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Friday, September 02, 2022

Links - 2nd September 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests - "Since the outset of the global monkeypox outbreak in May, public health and infectious disease experts have told the public that the virus is largely transmitting through skin-to-skin contact, in particular during sex between men.   Now, however, an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex, these experts say, is probably much less of a risk factor... scientists told NBC News that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health authorities should update their monkeypox communication strategies to more strongly emphasize the centrality of intercourse among gay and bisexual men, who comprise nearly all U.S. cases, to the virus’ spread. On Aug. 14, Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease physician at the University of Southern California, and Dr. Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, a resident physician in global health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, published an essay on Medium in which they reviewed the science supporting the argument that during the current outbreak, monkeypox is largely transmitting through anal and oral intercourse between men... Monkeypox is more likely to transmit through oral or anal sex than through contact with external skin, which would need some sort of defect, such as a wound, to allow entry of the virus... across the global outbreak, the virus is also apparently following the same transmission patterns traditionally seen in Africa. But experts assert that just as in those African nations, when the virus transmits through nonsexual means, it does so with dramatically lower efficiency — and thus at a rate similar to the relatively slow spread seen in Africa... the authors of The New England Journal of Medicine paper estimated that just 0.8% of the cases they analyzed were due to nonsexual close contact and 0.6% were due to household contact. By contrast, 95% of these cases were likely acquired during sex between men. The authors of the Lancet paper estimated that 3% of the cases they analyzed transmitted through nonsexual household contact... Harvard’s Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz acknowledged the pervasive concern that telling the public that monkeypox transmits sexually among gay men will fuel homophobia. He said there is, however, also a cost to keeping quiet about how the virus apparently transmits: This keeps people at risk from best understanding how to protect themselves.   “In our silence, we can also do harm”"
"Stigma" is bad, so this fact needs to be buried

Meme - Hal Bear @pieissatan: "Just be honest for once. You want power and payback. If that means you now use racism then so be it. You don't hate hate, you hate not being in control."
Aurelius Raines II @aureliusr...: "Only of you're honest that power and payback is what we deserve and are owed."

Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide? - "we must begin with the most important reason for the Indians’ catastrophic decline—namely, the spread of highly contagious diseases to which they had no immunity. This phenomenon is known by scholars as a"virgin-soil epidemic"; in North America, it was the norm...  the forced relocations of Indian tribes were often accompanied by great hardship and harsh treatment; the removal of the Cherokee from their homelands to territories west of the Mississippi in 1838 took the lives of thousands and has entered history as the Trail of Tears. But the largest loss of life occurred well before this time, and sometimes after only minimal contact with European traders. True, too, some colonists later welcomed the high mortality among Indians, seeing it as a sign of divine providence; that, however, does not alter the basic fact that Europeans did not come to the New World in order to infect the natives with deadly diseases... Similarly at odds with any such idea is the effort of the United States government at this time to vaccinate the native population. Smallpox vaccination, a procedure developed by the English country doctor Edward Jenner in 1796, was first ordered in 1801 by President Jefferson; the program continued in force for three decades, though its implementation was slowed both by the resistance of the Indians, who suspected a trick, and by lack of interest on the part of some officials. Still, as Thornton writes:"Vaccination of American Indians did eventually succeed in reducing mortality from smallpox."... The view that the Indian problem could be solved by force alone came under vigorous challenge from a number of federal commissioners who from 1832 on headed the Bureau of Indian Affairs and supervised the network of agents and subagents in the field. Many Americans on the eastern seaboard, too, openly criticized the rough ways of the frontier. Pity for the vanishing Indian, together with a sense of remorse, led to a revival of the 18th-century concept of the noble savage. America's native inhabitants were romanticized in historiography, art, and literature, notably by James Fenimore Cooper in his Leatherstocking Tales and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his long poem, The Song of Hiawatha... Wounded Knee has been called"perhaps the best-known genocide of North American Indians." But, as Robert Utley has concluded in a careful analysis, it is better described as"a regrettable, tragic accident of war," a bloodbath that neither side intended. In a situation where women and children were mixed with men, it was inevitable that some of the former would be killed. But several groups of women and children were in fact allowed out of the encampment, and wounded Indian warriors, too, were spared and taken to a hospital. There may have been a few deliberate killings of noncombatants, but on the whole, as a court of inquiry ordered by President Harrison established, the officers and soldiers of the unit made supreme efforts to avoid killing women and children... The crucial role played by intentionality in the Genocide Convention means that under its terms the huge number of Indian deaths from epidemics cannot be considered genocide... Similarly, military engagements that led to the death of noncombatants, like the battle of the Washita, cannot be seen as genocidal acts, for the loss of innocent life was not intended and the soldiers did not aim at the destruction of the Indians as a defined group. By contrast, some of the massacres in California, where both the perpetrators and their supporters openly acknowledged a desire to destroy the Indians as an ethnic entity, might indeed be regarded under the terms of the convention as exhibiting genocidal intent. Even as it outlaws the destruction of a group"in whole or in part," the convention does not address the question of what percentage of a group must be affected in order to qualify as genocide... Of course, it is far from easy to apply a legal concept developed in the middle of the 20th century to events taking place many decades if not hundreds of years earlier. Our knowledge of many of these occurrences is incomplete. Moreover, the malefactors, long since dead, cannot be tried in a court of law, where it would be possible to establish crucial factual details and to clarify relevant legal principles. Applying today’s standards to events of the past raises still other questions, legal and moral alike. While history has no statute of limitations, our legal system rejects the idea of retroactivity (ex post facto laws)... even if some episodes can be considered genocidal—that is, tending toward genocide—they certainly do not justify condemning an entire society. Guilt is personal, and for good reason the Genocide Convention provides that only"persons" can be charged with the crime, probably even ruling out legal proceedings against governments. No less significant is that a massacre like Sand Creek was undertaken by a local volunteer militia and was not the expression of official U.S. policy. No regular U.S. Army unit was ever implicated in a similar atrocity."

Meme - The Punk Rock Autistic: "I am proud to be autistic. I have great pride in my neurodiversity. I have no shame in being who and what I am. Autism is an inseparable part of my identity and experience as a human being. Like others, I have lived through great trials in unlearning conditioning and internalized ableism. it hasn't been easy, but over the years I have come to a place where I no longer need to hide what and who I am. Autistic proud, and autistic strong +#DisabilityPrideMonth #actuallyautistic"
Identity politics means people grasp at anything that makes them different and claim oppression. Nowadays you're not supposed to help autistic people cope with the world - the world is supposed to accommodate them and if you don't or even suggest they change their behavior, you're a bad person

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent, A Summer of Fires in Greece - "When Norway was invaded by German forces in 1940 Vidkun Quisling was delighted to see them. He had based his National Union Party on the Nazis, and was duly installed as a puppet leader by the German occupiers. Surely his cabin should be off limits to visitors. Britain and the US may be agonizing over what to do with controversial statues. But Norwegians don't always feel in a dilemma over what to do with Nazi buildings. Here's the difference. My wife says people here really don't see a cabin as evil."

Campus censorship comes for the rainbow flag - "Students at Jesus College, Cambridge say they have been threatened with eviction if they do not remove LGBT flags and political posters from their windows... ‘it is a breach of the terms of your license agreement to display any poster, flag or banner internally or externally from the property’. It promised ‘further action’ if anyone did not do as ordered."
At least a politically neutral prohibition can be defended to some extent

Meme - Communist: "I've never seen any violent crime in my upper middle-class gated community so all you gun nuts are simply racist and detached from reality."

Christina Pushaw 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "This is math homework from a public school district in Missouri. How does this help kids learn algebra, exactly? No wonder China is winning…
Those who are saying it’s fake need a reality check on what kind of content is being promoted in schools nowadays"

Fact check: Homework referenced Maya Angelou's sexual abuse, sex work - "A school district in Missouri drew wide condemnation online after social media users shared posts of a math problem that referenced author and poet Maya Angelou’s sexual abuse and sex work... The first question asks students to fill in the blank to the following prompt: “Angelou was sexually abused by her mother’s ______ at age 8, which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.” The second says, “Trying to support her son as a single mother, she worked as a pimp, prostitute and ______.”  This was a real assignment given to high schoolers in the Lincoln County R-III School District in Missouri. The full image of the assignment shows additional questions about Angelou’s hometown and professorial career at Wake Forest University, among other topics. It's not the first time these questions have spurred controversy... The assignment was given to about 60 ninth grade students during the week of Feb. 14-18, the district’s community relations director, Audrey Henebry, wrote"

Meme - "This is math homework from a public school district in a Missouri grade class for 14 and 15 year olds. This is the completely irrelevant and inappropriate groomer garbage left-wing teachers are inserting into curriculum to poison the minds of innocent minors.
Name DATE MAYA ANGELOU Maya Angelou (1928 - 2014) is a well-known American author and poet. She 'was one of the first African American women to write publicly about the trials in her personal life and her artistic success led to opportunities to work with 'Martin Luther King Jr. and other Civil Rights Activists, Her first autobiography, Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, brought her national recognition and acclaim. DIRECTIONS: Solve each system of equation by substitution. The word or phrase next to the equivalent solution will complete the statement correctly. A, yeSeed 2. yedee10 yox yorl "Angelou was born in___, Missouti. er real first name was actually (1) Kaneas City (4-2) Calypso. b Springfield & @4 Marguerite fe) St.Louis 62) Mary Cc 3. yexr? 4 -2ety-7 'Angelou was sexually abused by her Angelou studied atthe at age wi ped her California Labor School. career choices and motivation for writing, dance and drama (0,2) boyfriend (10,-51) literature and poetry brother 7) television and film (3-1) father oxey-1 6 yw Bo ye -dxe21 Trying to support her son as a single mother, 'She helped build the Organization of African she worked as a pimp, prostitute and 'American Unity with, (3-2) Bookie (5,3) JullanMayfield 49 NightClub Dancer (3) Martin Luther King"

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Here’s our full story on Paper Terrorism, the new antivaxx/QAnon tactic to strongarm local school boards into banning books, changing rules and altering curriculum."
"Progressives mastered the manipulation of procedural outcomes to win the cultural war. As soon as the right figures out how to play the game they scream “terrorism”"

Portland Store Temporarily Closes To Fix Their 'White Supremacy' After Firing A 'BIPOC' Employee - "The Portland vintage store Artifact has won the virtue signaling award of the week after announcing its temporary closure for staff to undergo training related to racism and “white supremacy.” For reasons the store has declined to mention, management fired a person of color in February. This apparently led to a need to train staff and employees on “microaggression and racial biases” within the store. Enough training was needed, apparently, to completely close the store down for “two to three weeks”"
Comment: "Who wants to bet money that the "microaggression" was telling them to show up on time?"

Growing List Of Shaun King's Nicknames That Have Gone Viral - "King’s initial response to the social media app’s sale was to claim Musk — the world’s wealthiest person — is making the purchase to bolster the world’s “white power” structure... the term “Martin Luther Cream” was trending on Twitter following King’s viral tweet.  Hours later and into Tuesday morning, King appeared to delete his Twitter account in apparent protest of Musk buying the social media company. That promoted the term “Talcum X” to start trending on Twitter...   It seems as though King’s list of nicknames begins trending on social media following every time he is in the news cycle.   That’s what happened in 2020 following Sen. Bernie Sanders’ shellacking by Joe Biden in the South Carolina primary. However, King, who at the time was a Sanders campaign surrogate, had an even rougher time when Twitter completely came for his jugular after he accused MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow of making comments about Sanders that she actually did not say...  King was called out for claiming that Beto O’Rourke supporters reported contacted him “near tears, saying that his endorsement of @JoeBiden ‘felt like a betrayal’ of all they had worked for with Beto. One said he loathed Biden’s campaign for President. They just couldn’t make it make sense.”  However, a former O’Rourke staffer responded to King, debunking his tweet... Black folks quickly began to display their utmost creativity, listing off a series of new nicknames for King, alluding to his habitual storytelling.  “Talcum X has always been my favorite Sh*un King nickname but someone called him Hueless P. Newton, Martin Luther Cream & W.E.B. Defraud and I cant breathe”...
Thurgood Partial | Thurgood Marshall
Pale Revere | Paul Revere
Tupac Sugar | Tupac Shakur
Alexander Scamilton | Alexander Hamilton
Chaka Con | Chaka Khan
Snow J. Simpson | O.J. Simpson
Crooker T. Washington | Booker T. Washington
Cream Abdul Jabbar | Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Lames Baldwin | James Baldwin
Chalkus Garvey | Marcus Garvey"

Activist Shaun King's PAC paid over $40K for guard dog: report - "Controversial activist Shaun King’s progressive political action committee paid a California breeder more than $40,000 for a hulking guard dog — but he apparently returned the powerful pooch because it had “too much energy”... The $40,000-plus that Grassroots Law PAC apparently spent on Marz is nearly equal to the $56,000 in contributions it made to non-federal political candidates in 2021... King, who made a name for himself amid the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, has repeatedly faced scrutiny over his fundraising efforts and financial dealings, including being accused of soliciting money in the name of 12-year-old police shooting victim Tamir Rice without his mother’s permission."

Pedro L. Gonzalez on Twitter - "PayPal unfreezes Moms for Liberty funds after DeSantis announces crackdown on 'woke' banking"
"PayPal freezes funds for a conservative group. DeSantis threatens PayPal. PayPal unfreezes funds. Why wait for "go woke, go broke" (it's also not true) when you can break the jaw of the woke with political power."
Reply: "I don't relish the idea of using government to pressure private businesses; but when critical financial services are being collectively weaponized for political purposes, that's one point when it's appropriate for government to step in."
Anyone can set up their own power company

Joyce Carol Oates on Twitter - "(a friend who is a literary agent told me that he cannot even get editors to read first novels by young white male writers, no matter how good; they are just not interested. this is heartbreaking for writers who may, in fact, be brilliant, & critical of their own "privilege.")"
Steve Sailer on Twitter - "Judging from the hate-filled replies to Ms. Oates, anti-white male racism/sexism is currently virulent in the literary world."
Steve Sailer on Twitter - "What the replies overlook is that the publishing industry is very white, but it's not all that male these days. According to Lee and Low's 2019 Baseline Survey of Diversity in Publishing, publishing staffers are now "overwhelmingly white women""
David Collard on Twitter - "Name the friend. Name the literary agent. Name the young white male writers and name the editors who reject them. Then stop tweeting."
Steve Sailer on Twitter - "Yes, but what do Joyce Carol Oates and James Patterson know about the book business compared to all the angry people on Twitter?"
Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "At some obvious level, during the "Great Awokening," this is probably just accurate. As people literally ranging from Steve Sailer to Black execs commenting on my own page have pointed out, the most recent 150 book best-seller list has just 9-10 white guys under 50 on it.
(2) There's a common cliche that objections to affirmative action are basically just racism - "equality feels like oppression." But, this isn't reality. The Latino SAT average is 970, the Asian average is 1220, and "equity" admissions lag one group by 250 points. That's usual."
Plus, the original claim is about new writers, so alleging white male domination of the industry as a whole is besides the point
I like how even if you're proven true, you're supposed to shut up
To liberals, equality is about equal results, so even though "minorities" get a leg up even equality is not yet achieved

Opinion | There’s More Than One Way to Ban a Book - The New York Times - "Over the years, American publishers have fought back against efforts to repress a wide range of works — from Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” to Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Just last year, Simon & Schuster defended its book deal with former Vice President Mike Pence, despite a petition signed by more than 200 Simon & Schuster employees and other book professionals demanding that the publishing house cancel the deal. The publisher, Dana Canedy, and chief executive, Jonathan Karp, held firm.  The American publishing industry has long prided itself on publishing ideas and narratives that are worthy of our engagement, even if some people might consider them unsavory or dangerous, and for standing its ground on freedom of expression. But that ground is getting shaky. Though the publishing industry would never condone book banning, a subtler form of repression is taking place in the literary world, restricting intellectual and artistic expression from behind closed doors, and often defending these restrictions with thoughtful-sounding rationales. As many top editors and publishing executives admit off the record, a real strain of self-censorship has emerged that many otherwise liberal-minded editors, agents and authors feel compelled to take part in. Over the course of his long career, John Sargent, who was chief executive of Macmillan until last year and is widely respected in the industry for his staunch defense of freedom of expression, witnessed the growing forces of censorship — outside the industry, with overt book-banning efforts on the political right, but also within the industry, through self-censorship and fear of public outcry from those on the far left... Now, many books the left might object to never make it to bookshelves because a softer form of banishment happens earlier in the publishing process: scuttling a project for ideological reasons before a deal is signed, or defusing or eliminating “sensitive” material in the course of editing. Publishers have increasingly instituted a practice of “sensitivity reads,” something that first gained traction in the young adult fiction world but has since spread to books for readers of all ages. Though it has long been a practice to lawyer many books, sensitivity readers take matters to another level, weeding out anything that might potentially offend. Even when a potentially controversial book does find its way into print, other gatekeepers in the book world — the literary press, librarians, independent bookstores — may not review, acquire or sell it, limiting the book’s ability to succeed in the marketplace. Last year, when the American Booksellers Association included Abigail Shrier’s book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” in a mailing to member booksellers, a number of booksellers publicly castigated the group for promoting a book they considered transphobic. The association issued a lengthy apology and subsequently promised to revise its practices. The group’s board then backed away from its traditional support of free expression, emphasizing the importance of avoiding “harmful speech.” A recent overview in Publishers Weekly about the state of free expression in the industry noted, “Many longtime book people have said what makes the present unprecedented is a new impetus to censor — and self-censor — coming from the left.” When the reporter asked a half dozen influential figures at the largest publishing houses to comment, only one would talk — and only on condition of anonymity. “This is the censorship that, as the phrase goes, dare not speak its name”... The caution is born of recent experience. No publisher wants another “American Dirt” imbroglio, in which a highly anticipated novel was accused of capitalizing on the migrant experience, no matter how well the book sells. No publisher wants the kind of staff walkout that took place in 2020 at Hachette Book Group when the journalist Ronan Farrow protested its plan to publish a memoir by his father, Woody Allen.  It is certainly true that not every book deserves to be published. But those decisions should be based on the quality of a book as judged by editors and publishers, not in response to a threatened, perceived or real political litmus test. The heart of publishing lies in taking risks, not avoiding them. You can understand why the publishing world gets nervous. Consider what has happened to books that have gotten on the wrong side of illiberal scolds. On Goodreads, for example, vicious campaigns have circulated against authors for inadvertent offenses in novels that haven’t even been published yet. Sometimes the outcry doesn’t take place until after a book is in stores. Last year, a bunny in a children’s picture book got soot on his face by sticking his head into an oven to clean it — and the book was deemed racially insensitive by a single blogger. It was reprinted with the illustration redrawn. All this after the book received rave reviews and a New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award... many stories about interracial cooperation that were once hailed for their progressive values (“To Kill a Mockingbird,” “The Help”) are now criticized as “white savior” narratives"
Liberal logic - schools not including books liberals like in curricula is "banning" them even if they're widely available, but it's good that books cannot be published
"The same people that want to 'decolonise' and get rid of books written by "white male" authors are the same people claiming that removing books from elementary school curriculums is just like a book burning."

Governor DeSantis Suspends Liberal Attorney For Failing To Enforce The Law On Abortion, Trans Surgeries For Minors - "Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) announced Thursday that “effective immediately,” he is suspending liberal State Attorney Andrew Warren for refusing to uphold the state’s laws. “State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda,” DeSantis said in a statement. “It is my duty to hold Florida’s elected officials to the highest standards for the people of Florida. I have the utmost trust that Judge Susan Lopez will lead the office through this transition and faithfully uphold the rule of law.”... DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw had teased the announcement on Wednesday evening, warning that the announcement would spark “the liberal media meltdown of the year.”  “Progressive prosecutors backed by Soros have refused to enforce laws across the country,” she said in a Thursday tweet. “They treat criminals with deference & victims with contempt. This dereliction of duty is why crime is surging. But @GovRonDeSantis won’t stand for this. He just suspended the one in Florida.”"
So much for liberals saying that you should do your job or get fired

Townhall.com on Twitter - "Ted Cruz grills Dir. Wray over FBI training material listing patriotic flags as militia violent extremism. "What are y'all doing? Do you agree w/ this FBI guidance that the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag and the Gonzales battle flag are signs of militia violent extremism?""

'Hamilton'’s Lin-Manuel Miranda Tells Orlando: 'Love Is Love Is Love' - "And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love, cannot be killed or swept aside."
This tautological doggerel appears to be saying that all love is equally valid
Someone claimed that I was using "the most superficial interpretation of the term". I went to see what LGBT activists say the term means, but it is remarkably poorly-defined (assuredly because they know it is a vapid slogan). This was the closest thing I found to a definition.

‘Amicable’ option would lead to spike in divorce rates: Focus on the Family Singapore - "Allowing married couples the option to “amicably” divorce would lead to higher divorce rates, charity group Focus on the Family said.  On that basis, the non-profit organisation does not support instituting this divorce option that has been proposed"
The homophiles keep going on about how they should talk about divorce instead of just LGBTs, showing that they're talking shit on a subject they know absolutely nothing about to take cheap shots at a group they not only disagree with but think are evil and in the process show how ignorant they are

Adams condemns Texas governor for busing migrants to New York - "Mayor Eric Adams condemned Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday for sending buses of asylum seekers to New York City... “In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city,” the statement said. “I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief.”...   Adams repeated his plea for federal aid to deal with the influx of asylum seekers.  “We need help, and we’re reaching out to the federal government to tell them that we need help,” he said. “We’re going to get through this.”  Abbott recently invited Adams and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to the southern border — an invitation that Adams declined."

Texas buses taking migrants to NYC sets off firestorm from Dems, Abbott tells them to take it up with Biden - "Conservatives leaders in border states and across the country have slammed the president for his immigration policies, including ending the Trump administration’s "Remain in Mexico" policy, announcing an ultimately-failed plan to offer citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants at the start of his presidential tenure, loosening border enforcement policies, among other issues... The office also hit back at the argument from New York Democrats that some of the migrants bused to New York wanted to go to other areas in the country, but were forced to travel to the Big Apple.   "These migrants willingly chose to go to New York City, having signed a voluntary consent waiver, available in multiple languages, upon boarding that they agreed on the destination""

Migrants say they took Texas governor Abbott’s bus to Washington so they could get closer to Florida - "Mr Abbott announced plans to forcibly bus all migrants entering Texas to the Capitol steps, but scaled back the plans after it was pointed out that he lacks the authority to compel any migrant to set foot on a bus headed out of his jurisdiction.  Instead, Mr Abbott changed course and said the bus trip to Washington would be voluntary... During a 6 April media availability, Mr DeSantis said he would use federal funding made available in previous coronavirus relief legislation to ship migrants to Mr Biden’s home state of Delaware."
Migrants not having a choice in where the bus goes seems to have transmogrified into a claim that they were forced onto the buses

NYC secretly exports homeless to Hawaii and other states without telling receiving pols - "From the tropical shores of Honolulu and Puerto Rico, to the badlands of Utah and backwaters of Louisiana, the Big Apple has sent local homeless families to 373 cities across the country with a full year of rent in their pockets as part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Special One-Time Assistance Program.” Usually, the receiving city knows nothing about it...   Not only are officials in towns where the city’s homeless land up in arms, but hundreds of the homeless families are returning to the five boroughs — and some are even suing NYC over being abandoned in barely livable conditions. Multiple outside agencies and organizations have opened investigations into SOTA."
It's only okay when they do it. And it's not like the receiving places boast about breaking the law to help the homeless

Meme - Eric Adams @cricadamsfornyc: ""We should protect our immigrants." Period. Yes, New York City will remain a sanctuary city under an Adams administration. #EricOnNBC" - Oct 12, 2021
"Mayor Adams Says the Influx of Illegal Immigrants Poses a "Real Burden' on New Yorkers From Food to Shelter and Public Schooling" - Jul 21, 2022
Addendum (even better): Daily Caller on Twitter - "Eric Adams on NYC's migrant crisis: "We have not asked for this. There was never any agreement to take on the job of supporting thousands of asylum seekers."

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