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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Links - 16th March 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Curbing political topics in English schools will harm minority students, say critics - "Restrictions on political topics in schools will harm young people by curbing discussions about the polarised arguments and issues they are exposed to on social media, according to the government’s former mental health champion.  Natasha Devon said young people from minority backgrounds stood to be the biggest losers if the new guidelines meant teachers in England were afraid to provide students with a safe environment to debate issues... The guidance – which is a reformulation of existing statutory regulations and legal duties – stresses the need for impartiality when teaching “contentious” issues such as imperialism. It cautions teachers against adopting or advocating “extreme” political positions such as those it claims are espoused by the Black Lives Matter movement, which is singled out by name in the document as needing to be balanced... “Turning the need to teach children about racism and prejudice into a political football is cynical and does little to help schools navigating this complex topic”"
Clearly, anything that hurts the liberal agenda hurts students - impartiality is a bad thing because all "decent" people agree with liberals. Since hearing non-liberal points of view "hurts" "minorities", who need a "safe space", this is just a way to try to continue to indoctrinate students with one point of view. You can already see how teaching children about "racism and prejudice" is positioned as a neutral and depolitical act

Family of 9 celebrates Black History Month with 'It's OK To Be Black' lip sync
Student Behind 'It's OK To Be White' Flyers Expelled, Interrogated By FBI Counter-Terrorist Unit - "Citty notes that while “the flyers alone don’t appear to be a crime,” his officers “will investigate whether the person’s actions amounted to a hate crime.”...   Citty did not explain how “it’s OK to be white” could possibly be a “threat” to students.  The OCU police department reportedly partnered with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force to locate and interrogate the student activist.  OCU School of Law dean Jim Roth praised the student’s expulsion in a statement that objurgated, “Exclusion and hate will not be tolerated here.”"

Teen and great-grandfather wonder if Canadians still free to protest | Toronto Sun - "At this time in 2022, Ottawa Police arrested a great-grandfather for honking his horn. A year later, police in the nation’s capital arrested a 16-year-old teenager protesting a Drag Story Time event... “There was obviously a totalitarian control in the city at that point when he was arrested,” Alexander said of Charlebois, who was arrested after being pulled over for a horn-honking infraction a day before a bylaw prohibiting such action came into effect...   He claims he was actually “assaulted by counter protesters” outside of the NAC, but it’s the second time this week was charged with what his lawyer James Kitchen explains are “regulatory, non-criminal code trespass charges.”  Alexander feels this is just how Canada is now.  “They say the Emergencies’ Act has been lifted but the police still act like they have those powers,” said Alexander."
Only left wing protests are allowed

Four Wakefield pupils suspended after Quran damaged at school - "Four pupils have been suspended from a West Yorkshire secondary school after a copy of the Quran was damaged by students.  Wednesday's incident at Wakefield's Kettlethorpe High School happened when a copy of the Islamic text was brought in by a Year 10 pupil.  Head teacher Tudor Griffiths said the book remained intact and there was "no malicious intent" from those involved.  He held a meeting with concerned community leaders... "we have made it very clear that their actions did not treat the Quran with the respect it should have, so those involved have been suspended and we will be working with them to ensure they understand why their actions were unacceptable.""
Looks like the UK is under Sharia law. Of course, if the Bible were treated with such reverence, leftists would be complaining about theocracy

Shock as school suspends pupils for minor damage to Quran - "When news emerged about the incident, the pupils received death threats. One of the boys’ mothers then appeared at a news conference alongside police in the local mosque, apologising for her child’s ‘disrespectful’ behaviour and seeking forgiveness from the community. No indication thus far has been forthcoming from the police that they intend to investigate the violent threats to the children. The mother has said that she does not want to press charges."
Charging people who make death threats against children is Islamophobic

Police record a 'hate incident' after 'slight damage' to a Quran - "Officers found there had been only 'minor damage' to the Quran during the prank and that no crime had been committed.   However, it was recorded as a 'non-crime hate incident', a designation the police use to record those not meeting the criminal threshold.     Headmaster Tudor Griffiths said there had been 'no malicious intent' but the pupils' actions were 'unacceptable' because they 'did not treat the Quran with the respect it should have'.   A source close to Ms Braverman told The Times: 'These are very concerning reports.   'The home secretary is clear that the police response should always be proportionate and consider the welfare of young children as a priority over any perceived insults.'... The school is ten miles from Batley Grammar School, which was the focus of parent protests in 2021 after a teacher was suspended for showing his pupils an image of the prophet Muhammad."

Meme - Charlotte Littlewood @CharlotteFLit : "UK blasphemy regulation: Salman Rushdie's fatwa started in the UK as Brit citizen travelled to Iran to tip Khomeini off. Murder of Asad Shah for Belonging to a "blasphemous" sect. Refusal of asylum to "blasphemer" Asia Bibi for fear of civil unrest in the UK. Cineworld cancelling the "blasphemous" film 'Lady of Heaven' for sake of staff safety. Batley grammar school teacher in hiding over showing pic of Muhammed. NOW autistic boy receiving death threats for scuffing Quran, meanwhile school suspends him and his mother begs for forgiveness. For those who belive we don't have blasphemy regulation in the UK think again."

Nusaybah on Twitter - "We definitely have a blasphemy law in this country - it's for criticising Israel."
HimalayanQueen on Twitter - "Still waiting for that fatwa against you - right that’s your people’s specialty?"
Pravin on Twitter - "And Always remember it was Palestine and Arabs who backed out on UN agreement. Taqiyaklm"
卐ॐ卐 on Twitter - "Sometimes I think why Israel had been so tough on Palestinian then I see Palestinian celebrating death of toddlers and then I get my answer"
Muktiprateekbdas on Twitter - "I have never seen Jews blowing up because some body hurt their feeling"


Meme - ""My face when I I found out they celebrate their european ancestry. They don't even try hiding that they're nazis anymore.""
hasanabi @hasanthehun: "imagine my shock when i found out this state has the second largest oktoberfest in the world hmmm"
Meme - Antifa Choir Director @christoq: "Bolsonaro supporters in Santa Catarina, Brasil doing the Nazi "Sieg Heil" salute and asking for military intervention because they lost an election."
Rafa @bafruk: "Stop spreading disinformation.First of all, they're saluting the flag and are not nazis. Secondly, the German immigration to Brazil's started in the first half of XIX century and that is why German culture is extremely present there, not because of nazis leaving german in the 40s
195 years of German Immigration in Brazil"
They just hate white people

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests - "such a quantity of ink has been spilled in newspapers across the globe about the priestly sex abuse scandals, that a casual reader might be forgiven for thinking that Catholic priests are the worst and most common perpetrators of child sex abuse.  But according to Charol Shakeshaft, the researcher of a little-remembered 2004 study prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, “the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.”  After effectively disappearing from the radar, Shakeshaft’s study is now being revisited by commentators seeking to restore a sense of proportion to the mainstream coverage of the Church scandal.  According to the 2004 study “the most accurate data available at this time” indicates that “nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career.”  “Educator sexual misconduct is woefully under-studied,” writes the researcher. “We have scant data on incidence and even less on descriptions of predators and targets. There are many questions that call for answers.”  In an article published on Monday, renowned Catholic commentator George Weigel referred to the Shakeshaft study, and observed that “The sexual and physical abuse of children and young people is a global plague” in which Catholic priests constitute only a small minority of perpetrators.   While Weigel observes that the findings of Shakeshaft’s study do nothing to mitigate the harm caused by priestly abuse, or excuse the “clericalism” and “fideism” that led bishops to ignore the problem, they do point to a gross imbalance in the level of scrutiny given to it, throwing suspicion on the motives of the news outlets that are pouring their resources into digging up decades-old dirt on the Church... priestly sex abuse is “a phenomenon that spiked between the mid-1960s and the mid-1980s but seems to have virtually disappeared,” and that in recent years the Church has gone to great lengths to punish and remove priestly predators and to protect children. The result of these measures is that “six credible cases of clerical sexual abuse in 2009 were reported in the U.S. bishops’ annual audit, in a Church of some 65,000,000 members.”  Despite these facts, however, “the sexual abuse story in the global media is almost entirely a Catholic story, in which the Catholic Church is portrayed as the epicenter of the sexual abuse of the young.”  Outside of the Church, Shakeshaft is not alone in highlighting the largely unaddressed, and unpublicized problem of child sex abuse in schools. Sherryll Kraizer, executive director of the Denver-based Safe Child Program, told the Colorado Gazette in 2008 that school employees commonly ignore laws meant to prevent the sexual abuse of children.  “I see it regularly,” Kraizer said. “There are laws against failing to report, but the law is almost never enforced. Almost never.”   “What typically happens is you’ll have a teacher who’s spending a little too much time in a room with one child with the door shut,” Kraizer explained. “Another teacher sees it and reports it to the principal. The principal calls the suspected teacher in and says ‘Don’t do that,’ instead of contacting child protective services.”  “Before you know it, the teacher is driving the student home. A whole series of events will unfold, known to other teachers and the principal, and nobody contacts child services before it’s out of control. You see this documented in records after it eventually ends up in court.”...   “Isn’t it news that the number of public school students who have been abused by a school employee is more than 100 times greater than the number of minors who have been abused by priests?” he asked.  “All those reporters, columnists, talking heads, attorneys general, D.A.’s, psychologists and victims groups who were so quick on the draw to get priests have a moral obligation to pursue this issue to the max. If they don’t, they’re a fraud.”"
Liberals love public schools and hate the Catholic Church, which is why these facts haven't changed anything

Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School? - "As the National Catholic Register's reporter Wayne Laugesen points out, the federal report said 422,000 California public-school students would be victims before graduation — a number that dwarfs the state's entire Catholic-school enrollment of 143,000.  Yet, during the first half of 2002, the 61 largest newspapers in California ran nearly 2,000 stories about sexual abuse in Catholic institutions, mostly concerning past allegations. During the same period, those newspapers ran four stories about the federal government's discovery of the much larger — and ongoing — abuse scandal in public schools... The 2002 Department of Education report estimated that from 6 percent to 10 percent of all students in public schools would be victims of abuse before graduation — a staggering statistic.  Yet, outside the Catholic Church, the reaction is increasingly accommodation instead of outrage.  The April 17, 2002, issue of USA Today featured an article titled "Sex Between Adults and Children" — a euphemistic way of referring to child molestation. Under the headline was a ballot-like box suggesting possible opinions one might hold on the subject: "always harmful, usually harmful, sometimes harmful, rarely harmful." The newspaper's answer: "Child's age and maturity make for gray areas." And what about the popular culture? Mary Eberstadt has written at length about "Pedophilia Chic" — from Calvin Klein underwear ads to mainstream defenses of the North American Man-Boy Love Association. Hollywood's heroic treatment of accused child molesters in "The People vs. Larry Flynt" and "Kinsey" — not to mention its Oscar for Roman Polanski — doesn't help."

Separating Facts About Clergy Abuse From Fiction - "1. No empirical data exists that suggests that Catholic clerics sexually abuse minors at a level higher than clerics from other religious traditions or from other groups of men who have ready access and power over children (e.g., school teachers, coaches). The best available data reports that 4 percent of Catholic priests sexually violated a minor child during the last half of the 20th century with the peak level of abuse being in the 1970s and dropping off dramatically by the early 1980s... Putting clergy abuse in context, research from the US Department of Education found that about 5-7 percent of public school teachers engaged in similar sexually abusive behavior with their students during a similar time frame. While no comprehensive studies have been conducted with most other religious traditions, a small scale study that I was involved with found that 4 percent of Anglican priests had violated minors in western Canada and many reports have mentioned that clerical abuse of minors is common with other religious leaders and clerics as well...
2. Clerical celibacy doesn’t cause pedophilia and sexual crimes against minors... if public school teachers have levels of sexual victimization of their students at levels higher than Catholic clerics during the same time frame, then one can’t simply blame celibacy for the sexual abuse problem in the Catholic Church. Additionally, the vast majority of sex offenders are regular men, often married or partnered, with 80 percent or more victimizing their own family members with the most likely candidate being a stepfather or older brother abusing a child or teen in the home...
4. The Church has used best practices to deal with this issue since 2002."
Too bad he ignores the data on pedophilia in homosexual vs the general population

Meme - "In this house we believe: Black Lives Matter. Women’s rights are human rights. No human is illegal. Science is real. Love is love. Kindness is everything.” *Biden-Harris*

Dave Chappelle said he's 'not bluffing' as he threatens to pull investments from the city if a affordable housing development is built
Of course, he pretended he wasn't against it - just the specific plan. But by having an impossibly high bar, there's no practical difference

Where Self-Interest Trumps Ideology: Liberal Homeowners and Local Opposition to Housing Development - "How much does self-interest drive Americans’ policy attitudes? Survey research typically finds that self-interest’s role is minimal. Such conclusions are typically reached by examining attitudes toward federal policies that present diffuse costs and low stakes. We consider a starker test case of self-interest: controversies surrounding development of dense and affordable housing in Americans’ communities. Liberal homeowners, especially, must cope with dissonance between their egalitarian ideology and a desire to protect their home values and quality of life. They often embrace liberal housing goals and redistributive housing policies but join conservatives in opposing dense housing in their own communities. Two survey experiments show that liberal homeowners are cross-pressured and barely more likely than conservative homeowners to support dense housing development. Messages appealing to homeowners’ self-interest reduce support further, while countervailing appeals about housing’s benefits to low- and middle-income families barely offset the negative effect. We discuss implications for the politics of equal opportunity at the state and local level."

Why more liberal cities have less affordable housing - The Washington Post - "The high cost of housing in liberal cities is in large part caused by highly restrictive zoning rules, which in recent years have caused many African-Americans and others to move away from major northeastern cities to areas with less restrictive zoning and lower housing prices in the south and southwest... Like their conservative counterparts, most liberal voters don’t think carefully about the possible negative side effects of their preferred policies. Just as most of them do not realize that rent control diminishes the stock of housing, they also may not realize that zoning restrictions diminish it, and thereby increase housing costs.
Of course, one cope is that liberal cities are expensive because more people want to live there. But looking at population growth rates and housing prices tells a different story
Liberals pretend that rich people and foreigners are to blame, so they can continue blocking development and pretending that it's not their fault property is pricey

Liberal Policies vs. Affordable Housing - "One reason red states attract so many migrants from blue states is that they have an abundant supply of relatively inexpensive residential buildings. You can get a lot more house for your money in Houston or Phoenix than in San Francisco or Boston. A big reason is that it's a lot easier to construct homes and subdivisions in states that engage in less regulation of development — which, being less enamored of regulation, tend to vote Republican... Residents of liberal places, almost by definition, are more inclined to support tight curbs on development. Last year, San Franciscans approved a ballot measure requiring voter approval of any new building on a seven-mile stretch of waterfront if it exceeds current (and generally low) height limits — which is a perfect way to block an expansion of residential housing in a large chunk of the city. They confirmed the observation of Matt Yglesias, who wrote in Slate in 2013 that since the city lacks vacant land, "you either build up or you just don't build. And the preference, apparently, is to not build." That's why San Francisco has the highest housing costs in America. New York is almost as bad, and for similar reasons. But they are hardly unique. Research by economists Edward Glaeser of Harvard and Joseph Gyourko of the University of Pennsylvania indicated that "homes are expensive in high-cost areas primarily because of government regulation" that imposes "artificial limits on construction."... The feds are also partly to blame. The biggest federal housing "program" is the tax deductibility of mortgage interest, which effectively has the perverse effect of pushing up home prices in the places that are most expensive already"

Where’s Tutu? - "I hadn’t thought about Tutu for a long time, but he’s been on my mind lately because of the horrors that are currently underway in the Republic of South Africa. In March, that nation’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to confiscate farmland from whites without compensation. Mass appropriation of white-owned land by black marauders is already taking place on a wide scale. Families that helped build South Africa and that have tilled their acres for generations have now either had their property stolen already or are huddling in their boarded-up, fenced-in homes waiting for an armed mob to come take it from them. And the assailants aren’t stopping at mere thievery. They have committed acts of physical cruelty motivated purely by greed and race hatred.  But the mainstream media in the West, almost without exception, have chosen not to pay attention to this issue, because a story in which blacks are the bad guys and whites are the victims doesn’t fit their narrative...   I’ve been around long enough to remember white South Africans who struggled bravely against apartheid. Because I’m a literary critic, the names of two writers leap immediately to mind: Mary Renault and Nadine Gordimer. Both fought the good fight, although in different ways. Gordimer mounted the barricades, traveled the world giving speeches, and hence grabbed the headlines; Renault, whose temperament was more that of a reformist than that of a revolutionary, stayed at home and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to achieve racial justice. They were just two of many who strove selflessly to transform a system from which they benefited. If they were still alive today, what would they make of this evil new war on whites? And what, I wonder, does Tutu think?  Yes, it’s true that, since his golden days, he’s fallen from his pedestal. He’s compared Israel to apartheid South Africa. Repeatedly. Sometimes viciously. Indeed, as Alan Dershowitz noted some years ago, Tutu has demonstrated “a long history of ugly hatred toward the Jewish people, the Jewish religion and the Jewish state,” and “has minimized the suffering of those killed in the Holocaust … by asserting that ‘the gas chambers’ made for ‘a neater death’ than did Apartheid. In other words, the Palestinians, who in his view are the victims of ‘Israeli Apartheid,’ have suffered more than the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. … He has been far more vocal about Israel’s imperfections than about the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur and Cambodia.”   Tutu is, then, an anti-Semite. Still, in South Africa he commands moral authority that he could put to some use in defense of his country’s white farmers. Why hasn’t he?  One reason might be that he’s not as young as he once was... Nope. In fact, although he was hospitalized briefly in September, Tutu has since been described as being “in good health,” and in recent weeks has been keeping an extremely active schedule."
From 2018

Religious intolerance is 'bigger cause of prejudice than race', says report - "How We Get Along, a two-year study of diversity by the Woolf Institute, is due to conclude that most people are tolerant of those from different ethnic or national backgrounds, but many have negative attitudes based on religion... Muslims were most often the subject of negative attitudes held by other faith groups, but were also the group most likely to hold negative attitudes towards people of other religions... Among Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists and people of no religion, the majority felt uncomfortable with the idea of a close relative marrying a Muslim. Among Christians, there was a significant minority.  A majority of Muslims were uncomfortable with the idea of a close relative marrying a Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish or Sikh person, or someone of no religion. Almost four in 10 Muslims were uncomfortable with a close relative marrying a Christian."
Islamophobia! Clearly this shows that white Christian straight cis men are the most bigoted group of all

Why Animal Rights Is the Next Frontier for the Left - "Crucial elements of the contemporary progressive agenda—protecting the environment; protecting marginalized communities; rolling back the unfettered capitalist exploitation of the planet and its inhabitants; and expanding our understanding of what constitutes a victim—all overlap with the issue of animal rights. As those particular priorities claim center stage in ambitious proposals such as the Green New Deal, the question of what to do about animals will become central. More than that—it will be unavoidable...  32 percent of Americans believe animals should have similar protections as humans, according to a 2015 Gallup poll. That number is significantly higher than a 2008 survey finding that 25 percent of people held that belief. Thanks to an expansive nexus of interrelated moral and political concerns, the numbers seem poised to continue spiking, particularly among liberals... In the most immediate way, removing greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector means targeting the meat industry. And targeting the meat industry likely means reducing the number of animals consumed... A more sweeping analytical framework has lately emerged on the left to diagnose a host of ills that are interconnected: The problem, a growing chorus of environmentalists now suggest, might be capitalism itself... Crucially, animal rights activists have to stop comparing the struggle of animals to the struggle of black people in America. Because to many on the old-school human left, animal rights activists aren’t just a bunch of silly vegans. They’re a bunch of racist vegans... [PETA], as Sarah Grey and Joe Cleffie argued in a 2015 piece for Jacobin, “is notorious for employing lynching and Holocaust imagery... But this comparison is flawed and deeply troubling when you consider how racists have long compared oppressed minority groups to dogs and other animals. “The comparison is calculated to degrade, and it stems from the period when U.S. laws treated enslaved black people as legally equivalent to livestock—categorizing them as subhuman”... It’s no wonder, then, that many on the left believe animal rights activism simply serves as a means for white people to ignore the human rights of black people—who, by the way, continue to be oppressed in America. To some, it often feels that people care more about animals than they do about people of color"
Next, after meat becomes so expensive only the rich can afford to eat it often (modern sumptuary laws strike again), robot rights

Toy Company Criticised For How It Makes Black Baby Dolls - "Jean, from Sydney, was taken aback when she went shopping recently and came across a bunch of 'anatomically correct' Miniland Dolls... the Black doll has a visibly larger and more pronounced nose and lips than those of the other designs."

Broad Noses And The Politics Of Black Beauty - "while some Black features have slowly been accepted on runways and billboards, it seems our noses still aren’t palatable enough. Watch any YouTube makeup tutorial and you can bet that there will be a portion of the video dedicated to the obligatory nose contour, regardless of the person’s ethnicity. Look at any photo of a high-profile celebrity and it’s more likely than not that their makeup artist will have practised the 'nose slimming' technique. Broad noses, particularly Black women's noses, have long been considered unattractive – even masculine"

A comparison of skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue characteristics in white and black Brazilian subjects - "The present study found a bimaxillary skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft tissue protrusion in black Brazilian subjects compared to white Brazilian subjects, both groups with normal occlusion. Upper and lower lips showed to be more protruded in blacks, but lip thickness was similar in both groups."
So much for a duty to represent reality. And of course, if the black dolls had just been black versions of white bodies, they would've been slammed as racist too. Representation is a losing strategy since grievance mongers will always complain

The failings of emancipation | HistoryExtra - "‘Just as emancipation was ending, just as the slave owners were receiving this largest compensation ever, the British state was investing heavily in the vast expansion of the prison industrial complex across its plantation colonies. And so the colonies truly became prison colonies, the newly freed people were criminalized, and also received no access to the vote and no access to equitable political representation. And beyond that, if they wanted land, they had to squat on the land of the ex slave owners because there was no reparations process to redistribute the land to them. And so here, we have playing out almost the very problems that still bedevil us today. And the problems emerge because the harm was never redressed. You know, the harm that had been done through slavery was not redressed through the emancipations, it was actually carried forward over time, and it was encoded in the racial caste system of legal code, of the criminal legal system, and a variety of other dimensions of government policy.’"
Sounds like the ex-slaves would've been better off if they'd never been freed

The Apple Card Didn't 'See' Gender—and That's the Problem | WIRED - "The Apple credit card, launched in August, ran into major problems last week when users noticed that it seemed to offer smaller lines of credit to women than to men... Goldman landed on what sounded like an ironclad defense: The algorithm, it said, has been vetted for potential bias by a third party; moreover, it doesn’t even use gender as an input. How could the bank discriminate if no one ever tells it which customers are women and which are men? This explanation is doubly misleading. For one thing, it is entirely possible for algorithms to discriminate on gender, even when they are programmed to be “blind” to that variable. For another, imposing willful blindness to something as critical as gender only makes it harder for a company to detect, prevent, and reverse bias on exactly that variable... The fact that financial businesses are prohibited by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act from using information such as gender or race in algorithmic decisions may actually make this problem worse by deterring those businesses from collecting this important information in the first place"
Amazing mental gymnastics. Basically, if a protected group has characteristics that merit treating those with those characteristics differently, that is discrimination and bad. Following this logic, physical fitness should not be a criterion for the armed forces, since women are physically weaker than men, so using physical fitness as a criterion discriminates against women. But of course, it's still good to charge men more for car insurance, since men deserve to pay more for automobile insurance since they are more risky.
Liberals don't want equal opportunity, or for things to be gender-blind (or protected-characteristic-blind) - they want identical results for members of protected groups

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