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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Links - 17th May 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest: Defunding/Abolishing the Police)

A police officer's resignation letter - "An open letter from an anonymous former police officer who quit today on hearing of the Atlanta police arrests: To every thief, burglar, robber, rapist and murderer. You guys have won. Go out and have fun. We won’t stop you. We won’t even show up anymore. Because if we do, and end up in a situation that leaves you dead, our lives are over and we’ll rot in prison on murder charges for it. Do what you may. We feel sorry for those victims. Luckily those who supported us also carry guns. But there will unfortunately be many who don’t. We are sorry. But consider this your heads up. And to those who embraced this frenzied anti cop mentality, your warning. Because you are going to experience what poets, historians, and scholars warn about all through history: lawlessness. We wish you luck"

‘The protests were whiter than the police department’ - "‘If the goal is to save black lives, it’s not working. If the goal is to get rid of police, it’s working’, says Peter Moskos, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and a former Baltimore cop...   ‘I compare it to Jenga, because they kept pulling away these blocks of policing. And individually, it wouldn’t matter. If they had gotten rid of plainclothes cops first, the foundation would have stood. But they pulled one too many, and suddenly the whole thing’s come tumbling down.’  For New York City, this looks as though it will cap the end of a remarkable period of (relative) safety...   There are thousands of police departments in the US, all with varying records, practises and problems. But the protests, Moskos says, take no account of this, leading politicians in cities where police are actually getting a lot of things right to cave in to demands to defund police.  It is ultimately black and Hispanic communities, Moskos says, who will pay the price for all this... ‘I find it interesting now, with this recent increase in violence, newspapers won’t mention the race of victims. The New York Times is obsessed with racial disparity. And there’s a chance that 100 per cent of shooting victims recently have been black or Hispanic. I mean, normally it’s like 97 per cent. So, there might be a white person in there. But there’s a chance that it is literally 100 per cent of shooting victims in New York are black and Hispanic this year, and they don’t even mention it… at some point, that’s just racist negligence.’   Moskos is no tough-on-crime conservative who thinks law and order is the answer to the problems of America’s inner cities.  He is a prison abolitionist. He says the war on drugs has destroyed black communities and helped to plunge them into unending cycles of violence. He thinks a European social welfare system would do much to address America’s deep-seated problems of racial and class inequality.  But he is also practically minded, and believes that in the absence of the big changes, you need to do what works in the here and now.  For him this means proactive policing...   ‘Police serve a role in crime prevention’, he says. ‘And that is not an accepted fact, especially in the academic world.’ For decades, he says, academia has been in thrall to the ‘root causes’ explanation for crime...   ‘The idea that this is a national emergency, or that police are out executing black men, it’s demonstrably false, we know from the numbers now’, he says. ‘Yes, there’s a racial disparity, but there’s a racial disparity everywhere in America. The racial disparity doesn’t seem to be incredibly out of whack when taking other variables into account, including perpetrators of violent crime.’...   ‘To put it bluntly’, he adds, ‘white people get shot too, and for a long time, people didn’t believe that, because usually those shootings don’t become national news because there’s no racial angle’...   Cop in the Hood is candid about the problems of policing, but it also gives police officers themselves a fair shake, who quickly absorbed him into the fold when he joined to write his book.  ‘They were more tolerant of me as a liberal Harvard grad student than l think liberal Harvard grad students would be of them’, he says. ‘A lot of the misunderstanding comes from that class snobbery.’... His 2011 book In Defence of Flogging explores how cruel and damaging the prison system is by comparing it to corporal punishment, which prisons were originally brought in to replace.  The gambit of the book, he tells me, is a simple thought experiment: imagine you’ve been convicted of a crime, and you’re asked to choose between five years in prison or five Singapore-style lashes. What would you choose?  ‘Pretty much everyone chooses the Singapore-style lashes’, he says. ‘But we don’t allow that because it’s incomprehensible, cruel and unusual. So instead we do something that’s worse.’ Prisons were introduced to America by Quakers in the 18th century, championed as a more enlightened alternative to the floggings, executions and public shamings of the old world...   But not only has prison proved ineffective at reforming criminals, it has also fuelled crime. ‘When released, people who go to prison are more likely to commit a crime than similar criminals who don’t go to prison’... Moreover, the rise of mass incarceration in recent decades has gutted entire communities. ‘When too many young men from one neighbourhood are in the criminal justice system… the area reaches a tipping point, after which it can’t function properly’, he writes. ‘Crime increases because a significant proportion of the male population is not present.’...   For Moskos, it seems, the anti-police movements of today fit into this tradition of progressive paternalism, of well-meaning white reformers pushing their morality and ideological experiments on to the poor...   ‘Before I would just say it’s paternalistic or wrong. Now I’m just saying this is racist. If you’re white and telling other neighbourhoods they don’t need police, and they’re getting killed… it’s horrible.’  Indeed, another disparity we often don’t talk about is the one between white and black attitudes to police numbers. In 2015, a Gallup poll found black Americans were 20 per cent more likely than white Americans to say that they wanted more police on their streets. ‘We have young white people yelling at older black cops and screaming that they’re racist’, Moskos goes on, nodding to some of the more absurd viral moments of the recent protests. ‘I mean, the protests were whiter than the police department.’...   ‘There’s no political consequence to politicians of rising crime, especially in cities that don’t have a diverse political slate’, he says. ‘That’s the problem: if murders went back to 1,000 [a year in New York], it affects politicians less than if cops killed one person.’"

Protestors Surround Asian Mayor’s House and Demand Police Defunding - "FREEMONT, California. Code name: “Twilight Lockdown,” was the name of the campaign where pro-Black Lives Matter groups surrounded Fremont Mayor Lily Mei’s house on Monday, July 6, 2020. The demonstration lasted for several hours, calling for a dramatic reduction to the city’s police department funding. The protesters drew chalk messages on the street in front of Mei’s home reading “Asian Silence is Violence,” and “Defund the FPD.” They also displayed “Black Lives Matter” signs as well as “Care not Cops”... Let’s not mention the fact Fremont has seen some very violent robberies and home invasions in the last few years. Mainly African-American gangs targeting Asian-Americans have become an epidemic. Defunding police would further the violence toward Asian-Americans."

Homicide Stats Show ‘Minneapolis Effect’ - WSJ - "Researchers have identified a “structural break” in homicide numbers, beginning in the last week of May. Trends for most other major crime categories have remained generally stable or moved slightly downward.  What changed in late May? The antipolice protests that began across the country around May 27 appear to have resulted in a decline in policing directed at gun violence, producing—perhaps unsurprisingly—an increase in shootings... Even as the demonstrations abated, what is commonly called “proactive” policing declined. Police department data show that street and vehicle stops in Minneapolis and Philadelphia dropped sharply in June. In Chicago and New York, arrests declined steeply. And in cities around the country, both law-enforcement and citizen reports suggest a general reluctance by officers to engage in hot-spot and other enforcement efforts that are most effective in deterring gun violence.  The idea that reductions in policing might be leading to more shootings has historical precedent. Heather Mac Donald proposed a “Ferguson Effect” in May 2015 to explain homicide increases in the aftermath of antipolice protests following Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Mo., the previous year. Similarly, my research with Richard Fowles identified declines in police street stops as the triggering event for the 2016 homicide spike in Chicago. Beginning in late 2015, pursuant to an agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union, Chicago police significantly reduced stop-and-frisks in the city. The result was a deadly homicide spike the following year... My recent research quantifies the size of this summer’s Minneapolis Effect, estimating that reduced proactive policing resulted in about 710 more homicides and 2,800 more shootings in June and July alone. The victims of these crimes are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic, often living in disadvantaged and low-income neighborhoods."

Nearly 100 percent of Democratic college students support defunding the police: poll - "A whopping 94 percent of Democratic college students surveyed recently responded that they support defunding the police, according to a recent online College Fix poll of 1,500 college students nationwide.  What’s more, 61 percent of Democratic college students polled responded that rioting and looting are legitimate forms of protest against racial discrimination and police brutality in America today, the results show."
Weird how most blacks don't want this

rinse after brining on Twitter - ""If you obey the police, they won't shoot you" This means that we have a group of people who can approach you and demand obedience under threat of death. That is not a feature of a free society."
Apparently a free society is one in which you can attack and kill the police

Facebook - "“Worth noting that when social conservatives said 'Defund Planned Parenthood' literally nobody assumed that meant "Maintain the program while diverting a percentage of its funding to more deserving services"” - Nathaniel C. Tensen -"

Facebook - "1) “Defund the police” means what it says. The rest is gaslighting. Camden did not “defund the police”, it changed its contracts such that it could keep spending consistent and hire hundreds *more* officers.
2) The proposal is deeply unpopular among all Americans, including Democrats and African Americans, including the mother of Trayvon Martin.
3) Wake up to the fact that progressive activists hijack these incidents to push for agendas that the groups who are victims of these crimes aren’t asking for, don’t support, and wouldn’t benefit from."

Wiley wants to defund NYPD while her home protected by security - "Democratic mayoral candidate Maya Wiley wants to cut $1 billion from the NYPD’s budget — at the same time her home is being protected by a private security patrol in her Brooklyn neighborhood...   Official NYPD statistics show that the 70th Precinct — where Wiley and Mandel live with their two daughters in a sprawling, historic home valued at $2.7 million — has seen major crimes decrease in six of seven categories this year through May 30, compared to the same period last year.  But in the adjacent 67th Precinct, serious crimes have increased in four of the seven categories, with auto thefts up 45.9 percent, rapes up 18.2 percent and felony assaults up 9 percent over the same period... Last year, Wiley, a former counsel to outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio, told Daily News columnist Harry Siegel that she and Mandel had paid for the private security patrol in the past before stopping at some unspecified time.  But Mandel, CEO of the nonprofit Media Development Investment Fund, later decided to pay for the security patrol on his own due to his experience of having been badly beaten during a 2001 mugging, Wiley said.  That experience still has him too scared to walk on the area’s sidewalks after dark, and he instead walks in the middle of the street, Wiley said."

Democrat-run cities that voted to 'Defund the Police' now face soaring violent crime rates

WATCH: Seattle City Council President who defunded police blames COVID for spike in crime - "Seattle City Council President Lorena Gonzalez, who presided over the city being thrust into national and international headlines for nightly riots, spiking crime, defunding the police and an armed occupation of a neighborhood, defended the council’s actions and even blamed the city’s crime on COVID... This summer, the council defunded the Navigation Team, which consisted of officers, social workers and Waste Management employees, who would offer shelter and services to people living on the streets of the city. The council voted to replace the team with only social workers with no police protection. In a cruel twist of fate, as the council was cutting the police budget by an additional eighteen percent, a social worker was stabbed to death at the site where the worker provided services to the homeless, by one of her clients... As a result of the armed occupation of the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle during race riots, crime spiked over five hundred percent. Since the council began defunding SPD, the homicide numbers have more than doubled those in 2019."
Weird how research finds that in general Covid led to lower crime. I guess places that defunded the police were an exception

‘You Know You’re Testifying Under Oath Here’: Cruz Corners Biden DOJ Nominee On Defunding The Police - "as the Senate Judiciary Committee held its confirmation hearing for Kristen Clarke to be assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Texas GOP senator Ted Cruz slammed her for her prior calls for defunding the police... Last year, you wrote an op-ed in Newsweek entitled, “I Prosecuted Police Killings. Defund the Police, But Be Strategic.” Do you still believe it is a good idea to defund the police?” “I do not support defunding the police,” Clarke replied... “I’m reading from your article,” Cruz pressed. “Do you disagree with your article?”...
'She also has repeatedly TWEETED about defunding the police. But she has locked her twitter account.   Google has some of her now-locked tweets cached though, so you can see out's out there where she clearly describes ways to DEFUND THE POLICE.'"

Minneapolis Council Moves To Defund Police, Establish 'Holistic' Public Safety Force - June 26, 2020
With violent crime on the rise in Mpls., City Council asks: Where are the police? - September 15, 2020
Minneapolis City Council alarmed by surge in crime months after voting to defund the police - September 16, 2020
Some Minneapolis city council members would like a redo on defunding the police: report - September 28, 2020
Minneapolis violence surges after George Floyd's death as police officers leave the department in droves - The Washington Post - November 13, 2020

Council Who Voted To Abolish Police Now Outraged Over Crime Spike, Slow Police Response - "Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender, who led the movement to do away with the police department, told Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo that she thinks officers were making the city less safe intentionally... She claimed her constituents had told her that police told them they weren’t arresting people intentionally... Cunningham accused some of his fellow city councilmembers of backing down on their earlier promises to do away with the Minneapolis Police Department entirely... Some of the most prominent councilmembers advocating to abolish the police department used $63,000 in taxpayer funds to pay for private security for themselves in June.  Cunningham was of those who requested and received a security detail after the unrest began in the city."
But when arresting minorities is "white supremacy"...

Police departments across the nation are experiencing a staffing crisis and I can't POSSIBLY imagine why. - "Colligan also noted that the "quality [of officers] has really diminished in the last few years," because when you drive out the wise, intelligent, and compassionate of any profession, you get departments that will lower their standards to get anyone who can do the job."

Police Force Won't Respond to Theft Calls After 84 Cops Leave Dept. - "Asheville, North Carolina’s police department (APD) has seen 84 officers leave since January 2020 and is now making clear it will no longer respond to theft calls... the department will also forgo answering fraud and trespassing calls. APD Police Chief David Zack cites the “protests against law enforcement” as one of the factors that led so many officers to step away from the job.  The Asheville Citizen Times notes that “the APD officer attrition rate, formerly one per month, jumped to 7.5 per month in the four months after local protests set off by Minneapolis police murdering Black resident George Floyd.” And even after the highest profile protests waned the APD continues to see an attrition rate of roughly six officers a month.   As a result, the APD now has “only 167 of its 238 sworn officer positions filled.”  APD response times to 911 calls have lengthened during the period of growing officer attrition. The May 2020 7.7 response time for “serious crimes” is now at approximately 10.6 minutes. So the decision to stop answering calls about less serious crimes is also part of an attempt to cut response times to serious ones."
I guess the social workers can deal with theft cases now

Eddie Zipperer on Twitter - "The same people who wanted to defund the police now want you to call the police if you see your neighbors having some company over."

De Blasio reverses course, pledges funding for new NYPD precinct - "The city will spend $105 million to build a new NYPD precinct in Southeast Queens, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday — reversing a decision to eliminate the project last year when he was under pressure to cut the police budget... As protesters took to the streets last year after the death of George Floyd — many pushing to defund the police — de Blasio promised in June to cut $1 billion from the NYPD operating budget and another $500 million from its capital budget. Very few of the proposed cuts have actually materialized.  One major rollback was the planned new precinct, whose budget de Blasio said would instead go to build a community center in Roy Wilkins Park in St. Albans.  But the decision generated a backlash in the mostly Black neighborhood, where local leaders had for years been pushing for a police precinct to serve Rosedale and surrounding neighborhoods, saying residents waited too long for emergency response because they relied on a far-off precinct...   De Blasio also rolled out a plan Tuesday to combat a spike in gun violence, with shootings up more than 50 percent so far this year compared to the same period last year."
Liberals claim that crime rose in places which didn't defund the police, which assumes that the talk about defunding the police didn't embolden criminals

I Lived in a Society That Had No Police - "There was no all-out war between the sections. But there was an ongoing hostility that broke out from time to time into violence among small numbers of individuals. More general was an anxiety and a degree of disruption of daily activities. Baluch made a living by raising sheep, goats, and camels, with a bit of cultivation on the side, along with some migrant labor. The ongoing conflict made it necessary for members of the conflicting sections to avoid one another, lest violence break out. This meant restrictions on migration, and hesitation to enter spaces where “the enemy” might be. The fear and anger, sporadically expressed in action, colored the atmosphere and reduced the quality of life... The newly popular initiative in various American cities, supported by Black Lives Matter and some Democrat Party officials, to defund or abolish the police is alleged to be aimed at reducing police brutality. Of course, abolishing the police is much more than that; it is a strike at the heart of the state as an organization that claims the monopoly of the use of force. Some of the very same people calling for disbanding the police advocate canceling the Second Amendment and banning the owning of firearms by citizens. The Black Lives Matter organization demands that the police be abolished, and that they form an armed militia that would police black neighborhoods. BLM would then become the de facto government, an unelected government, and the rulers of black neighborhoods.   The alternative to BLM taking over the police function, is that there be no police function. One suggestion was a “rapid response team of social workers.” Is that really who we want to send to bank robberies, homicides, riots? Or maybe a rapid response team of psychiatrists. In fact, what an unorganized and unarmed citizenry would become is easy targets of predatory criminals. No man, woman, or child, no house, business, or vehicle would be safe. As it is, black communities are the most crime-ridden in the country, with half of the homicides in the country, almost all black on black murders, and two or three times the robbery, assault, rape, arson, etc. that you would expect from a community of 14% of the country’s population. And that is with police protection. Without the police, even more wealth would flow out the doors and even more blood would flow in the streets. I think that, if a vote were held on community policing, black communities would vote for more police. There is a way to do away with the police: reorganize into tribes and train each and every man in combat. (In tribes, women do not fight. Their fertility is the only guarantee of a future.) Men will be busy; there will be no time for advanced arts and sciences, as Hobbes pointed out. Getting rid of the police is supported by people calling themselves “progressives,” but would it be “progress” to devolve to tribal life?"

Minnesota Supreme Court denies Minneapolis' request to review judge's order to hire more police officers - "The Minnesota Supreme Court has denied Minneapolis’ request to review a Hennepin County judge’s ruling that the city must hire more police officers... Hennepin County Judge Jamie Anderson ordered the Minneapolis City Council and Mayor Jacob Frey to "immediately take any and all necessary action to ensure they fund a police force."  The order requires the city to employ at least 730 sworn officers by June 30, 2022, which would fulfill the ratio of residents to police officers currently stipulated in the city charter."

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "The Simpsons: It's Time for the Show to Talk About Chief Wiggum"
"Ironically they miss the numberous "pig" jokes involving Chief Wiggum throughout the series.

Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson 'shot at party as rival gangs clashed', says friend - "Sasha Johnson, a mother of “two beautiful sons” and an anti-racism activist, was shot at 3am on Sunday in Peckham, south east London, near a house party.   Ms Johnson, who was on Monday in a critical condition, is a leading figure of the UK arm of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and once likened the police to the Klu Klux Klan (KKK).   The incident is suspected to be the result of “gang violence … or some type of dispute between two different groups,” Ms Johnson’s friends said on Monday... Her activism has seen her previously call for a “race offenders' register” which would bar people from jobs based on accusations of racism, and for black people to receive financial reparations from the British government due to the legacy of slavery."
Too bad the KKK weren't there to protect her
This was a driveby shooting - looks like the poison of identity politics is not the only shit the UK has imported from the US

Has everyone forgotten about Sasha Johnson? - "When news of Johnson’s shooting first surfaced, there was justified outrage. There was also fake news. Labour’s Diane Abbott seemed to assume that Johnson had been shot for her politics. ‘Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice #BlackLivesMatter’, Abbott tweeted. But ever since the circumstances surrounding the shooting have become clearer, the anger seems to have dissipated. One can only imagine the sustained outrage if Johnson had been shot for her politics. Yet there is no national outrage now. No demonstrations on the streets. When George Floyd was killed by police on the streets of Minneapolis, parliament held a minute’s silence. Labour leader Keir Starmer was photographed taking the knee alongside his deputy, Angela Rayner. For Sasha Johnson? Nothing.   It is almost as if people are relieved that Johnson was allegedly caught up in an ‘altercation’, rather than a targeted assassination attempt. The reaction to her shooting is an example of how society really does disregard black lives. We no longer seem to care about this kind of violence. We are no longer shocked that five men, one of whom is just 18, stand accused of opening fire at a birthday party. We treat the nihilistic violence of young men with indifference. What greater indictment could there be of our treatment of young black people than society treating such appalling violence as unexceptional."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "- Be Gang of F- I mean The Squad
- Keeps promoting Socialism and socialised everything
- Hardest pushers of defunding fuzz
- Spends triple - five figures on private security
I thought being a Socialist is to ensure everything is Socialised because its fair, especially law enforcement? Why are these strong and brave revolutionaries pushing for the abolishment of socialised law enforcement whilst supporting and spending fortunes on evil Capitalist private security? How could they do that? Don't they realise it makes them look like complete frauds and they actually have disdain for the poor and the everyday person who can't afford private security and rely on responsible law enforcement to ensure their safety???"

Rashida Tlaib said “no more policing” and declared law enforcement “inherently & intentionally racist.” Check out the kill shot to this nonsense.
Liberals will still claim that no one wants to abolish the police

Berkeley approves move to have unarmed city workers conduct traffic stops - "Berkeley police will also no longer respond to calls for people having mental health episodes or for homeless outreach. The city council meeting did not determine who would respond to those incidents."

Meme - "I believe with all my heart that when we look back, those saying "defund the police" is too radical- the slogan the demands need to be tempered by pragmatism, etc-will look exactly like those saying the same about abolition in the 19th c. and Civil Rights in the 1960s."

Portland Police say they can’t respond to riots because of Democrat-passed law prohibiting use of crowd control tools | The Post Millennial - "a group of businesses sent a letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler and city leaders about "rapidly deteriorating conditions" in their neighborhoods... It was earlier this week that Antifa supporters gathered at the Portland Justice Center for a memorial. That night they inflicted $500,000 worth of property damage but couldn’t make any arrests"
So much for it only being in a few blocks

Cities Across The U.S. Refund Police Departments - "Over the past year, crime has reached extreme levels in the United States, potentially prompting the shift in policies around the country.   In 2020, the largest spike in homicide rates in over a hundred years was recorded."

‘I Am Shaken’: Spate of Violent Subway Attacks Unnerves Riders - The New York Times - "After overall crime on the subway dropped significantly during the citywide lockdown this spring, violent crimes have started to increase. So far this year, incidents of felony assault, rape, homicide and robbery on the subway have surpassed the number of those crimes committed in the same period last year... the recent rash of attacks has also led transit officials to press the city to provide more support for mentally ill people who seek shelter on the subway... other serious crimes have increased this year despite subway ridership remaining at about 30 percent of pre-pandemic levels... In response to safety concerns, the transportation authority hired 85 uniformed and unarmed security guards to patrol the subway and call the police in response to violent incidents as necessary. In addition, up to 60 authority police officers and 300 city police officers are on duty in the subway per shift"
I thought it was bad to "stigmatise" the mentally ill as violent
What happened to the social workers?

Seattle Social Worker Stabbed To Death As City Defunds Police - "Kristin Benson was stabbed last week after allegedly visiting Hans Dewey Van-Belkum, age 58."

Maya Wiley won’t say if she would let cops keep guns when questioned at mayoral debate - "Pressed in a debate Thursday among the top five Democratic candidates for mayor, Maya Wiley would not say if she would let New York City cops keep their guns."

Poll: Most Americans Worry Anti-Police Rhetoric Will Endanger Public Safety - "A majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents said the rhetoric has prompted at least some level of concern– 84 percent among Republicans, 52 percent among Democrats, and 59 percent among independents.  Notably, 52 percent of black voters also said they are concerned, and 61 percent of non-white voters expressed the same sentiments.  Additionally, 62 percent of Americans identified being a police officer as “one of the most important jobs in our country today...   The survey comes as far-left Democrats up their calls to defund police and, in some cases, end policing and incarceration altogether.  “Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. Daunte Wright was met with aggression & violence. I am done with those who condone government-funded murder,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) said... “No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed””
One of their precious Squad members has called for the police to be abolished. But liberals will still gaslight everyone, claiming that no one is calling for the police to be abolished, only "defunded"

Ilhan Omar blames cops for spike in violent crime in Minneapolis after advocating for defunding the police | The Post Millennial - "One of explanations she gave was that "…the police have chosen to not fulfill their oath of office and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve."... Omar had previously called police a "cancer," and said "…we need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department."... Rather than take any responsibility for her rhetoric, Omar blamed the Minneapolis Police Department and called it "dysfunctional."  "The Minneapolis Police Department is the most dysfunctional in our state and probably in the country.”  The radical activist Congresswoman said that accountability in the department "…doesn't exist in this moment."... Omar is backing a ballot measure which aims to replace the entire Minneapolis police department with a 'Department of Public Safety' and would remove the current requirement that the city have a minimum number of officers based on the city's population.  Meanwhile the "Squad" member who previously called the Minneapolis Police Department "rotten to the root" was revealed in FEC records to have spent over $22,000 on private security."

LAPD tells citizens to "cooperate and comply" when being robbed

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