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Friday, June 17, 2022

Links - 17th June 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

“S’pore hasn’t pushed us away, the government has embraced us,” says migrant worker in a heartfelt note - "  The migrant worker, JM Jasim, relayed his gratitude through a heartfelt Facebook post, which was translated into English by his friend and edited by Project Dorm.  In his post, JM Jasim said,  “During this pandemic, Singapore hasn’t pushed us away, the government has embraced us. Singaporeans have helped us as they are spending money on us. When coronavirus was creeping into our lives, Singapore government’s support came as a light of hope in darkness. Singapore government as well as other Singaporeans have showered us with support, love, respect, and warmth. They showed appreciation to our efforts in building this country.”... He then went on to list out the long list of help in which migrant workers have received from the government.
These include:
Budget for treatments for foreign workers
Levy waived
Request every company to continue paying their employees
Health services for workers
Free food in every isolation dormitories, SIM card for workers with 100 GB internet and 100 mins talk time
Medical team in every dormitory
Many in quarantine are staying at hotels and nice places for free
Top class hospital treatment
Eid gifts for most workers
Instructions from MOM to companies to check on employees"
The activists must be very upset since migrant workers are kept prisoner

(PDF) The Link between Muslim Religiosity and Negative Attitudes toward the West: An Arab Study - "Religious Fundamentalism (RF) and the intrinsic component of the Intrinsic/Extrinsic (I/E-R) scale were both used to measure Muslim religiosity in an Arab-Muslim sample of 608 participants that were collected from 17 Arab countries. Also, Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Dogmatism (DOG) were included to test their mediated effects on the relationship between Islamic religiosity and anti-Western attitudes. The results indicated that Islamic fundamentalism was the dominant predictor of unfavourable attitudes toward the West, followed by intrinsic Muslim religiosity and dogmatism. The findings also showed that RWA and DOG partially mediated the relationship between intrinsic Muslim religiosity and anti-Western attitudes"

Meme - "Year 2008: "My fellow liberal - left. me (happy) - center left. conservative - right.
Year 2012: my fellow liberal? *runs left* me (puzzled and stationary) - center. conservative (stationary) - still right.
Year 2021: woke "progressive" - far left: "Bigot!". me (shocked) - center right. conservative - still right: "LOL!""

Meme - Arthur Chu @arthur_affect: "I know, that's why I said YOUR kids That's the fun irony of the culture war, isn't it? Parents waking up and finding out their kids have abandoned their traditional values? Bunch of Christian parents pumping out kids with their DNA who then go on to absorb the ideas of childless weirdos like Foucault and Adorno and Judith Butler as filtered through various influencers on Tiktok and Tumblr and Twitter, who also don't have kids And wow bunch of assholes who never physically reproduced and whose bloodlines died with them see *their* thoughts running around like cuckoos in the brains of parents whose biological fecundity served only to provide them a vessel Isn't it fun to watch? It's my favorite thing"
Weird. I thought it's a myth that liberals want to indoctrinate kids
Full thread archived

Reza Aslan on Twitter - "If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down."
It's only violence if it comes from the right

SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: 'Burn Congress down' - "Reza Aslan tweeted. He later responded to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's vow to hold a vote on President Trump's nominee. "Over our dead bodies, literally"... A Canadian political science professor called for arson, prompting accusations he made a terroristic threat. "Burn Congress down before letting Trump try to appoint anyone to SCOTUS," Waterloo professor Emmett MacFarlane tweeted. In response, Canadian attorney Ezra Levant worried about the consequences for MacFarlane's students.  "Macfarlane is a professor at @UWaterloo, promoting violence against his political enemies," he said. "If you were a young woman in his class who was a Trump supporter, would you risk being a target of his violent rage if he found out about you? Should you transfer to a different class?"... A member of Wisconsin's ethics commission, Scott Ross, ordered Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., to "burn it all down" if he couldn't stop McConnell. "F-----g A, Ed. If you can't shut it down, burn it down"... Fox News host Greg Gutfeld responded to the controversy by criticizing anyone who might mock people for worrying about political terrorism.  "[L]eftists promise violence and 'burning it all down'" if they don't get what they want. Then their enablers in media mock you for worrying that there might be violence and 'burning it all down' when the leftists don't get what they want""

'Burn Congress down': Celebrated figures urge violence if RBG replaced before election - "Author Aaron Gouveia, whose latest book is about toxic masculinity, tweeted:  'F*** no. Burn it all down.'... Trump also retweeted a comment noting that the Senate filibuster for judicial nominees had first been abolished by former Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, eliminating the 60-vote super-majority once needed to confirm federal justices.  'Thank you Harry!' commented Trump... Trump had retweeted a former Obama administration official who wrote: 'Harry Reid will go down in history for having handed the court to conservatives when he took the first step toward eliminating the 60-vote requirement for confirmation.'"
Inciting political violence if you don't get your way has got to count as toxic masculinity
Democrats keep calling for the filibuster to be abolished. But they will be very upset when Republicans take advantage of that to pass *their* agenda

Left-handed? You are now just as oppressed as black people, gays, and hamsters

Meme - MAKHACHEV.ETH on Twitter: "One of my friends is a primary school teacher. A Muslim kid told some teacher he has 2 mummies. The school got excited and starting telling everyone how brave he is to accept LGBT stuff as a Muslim etc. Anyway turns out his dad has 2 wives 😂"

Alex Renton On The Blood Legacy Of The Slave Trade | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘The first thing that really shook me, was just how like me, culturally and philosophically, my ancestors were. They clearly were from, from the same era, they were highly educated people, you know, from an age that believed in the rights of Man. They were moral, you know, and even the jokes in their letters between the brothers, you know, I get them. So it seems to me really interesting, because in the sort of strange, skewed history of British slavery that comes down, slave owners are sort of frothing psychopaths out of American movies. But these were members of the intelligentsia, liberals, liberal MPs, and that seemed really important...
When the whataboutists go, well, I get this all the time, you know, would you have me ring the Italian Embassy and demand reparations for the Romans raping people in Britain? You'll go: oh no, of course I wouldn't, because it isn't, doesn't materially affect our lives today. But there's a host of evidence around to tell us that racism today was engendered and encouraged by the systems of the enslavers because it made what as we've already said, what they did possible, and, and also that that lives in this country and the Caribbean are still impaired by the inherited damage done through the brutality of the generations that went before.'"
Weird. It's almost as if imperialism, colonialism and a history of violence don't condemn their victims to an eternity of misery and that dysfunction must be explained, at least in part, by other factors as well
"Whataboutism" is a great way of exposing logical inconsistency and hypocrisy

Illinois town holds Pride and Juneteenth parades, cancels July 4th celebration - "The town of Evanston, Illinois, is holding Pride and Juneteenth parades during the month of June, but canceling July 4 fireworks and Independence Day festivities... The decision to cancel the Independence Day events appears to be based on COVID-19 safety protocols"
The woke virus strikes again!

Female mob TWERK ambulance through crowd celebrating Juneteenth to get the scene of a shooting - "Multiple women were seen twerking on the top of an ambulance in Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on Saturday night, as paramedics attempted to make their way through to the scene of a shooting in which one person was killed and at least seven others were wounded.  The ambulance was stopped in its tracks by the crowd which was said to be around 1,000-strong as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth after it was declared a federal holiday.   As the ambulance arrived at the scene, the revelers continued to party, with no apparent regard for the seriousness of the situation that just occurred nearby... Six male victims ranging in age from 16 to 27 and one 21-year-old female suffered gunshot wounds, and a 22-year-old San Francisco resident died."
Is twerking the new civil disobedience / protest? If the victims die due to the delay is it the fault of "white supremacy"?

Unmasking another white professor allegedly posing as a person of color - "Another week, another unmasking of a white professor allegedly posing as a person of color: this time it’s Kelly Kean Sharp, a scholar of African American history who resigned abruptly Tuesday from her assistant professorship at Furman University.  Like other apparent racial fraudsters before her, Sharp was outed by an anonymous post on Medium. The writer of the post identifies him or herself as having “distantly” known Sharp when she was graduate student at the University of California, Davis. Sharp had never publicly identified as Latinx back then, the writer said, so they were recently puzzled to learn that Sharp had since started referring to herself as Chicana, including on her now-private Twitter profile. According to screenshots included in the post, Sharp has tweeted about her abuela, or grandmother, from Mexico, and posted elsewhere about her “abuela who came to the U.S. during WWII who worked hard so I could become a teacher.”  The writer said they started talking to others who knew Sharp, and these colleagues were similarly “confused.” Some then allegedly asked Sharp about the “newfound identity,” and Sharp allegedly said her grandmother was originally from Mexico. Yet when the scholars looked into that explanation, “we found that Kelly had no grandparents who were born outside of the U.S. or had Hispanic names.”...  “Perhaps she won the job simply because she investigated the role of slave women in shaping consumption and markets in the antebellum South. But is it possible that the complex identity provided by her imagined Mexican immigrant grandmother helped her to secure this diversity hire?”...   This year alone has seen the unmasking of a handful of white academics who have posed as nonwhite: BethAnn McLaughlin, Jessica Krug, C. V. Vitolo-Haddad and Craig Chapman... academia gender balance"
She didn't know about "white privilege"
If "minorities" don't benefit from affirmative action and there's no "minority" quota, was anyone really hurt by this (beyond the usual psychic harm)?
Given that most nontenure-track academic staff in the US are female, and 44% of tenure-track faculty are too, it's oh-so-convenient to blame this on competition for resources

BBC staff told attending LGBT pride protests in any capacity can breach new impartiality rules - "BBC staff who are required to be politically neutral have been told not to attend LGBT pride protests under new impartiality rules... David Jordan, the corporation’s director of editorial policy and standards, told a meeting of senior executives on Wednesday that the new rules include not attending “political protests”, such as Black Lives Matter events and LGBT protests.  According to sources, there was pressure to extend the ban to pride events over concerns the BBC could be seen to take a side in the debate around transgender rights... The guidelines only apply to staff who are expected to be politically neutral, such as in news and current affairs. The new policy is said to have angered some LGBT staff. One source told i the change is “obviously to please the Daily Mail and to make the BBC less of a target by rowing back”... In previous years the BBC has had a presence at some of the UK’s largest pride events, including in London and Manchester. Its internal LGBT staff network, BBC Pride, has not Tweeted since July. It is understood the network was not consulted by management on the new rules."
Of course, the staff who are angry also want to fire those who go to conservative protests

'I did something I thought was funny': Bill Murray says badly judged joke halted film - "The actor Bill Murray has said a poorly judged joke led to his being accused of misconduct, triggering the suspension of his latest film... what he thought was funny in his youth was no longer acceptable today... Murray was due to star alongside Seth Rogan in Being Mortal — a film version of surgeon Atul Gawande’s non-fiction book about end-of-life care.  It was the directing debut of Aziz Ansari, an actor and Golden Globe-winning comedian.   Neither Ansari nor Rogan were included in the complaint, which led to filming being abruptly brought to a halt by Searchlight, the production company.  The film was halfway through production when work was suspended.  Murray, the winner of a Bafta, a Golden Globe and two Emmy awards, described the incident as a “difference of opinion” with a woman working on the production."
Halting a movie over a joke. This is really getting out of hand.
The perils of hiring the woke. How much money is going down the drain?

Meme - Rose Blanch: "Can someone make a list of farmers that are not racist Fuck! also want to know where these local groceries stores are buying their fruits and vegetables from. We need safe grocery store chain and more BIPOC farmers"
They can purge the farmers and starve

Now even the term ‘BAME’ is racist - "UK Music, which represents record labels and musicians, says the term – short for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic – is ‘outdated and offensive’. It wants the ‘misleading and inappropriate’ abbreviation to be dropped by the music industry"
The "myth" of the slippery slope

Meme - ">Claims Snow White is offensive >Refuses to elaborate
>Puts seven of his fellow dwarf actors out of the job
Bravo, Dinklage"
"Once you climb up, kick the ladder. Classic move."

Disney Instantly Caves To Woke Criticism Of Live Action Snow White Film From Peter Dinklage - "The Walt Disney Company instantly caved to woke criticism from Game of Thrones actors Peter Dinklage for their upcoming live-action Snow White film starring a race-swapped Snow White in Rachel Zegler... “Take a step back and look at what you’re doing there. It makes no sense to me. Because you’re progressive in one way but you’re still making that f*****g backward story of the seven dwarfs living in a cave. What the f*** are you doing, man?”...   It’s not surprising that Disney would instantly cave to these criticisms from Dinklage given the fact that the company attempted to force Gina Carano into struggle sessions as well as apologize for her pronoun usage.  Carano told former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, “Earlier on last year before The Mandalorian came out, they wanted me to use their exact wording for an apology over pronoun usage.”  “I declined and offered a statement in my own words. I made clear I wanted nothing to do with mocking the transgender community, and was just drawing attention to the abuse of the mob in forcing people to put pronouns in their bio”...   As part of their Reimagine Tomorrow campaign, journalist Christopher F. Rufo published documents that show Disney is actively instructing their employees to be racist.  One of the documents instructs employees to “not question or debate Black colleagues’ lived experience.” It also tells employees to “challenge colorblind ideologies and rhetoric (e.g. ‘All Lives Matter,’ or ‘I don’t see color.’) It is harmful and hurtful, as it is a form of erasing the real and specific ways racial identities affect lived experiences.”   Not only are they instructing their employees to be racist, but they also claim, “The murders of Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, Rayshard Brooks, Adame Traore, and countless others are part of a long history of systemic racism and transphobia.”"

Dwarf actors slam Peter Dinklage for canceling seven dwarves - "Dwarf actors have reacted furiously to Disney canceling the seven dwarves from its Snow White remake after Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage called them offensive, saying the decision robs them of work and the chance to fulfil what for some is a dream role. Speaking to DailyMail.com after Disney's decision to 'rethink' the characters, multiple actors and agents said there are plenty who would have happily accepted the jobs that Dinklage - a Golden Globe winner who was paid $1.2million per episode of Game of Thrones - said were 'backwards'.     The actors say Dinklage is not the authority on what the community as a whole finds offensive and that in canceling the roles, Disney has done far more damage to them than good. Some are now begging Disney to bring the parts back and are begging for the chance to audition for them.  'It makes me so sick to my stomach to think that there are seven roles for dwarfs that can't get normal acting roles, or very few and far between roles, and now they are gone because of this guy.   'Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor probably of all time but it doesn't make him king dwarf,' Dylan Postl, who played Hornswoggle the leprechaun in WWE for 10 years and has also acted in The Muppets... 'When he was cast as a little person role in Lord of the Rings or in a Game of Thrones or in Elf or this that or the other thing... those checks cashed just fine.   'He had no issue then. But now he wants to be progressive? Come on man.' I don't know if Peter Dinklage is still acting or if he is done now but I don't know... it's pretty selfish. People came before him. If it is his mindset that he wants to be the only one then you gotta grow up man.' 'It's not helping our community it's taking jobs away from our community that are very few and far between as it is,' he said. The story, Postl added, has become the latest victim of our 'woke nation'.   'We are in a society and a time of woke and progression and I get that - to an extent-  but this is a fairytale.   'This is a fairytale about Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Dwarves are one of the focuses - they are literally in the title."... Jeff Brooks is a 62-year-old actor who lives in Dallas. He has been working as a dwarf actor since 1979, when he was cast as a winking Christmas elf in a holiday commercial for Joske's. He played the yellow dinosaur on The Barney Show on PBS from 1994 to 2001... He said in the duration of his 30-year career, he has rarely been offended by the roles he has been offered.   Snow White, he said, depicts dwarfs in a historically accurate way. 'Dwarfs did work in the mines. They did jobs that were easier to complete by people who are small. They worked in mines, manufacturing, they built planes, cars - all kinds of things that involved a cramped space. Dinklage claimed in his interview that the story perpetuates a story of the dwarves living in caves which is inaccurate.   'In the movie they had their own house. They had a house and they worked in the mines,' he said.   Brooks said it was not offensive to cast little people in the roles or even keep the characters in the film because dwarfs are real... 'He is one guy out of millions of people with dwarfism.   'They are all wanting to be him. If he doesn't want the competition then that is pretty selfish for him to deny other people the right to work.'     'Making the dwarves in Snow White now normal sized people is like taking the cast of Roots and making them white."

Disney’s Clash With Florida Has CEOs on Alert - WSJ - “The No. 1 concern CEOs have is, ‘When should I speak out on public issues?’ ” said Bill George, former chairman and CEO of Medtronic and now a senior fellow at Harvard Business School. “As one CEO said to me, ‘I want to speak out on social issues, but I don’t want to get involved in politics.’ Which I said under my breath, ‘That’s not possible.’ ”  Some executives might be relieved. The old idea that CEOs should focus on shareholder returns and stay out of politics lingers in some corporate suites, even in a politicized age of public social-media discussions and more-activist workforces... David Berger, a partner who specializes in corporate governance at law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, said politicians seem increasingly comfortable taking on business when it is advantageous for them. “It used to be that Republicans especially—but both parties—liked big business,” he said. “And now what you’re seeing is both parties like to use big business as political footballs one way or the other.”... Some of the topics of employee pressure involve Republican-backed measures, such as the new abortion law in Texas and new voting laws. Democrats have pushed executives to weigh in, and Republicans have pushed them to keep out. Climate and diversity issues also are hot buttons, as is the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol... Most current CEOs rose by gaining customers or boosting profit margins, not navigating hot-button social issues, and so aren’t trained on how to respond"
Liberals are only against corporate involvement in politics when it goes against causes they like

Backlash prompts State Farm to end program donating trans books to schools - "Insurance company State Farm is discontinuing its support for the controversial GenderCool Project amid backlash following reports that the company was donating books about transgender issues, targeted at 5-year-olds, to schools .  "State Farm's support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries," the company said in a statement to the Washington Examiner late Monday. "This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity. Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don't support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations."...   The swift backlash against the widely recognizable insurance company came after a whistleblower provided the nonprofit consumer advocacy organization Consumers' Research with a copy of an internal email encouraging State Farm agents in Florida to help donate packets of books on transgenderism targeted at children aged 5 and over to schools and public libraries.   The company initially defended its support of GenderCool but denied that the books were provided to schools. However, a Facebook post from a Tacoma, Washington-area private school thanking the company for donating the books cast doubt on the company's denial."

How manic bipolar episodes have caused some impulsive hair changes
Since we know many liberals are mentally ill, this coheres

An Excess of Woke Thinking May Harm Mental Health or Relationships - "In practice, the concepts and habits of Wokeism also play out not only in social movements but also in individual personalities and relationships, with conscious or unconscious goals that may be less noble and less healthy. As people instinctively attune to new inverted social hierarchies, some create competitions for social status based on victimhood. Individual relationships can get structured around factors that may aid societal change but are toxic interpersonally: a litany of insults or harms, coupled with frustration, anger, resentment or debts owed. Blaming other people—or the system—can become a habitual response to frustration or disappointment; anger and resentment, a chronic mood state.  Woke people who by accidents of birth (sex, race, etc.) are designated as oppressors, especially straight white males, cannot take this route to legitimacy. But they can gain standing or status as allies, assuming a position of contrition for the sins of their tribe while unquestioningly supporting the oppressed. In doing so, some internalize a sense of chronic shame or even self-loathing.  Given these dynamics, it shouldn’t be surprising that some activists develop habits that can be hard on psychological and relationship health. We know from decades of research that certain kinds of emotional regulation and habits of thought promote individual mental health and positive relationships. Some of the psychological and social dynamics that characterize Wokeism run in the opposite direction... Wokeism elevates intuition, emotion and narrative (lived experience), which are associated with female and indigenous knowledge—sometimes in contradiction of rationality and scientific inquiry, which are seen as “Eurocentric masculinist” ways of knowing. “This idea of intellectual debate and rigor as the pinnacle of intellectualism comes from a world in which white men dominated,” professor Phoebe A Cohen at Williams College told the New York Times recently.  But evidence-based approaches to mental and interpersonal health (for example, cognitive behavioral therapies, acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive processing therapy, or dialectical behavior therapy) seek a balance between emotion and reason. These approaches improve wellbeing in part by offering alternatives to irrational thoughts and what psychologists call “emotional reasoning.” One goal is to see rather than be our emotions...  Woke social justice theory downplays individuality. Instead, it emphasizes continuity of group identity, treating individuals as proxies for victims or victimizers, past and present... By contrast, developmental psychologists see individuation as a key part of forming healthy adult identity... To avoid false equivalencies and victim blaming, Wokeism encourages external focus rather than introspection on the part of victims. If something bad happens to me or someone like me, I look at outsiders, the role they played, and what I want them to correct rather than interrogating any errors I might be able to correct...   But a focus on the roles of other people or society to the exclusion of my own options and errors can create a mindset that serves social change while simultaneously harming the individual. The question “Why?” easily becomes an accusation rather than an expression of curiosity and a prompt for careful analysis. The scramble to blame someone, preferably some member of another tribe, is a very common normal part of elevated tribal identity, “Who is guilty?” “Who owes something?” “Who deserves to be shamed or shunned or punished?”   By contrast, in thriving individuals and relationships, problem analysis is forward facing, less about guilt than about fixing things... Wokeism broaches little dissent because disagreement is commonly seen as moral failure—racism, sexism, homophobia, or broad indifference to injustice. This leads the woke to call political centrists like Sam Harris or Stephen Pinker as enablers of the “far right.” A person is either an ally or against us. The price of connection is agreement.   By contrast, relationship coaches and counselors often encourage a very different approach to disagreement, one rooted in humility...  One element of woke orthodoxy is that interactions are competitions for power. Members of disadvantaged tribes often assume others are acting to oppress—scanning for and calling out micro-slights that provide confirmatory evidence. In some communities this functions much like religious signalling; members gain status with each other for being particularly quick to denounce transgressions.   Marital therapists, game theorists, organizational consultants and ancient wisdom traditions vary in their terminologies and rationales, but virtually all give relationship advice that runs counter to Wokeism. They generally suggest that we start with a set of positive expectations about other people, make opening overtures that are generous or friendly, seek positive interpretations of their behavior, deliberately overlook small slights, be slow to anger or to escalate conflict, form mutually-beneficial alliances where possible, and move to a posture of defense or aggression only when these fail... Woke theory creates more challenges than most when it seeps into the therapy office because the worldview it prescribes is all-encompassing and evangelistic, akin to some religions. This worldview encourages harm inflationand promotes habits of mind that can run counter to psychological and relationship health."
I like how irrationality is labelled "more than rational" and coded as feminine - a tacit admission that women are irrational

MIT alums: We can't support a school that caved to woke mentality - "We object to MIT’s politically correct measures, including the firing of its Catholic chaplain... We also deplore MIT’s new mandatory diversity training. In the autumn of 2020, MIT sent an email to new and current students informing them that they would be unable to register for spring classes if they failed to undergo wokeness instruction. In the email, MIT outlined two required trainings: one on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” and the other entitled “Sexual Assault Prevention Ongoing: Healthy Relationships.” The compulsory videos contain deftly worded but fatuous questions implying that straight white males are at the “intersection” of all oppressive behaviors. Everyone else is an oppressed victim, with extra points for being a member of multiple minority groups. Thus, the concept of “intersectionality” is a kind of conspiracy theory of victimization.   The most vivid illustration of how far the university has sunk is the disgraceful cancellation of University of Chicago professor Dorian Abbot... Abbot had committed the mortal sin of arguing, in Newsweek, that the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives on college campuses “violates the ethical and legal principle of equal treatment” and “treats persons as merely means to an end, giving primacy to a statistic over the individuality of a human being.” He proposed instead “an alternative framework called Merit, Fairness and Equality (MFE) whereby university applicants are treated as individuals and evaluated through a rigorous and unbiased process based on their merit and qualifications alone.”   Instead of championing Abbot’s presentation on Earth’s climate and the identification of planets in other solar systems, MIT pandered to a Twitter mob and canceled the lecture. Princeton’s James Madison Program in Ideals and Institutions invited Abbot to deliver the lecture, which he did (marvelously, we hasten to add) on the day his MIT lecture had been scheduled. The fiasco has, deservedly, received worldwide attention. Pointing out MIT’s lapses and withdrawing our financial support of the offending institution is insufficient. We would like to suggest a way for MIT to return to our good graces and hope it will consider adopting the following principles of fairness."

Cancel Culture Backfire: Princeton U. Picks Up Lecture Axed by MIT After Prof Targeted by Woke Mob - "Abbot said the students wrote a letter claiming he had threatened the “safety and belonging of all underrepresented groups within the department,” and send it to his department chair.  “The letter demanded that my teaching and research be restricted in a way that would cripple my ability to function as a scientist,” the professor said...   The professor added that “the fact that such stories have become an everyday feature of American life should do nothing to diminish how shocking they are, and how damaging they are to a free society.”  “I view this episode as an example as well as a striking illustration of the threat woke ideology poses to our culture, our institutions and to our freedoms,” he said. “I have consistently maintained that woke ideology is essentially totalitarian in nature: it attempts to corral the entirety of human existence into one narrow ideological viewpoint and to silence anyone who disagrees.”... George announced in a follow-up tweet that the lecture had reached its Zoom limit, adding, “We’ve requested an expansion of the limit to accommodate more people. We’re delighted.”"

Manchester Arena: Man admits vandalising bomb victims' memorial - "A man has admitted vandalising the memorial to the 22 people killed in the Manchester Arena bombing.  Anwar Hosseni, 24, caused £10,000 worth of criminal damage to the white marble halo bearing the names of the people who were murdered in the 2017 attack."
It's all the fault of Islamophobia

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