in the deep south. If something happens, I dont even know how to get in contact with other people to protect ourselves. Every time I try to talk about this, it's like everyone just wants to pretend it isn't happening. Sorry, but I had to vent that concern."

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