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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Links - 28th February 2023 (1 - False Rape Accusations)

PETA, Ferguson, jihad, Doctor Who, rape, and kitten pics: the toxoplasma of online rage - "The University of Virginia rape case recently profiled in Rolling Stone has fallen apart. In doing so, it joins a long and distinguished line of highly-publicised rape cases that have fallen apart... it's usually feminist journalists and bloggers who are most instrumental in taking these stories viral. It's not some conspiracy of pro-rape journalists choosing the most dubious accusations in order to discredit public trust. It's people specifically selecting these incidents as flagship cases for their campaign that rape victims need to be believed and trusted. So why are the most publicised cases so much more likely to be false than the almost-always-true average case?...  "Signalling" is when people take an action so that it can reveal something about them. When signalling, the more expensive and useless the action, the more effective it is as a signal. Although buying eyeglasses can be expensive, it's a poor way to signal wealth because they're very useful; a person might get them not because they are very rich but because they really need glasses. On the other hand, buying a large diamond is an excellent signal; no one needs a large diamond, so anybody who gets one anyway must have money to burn.  Holding certain moral positions can also send signals. For example, a Catholic man who opposes the use of condoms demonstrates to others (and to himself!) how faithful and pious a Catholic he is, thus gaining social credibility... It is precisely because opposing condoms is such a poor decision for non-Catholics that it makes such a believable signal of Catholicism.  But in the more general case, people can use moral decisions to signal how moral they are. In this case, they choose a disastrous decision based on some moral principle. The more suffering and destruction they support, and the more obscure a principle it is, the more obviously it shows their commitment to following their moral principles absolutely. For example, Immanuel Kant claims that if an axe murderer asks you where your best friend is, obviously intending to murder her when he finds her, you should tell the axe murderer the full truth, because lying is wrong. This is effective at showing how moral a person you are – no one would ever doubt your commitment to honesty after that – but it's sure not a very good result for your friend.  In the same way, publicising how strongly you believe an accusation that is obviously true signals nothing. Even hardcore anti-feminists would believe a rape accusation that was caught on video. A moral action that can be taken just as well by an outgroup member as an ingroup member is crappy signaling and crappy identity politics. If you want to signal how strongly you believe in taking victims seriously, you talk about it in the context of the least credible case you can find.  But aside from that, there's the PETA Principle. The more controversial something is, the more it gets talked about...  the controversy over dubious rape allegations is exactly that – a controversy. People start screaming at each other about how they're misogynist or misandrist or whatever, and Facebook feeds get filled up with hundreds of comments in all capital letters about how my ingroup is being persecuted by your ingroup. At each step, more and more people get triggered and upset. Some of those triggered people do emergency ego defence by reblogging articles about how the group that triggered them are terrible, triggering further people in a snowball effect that spreads the issue further with every iteration."

Meme - EmillySwaven: "Men, if a woman accuses you of rape, even if you didn't do it, you shut up, and accept the charges, women have been systematically oppressed for years and you giving up some years of your freedom doesn't compare to the oppression they've been through."

Male stripper who performed lap dance on woman gets new sex assault trial - "A male strip-club performer convicted of sexually assaulting a woman who paid him for a lap dance should get a new trial because the judge relied on stereotypes of how women behave, Ontario’s top court ruled... In quashing the conviction against Damir Cepic, the Court of Appeal faulted the judge’s reasoning in deciding the complainant, 23, did not consent to sexual activity with him... The case arose in March 2016, when the woman, identified only as OI, and seven girlfriends went to the Foxxes Den in Toronto to celebrate a birthday, court records show. It was OI’s first time at such a club.During the evening, OI paid Cepic $10 for a lap dance. He would testify she reached into his pants to touch his private parts, something she would deny. She then paid Cepic, 29, another $40 for a private lap dance. This time, court heard, she performed oral sex on him and he briefly penetrated her. Cepic testified at trial before Superior Court Justice Anne London-Weinstein that he was already having intercourse with the woman and about to ejaculate when the woman said, “no, I have a boyfriend.” She denied saying that and testified she told him, “no” and tried to push him off her.After the dance, OI texted a friend wondering what to tell her boyfriend. She also said she was worried her father, a police officer, would be furious... The judge, the Appeal Court said, ignored the context in which OI found herself.“The context was significant: a women’s only party in a highly sexualized environment involving alcohol and male dancers,” Justice Mary Lou Benotto said for the Appeal Court.London-Weinstein, the higher court said, also appeared to resort to stereotypes about male aggression when she rejected Cepic’s evidence that OI had come on to him and found he had taken advantage of a “stunned and confused” young woman."
If a woman goes to a strip club and sexual activity happens, apparently she is a victim

Conviction overturned in 1981 rape of author Alice Sebold - "A man who was convicted of raping award-winning author Alice Sebold 40 years ago has been exonerated after a producer working on a Netflix adaptation of the writer's memoir noticed inconsistencies in the story, hired a private investigator to look into it and sent the case back to court.  Anthony Broadwater, 61, spent 16 years behind bars for the 1981 rape that was the center point of Sebold's 1999 memoir Lucky, the book that launched her career. She wrote in the memoir how she was raped in a tunnel by a black man when she was a 19-year-old first year student at Syracuse University in 1981. The book sold over 1million copies.   Broadwater was convicted in 1982 after Sebold, now 59, identified him as her rapist in court. She had walked past him in the street months after the attack, then told police that was her rapist, but she didn't know his name. It was only when a cop gave Broadwater's name because he had been in the area at the time that he was roped into the investigation. In a police line-up, she picked the man standing next to him. But Broadwater was still tried and in court, Sebold did pick him. The other piece of evidence that convicted him was hair analysis - but the technique used has long been considered unreliable by the DoJ.   Broadwater was released from prison in 1999, the year the book came out. He lived a quiet life afterwards, working as a trash hauler and marrying but refusing to have children because he didn't want them to have to live with the 'stigma' of his rape conviction. He said he was treated as a pariah because he was on the sex offenders' registry. Sebold's career, in the meantime, soared. In 2002, she published The Lovely Bones - another story based around child kidnap and rape. It sold over 5million copies in America alone, grossing $60million in sales, and was turned into a blockbuster Hollywood movie in 2009 starring Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci and Mark Wahlberg.   The process to exonerating Broadwater began in 2019 after Sebold signed a deal to turn Lucky, the memoir about the rape, into a movie for Netflix. Tim Mucciante, a script writer who had signed on to the project, noticed 'inconsistencies' with her story and hired a private investigator... After Broadwater was arrested, though, Sebold failed to identify him in a police lineup, picking a different man as her attacker because 'the expression in his eyes told me that if we were alone, if there were no wall between us, he would call me by name and then kill me.'  Sebold writes in her memoir that Broadwater and the man next to him looked similar and that moments after she made her choice, it dawned on her that she had picked the wrong man.   She later identified Broadwater in court... Broadwater described how his life was destroyed by the false conviction"
This won't stop all the virtue signallers who hate "sex offenders". Imagine what would happen if we let them put all "pedos" in wood chippers

The False Rape Society: ▲The prevalence of false rape claims - "The crime has become so embroiled in the gender-politicized sexual assault milieu, where serious dialogue grounded in fact is displaced by vituperative rants and politically motivated assertions, that most reports about the prevalence of such false claims are inherently untrustworthy.  In advocating for rape reforms, some feminist legal scholars engaged in a sort of disingenuous scholarly overkill by sprinkling their rationales with shibboleths about how women don’t or hardly ever lie about rape. As a result, the legal literature is replete with references to the “fact” that only two percent of all rape clams are false, consistent with the purported average for other crimes. It is not uncommon in this literature for men’s fears about false accusations to be dismissed with almost derisive references to Potiphar’s wife, who, according to the Bible’s Book of Genesis, wrongly accused Joseph (of “coat-of-many-colors” fame) of rape...   It is disingenuous to insist that false rape claims are a "myth" because no one knows for certain the percentage of false rape claims. A leading feminist legal scholar has acknowledged this irrefutable fact: ". . . the statistics on false rape accusation widely vary and 'as a scientific matter, the frequency of false rape complaints to police or other legal authorities remains unknown.'" A. Gruber, Rape, Feminism, and the War on Crime, 84 Wash. L. Rev. 581, 595-600 (November 2009) (citation omitted). An authoritative law review article debunked the canard that only two percent of all rape claims are false.  The author traced this number to its baseless source. See http://llr.lls.edu/volumes/v33-issue3/greer.pdf.  The FBI has compiled statistics to show that women lie far more often about rape than other crimes. The Politics of Sexuality, Barry M. Dank, Editor in Chief, Vol. 3 at 36, n. 8. It is, therefore, erroneous to assert that only a small or insignificant percentage of rape claims are false because no one can make that assertion with any degree of certainty, and all the available evidence suggests it is wrong... for some such claims, while the claimant herself might think a rape occurred, her outward manifestations of assent did not match her subjective disinclination to engage in sex, so it wasn't rape. And that's just one of a countless number of examples.   Regardless of what the actual number might be, every impartial, objective study ever conducted on the subject shows false rape claims are a serious problem. As reported by "False Rape Allegations" by Eugene Kanin, Archives of Sexual Behavior Feb 1994 v23 n1 p81 (12), Professor Kanin’s major study of a mid-size Midwestern U.S. city over the course of nine years found that 41 percent of all rape claims were false. Kanin also studied the police records of two unnamed large state universities, and found that in three years, 50 percent of the 64 rapes reported to campus police were determined to be false, without the use of polygraphs. (Kanin, incidentally, was a feminist icon whose work was cited and relied on without question by feminists, including the infamous Koss Report.  He suddenly became a nitwit who forgot how to do research when his studies upset the narrative of the persons who dominate the public discourse about rape.)   In addition, a landmark Air Force study in 1985 studied 556 rape allegations. It found that 27% of the accusers recanted, and an independent evaluation revealed a false accusation rate of 60%. McDowell, Charles P., Ph.D. “False Allegations.” Forensic Science Digest, (publication of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations), Vol. 11, No. 4 (December 1985), p. 64. See also, "Until Proven Innocent," the widely praised (praised even by the New York Times, which the book skewers -- as well as by most other major U.S. news sources) and painstaking study of the Duke Lacrosse non-rape case. Authors Stuart Taylor and Professor K.C. Johnson explain that the exact number of false claims is elusive but "[t]he standard assertion by feminists that only 2 percent" or sexual assault claims "are false, which traces to Susan Brownmiller's 1975 book 'Against Our Will,' is without empirical foundation and belied by a wealth of empirical data. These data suggest that at least 9 percent and probably closer to half" of all sexual assault claims "are false . . . ." (Page 374.)...   Organizations such as NOW and RAINN rely on the U.S Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey to insist that rape is rampant and largely underreported. What those organizations do not publicize is that this survey, conducted by in-person and telephone interviews, defines rape as follows: "Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. . . ." You need to scroll to page 131 out of 133 to find that definition. Putting aside other problems with the definition, "psychological coercion," of course, can mean all manner of things that are not rape, including "I'll take your mother to the doctors tomorrow if you make love to me tonight.""

The Prevalence of False Allegations of Rape in the United States from 2006-2010 - "Approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless. That was at least five times higher than for most other offence types...  The researchers who conducted the other studies reported prevalence rates varying from 3 to 90%"
So much for the feminist myth that false rape claims are no more common than for any other crime

Juries have no place in rape trials. They simply can’t be trusted - "The conviction rates for rape have long been shockingly low. This is what has led one Labour MP, Ann Coffey, today to suggest doing away with juries in rape trials... One CPS study found that in a 17-month period there were just under 6,000 prosecutions for rape, but only a tiny handful – 35 – for making false allegations of rape... Vachss secured a conviction in 80% of her cases. In England and Wales, we are barely skimming 6% from a reported rape to conviction, and evidence has emerged that suggests the CPS is choosing to drop “difficult” cases. Jurors are, however, far from the only problem in the way the criminal justice system deals with sex crimes. Rape myths are imbued all the way through the system, including police, prosecutors, judges, and everyone who has not been educated to challenge rape myth ideology. This needs tackling throughout the entire system."
When feminists just want to convict as many men as possible, justice be damned - not just must juries by scrapped but anyone not subject to feminist indoctrination cannot be allowed to work on a rape case
The lack of courage to prosecute false rape claims because they are rare becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

Myths about rape conviction rates are putting people off going to the police - "The conviction rate for rape is 58%. That bears repeating. The conviction rate for rape, is 58%. The conviction rate for reportable crimes of all types is 57%. I know you will have heard the figure of 6%. Everyone has. That figure is actually an attrition rate, not a conviction rate, and even as an attrition rate it is wrong – the attrition rate for rape is in the region of 12%.  An attrition rate is the amount of convictions resulting from reports of a crime, and is not routinely calculated for any crime other than rape. Therefore without manually undertaking the exercise, it is impossible to compare the (true) attrition figure for rape with other crimes. A conviction rate is the amount of convictions following a trial, and is calculated for all reportable crimes.  Why is this important? Because the rhetoric of rape, which largely propounds myths, puts survivors off reporting the crimes committed against them, making them perceive that the system designed to assist them is actually wholly against them. Last week, Mumsnet released a survey of its users as part of its We Believe You rape awareness campaign. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents said low conviction rates would make them hesitate to report a rape due to low conviction rates – clearly they had heard the 6% figure too."
For feminists, this is a feature, not a bug, since they can then drag men through the court of public opinion instead, where the bar is much lower

Crime & city: 43% rape cases that we `solved' in 2016 were false, say police | Jaipur News - "of the 276 cases solved, 43 per cent were false. In several of these cases, a complaint was filed to extort money or implicate an individual"

How True Is The "Menace" Of False Rape Cases In India? - "  There are also cases where false rape cases are a mode  to extort money by settling cases the outside court and then there are the infamous “breach of promise to marry” cases which also come under rape cases. Advocate Vinay Sharma who defends men accused of “fake” rape cases, he told SheThePeople.TV that according to him 30-40% cases of rape filed in the current times are false. “The most number of cases I have handled are those where girl and boy go into a consensual relationship but then the boy fails to keep the promise of marriage and so the girl files a complaint against him under Section 376,” he said.  Another lawyer Tanveer Ahmed Mir, who is the lead defence counsel in Aarushi Talwar murder case, also had similar views as Sharma. He said that Fast Track courts in Delhi constantly deal with complaints of fake rape cases. “In my experience in Delhi, FTC courts generally have sexual assault cases which deal with Section 376. But those cases result in 99% acquittals because of fabrication in almost all cases that come to courts. Disgruntled women file these cases out of broken relationships. Out of 10 cases heard in an FTC every day merely two are of genuine rape”... "Today as punishment for rape we talk about death penalty, lifetime imprisonment, etc. so law-makers must amend the provision under Section 376 which criminalizes anybody establishing a physical relationship under the false promise of marriage.”... journalist and researcher Rukmini Shrinivasan in 2013 analysed the pattern of rape cases in Delhi’s district courts. In her study, she examined 460 cases that went through a thorough trial in court. Out of these, 109 cases were “promise of marriage”. Only 12 cases resulted in convictions which showed outright deception, for example, the man was married to another woman or had a fake marriage with the victim. The report also found that in more than one-third of the total number of cases were those of young people who engaged in consensual sex outside marriage and then their parents found about it so they or their parents used the criminal justice system to end their relationship"

Facebook - "Another case that will be conveniently left out of the "false accusations are rare, only 2%!" myth. This often cited accusation statistic is based off cases that are actually *convicted* of making a false accusation. However, these cases do not include the ones where there is a clear false accusation made (whether against another party or the police), but because more serious crimes are present, no charge is laid for that false accusation.  These cases therefore fall out of public consciousness (since the cases won't be filed in statistics as involving a false accusation, and instead be tagged with the charges that were actually proceeded with and proven), and the myth of "false accusations are rare" continues."
"Link to the 2018 case that first caught my attention that weaponised false accusations of molest is a thing, and something that will escape notice until a record is kept of it. Causing hurt - False molest claim - taxi driver had video evidence (PP v Chua Sok Min)"

Strange fruit: when women lied and men died - "From 1882 – 1968, an estimated 4,743 men were lynched in the United States, often after an accusation of rape, prompting the NAACP to claim ‘[w]hites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women’.  We now know that many of these women lied, and men died.  Emmet Till was only 14 years old when he was beaten to death for the crime of ‘whistling at a white woman’. Many years later, Carolyn Brant admitted that she lied, to protect her husband.  They went on to profit financially from the boy’s death. Till was hardly alone. A mob of 1500 beat and hung three Black circus workers in Duluth, after a white woman made an apparently false accusation of rape.  Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gilbert King chronicles the lives and deaths of the black men falsely accused of sexual assault in his book, Devil in the Grove. The history of lynching in the United States is inextricably interwoven with the history of women lying about sexual assault"

Facebook - ""Dr Yeo and his wife also had to fork out more than S$600,000 for his legal expenses"
This amount to clear an accused man's name. And this is with CCTV evidence present showing the accuser's mannerisms*, and 2 female nurses present. This is even more brutal than the $70k to $140k debt incurred by Ong Mingwee v PP for acquittal. Basically, if you are middle class and you get accused, you die or ruin your finances for life. Period. Cost to the accuser is zero. Hasn't even been named, and even if successfully sued, unlikely that money can be recovered - if memory serves me right, can only recover $10k from frivolous or vexatious accuser according to criminal procedure code. Said it before, said it again. It is absolutely unfair how sex crime accusations can ruin with zero consequence. And false accusations are a lot more common than falsely claimed by AWARE and the like - they just don't get charged very often, or the prosecution prefers a different charge, letting the false accusation fall conveniently out of the statistics...
It's also damn troubling that the dropping of the charges hinges mostly on the false accuser's admission to lying, which can only be squeezed out of him/her through relentless grilling by defence counsel - the same essential grilling that some are trying to dispose of and replace with "just believe" in the spirit of metoo."
On Yeo Sow Nam

The Big Read: Accused persons get no sympathy but long proceedings are tough, more so on those not found guilty - "Mr Tan Kah Heng had banked on his newly opened bubble tea shop to help pay for his younger son’s university education overseas. But his plan was derailed after two of his employees accused him of molesting them... He was eventually acquitted of eight outrage of modesty charges in February due to the employees’ unconvincing evidence — more than three years after the allegations surfaced. The 56-year-old now delivers flowers but has remained without a steady job... It is not over for Mr Tan either. The prosecution has filed an appeal against the acquittal, which means it could take several more months before the case concludes... For another accused person, molestation charges cost him his job at a Kallang clinic.  General practitioner Lui Weng Sun, 48, was acquitted last month of molesting a female patient in 2017 after a judge found several aspects of her evidence to be inconsistent and unconvincing... While the law declares that one is innocent until found guilty, accused persons often find the presumption of guilt hanging like a Sword of Damocles over their heads even before they are convicted.  Once court proceedings start, they risk being fired from their jobs or having to suffer the embarrassment of having their cases being reported in the media, said lawyers and human resource experts.  In fact, some end up suffering “so much stress and anxiety that they develop psychiatric issues”, requiring counselling and medication, said Mr Kalidass Murugaiyan and Mr Chua Hock Lu from Kalidass Law Corporation in an email response.  They added: “The stress suffered can be extraordinary… (one of Mr Kalidass’ clients) passed away shortly after court proceedings began.  "Some of our clients, especially those suffering from psychiatric issues, are particularly sensitive to any media coverage. In some cases, it reportedly resulted in social repercussions as their friends and acquaintances started to regard them negatively."  Those who cannot afford bail or are not offered bail will be remanded, which means leaving their family to fend for themselves, the lawyers noted.  They said: “This can range anywhere from leaving behind a newborn to be raised by a single parent, to having to leave an elderly parent at a nursing home.”  Mr George said that some of his clients who run their own businesses are cut off by banks, even if their alleged offences are not financial-related. He then has to write to the banks to appeal to them to offer banking facilities to his clients. Costs are also a problem, as accused persons have to continue paying for legal counsel throughout the proceedings. Employers will occasionally support their employees financially but this becomes more difficult as the case drags on... jobseekers face difficulty as prospective employers may not want to hire someone facing criminal charges or accommodate an employee who has to take time off to report to court.  Depending on the seniority of the defence counsel, criminal trials can typically cost an accused person a few thousand dollars or up to S$15,000 a day, while more complex trials — such as white-collar offences — could cost six figures in total. Those who choose to plead guilty will likely pay less, either by a fixed fee arrangement or by hourly billing. Mr Nicolas Tang, managing director of Farallon Law Corporation, said that accused persons also do not receive compensation from the prosecution if they drop the charges, or if the accused is eventually acquitted. This is on top of “significant legal fees” to hire lawyers to defend them.  “We have had clients who lost income because the police had seized their client information, documents, computers and goods from their warehouses or stores while the case was ongoing”... Indeed, the possibility of having zero income can be an accused person’s biggest fear... the majority of companies will “take the short way out” and ask employees to serve their notice.  “It’s quite complicated,” Mr Ang said. “A person is innocent until he is found guilty, but is that what society believes in? The moment you’ve got a doubt, you’re in trouble.”  The HR experts and lawyers said that it is not illegal for an employer to fire an employee facing charges before he or she is convicted."

Meme - "Flora I BLM - @FloraSophia
Got raped yesterday, need help finding info on the guy
Yesterday ina moment of loneliness, I invited guy over that I'd been taiking to on Tinder. I prefaced that I didn't want any sex whatsoever. Without going into detail, got raped twice. It's taken me a little while to process this. After he left, he blocked me on Snapchat, Facebook, and Tinder. I want to file a restraining order, but I have very little info on him. All I know for sure Is that his name is Joshua, he's a 6"4 black guy, has short hair and a scruffy beard. He's chubby, but has muscular arms. He also said previously that he lived about 30 minutes away from Oxford, Ohio, I don't know anything else, including his last name. He's not affliliated with the Smash scene. I'll be able to identify him by his face, so if anybody has any questions, suggestions, or possible culprits, please let me know. I don't want to press charges, I just want to file a restraining order so I never have to see him again. Please share this if you can. Thank you. ~Flora"
Weird how you need to find a guy who has blocked you to give him a restraining order

Woman sobs in court as she’s told she is being jailed for false sex assault allegation - "Denise Cribbin (45), of Stepaside, Co Wicklow, was given a two-year wholly suspended sentence after she pleaded guilty to making a false statement contrary to Section 12(a) of the Criminal Law Act 1976...   In a judgement delivered at the Court of Appeal, Mr Justice George Birmingham, sitting with Ms Justice Isobel Kennedy and Ms Justice Aileen Donnelly, agreed with the DPP and quashed the original sentence, imposing a one-year custodial term in its place."
I like how the headline focuses on her "suffering"

Teacher who accused football players of rape faces charges - "A former teacher who accused four high school football players of drugging and raping her in 2018 has been charged with giving false information to police and offering alcohol to a minor, according to court records.  Brianna Walker was 23 at the time of the incident and was an athletic trainer at Spruce Creek High School... Walker’s toxicology report was negative for date-rape drugs. The investigation found Walker had an alleged history of flirtatious behavior toward students"

Trial by combat: the real history behind The Last Duel | History Extra - "‘I think primarily, I really hope that Marguerite is given center stage, and the audience's really hear her voice. And the audiences are encouraged to respect her voice, and to start from a position of believing her. I think, I mean, obviously, I don't know what really happened. It was 1386. And I wasn't there. But I think it's really important that as historians, we start from the perspective of thinking, the stakes for women was so high in bringing a case like this, there is not the slightest reason why they would have done it, viciously, simply in order to to, you know, maliciously bring somebody else down. I simply cannot imagine why she would have done that. She risks being burned. And I hope that audiences will look at the film and see her extraordinary courage and really respect that.’"
Clearly no one in the Middle Ages lied in courts, because faced with trial by fire and trial by water, they ran the risk of dying and the stakes were too high to lie.

Brit in Ayia Napa court for lying over gang rape after 'selfie' clears suspect - "A BRITISH woman appeared in court today accused of making up allegations she was gang raped by a dozen men in Ayia Napa.  The 19-year-old's arrest came after investigators released 12 Israeli men she had accused of attacking her at the hotel in the party hot spot. Photos showed the suspects jumping for joy outside the police station yesterday after one of the group was able to prove his innocence with a selfie showing he was elsewhere at the time of the alleged attack.  A law enforcement official said the woman had withdrawn her claims during questioning over the weekend, saying there had been sexual contact with the suspects but she wasn't raped.  The state-run Cyprus news agency reported the woman allegedly told investigators she filed a rape report because she was "angry and insulted" that some of the Israelis allegedly recorded video of her having consensual sex with a number of them. The seven men still held were released yesterday after five were freed on Thursday, when no DNA evidence linked them to the alleged attack... The British teen had claimed she was assaulted in a hotel room in the resort, with the 12 men denying it... The woman had told cops she agreed to have sex with one of the 12 but was held down and raped, with a medical exam showing scratches and bruises.  The Times of Israel reported three of them had admitted to having sex with the girl - but they insisted they took place with "with love and consent"."

Drunken sex video of Israel teens' gang rape accuser goes viral - "A British tourist held in Cyprus for allegedly making false claims of gang-rape is the victim of ‘revenge porn’, her legal team said...   The footage is also believed to show the group making derogatory comments about the woman in Hebrew during the encounter.  One source said: ‘The video is everywhere. In it you can hear one of the boys saying in Hebrew “You’re my whore – say you are my whore”.  ‘She doesn’t understand and asks what they are saying and one of them replies in English “We are saying you’re sexy”"... It is believed she had a holiday fling with one or more of the teens before the allegations were made... she made claims of gang-rape by 12 Israelis, aged 15 to 18"
Of course, given that in the videos she doesn't look like she's being raped, it is a smart strategy to limit circulation
The age of consent in Israel is 16 and in Cyprus it's 17, but she didn't get charged for statutory rape

Ayia Napa: Lawyer for Briton who 'lied about rape' says she is still the victim - "Rape charges against Israeli teenagers were dropped by police after footage showing the British woman who made the allegations 'asking for the door to be closed'... Yisrael David told reporters as he landed back in Israel that she had agreed to sex with him and several others after a night of wild partying in Ayia Napa... A video was made of the alleged attack in which the woman was said to have been filmed smiling while having sex with one of the men – in footage that has since been widely circulated...  Yisrael, one of those accused of gang-rape, said she had agreed to group sex and the videos shown to police in Cyprus had proved their innocence.  'In none of them [the clips] does she look like she's suffering or shouting for help,' he said in an interview with Israel's Channel 12.  'The police saw a tape in which you can see that the door is being opened and instead of yelling for help and saying she was raped, she says 'close the door.' A woman who is being raped doesn't say that.'... Though he believes that the woman didn't object to being filmed, he now thinks that they shouldn't have videoed her."
Ironic, given that the video is part of what freed them

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