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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Links - 29th January 2023 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Activist accused of spending funds on lifestyle seeks unemployment | Toronto Sun - "A Black Lives Matters activist whose Boston non-profit was shut down after she allegedly spent thousands of charity donations to fund her fancy lifestyle has asked a court to allow her to apply for unemployment benefits. Monica Cannon-Grant, 41, who headed up Violence in Boston before it was shut down in July, wants government assistance.  She and husband Clark Grant, 38, allegedly spent thousands of the anti-violence charity’s funding on dinners, vacations and trips to the nail salon.   They were indicted in March for allegedly soliciting millions of dollars in donations, and were also accused of illegally collecting about $100,000 in pandemic unemployment benefits as well as lying on a mortgage application."

Let's Look At The Actual Facts About The Alleged Racism of Police - "A July 2017 Quinnipiac University poll in New York City found that black Americans strongly support the cops in their own neighborhoods—62 percent approved compared to just 35 percent who disapproved. That approval rating was 11 percent higher than for the New York City Police Department as a whole. It makes sense that people only know their local cops but rely on media reports to form impressions about the parts of the city they are less familiar with.   More recently, a Monmouth University poll surveyed a national sample of 807 adults between May 28 to June 1, 2020, and found that Americans of all races are largely supportive of their local police departments... For each additional officer, there is about a 14 to 18 percent reduction in the suspect’s chances of being killed.  This makes intuitive sense. Officers feel more vulnerable if they are alone at the scene, making them more likely to resort to deadly force. Also, suspects may be emboldened and resist arrest when fewer officers are present."

Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects? - "Using a unique new data set on police-involved homicides, we apply several discrimination tests to determine if white police officers discriminate against black suspects. We find that the probability of an unarmed black suspect being killed by a white police officer is not significantly greater than the probability of a black suspect being killed by a black police officer. We also find that while black officers are generally more likely than white officers to kill unarmed black suspects at a higher rate than they kill unarmed white ones, the differences in these gaps for black and white officers are not statistically significant. These findings are inconsistent with taste-based discrimination on the part of white police officers."
The cope is that non-white police have internalised racism too

Brown University professor criticizes administration’s ‘loyalty oath’ to social justice warriors - "Twenty-one Brown University “senior leaders,” starting with President Christina Paxson, Provost Richard Locke and Vice President for Human Resources Amanda Bailey, sent a letter to the community “Confronting racial injustice”... One of its star economists, Glenn Loury, read the letter. He didn’t react the way that campus bureaucrats expect all black people to react. The letter “frightens, saddens, and angers me”...   Brown leaders – led by the trio of Paxson, Locke and Bailey – claimed that the recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd were “not a mere moment for our country” but “historical, lasting and persistent,” oppressing black people “every minute and every hour.”  Without consulting faculty, the statement promises to use the university’s “tremendous resources in our departments” to “interrogate the persistent and deeply disturbing issues related to race, racism and police violence in America”... Loury is aghast that the university claims it has the authority to force this on faculty. The economist, recently known for his criticism of the 1619 Project, mocked the letter as “obviously the product of a committee” and signed unthinkingly by senior administrators. He said it either “affirmed platitudes to which we can all subscribe, or, more menacingly, it asserted controversial and arguable positions as though they were axiomatic certainties”...   Administrators can’t speak “as a whole and with one voice” on “contentious current events” without marginalizing the faculty, who are the true leaders “when it comes to the realm of ideas,” he continues: “Who cares what some paper-pushing apparatchik thinks? It’s all a bit creepy and unsettling.” He mocks the non-faculty for their “propaganda” and disinterest in “nuance and complexity”... administrators are practicing “indoctrination, virtue-signaling, and the transparent currying of favor with our charges,” mirroring “a Soviet Politburo making some party-line declaration.” He assumes administrators are simply trying to “forestall any student protests by declaring the university to be on the Right Side of History.”  The letter fails to “affirm the primacy of reason over violence in calibrating our reactions to the supposed ‘oppression,'” which is what any university should be doing right now. Instead, it harkens back to the violent movements – Russian, French and 1960s revolutions – that also claimed they were “fighting for social justice”"

Cori Bush's debut book sells just 729 copies in first week - "A new book by lefty Democratic Rep. Cori Bush (D-Missouri) debuted with a face-plant this month, selling just 729 copies in its first week... The publisher paid Bush — an anti-police socialist who stoked BLM riots in 2020 — an advance of at least $50,000...   Things only went downhill from there, with NDP reporting just 288 books sold in its second week.  The book is billed as a political memoir which delves into Bush’s history as a minimum-wage worker, survivor of sexual violence and Black Lives Matter activist... Industry insiders called the book launch “mediocre” and said that Knopf was “unlikely” to recoup their investment.  The public yawn comes despite an intense marketing blitz, which included fawning reviews from friendly outlets like New York Magazine and Forbes Women. The book received glowing testimonials from Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Hoover and Joy Reid. Bush even plugged the memoir on “The View” and “The Daily Show” on the day of its release... Bush, a squad member closely aligned with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens), has long been a champion for the party’s most divisive issues, including defunding the police and abandoning US support for Israel. "

Pandemic Murder Wave Fell Most Heavily on Young Black Men - Bloomberg - "The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a big increase in murder and manslaughter (aka homicide) in the U.S. By the accounting of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the homicide rate went from 5.8 per 100,000 Americans in 2019 to 7.5 in 2020. It appears to have continued to rise, albeit at a much slower rate, in 2021. Who suffers when the homicide rate goes up like that? Black Americans, mainly... It isn’t exactly news that young Black men run a much higher risk of being murdered than the rest of us. It also isn’t exactly a mystery who’s killing them. Data on who commits homicides is for obvious reasons less complete than data on victims, and “clearance rates” — the percentage of crimes that are solved — were especially low for homicides in 2020. But the information that is available indicates that young Black men are the main killers of young Black men. This is neighborhood gun violence, for the most part... Covid-19 was twice as deadly for younger Black men as it was for all Americans in the 15-through-44 age group, for example, but it was far less of a threat to them than homicides (and also less deadly than drug overdoses, traffic accidents and suicides)... This does not exactly square with media coverage of the pandemic murder wave, which tends to underplay the ongoing carnage among young Black men as it focuses on other, presumably more shocking, killings. It also doesn’t neatly slot into the debate since mid-2020 over crime and the role of police. According to the Mapping Police Violence project, police killed 249 Black Americans in 2020, which amounts to just 1.8% of the year’s 13,654 Black homicide victims. Excessive use of force by police is a real problem, and one that weighs heavily on younger Black men. But if police presence reduces violent crime, and the evidence that it does is reasonably strong, then the lack of police poses far greater risks to Black men in their teens through early 40s than the police do."
Black lives only matter when they can be used to shit on white people

Meme - Stefan Molyneux, MA @StefanMolyneux: "Many blacks believe Jews ran the slave trade. Things are going to get very ugly."
Joel B. Pollak @joelpollak: "Oh, by the way, did you know a protest vandalized synagogues and ransacked kosher stores? On Saturday, on a Jewish holiday? No one seems to care."

Meme McDonald's: "They were one of us: Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Alton Sterling. Botham Jean. Atatiana Jefferson. Anmaud Arbery. George Floyd."
"McDonald's in China banned black people"

Meme - "Armed Black Panthers show up to the neighbourhood of the two men who lynched black man Ahmaud Arbery"
"Please report all racist comments so we can ban their fragile egos from this sub."
"New Black Panther Party
Ideology: Anti-imperialism, Black nationalism, Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism"

Facebook - "Hey left and liberals (not the same thing), you don’t get off that easy either.  #GeorgeFloydMurder was by Minneapolis police. Minneapolis has had a Democratic mayor for the past 42 years (my entire lifespan). Not a single Republican was elected to the city this century. The mayor appoints the police chief & budget. You have had total control over most of the city’s political & social culture for over 4 decades. Any systemic racism there specifically was under your watch. I know you’re keen for this to all be about President Trump, but minorities are not pawns in your power plays. I do not need you to tell me about historic injustice, systemic racism & power structures, I navigate this war every single day. My weary 42 year old mind and body bear its scars. No, I need you to show some humility & *internalise* the notion that minorities *do not owe you allegiance*.  Anything less than this stinks of the sort of colonial patronage you so often display when a rare minority voice dares to criticise you. Start by ending this culture where sincere minority critics of yours are simply labelled “right wing apologists” & arrogantly dismissed out of hand. You must not be allowed to take minority votes for granted, nor shout down or silence minority voices who call out your own abysmal failures, most visibly demonstrated in your repeated penchant for displaying a bigotry of low expectations.  Unlike you, I speak only for myself & claim no representation. When you read this, do *not* start ‘splaining at me what I already know, nor speculate about my political allegiances to discredit me. I owe you no explanation whatsoever.  You, however, need to get used to the fact that *you do not own minority voices*."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Casey Neistat is a wealthy and successful Youtuber with 12 million followers. He makes great content and his style is copied by thousands... Neistat’s first example of police racism was the horrible killing of Breonna Taylor. She was killed when her boyfriend shot at police coming through the door and she was hit in the crossfire. It was an inexcusable shooting that should not have happened. The police didn’t do their work and broke into the wrong house. Strong evidence of needed reform, but racism didn’t kill her.  Then Neistat gave the all purpose political advice — vote. No mention of recommended policies, just vote. I’m sorry, voting doesn’t fix unnecessary police shootings. What fixes the problem is policy changes and local politics. The local politicians decide police department policies and they only change when pressured by citizens with specific demands.  Instead we have calls to reduce funding for police departments. LA has started the process. Training, nonlethal weapons, body cams, community policing, and social worker programs cost money. If you reduce funding then the high crime neighborhoods will suffer the most.  Don’t just vote. Decide what changes need to be made and communicate it to your mayor and city council members. Think local. Act local."
Of course, the aim is just to elect Democrats - not to fix anything

95% of the 400 individuals arrested in Santa Monica traveled to the city, police say - "Over 400 individuals were arrested Sunday night in Santa Monica after a night filled with looting and unrest, but officials say 95% were individuals who traveled to the city"

Pandemics and Pandemonium - "Perhaps the most alarming development during these riots has been the urgent revival of what urban historian Fred Siegel calls “the riot ideology.” The roots of this thinking can be traced to the late 1960s when they were set down among progressive analysts who decided that violence and looting constituted a just response to abuses by law enforcement and other agents of oppression. This notion became painfully popular during the 1992 LA riots, which I covered as a journalist, when random looting and even killings were applauded by some radical activists as part of a glorious “rebellion” or uprising.  Today, two generations later, this ideology is staging a comeback. Vox scold anyone who refers to outbreaks of widespread mayhem and looting as “riots” preferring to describe them as righteous protests. In an essay for Mother Jones, Daniel King objects to widespread use in reporting of the terms “rioters” and “looters,” which he argues are “tropes historically used to single out and vilify communities of color protesting police brutality.” Writers at the New York Times have even proposed “de-funding” police forces in favor of spreading more money to other government programs. Slate, for its part, endorsed the burning of the Minneapolis police station as “a reasonable reaction” to George Floyd’s death, and suggested that such wanton destruction is a “quintessentially American response, and a predictable one” comparable to the Boston Tea Party and Stonewall. National Democratic leaders, including presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden, have been strangely reluctant to denounce the violence, while correctly criticizing President Trump for his needlessly inflammatory tweets. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has quoted Martin Luther King’s remark that “a riot is the language of the unheard” and stripped it of its original context to decorate the current violence with the romanticism of justice. Radical Minneapolis firebrand Rep. Ilhan Omar has suggested that her constituents are “terrorized” by the presence of the police and National Guard. Deep blue mayors like Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, a 38-year-old progressive focused heavily on racial injustice, cede the streets to the most violent elements, even abandoning a police station that was set alight—a response former St. Paul Mayor and Senator Norm Coleman called “stunning.” Rather than contain demonstrations, some cities initially conceded critical urban space to the rioters to the point of threatening prime central city real estate. In Chicago, city officials, much like their medieval counterparts, raised the bridges over the Chicago River to keep the protestors out of affluent parts of the central city.  Remarkably, these mayors seem to be largely indifferent to the rise of largely white, anarchist groups, like Antifa, who can be seen in videos committing acts of vandalism and violence, even over the objections of African American protestors. Some progressives have even sought to shift the blame for the chaos onto the Russians or white supremacists. A more likely explanation is that legitimate outrage provoked by the senseless death of a man in custody has been hijacked by violent radical agitators whose antics have already been tolerated for far too long, and organized criminal gangs. On Monday, Bellevue’s Police Chief Steve Mylett told reporters some of the looting was the work of a crime ring. “There are groups paying these looters money to come in,” he said, “and they’re getting paid by the broken window.”"
We're still told that no one supports riots

The Economic Aftermath of the 1960s Riots in American Cities: Evidence from Property Values - "In the 1960s many American cities experienced violent, race-related civil disturbances. This article examines census data from 1950 to 1980 to measure the riots' impact on the value of central-city residential property, and especially on black-owned property. Both OLS and IV estimates indicate that the riots depressed the median value of black-owned property between 1960 and 1970, with little or no rebound in the 1970s. Census tract data for a small number of cities suggest relative losses of population and property value in tracts that were directly affected by riots compared to other tracts in the same cities."
Clearly it's racism keeping black property values down

Moralization in social networks and the emergence of violence during protests - "Using data from the 2015 Baltimore protests, we show that not only did the degree of moral rhetoric used on social media increase on days with violent protests but also that the hourly frequency of morally relevant tweets predicted the future counts of arrest during protests, suggesting an association between moralization and protest violence. To better understand the structure of this association, we ran a series of controlled behavioural experiments demonstrating that people are more likely to endorse a violent protest for a given issue when they moralize the issue; however, this effect is moderated by the degree to which people believe others share their values. We discuss how online social networks may contribute to inflations of protest violence."
Grandstanding on social media leads to rioting. Virtue signalling has very real costs

Rioting over a narrative - "The Democrats didn’t talk about the riots.  During the four-day Democratic National Convention, which ran from 17 to 20 August, virtually no prime-time speakers discussed the nationwide violence that followed the horrific death of George Floyd... This was an astonishing omission, akin to the upper-executive team of General Motors not mentioning ‘automobiles’ during an annual meeting... the riots are based around a narrative that is simply not empirically true... Moving from broad generalities to specifics, many of the individual cases that prompted rioting collapse under serious analysis. The ‘15-year-old boy’ whose death caused the Chicago riots turned out to be a 20-year-old man. He was shooting at police when he got shot. And he is still alive. The Detroit policing ‘victim’, Hakim Littleton, was also involved in a literal gun battle with police. Rayshard Brooks was also firing at cops, albeit with a police-strength taser rather than a pistol, when he died. More recently, the Jacob Blake situation also looks to be far more complex than we were originally told. While attorney Benjamin Crump presented Blake as a Good Samaritan, essentially shot at random while attempting to break up a fight between women, we now know that Blake had an active warrant for rape, the police were called specifically to respond to him by a woman who may have been his original victim, and he was shot after a fight and a taser failure – while quite probably going for a large knife.  A second notable fact about the riots is that they seem to be taking place almost entirely where saying what I just did is taboo – in cities run by left-wing Democratic politicians (Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Atlanta, DC, Chicago), generally also in states led by Democrats on the left side (Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, with Georgia as a centre-right outlier). This is a rather remarkable finding... Following riots in Baltimore in 2015, mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said the quiet part out loud, telling reporters, when asked about how police responded to the protests, that ‘we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well’. Since then Democratic leaders seeking votes have not infrequently responded to rioting or street-fighting by giving the participants ‘room to destroy’... This brings us to a final twist of the riot story: the frantic attempt by activists and some members of the mainstream media to paint these ugly incidents as somehow the work of Donald Trump, root of all evil, and his supporters. After weeks of quite mainstream pieces with titles like ‘In defence of looting’, journalists almost universally rediscovered the idea that street mayhem is bad when Kyle Rittenhouse arrived on the scene... we can predict to the day when mass media will tone down hysterical coverage of every incident of Trump-supporter-on-protester violence, and politicians on all sides will again begin to recognise a kid walking out of a department store with a flat-screen TV as a plain ol’ criminal rather than a keen Foucaldian social critic. That day is 4 November 2020"

*Statue being torn down*

Black Lives Matter calls for London, Ont. principal's removal after alleged wig-wearing incident - "Black Lives Matter London says some students at the school had their heads shaved during a cancer fundraiser in the spring of 2019. At the event, the group alleges Chartrand picked up some of the shaved hair of a Black student and put it on his own head... The man’s action is met with surprise from the student, cheers and laughs from the crowd and one person cheerily exclaiming: “Oh, that’s nasty!”  Black Lives Matter London claims Chartrand saved the unidentified student’s shaved hair, made it into a Halloween wig and wore it later as part of a costume. Harper said the principal may have had the student’s permission, but says other students at the school told him the actions were offensive."
Of course, he got removed. The lowest common denominator applies and people have no agency over their body products

Meme - Augi Tate: "You're not ACAB unless you hate the dogs in the unit too, since they're officially law enforcement officers."

Paris shooting: Man 'with ACAB knife' shot dead by police at busy train station - "A man armed with a knife has died after being shot by police at Gare du Nord train station in Paris... The suspect's knife allegedly bore the inscription "ACAB", an anti-police slogan standing for "All Cops Are Bastards""
Clearly he should've been allowed to attack other people

Meme - "Today he went to go see his project car at his work (mechanic) and turns out it had been stolen within the past 24 hours, it's a rare Soarer and it's his absolute pride and joy. My friend has contacted the police (acab but they can get camera footage from around his work) and also asked the service station next door for their surveillance footage. We had a car show over the weekend in the town I live in and it's known for its patrons to be... Rowdy... It wouldn't surprise me if one of these people stole his car and have gone interstate with it."

Chicago woman killed boyfriend after arguing over who would use the microwave first, prosecutors say - "A Chicago woman stabbed her boyfriend to death following an argument over which of them would get to reheat their food first in the microwave, prosecutors said Tuesday.  In August, the same man was hospitalized after the woman stabbed him in the neck, but no charges were filed because the man refused to cooperate, according to prosecutors.  Keisha Golden, 33, is charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said she is eight months pregnant with the deceased man’s child."
Damn structural racism meaning victims won't cooperate with the police for fear of being labelled "snitches"! Damn police murdering black men!

Infosec community disagrees with changing 'black hat' term due to racial stereotyping - "The information security (infosec) community has angrily reacted today to calls to abandon the use of the 'black hat' and 'white hat' terms, citing that the two, and especially 'black hat,' have nothing to do with racial stereotyping.  Discussions about the topic started late last night after David Kleidermacher, VP of Engineering at Google, and in charge of Android Security and the Google Play Store, withdrew from a scheduled talk he was set to give in August at the Black Hat USA 2020 security conference... In May 2020, even the UK government's cyber-security agency, the NCSC, announced it would stop using "whitelist" and "blacklist" due to stigma and racial stereotyping surrounding the two terms."

NBC, Medical Journal Lying About Police Shootings and Race - "Let's pretend that researchers are investigating acts of violence between players during hockey games. And let's further pretend that they are interested in determining if violent behavior has a racial component.  Would you be surprised to find out that most acts of violence happen between white players? Well, of course not. The National Hockey League (NHL) consists almost exclusively of white people. (A figure from 2011 claims the league is 93% white.) So, if the researchers do not control for the fact that most hockey players are white, they could come to the erroneous conclusion that white hockey players are more likely to be violent.  For this reason, race, age, and other demographic factors are commonly controlled in epidemiology studies. It makes no sense to compare one group to another group if researchers do not bother to control for confounders -- that is, factors like race or age that can cause researchers to draw the wrong conclusion.  Yet, precisely that just occurred in a new paper that concludes that police violence disproportionately affects people of color... the police respond differently to different crimes. They don't generally pull guns on jaywalkers. They do, however, pull guns on people thought to be involved in a violent crime. And there is an incredibly large difference between racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. when it comes to violent crime.  Consider homicide. CDC data show that, compared to whites, the homicide rate among blacks is 8 times higher and among Hispanics two times higher. Obviously, in such a situation, a police officer is more likely to use lethal force. Thus, the relevant question is: If the underlying crime is the same (e.g., homicide), is a police officer more likely to use lethal force against a black or Hispanic person than a white person?...   Racial issues are so difficult to discuss in this country partially because the media lies about them non-stop. Any story that fans the flames of racial tension is immediately broadcast all over the world. The media -- and apparently, some researchers -- are willing to undermine social cohesion and smear police officers by spreading falsehoods for the purpose of getting more eyeballs. That may not quite reach the definition of "evil," but it certainly gets close."
The cope is that homicides by whites are under-reported (despite us knowing from criminology that homicide data is reliable)

The Washington Post Totals on Police Killings Again Eliminate the Laws of Probability in a Land of Guns, Poverty, and Crime | by David Shuey - "the chance of being shot and killed by police per arrest for blacks, whites and Hispanics is approximately the exact same: 1 in 10,000. The pervasive reason for a shooting that occurs in around .002% of encounters — from arrests, chases, and stops — with police: Citizen behavior... The Washington Post does a disservice to this country when they overtly decide to not include the criminal context in regard to demographics but imply racism. Especially when the the murder rate spiked more than 25% in big cities from 2014 to 2016. Why is that? It’s not difficult to imagine the reasons. The established norms dictate that highlighting anything other than discrimination as the cause of bad outcomes with police — or any institution — is racist or “blaming the victim.”... Fatal police shootings today are down 70% for blacks since 1968 (more than three times) but is the EXACT same for every other racial group. In reviewing hundreds of stories related to police killings, I’ve seen no mainstream media touch this newsworthy information"

What is “White” Crime?. In Mass Shooting Incidents… | by David Shuey - "In this rare case, the “right” is right, or correct. Liberals can seemingly get away with making specious points, with the mainstream media in full support screaming headlines such as “WHITE MEN HAVE COMMITTED MORE MASS SHOOTINGS THAN ANY OTHER GROUP” (Newsweek) and “White men have much to discuss about mass shootings” (Washington Post). This is because few push back with a fact-based argument that “blacks commit more crime” across the board, including in mass shootings (16% of total), at a higher rate than their share of the population. Why? Fear of being called racist, I assume. It’s also the truth. So, sure, non-Hispanic whites technically commit more mass shootings than anyone else in the United States — 64% of total, according to Mother Jones-data interpreted by CNN. Or is it 54%, which is according to Mother Jones-data interpreted by Newsweek? The media can never get anything quite right, even with the same dataset.  But whites are also 5 times larger than the black population, 61% compared to 13% respectively. And when it comes to all homicides and shootings, blacks actually DO surpass whites by rate (8 times more) AND sum total (blacks are around 52% of victims, with a slightly higher percentage of offending). But Newsweek and others have learned not to focus on those inconvenient facts in recent years as the Black Lives Matter narrative has taken solid root deep in the media landscape...     Hispanics are 18.4% of arrests, so slightly overrepresented compared to their share of the population.     Non-hispanic whites, once you do the math trick shown above, are underrepresented at around 53–54% of arrests.     Blacks are overrepresented by more than double per capita at 26.4% of arrests.  That’s a rough way of getting the most accurate percentage of non-Hispanic white persons, which is reasonable given a vast majority of debate over race and crime in the U.S. comes down to these categories: White, Hispanic/Latino, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander and/or Native American.  But does that answer the breakdown question of how Hispanics sometimes get grouped in with non-Hispanic whites sometimes? A good example of where this gets confusing is when The Washington Post and The Guardian separate those two groups when it comes to victims of police shootings, which I parse on other Medium essays. And when you do that, arrest rates almost completely map onto killed-by-police rates. In short, far too many on the left play politics with crime data, especially when they try to pin criminality on white men. Or they ignore crime data completely when talking about blacks being killed by police. Arrests aren’t racially biased, multiple studies show. Sometimes even whites are arrested more often for crime commission, like assaults or robbery. About the only are where one could argue an anti-black bias is in drug arrests, but they’re less than 1 in 7 arrests... 1% of people in prison are falsely convicted, according to the Innocence Project (thus as many as 99% in prison are guilty of their crimes)...  SPLC’s multiple links to combat racism appear to obfuscate black crime stats, dance around empirical reality, and state the following, “Race, unlike income, has little, if any, predictive value.” But the evidence doesn’t match up with this oft-told sociological “truth.” If that were true, why do blacks violent commit crime at rates 2–3 times higher than Hispanics despite having nearly the same median income and poverty rates?...
'Blacks are also overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes — by 50 percent — according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.'... White Americans are on the receiving end of interracial crime vastly more than they dole out crime against African Americans. Yet, these facts stay far out of the purview of a narrative pushed by critical race theory professors who say “some white people will have to die” to carry out justice against “anti-black” forces... when acclaimed writer and “public intellectual” Ta-Nehisi Coates talks about “violence against black bodies” as coming from “oppressors,” I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about."

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