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Friday, June 24, 2022

Links - 24th June 2022 (General Wokeness)

Katie Couric admits she edited RBG’s anthem-kneeling comments - "Katie Couric has admitted that, in a 2016 interview, she withheld Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s harshest comments on kneeling during the national anthem.  The editing was done in an effort to “protect” the late Supreme Court justice, Couric wrote in her memoir... She revealed in “Going There,” which is out Oct. 26, that she felt that Ginsburg, who was 83 at the time of the interview, may not have totally gotten what Couric was asking her...   Not standing for the anthem shows a “contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life … Which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from … as they became older, they realize that this was youthful folly. And that’s why education is important,” Ginsburg told Couric at the time"
Apparently RBG was senile despite being a Supreme Court Judge

Facebook - "Our public spaces celebrate the festivals of our various communities throughout the year. I passed by the familiar HortPark scarecrow yesterday and was struck by its change of attire. See this photo from my January post. Took a pic to send my greetings to all Muslim friends. I am dismayed that some have misinterpreted the post as portraying Malays/Muslims as "scarecrows". This is far from my mind. I spent my political lifetime working for a harmonious multi-racial society. This episode reminds us that strengthening multi-racialism is always work in progress. All of us have to do our part. Scary, isn’t it? --- gct"
"It's mind numbingly appalling how many people online somehow conclude that ESM Goh goes around dressing up scarecrows that are the property of Horticultural Park. Any 2 min long online search will teach that scarecrows must have their clothing and location constantly changed (by Horticultural Park management) to ensure that the birds never get accustomed to thinking that the scarecrow is fake. If anything, the only thing ESM Goh is wrong about, is assuming that the average person is smart / curious enough to know / learn how scarecrows work, or to infer that long serving politicians don't just suddenly dress up and display caricatures."
Why diversity and representation are losing strategies - grievance mongers will just attack you regardless

Meme @lilicitRapture: "May the 4th be with you, The real truth, The racist white people trying to over shadow Cinco de mayo. Cue, the fan boys now.. Ps. Lord of the Rings is better."

Spivey Consulting on Twitter - "BREAKING: the ABA is officially recommending the elimination of the standardized test requirement for admission to law school"

Time to forget about "Latinx": The new way to refer to Hispanic men and women is officially "Latine" 😂 - "In response to complaints that 'Latinx' is culturally insensitive, 'gender non-binary and feminist' activists have proposed 'Latine' as an alternative."
"A 2020 survey conducted by Pew Research found that only about a quarter of American Hispanics are familiar with "Latinx" and just 3% actively use the term to identify themselves. Of those who knew the term, 65% believe that Latinx should not be used to describe the Latino community."

Blaire White on Twitter - "The same people who say misgendering is violence refuse to stop saying “Latinx” no matter how many Latino people tell them to stop."

Marvel achieves peak cringe with a Spider-Man comic lecturing us about the meaning of "Latinx" 🤡 - " Only 3% of Latinos don't mind the woke term "Latinx," which means the other 97% really, really don't like it. Many see it as a derogatory slur (because it is) that erases their language (which it does) and the traditional family values that Hispanic families (and all other humans besides leftists) adhere to...
Remember: This is supposed to be a comic about people who use spider powers to stop supervillains...
The comic ends with a pie-in-the-sky vision of utopia, where all Hispanics have come under the banner of Latinx and are ready to enact a neo-Marxist future free from sin and death!"

Tressie McMillan Cottom on Twitter - "If I ever go on national television and get giddy at learning I am X% white please pre shoot me, like baby Hitler. Thank you."

Meme - "How people who put #StopAsianHate and #BLM in their Tinder bio see themselves *halo*"

Meme - Karen Alea @KarenAlea: "My father turned 90 and wanted to do a photoshoot to be posted on social media even though he isn't on it. <3"
Porsche Monkey @Malibubar...: "I want to like these photos... but I need to know who they voted for president and what they were doing, during the 60s."
@SiNcerely_LfC Replying to @Malibubarbarian and @KarenAlea: "Fr. lol my first though was is this man a racist ."
When you hate certain groups of people so much, your first thought is to find an excuse to cancel them


Meme - Black women: "Mayo monkey"
"snow roach"
White man: "N-"

The Dangerous Rise Of Anti Woke Men - "he also doesn’t believe in white privilege, irrespective of the fact that he works in a painfully undiverse industry, was privately educated and comes from a wealthy acting family which is nothing short of a dynasty. Fox is denying racism and sexism, irrespective of whether or not they exist. It’s nothing short of gaslighting. It’s all very Donald Trump. And as you would expect, the whole debacle has lit a fire under anti-woke poster boy Piers Morgan while gaining Fox thousands of extra Twitter followers... Not wanting to date "woke" women, far from being laughable, is actually one of the more insidious aspects of it. Spend an afternoon on any major dating app and you’ll come across (generally white) men saying openly sexist and misogynistic things. They might say "no psychos" or that they "fucking hate big eyebrows" in their bios. And, by and large, they also tend to hold extremely right-wing views and see themselves as victims of liberal thinking... As the campaign group Hope Not Hate reported last year, a hostility towards feminism is feeding directly into far-right movements online. They found that a third of young British people today believe that feminism is marginalising or demonising men and warned that these beliefs were a "slip road" to other far-right ideas. This isn’t just speculation. We know that the number of far-right referrals to the British government’s deradicalisation scheme Prevent has dramatically increased recently. In the year from 2017/18 they jumped by 36%, while referrals for Islamism actually decreased by 14%."
Men are not allowed to turn down any women. But the reverse is "racist"
Liberal assertion suffices as proof of whatever absurd claim they have. Then again, everything is "far-right" now, so

Sarah Silverman Bashes Liberal School For Expelling Students - "Comedian Sarah Silverman’s displeasure with her own ideological side is continuing after children at her friend’s child’s “liberal” school were expelled for making a list ranking students by their popularity...   “This story made me so sad because it’s just what I’m seeing happening with liberals and progressives,” Silverman continued. “I worry what liberal has become is becoming antithetical to its cause.”"

Harvard Students Slam Autism Awareness Panel as 'Violently Ableist' - "The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard University. It was slated to host a panel on autism titled "Autism Awareness: Thinking Outside the Box"; that event has now been postponed due to an outcry from students.  While such subjects as "alternative ways to treat autism" and "communicating with people on the autism spectrum" probably sound benign to most people, a Change.org petition created by Harvard students accuses the panelists of promoting "violently ableist" views...   "By supporting such an event, Harvard is signaling that its campus is unsafe for Autistic people, and that is unacceptable. We call on organizers and attendees of this event to learn from Autistic self-advocates during this time."   The petitioners do make the reasonable point that perhaps the panel should have included an autistic person. One of the panelists—Marcia Hinds—did have experience raising an autistic child, though she was the expert the students objected to the most. Hinds' book, I Know You're in There: Winning Our War Against Autism, is an example of "violent misinformation" about autistic people, according to the students."
Don't treat autistic people and let them suffer in order to appease white virtue signallers. Excellent

Meme - "If you can get someone fired for stating their opinion, you are not oppressed. You are the oppressor"

Kat Murti - Posts | Facebook - "A lot of (largely non-Indian) people are mad at Dita Von Teese  for rocking this gorgeously goth-tacular sari. As an Indian woman, I really appreciate Indian fashion being normalized in this way. Why should our clothes be relegated to Indian-only spaces? Why are only Western clothes allowed to be worn by mainstream society? This kind of generally well-meaning social segregation has the overall effect of holding White Western culture as a neutral norm all other cultures can and should draw from, while simultaneously telling us our cultures must be kept to ourselves.  Cultural appropriation is real, but it’s not the same as cultural exchange... It's perhaps worth making the distinction that none of what Dita's wearing here has deep religious significance. So, let's apply the same rubric to wearing the bindi, which is a Hindu religious symbol.  That doesn't mean non-Hindus should never wear them, but they should be mindful of that and why they're choosing to wear them.  I tend to roll my eyes at non-Hindus wearing bindis, but that again comes down to context... I have happily put bindis on Christian and Jewish friends when going to Indian weddings, etc, and am very open to talking about and sharing my culture with those who are genuinely interested. I equally love learning new customs, foods, etc from my friends around the world.  The line is whether you treat people as a stereotype or a brand ambassador for their culture, dehumanizing them and their unique experiences, or if you are able to humbly share your own culture while relishing in parts of theirs.  I love listening to country music and eating frito pie; that’s not cultural appropriation. But, if I were to, say, throw a “white trash” party where I played country music and served frito pie “ironically,” because *of course* I‘m not one of *those people* who genuinely like those kinds of things (*shudder*), that IS cultural appropriation. The difference is a genuine appreciation vs using someone else’s culture to mock and deride them, or otherwise benefit from their social capital while holding them to be lesser humans than you. It’s about respect."

Meme - "Hey Jackie. Douglas from Propnex representing tenant. not taking comm from u. Still available? Thanks"
"tenant profile?"
"single Chinese guy. Singaporean. working in A-sTar"
"Hmn owner said prefer non Singaporeans"
"wah, first time hear that ..haaaa.. meaning Singaporeans themselves also discriminated from landlord..."
"Bad experience"
"wah steam....."
"Have bad encounters with some
Not all Singaporeans are angels
Is not discrimation but preference"
"yup agree... always bad apples in the cart..."
Facebook - "See lah, even got landlords dun want to accept Singaporean local Chinese tenants. End of the day, people have preference, shaped by bad personal experience. Sometimes, it's as simple as that."
I'm told that some landlords don't want single Singaporeans, because they think they should stay with their parents
Comments: "The problem is, if any landlord don't accept Chinese tenant, people will take it as normal. But any landlord don't accept minority tenant, people will take it as racist."
"Last time I rent to local, every month cannot pay rent, keep asking to extend extend, drama and wayang and scream and cry. My sample size only 1 local tenant but walau how come sia"
"a Singaporean Chinese ah Beng/ family man just handed back a HDB flat to me And the way he spoke to me was like that / when I queried him if he'd done quarterly AC Svcg .. "eh come on la, anything wrong with the AC anot?" Why you wanna choose to lead such a pessimistic life keep asking about AC? Me : 🙄 And in the future, moving forward, no more local Singaporeans"
"One of my landlord does not favour local Singaporean because they love to complaint."

Adam B. Coleman, Proud Father on Twitter - "When I was a liberal, one of the biggest mistakes I made was listening to other liberals & liberal media about conservatives instead of going directly to the source. When I went direct, I saw how much misinterpretation was going on or outright lies were manufactured."
Reply: "Whenever the mainstream media was outraged about something Trump said, I went to the YouTube footage or transcript to see what he actually said because invariably they would warp it in the worst possible way."

Opinion | Maia Kobabe: Schools are banning my book 'Gender Queer.' But queer kids need queer stories. - The Washington Post - "Maia Kobabe is the author of “Gender Queer: A Memoir.”"
Gender Queer: A Memoir : Kobabe, Maia: Books - "Reading age: 18 years and up"
The same people who get upset over terms like "Christian kids" claim that kids can be queer

Rebel💔 (Chad Roberts–they/them/iel) on Twitter - "Margaret Atwood didn’t see the future. She stole the history of Black and Indigenous women, gave it to some fictional white women, and profited off it. Stop idolizing her."
You either die a liberal or live long enough to see yourself become a bigot

Meme - Handmade Tube sign: "SEE SOMETHING SUSPICIOUS?
And this is why we had the Manchester Arena attack. It was worse to be "racist" than to question suspicious people

New books and programs teaching social justice to young kids - The Washington Post
Liberals love indoctrination when they're in control

Kyle Rittenhouse Shooter Launches On Steam, Is As Awful As It Sounds
So much salt

Most black adults say race is central to their identity, feel connected to black community | Pew Research Center
15% of Whites say race is extremely or very important to their identity. For Blacks it's 74%, Hispanics 59% and Asians 56%. Yet we're supposed to believe that Whites are the most racist - when the evidence suggests that they're the least

Twitch bans of Hasan, Vaush spark debate over racist language - The Washington Post - "Twitch suspended popular political streamers Hasan “HasanAbi” Piker and Ian “Vaush” Kochinski, as well as a smaller streamer who goes by the handle “Fawn,” for saying the word “cracker” in reference to White people. Piker, a leftist political commentator and one of the most popular streamers on Twitch, was suspended first after multiple discussions of the word dating back to last week when two of his chat moderators were banned from Twitch for using it. At the time, he took issue with this. In the following days, Piker contended during multiple streams that the term is not a slur in the same way as overtly dehumanizing terms like the n-word."
Racism against white people is ok. At least Twitch has some principles

Not Equal - "Some white supremacists have adopted the mathematical sign "≠" (Not Equal or Not Equal To) as a white supremacist symbol. The use of this symbol is an attempt to claim that different races are not equal to each other (and to imply that the white race is superior)."
Time to cancel maths. It's racist, after all

Opinion | George Washington University needs a new name - The Washington Post

Historians: No, Mr. President, Washington and Jefferson are not the same as Confederate generals. - The Washington Post - "President Trump on Tuesday equated the statues of Confederate generals with the monuments of two past presidents, suggesting that if the former were removed, then the latter might also be at risk.  After all, Trump told reporters, they all owned slaves... historians say those statements completely gloss over key differences among the men, what they did and what they accomplished... When a reporter said that Washington and Lee are not the same, Trump responded: “George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status?”  “Are we going to take down — excuse me — are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? … Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner.” To make an equivalency between two of the Founding Fathers and Confederacy leaders is not only “absurd,” but also “unacceptable for the president of the United States,” said Jim Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Association... Douglas Blackmon, an author and senior fellow at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, said Trump either does not understand the history of the Confederacy or he’s sympathetic to white nationalist views."
From 2017. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope
Even if you fall on the cope that historically the two groups were different (which is true), that wasn't Trump's point - his point was that they would be next (and indeed now they are, because of the reality of the slippery slope). And indeed statues of the two were already taken down in 2020, so now names are next

UW-Madison chancellor signs off on removing rock seen by some as symbol of racism - "A 70-ton boulder seen by some students on UW-Madison’s campus as a racist symbol is another step closer to being removed from Observatory Hill.  Chamberlin Rock, named after geologist and former university president Thomas Crowder Chamberlin, was referred to at least once after it was dug out of the hill as a “n*****head,” a commonly used expression in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock. The Wisconsin State Journal printed the slur in a 1925 headline. UW-Madison historians were unable to identify any other time the term was used but said the Ku Klux Klan had an active presence in Madison at that time."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals. What's next after the rocks?

The 'Racial Caste System' At The U.S. Capitol - ""There's a whole army," Jones points out, "workers who are mostly Black and Brown, who really are the custodians of Congress. They are making sure this vast physical complex is up and running for lawmakers, staff and visitors."
Clearly we can't let blacks work those jobs, so they need to be fired

Straight men's physiological stress response to seeing two men kissing is the same as seeing maggots
Since we kept being told about "harm" to minorities from stress and how we need to accommodate and protect them, does this mean that we can ban men kissing in public?

Catholic Churches Across The Country Burned, Vandalized Over The Weekend - "At least four Catholic churches in four states were vandalized over the weekend in a string of attacks that have authorities wondering whether religious icons and statues are next to be targeted by anti-racism and “anti-fascist” protesters... authorities are concerned that, particularly in light of statements made by activists like Shaun King identifying religion and religious figures as a tool of “white supremacy,” religious institutions may also be targeted."

Shaun King Disputes Clothing Line a Scam After Orders Reportedly Unfilled - "TV personality and comedian Ashley Ray wrote, "hello, it has been 8 months since shaun king launched a 'private clothing line' that sold $165 hoodies, there hasn't been an update since October, the entire Instagram has been deleted and the last existing comments were people saying they still hadnt gotten their orders. Ray went on to discover that the Instagram account for the brand was still active, but had reportedly blocked her from viewing the account. "lmaooo shaun king really blocked me on instagram on his main acct and all his scam side hustle accts, that's so thorough," Ray wrote... One user tweeted, "I really don't know why anyone would fall for a Shaun King scam in 2022 bc he's been exposed for scamming for literally years. But in case you haven't heard it already, he's a scammer and not doing any actual work.""

Palestinians refuse joint Israeli probe into reporter's death; won't transfer bullet - "The Palestinian Authority said on Thursday it had refused Israel’s request to conduct a joint investigation into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.  “Israel requested a joint investigation and the handing over of the bullet that assassinated the journalist Shireen, and we refused that, and we affirmed that our investigation would be completed independently, and we will inform her family, America, Qatar and all official authorities of the results of the investigation,” Palestinian Authority Civil Affairs head Hussein al-Sheikh said on Twitter.  The official added the claim that “all indications, evidence and witnesses confirm her assassination by Israeli special units.”  “Those who have nothing to hide do not refuse to cooperate,” Israel’s Army Radio quoted unnamed Israeli officials saying in response."
Rejecting third party inquiries is only bad when Israel does it

Meme - Willie Garson @will..: "Christian. Shut the fuck up. Vile piece of shit."
ESS  @Dave_ Again: "Jew. Shut the fuck up. Vile piece of shit."
Willie Garson @WillieGarson: "And....there it is *Quoting only ESS's reply and not his original Christianphobic tweet*"
Of course, we know that only one of them got banned from Twitter

Polygamy: Muslim women in India fight 'abhorrent' practice - "About 2% of the global population lives in polygamous households, according to Pew Research Centre's 2019 report. The practice is banned in much of the world, including in Muslim-majority countries such as Turkey and Tunisia, and is extensively regulated in most countries where it is allowed. The UN has described it as "an inadmissible discrimination against women" and called for it to "be definitely abolished".  But in India, the issue is a political hot potato. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has promised to enact a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) - a contentious piece of legislation that will mean marriages, divorces and inheritance will no longer be governed by their religious law but will come under a common law applicable to all citizens.  And at a time when the country is highly polarised along religious lines, any reform suggested by the government is bound to be considered an onslaught on Islam by a majority of Muslims."

HuffPost attacks Tucker Carlson for fixating on Karine Jean-Pierre being black and gay by fixating on her being black and gay. - "Ron Dicker never once attempts to explain why Tucker was being bigoted and prejudiced, he merely assumes that his ideologically driven and intellectually dim readership would simply nod along in self-satisfied moral superiority...
Ron Dicker has made a specialty of sorts not understanding things he sees. Here is an example from today in which Eric Reed, the trainer of long-shot Kentucky Derby winner Rich Strike tweeted something we're supposed to be outraged about...
'Heard she's good on her knees !!'
Nowhere in the short piece does Dicker provide any indication that he understands the context of this. It's not some random piece of misogyny. It's based on allegations that Kamala Harris had an extramarital affair with then San Francisco mayor Willie Brown who later helped her launch her public career. Is it true?... When Snopes rates an accusation against a political ally as "mixture," you know it's true"

Andie MacDowell Suffered Panic Attack From Men on Set: I Freaked Out' - "Andie MacDowell revealed to Marie Claire that she suffered a panic attack on a set in 2016 after noticing the production was populated entirely by male cast and crew. The actor was the only woman on set at the time. MacDowell said the panic attack occurred shortly after Donald Trump got elected president, which didn’t help her emotional state on set."
Clearly she is no longer capable of acting and should never be hired again
Hope she doesn't go on about "white fragility"

Barbie unveils first doll with hearing aids and first Ken with vitiligo as part of diversity push - "In 2020, Mattel revealed another set of inclusive dolls, which included a Ken doll with long hair and a Barbie with vitiligo.   Last year they released another Barbie with a prosthetic limb in a dark skintone"
Comment: "We must be inclusive to every person with a physical or mental abnormality that affects less than 1% of the population."

Calling women ‘birds’ is ‘plainly sexist’, judge rules as Barclays banker wins discrimination claim - "A UK judge has ruled that calling women “birds” is “plainly sexist,” and even using the term jokingly is “foolish” in a landmark discrimination case... Anna Anca Lacatus said her boss, James Kinghorn, continued to refer to her as a “bird” despite requesting that he stop and warning that the term was making her feel uncomfortable"

Calling men bald is sex harassment, judge rules - "Insulting a man by calling him "bald" is sex harassment, a panel of balding judges has ruled.  In a landmark judgment, an employment tribunal found that because men are more likely to lose their hair than women, using the term to describe someone is a form of discrimination.  In their finding the judges suggested that mocking a man’s baldness was equivalent to remarking on the size of a woman’s breasts...   Mr Finn alleged that during a shop floor row in July 2019, Mr King referred to him as a "bald c***". The allegation resulted in the panel - consisting of Judge Jonathan Brain, David Dorman-Smith and Keith Lannaman - deliberating on whether remarking on his baldness was simply insulting or actually harassment...   A lawyer for the British Bung Company said that the remark was not sexist because both men and women can be bald...   To illustrate their point, the panel noted the findings of a previous tribunal where a man was found to have sexually harassed a woman by remarking on the size of her breasts.  "It is much more likely that a person on the receiving end of a comment such as that which was made in (that) case would be female," the tribunal said.  "So too, it is much more likely that a person on the receiving end of a remark such as that made by Mr King would be male.  "Mr King made the remark with a view to hurting the claimant by commenting on his appearance which is often found amongst men."... Mr Finn said it was not his intention to make the statement appear like an official police document. However, the firm accused him of attempted intimidation and fired him for misconduct."
Calling men 'bald' at work now considered sexual harassment in the UK - "Things first got hairy when one of Finn’s supervisors, Jamie King, allegedly called him a “fat bald c—” and he was later fired from the West Yorkshire-based British Bung, which makes wooden cask plugs"

Native American man calls out Disney for teepee theme park display - "The portrayal of Native American people and culture by Disney has again been called into question after a TikTok user asked why “my people” were featured in a ride display.  John Barbachano, the TikTok user and a Native American man, filmed the Davy Crockett’s Explorer Canoes ride at Disneyland California... “The guy in front of me looked at me like he’s never seen a Native American in the flesh before lol”... The comments on the video, which appeared to criticise Disney for appropriating Native American culture for a ride display"
Comments: "Proving you can be First Nation and just as “woke” as everyone else… How does the guy know that it’s “his people” too? I’m from Ireland and France is less than 100 miles away. The French are not “my people” anymore than the Shawnee are Crow."
"The Native American should be proud of his ancestors and hold his head up high"
"Do they want to be erased from US history? I do not get it."
"Either you want to be a part of history or you don’t. You can not have it both ways"
"Maybe Disney should have made a casino instead of teepee"
"Didn't he answer his own question when he talked about what the guy in front of him had said?"

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