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Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Links - 8th March 2023 (Trans Mania)

Meme - "Bread *Beautiful woman*
Garlic bread *Beautiful woman with big breasts*
Gluten tree *Trans woman*"

Meme - "How transwomen think they look
How they actually look"

I'm de-transitioning from a trans woman back to a man and blame 'woke' culture for influencing teens - "An influencer who is in the process of 'de-transitioning' from a trans woman back to a man has hit out at 'woke' culture - which he claims encourages often vulnerable teens to question their identity unnecessarily.  Oli London, from Hertford, spent six months living as a woman, and underwent feminising facial surgery to soften his features before realising, he now says, that he was actually happier living as a man.  The social media personality, who had previously had surgery to look like male Korean pop idols, has hit out at celebs like Harry Styles and Timothee Chalamet, and shows like Ru Paul's drag race, that, he claims, promote gender fluidity - saying they are dangerous for teens who are encouraged to question their identity... He says he was able to book all of his surgery abroad without ever having undergone counselling or any therapy - which he now thinks should not be allowed for for gender reassignment surgery... 'Because I was bullied for my looks, I started having plastic surgery to try and improve how I looked and I became addicted.  'In total, so far, I have had 32 procedures. However, I still wasn't happy and I felt like something was missing. I thought that as everyone had been calling me feminine my whole life, and that I had maybe been born in the wrong body, maybe they were right... 'I spent six months living as a transgender woman and at first it felt amazing. I thought this was the reason I'd never felt fully happy before.  'I was even considering going to Thailand for further gender-changing surgery, but I soon came to the realisation that I actually still wasn't happy.'  Oli discovered that undergoing different cosmetic procedures was a temporary fix for his unhappiness and decided that he needed to totally change his life.  Oli said: 'I originally transitioned because I thought it would be the solution to my unhappiness and that it would be some sort of miracle cure to why I felt the way I did about myself.  'After living as a transwoman for six months, I still wasn't happy and I realised that I had made the wrong decision... 'I had been influenced by information I was seeing on social media. I thought transitioning was something that was fun, easy, and cool because that's the way it had been portrayed online. I thought it was going to be a quick and easy fix, but I was wrong... Now living comfortably as a male, Oli is the happiest he has ever been, however still receives hate from trans activists regarding his journey. When he began his research into de-transitioning, he says that he discovered lots of cases of younger teenagers being pushed to transition and being allowed a choice at a very young age."

Killer now identifies as an infant who wears nappies and demands baby food in prison - "A killer who transitioned from male to female while in prison has demanded guards hold her hand while outside her cell because she identifies as an infant.  Sophie Eastwood, 36, was named Daniel when she was jailed for life in 2004 after using shoelaces as a garotte to strangle her cellmate.  Eastwood, who has lived as a woman in Her Majesty's prisons for the past four years, has been described as "attention-seeking" and "manipulative" by sources inside the jail.  The murderer has now told chiefs at Polmont prison in Brightons, Scotland, that she identifies as a tot, and should be allowed to wear diapers and have her meals pureed like baby food.  She has also demanded guards hold her hand when she is escorted to and from her cell.  Prison bosses are taking Eastwood's requests seriously and have already supplied her with a dummy...   “But this is obviously something else entirely and the Scottish Prison Service has no protocol in place for dealing with prisoners who decide they are babies.”  The source added: “Eastwood is a complex person and intelligent but she is pretty demanding on the resources of the prison and enjoys being the centre of attention.  "It’s difficult to know if she really does feel a natural inclination to be treated like a baby or if it’s just some kind of attention seeking.  “Modern prisons are very tuned in to human rights and the legal implications they throw up, so it’s being given proper consideration.”... Eastwood claimed she would have been freed by now if she had remained a man."

Meme - "Wendy Martin asked a question
Chayse update. She has informed me today that she would rather stay a boy. I am confused and not sure how to take it. She told us when she was 4 that she wanted to be a girl. We supported her no matter what. Has anyone else experienced this?"

This Bus Got Vandalized Real Quick After Starting A Road Trip To Oppose Transgender Rights - "A bright orange bus that launched a road trip this week to argue against transgender rights was in New York City just one day before vandals approached it in full daylight to spray paint on the words "trans liberation," hammer holes in the side, and smash in the windshield.  The “Free Speech Bus,” as the creators call it, was parked outside the United Nations headquarters at about 4pm on Thursday to promote the idea that sex is fixed from birth and transgender people's gender identity should not be recognized in public... When the bus rolled onto Manhattan streets on Wednesday, critics had been quick to condemn the project, calling its proponents bigots and making comments on Twitter about its tires being slashed and being set on fire... the bus features the slogan: “Boys are boys… and always will be. Girls are girls… and always will be. You can’t change sex. Respect all.”"
Someone claimed that a TRA boasting it slashed the tires of a "transphobic" person was obviously fake
Biology is transphobic

Meme - Bart Simpson: *LGBQ*
Feral Bart Simpson with wild hair, tattered clothes, broken chain around foot, with glass of milk and plate with 3 fish heads (Bart's twin Hugo from Treehouse of Horror): *T*

Thread by @LukeWGoodrich on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The Biden Admin just filed an appeal seeking to force religious doctors and hospitals to perform potentially harmful gender-transition procedures against their conscience and professional medical judgment. This is bad for patients, doctors, and religious liberty. The Biden Admin says it can punish doctors and hospitals for “sex discrimination” unless they perform controversial gender-transition procedures... The plaintiffs are religious doctors, hospitals, and clinics who joyfully serve ALL patients regardless of sex or gender identity. They routinely provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold.  They also provide millions of dollars in free and low-cost care to the elderly, poor, and underserved--care that is jeopardized by the government’s attempt to punish them with multi-million dollar penalties. The Transgender Mandate not only threatens religious doctors and hospitals. It also threatens patients, as there is ample evidence that certain gender transition procedures can be deeply harmful. Multiple federal courts have reached the same conclusion: “There is no medical consensus that sex reassignment surgery is a necessary or even effective treatment for gender dysphoria.” Gibson v. Collier, 920 F.3d 212, 223 (5th Cir. 2019). The government’s own doctors during the Obama Admin agreed... ust weeks ago, a study commissioned by NHS England found “very low” evidence for the effectiveness of “puberty blockers” and cross-sex hormones"
Hey "Evangelicals for Biden," check this out
From 2021. Of course, liberals pretend that not providing medically dubious treatments for trans patients is the same as refusing to provide the same medical care to trans patients as non-trans patients, which they claim is discrimination

Meme - AddisonMania @Addison_Mania: "Florida has officially banned gender-affirming care to trans youth. My head's been having a hard time wrapping itself around everything for the past week. I fear for those whose lives it will hurt and end. This is genocide, and it's only the beginning. Please stay strong."
It makes sense why they keep going on about "genocide" now - anything that results in the trans population being smaller than it otherwise would be is "genocide". Similarly, stopping someone who went around blinding people would be genocide towards the blind community

Ontario school trustee barred after questioning trans policy - "An Ontario school trustee has been barred from attending board meetings in part because she publicly questioned the district’s stated policy of accommodating a student’s decision to switch genders while keeping it a secret from their parents. At a Feb. 7 meeting, the Durham District School Board voted to censure fellow trustee Linda Stone, and bar her from all board meetings and committee hearings for the rest of the year. In an accompanying statement, the board condemned the “harmful impact” of Stone’s comments and urged the community to “begin to heal.”... “I was a little disturbed to see that you would keep things private with the student and not let parents know,” Stone said in a November, 2021 meeting. She also suggested that students requesting a change of gender might be best advised to “seek counselling to find out whether or not something else may be interfering with what the child is actually going through.” These comments spurred a number of complaints to the board that Stone was violating the “equity and diversity initiatives” of the district. It was these initial complaints that would ultimately lead to the board targeting Stone for investigation and eventual censure. The investigator’s report against Stone also focused on her “antitrans” Twitter history. In one, she retweeted a post from a mother alleging that her daughter’s U13 rugby team played against an opponent with “two large boys in it” – an apparent reference to trans girls. In another, she posted a link to testimony from Chloe Cole, a California teenager who became a campaigner against trans surgery for minors after she underwent a double mastectomy while still in high school.  It was the Cole tweet which caused the report to write that Stone was circulating “antitrans language” and perpetuating “harmful narratives around transgender people.” “How many different pronouns must a teacher memorize? If 23 students all have different pronouns and the teacher gets one wrong, would that be grounds for a complaint?”...   The 55-page investigator’s report also gave weight to allegations that Stone was “racist” for opposing changes to district policies asserting that the district was shot through with “systemic racism” enabled by “the structural dominance of white supremacy.”  As evidence, it cited Stone’s posting of a tweet condemning the teaching of critical race theory. Notably, the tweet was originally posted by Mike Ramsay, a fellow Ontario school trustee who has also faced censure for critiquing the presence of “anti-racism” ideology in the school curriculum despite the fact that he is himself Black. Stone is not the first Ontario school official to be pushed out of her job for questioning the official line on transgender identity.  Last year, Waterloo, Ont., teacher Carolyn Burjoski was at a school board meeting registering her concerns over library books that she accused of glossing over the long-term consequences of gender transition surgery and hormone treatment. In one book entitled The Other Boy, the main character says “it’s cool” when informed that their gender transition will render them permanently sterile.  For this, Burjoski’s presentation was cut off, the teacher was issued an indefinite “stay-at-home” order and a video livestream of the meeting was even scrubbed from the internet by board officials. Burjoski’s case would end up factoring into Stone’s censure. One of the charges against the Durham trustee is that she has posted a link to a blog post by Burjoski in which the Waterloo teacher had written that in the current discourse the mere utterance of the phrase “all children should be treated equally” can put a teacher’s career on the line.  The report dismisses the sentiment as “controversial political opinion” that contributes to “an environment of discrimination” – before indeed recommending that Stone’s career as a trustee be brought to an end."
TRAs always deny detransitioners exist, because admitting that fact is "literally genocide"
Freedom is slavery

Meme - ">be me
>Gf identifies as genderfluid
>Be on the couch watching TV
>start kissing her
>Unzip her pants and go down on her
>She's really enjoying it, feel like she's about to cum
>Raise my eyes because I really like watching her cum
>She's grinning at me
>Amongus imposter theme starts playing
>My mouth is instantly filled by her massive cock
>Quickly grows almost twice her size in height and muscle mass as she switches sex
>hairy as fuck
>Gag as she forces my head down in a deepthroat
>As I go up to catch my breath, she grabs me by my waist as I'm a play thing
>Tosses me on the other side of the room with her apeman arms
>I beg for mercy as she approaches me
>Get fucked in the ass, whimpering
>Nut inside me letting out a caveman roar
>Reverts back to girl as she goes to make dinner
>I stayed naked on the floor crying for almost an hour"

Meme - Poppy Diabolique (1/2 of @ZenaAndPopp... @LadyDiabolique: "One thing no one tells you about with transition is the amount of underwear you will for no reason make gooey. My panties look like a scene from ghostbusters half the time..."
Wolp, Bree is Merobiba @Wolpert...: "Yep, it is so wild, I am glad it isn't just me."
Jesus Kristensen @JesusKristensen: "exactly the correct ammount of information."
Saige (5/10 Leftist E-Girl Arc) @Sa...: "Same tho"
Emmafalls @e...: "Especially when she starts talking dirty in your ear omfg."

Biden Admin Wants Kids to Starve if Schools Don't Let Boys Use Girls Showers and Bathrooms - "The National School Lunch Program feeds approximately 30 million kids nationwide daily. But now, getting access to federal funds for the program will come with a huge catch: K-12 schools will have to allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms if they want to continue receiving funds for the school lunch program...   This move echoes a similar move by the Obama administration, when it declared in 2016 that the Departments of Justice and Education would both “treat a student’s gender identity as the student’s sex for purposes of enforcing Title IX,” and issued a directive to all public school districts in the country to allow students to use the bathrooms matching their “gender identity.”"

Kayla Lemieux ditches her Z size breasts outside the classroom - "A Canadian teacher who made international headlines for wearing gigantic prosthetic breasts rarely wears them outside of school — raising questions about whether the vulgar costume is just an act.  While parents have raged about transgender teacher Kayla Lemieux being allowed to wear Z-cup prosthetics in front of students, the shop teacher was spotted ditching the controversial fetishistic fashion after work and stepping out in public dressed as a man. “He wears prosthetic breasts extremely infrequently,” a resident of Lemieux’s apartment complex told The Post.  “He puts the breasts on to teach, occasionally when he goes for a walk or when the cops visit.”... The teacher — who until a few years ago went by the name Kerry — left Ontario’s Oakville Trafalgar High School this week wearing the gigantic breasts, a blond wig and glasses, but it wasn’t long until the cartoonish clothing came off.  After shopping at a department store and pet supplies shop dressed as a woman, Lemieux headed home to get changed and emerged dressed as a man 30 minutes later.   Lemieux then spent the afternoon in public wearing men’s sweatpants, trainers, a gray T-shirt and a navy puffer vest without breasts, makeup, glasses or wig. According to Lemieux’s neighbor, who asked not to be identified for fear of backlash, the transgender teacher was first seen “parading” gigantic prosthetic breasts while walking along a busy road in their neighborhood last May...   “The school has been adamant in telling parents this is a transitioning teacher who needs to express themselves as a woman... The Post has obtained a section of Malott’s submission that was censored by the school board, which suggested Lemieux’s Z-cup breasts are more commonly worn by female impersonators and sex workers than people transitioning."
I remember when people were dismissing allegations that he was trolling

Meme - Trans imagination: "Protect Trans Kids"
Man: "Why are you looking at my son like that? I'm gonna call the cops"

Meme - Magills @magills_: "2023 is wild. If you're a dude who checks out a woman working out you're a threat but if you call yourself a woman and expose yourself to her in the locker room and she feels threatened she's a bigot."

Meme - *Sam Smith at Brit Awards 2023 looking like a dick*

Viewers of BBC's One Show baffled as Sam Smith reveals dream of becoming a 'fisher-them'

Meme - Randi @UnHerdBehavior: "From ages 4-12, I wore boy clothes, played boy sports & rejected all things "girly." When my brother teased me for being a girl, I even said that when I got older I would "cut my boobs off." I was not transgender, I just idolized my brother. Thank God my parents were sane."

Meme - Barry Nguyen: "That one surfer chick who got her arm eaten by a shark is apparently transphobic. I love an ally."
The TRA mindset

Meme - Libertarian Left: "hey whats up fellow commies haha eat the rich support trans rights haha"
Communists in uniform: "get the fuck away from us"

Meme - Jonathon @CousinJon_: "What does deadname mean?"
Logan Lycanthrope @Ciroctopussy: *screenshot*
reby @rebyricks: "Why dragonball wiki of all places"

Meme - "Mom, what is a "contradiction?""
"Believing that 18yr olds couldn't understand their student loans, but 7yr olds can choose their gender."

Hadley Freeman: ‘Atmosphere of fear’ governs Guardian trans coverage - "A former Guardian journalist has accused the newspaper of censoring her views on women’s rights, claiming an “atmosphere of fear” governs its coverage of trans issues.  Hadley Freeman claimed she was barred from interviewing JK Rowling and Martina Navratilova, both of whom have expressed gender-critical views.   Meanwhile, the newspaper ran “glowing profiles of trans activists” such as Munroe Bergdorf, Paris Lees and Freddy McConnell... She quit The Guardian earlier this year after editors said she could not follow up the The Telegraph’s investigation into Mermaids, a trans charity.  Freeman said she had also learned that a group named All About Trans visited the Guardian and, in her absence, held up some of her writing as examples of transphobia.  “I was told I wasn’t to write about gender, and that actually women shouldn’t write about gender, and suddenly things became very tricky for me”... “I know of multiple reporters who asked if they could interview [gender-critical campaigners] Maya Forstater and Allison Bailey … I asked about interviewing JK Rowling and Martina Navratilova, and we were all told ‘no’.” Freeman said managers told her women should not write about gender “because it gets too much of a kickback on social media [and] it should be done by the male specialist reporters, such as health reporters”.  She added that she had been in “a very happy long-term marriage” with The Guardian for her first 15 years there, but “about seven years ago that particular partner started to become a conspiracy theorist, unrecognisable to me, and it just got to a point where I couldn’t take any more”.  Freeman said: “There did suddenly become this atmosphere of real fear at the paper,” recalling one meeting in which staff discussed a Guardian editorial stating that feminists were entitled to express doubts about gender self-identification.  “I was defending the editorial and various people, whom I considered friends, were being quite personally abusive and saying it was transphobic, like people saying a gay teacher shouldn’t teach children”... "what you get from the other side, if you’re just trying to defend what is literally the law in this country, is to be told you’re killing children, you’re a bigot – this very violent way of talking.  “I can take that – what I don’t understand is why upper management is scared to deal with that. It’s not just The Guardian. This has happened at a lot of progressive places, this feeling of fear that we can’t stand up against some of the claims that gender activists make.”"
The current liberal position is that women shouldn't write about gender. What times we live in

Suzanne Moore: ‘I was betrayed and bullied for saying that women should not be silenced’ - "When Suzanne Moore left her job, she announced the news on Twitter, accompanied by a sassy picture of Mad Men’s Peggy Olson strutting down a corridor with her belongings in a box.   “I have left The Guardian. I will very much miss SOME of the people there. For now that’s all I can say,” she declared...   As she reflects today on some of the more absurd aspects of the row about transgender rights that has ended her time at the paper, Moore, 62, allows herself a laugh, but beneath the calm exterior she is very, very bruised.   “I feel betrayed,” she says. “We are living in a world in which it is increasingly difficult to say certain things.  “Almost every week now a different woman is put on the pyre: J K Rowling, Rosie Duffield, Selina Todd. It’s always a woman who is some sort of heretic and must be punished. If all this is about how trans people can have the best lives they can possibly have, how does this help them?”...   Labour MP Rosie Duffield received death threats after liking a tweet suggesting “people with a cervix” should be called women. Selina Todd, professor of modern history at Oxford, was condemned after addressing a meeting of Woman’s Place UK, a group campaigning for women to have separate spaces on the basis of biological sex. Opponents regard it as a “trans-exclusionary hate group”.  Now Moore and one of Britain’s most venerable newspapers, founded in 1821, have fallen victim to the culture war that has engulfed universities and become a powder-keg issue on the Left. “It was entirely my decision to leave,” says Moore defiantly, but still she feels that she was hounded out. The drama began back in March, when Moore wrote a column lamenting the culture of cancellation and no-platforming and spoke of her sadness at the way a once-united campaign for sexual freedom – where women wanting abortion reform marched alongside men and women seeking gay rights and vice versa – has fragmented into factions, at one another’s political throats. She also reiterated her view that women are women: that sex is a biological fact, rather than a construct assigned at birth (unlike gender, which suggests boys and girls should behave in a certain way). Feminists like Moore have become increasingly concerned at the prospect of being made to make way for trans women, even those who have had no surgery and therefore have essentially male bodies.   There are concerns about allowing them into women’s changing rooms or refuges and there has also been controversy about transgender women competing in women’s sport, where they have a natural physical advantage.   To most people, such concerns would be entirely unremarkable, but to the transgender lobby, which wants sex to be recognised depending on whether you feel yourself to be a man or a woman, this was incendiary.   “The way the column is spoken about, it’s as if it was Mein Kampf,” says Moore. “Obviously I defended Selina Todd, but it’s mad that a professor of modern history at Oxford has to go around with security. The situation has become so crazy, I have friends, academics and others who are afraid of losing their jobs because of inadvertently saying the wrong thing.”...   “Hadley Freeman [another columnist and writer], who’s been a staunch, brilliant supporter, defended me. But then all these people signed a letter saying The Guardian should be a safer place to work because apparently three trans people had resigned in the last year. I didn’t know that because I didn’t go in there.”... “I naively thought I would be defended, because that’s what’s always happened at other newspapers,” she says. “I thought a public statement would be issued making clear this letter-writing business was not on. What happened was, the editor offered to take me out to lunch. I said I didn’t want a lunch. I’m not five, I don’t need to be patted on the head and given a veggie burger.”...   Though her career began at The Guardian, she has written for other newspapers including The Mail on Sunday, where she worked alongside Peter Hitchens, one of Britain’s most vociferous Right-wing columnists. “Peter and I would have stand-up rows, we’re opposites, but that was it: next day we’d be back to normal. I’m able to work with people I disagree with,” she says.   For years, she was also able to campaign alongside people she disagreed with on certain points, and they with her, but she says that is not true of the new generation who revere Jeremy Corbyn.  “These young people, Momentum people, cannot tolerate difference,” she says. “They think they can, but they can’t. We saw it with Brexit. If you’re a Remainer, how do you win over people to your side? I know! Call everyone who doesn’t agree with you a racist idiot. That really helps, doesn’t it?   “It’s the same with Labour. Anyone who doesn’t like Jeremy Corbyn is a Tory, so guess what, people in the Red Wall voted Tory. So much for the art of politics being about persuasion.”...   “All the major writers on the paper wrote letters or messaged me. I got a message from someone saying: ‘I wish I could have spoken up for you but I was afraid of losing my job.’  “There are a lot of people with mortgages and with children who want to speak up but can’t – women especially. This isn’t just about newspapers. I can walk along my street and a woman will stop me and say: ‘I’m a teaching assistant and I said something the other day and I think I might lose my job.’ It’s because of the incredible lobbying and institutional capture Stonewall [which campaigns for LGBT rights] has had on our education and public sector. It’s become quite a witch-hunt.”  That self-censorship should hit The Guardian, which has always regarded itself as a beacon of liberal thinking, strikes her as particularly sad"

Suzanne Moore's departure is a sad day for the Guardian - "Who runs a newspaper – and especially a great liberal newspaper – in a digital age when liberalism often seems to be in retreat, menaced by its enemies internal and external? In the not-too-recent past, the question would be easily answered: the editor, supported by his (for in the past it was usually ‘his’) senior journalists ran the paper. Things are more complicated now.  At least they appear more complicated at the Guardian and at the New York Times. At both papers, each the proud inheritors of certain liberal traditions, one may no longer say with confidence that editorial control of the paper resides with the editorial staff...   ‘I read something in the paper and I disagreed with it’ now often seems to be considered some kind of assault upon the person, rather than being something you should expect – and even look forward to. Perhaps this should not surprise for when the personal is political and when identity is the basis for politics a mere difference of opinion – or even of emphasis – becomes a hostile act. Such things must be policed.  Which might be fine on campus but the adult world is supposed to be marginally more robust. Moore’s critics accuse her of being ’transphobic’ though these accusations never quite seem to be accompanied by compelling evidence of her guilt. (This may be because any fair reading of her work, if such a thing is still permitted, could not possible lead to her conviction on the charges levelled against her.)...   Those protestors, it seems to me, appear to have made a terrible mistake when they agreed to work for a newspaper. For if they cannot cope with internal argument – and they cannot, for their reaction to Moore’s columns has not been to argue that she is mistaken but, rather, to insist she should not be published – they might more profitably seek employment elsewhere. There is an echo here of the bad old days when print unions dictated what a newspaper might or might not publish on a huge range of stories; a time when print unions had the power to close a newspaper down.   Eddy Shah and then Rupert Murdoch broke the printers. That was a brutal and sometimes bloody but utterly necessary conflict. Necessary because it was, at heart, a question of principle: should a newspaper be able to publish what it wanted (within, of course, the customary boundaries of the law) or should that freedom instead be policed by the printers? I acknowledge my prejudice in favour of the journalists but think the principle an obvious one... The disagreement is part of the point but a liberalism which cannot cope with that is, in the end, a liberalism not half as strong as it thinks it is.  That seems to be what is happening at the Guardian and at the New York Times where, in each instance, there is a narrowing, and perhaps even a closing, of journalistic minds. That is very much to be regretted and is so even if you have little time for either paper or their respective worldviews. No tradition has any kind of monopoly on truth or wisdom, from which it follows that conservatives should wish to see liberalism at its best and vice versa. That cannot be achieved without a properly open space for argument.   The Guardian, an important and often great paper, is a little bit diminished this evening. Not because, as she would I fancy argue herself, Suzanne Moore is important in and of herself, but because if the Guardian cannot accommodate Suzanne Moore that says something more – and something rather depressing – about the Guardian than it does of its erstwhile columnist."

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